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Why is the Warframe Community not as Toxic as other FtP games like Fortnite?


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My guess? It's co-op, skill doesn't really matter, PvP is a running gag (thank god Lotus), and there isn't a ton of advertisements for the game.


As for games like Fortnite (at least the free Battle Royal thing) has: Advertisements, needs some amount of skill, it's PvP, and it's similar to games like PUBG, which means it's doomed to get the attention of toxic special snowflakes.

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Warframe, since it was created, has been more focused on players helping others rather than trying to be the last one standing in some cartoony battle royale. We do have the conclave but it is a very small group out of the Warframe community that prefers that. We tend to help new players to get where they want to be instead of treating them like fresh meat.

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Few things going on. Lack of real PVP should reduce toxicity. PVE being (1) team based and (2) not requiring communication between team members for most content helps to reduce toxicity as well. But imo, the big reason toxicity is low, is because the game in its current state requires you to rely on others to learn game mechanics. Things like where to find critical mods, how different powers work an interact, where to find new warframes, how to get platinum, all of these require others to inform you, particularly if you don't know about the wiki. With all this going on, new players typically respect veterans, and typically, veterans like to help newcomers. This might not be the case always, but you're far less likely to be toxic to people you feel are helping you altruistically.

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PvP, or competition for that matter, causes frustration. No one likes to lose. It gets worse if your ways to win rely on other players in your team when you're doing good, or doing your best but someone else is slacking and holding you back because it's not carriable. Warframe not only is a PvE game, but a game that allows players to do everything on their own. Having more players in your squad only brings benefits to you, and if they slack, fail, fall behind, don't have enough power or whatever, it doesn't hinder you or hold you back because you can still complete everything yourself. It doesn't frustrate players as other players playstyle doesn't affect yours and there is no competition, your ability to win doesn't rely on others. At the end of the day, you're just enjoying the game doing it ont he playstyle you prefer.

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PvE and PvP games breed different types of toxicity. Just look at Elite: Dangerous. The PvPers might gank you if the mechanics allow it. The PvErs? They'll dox players if they engage them in PvP and will exploit the tragedy of others to wish worse towards PvPers.

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