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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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22 hours ago, (PS4)HarigeVINCE said:

Honestly pc players' opinion on this issue should be disregarded completely.

As a PC player who uses a controller, and despises mouse and keyboard, and hates this garbage "update" from the very bottom of my soul, I say this to you:

Gee, thanks.

Of course, I heartily disagree, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you all that PC gamers have been shafted by this ridiculousness just as badly - in fact, it's even worse for some of us, because of problems with simultaneous mouse/stick inputs causing serious in-game camera screwery.

For those of you talking about facts, well, here are some facts for you:

- The mouse cursor is slow, glitchy, and inefficient. Time spent doing basic things is typically quadrupled.

- There are hilarious oversights that betray a complete lack of common sense on the devs' behalf. I remember laughing out loud when I read that donations to NPC's had to be done one at a time. That's some 60 or 70 button presses for some NPCs. Madness. Just madness.

- Most people absolutely hate this. Those that don't seem to be in an extreme minority.

- Nobody asked for this. Seriously. That's a fact. Nobody asked DE to look at Destiny 2, durrrrrr, and steal their interface. Nobody.

- They took 15% of a UI, gave it five minutes of drunken playtesting, then shunted it right down the pipe onto the public build. They're using paying customers as beta testers.

- When confronted with overwhelming negativity, the devs' official response was, more or less "deal with it."

Like I said, madness. I used to have mad respect for these guys. Now, I just  -  forget it, strike that thought. It's sad. It really is just sad, and I think it has its roots in some sort of severe pride issue.

Edited by mastermaniac
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DE can you please for the love of god please start with clicking a name? Sometimes player names are unclickable for no reason. Cursor coordinates are definitely bugged now there is no argument against this when everyone is inviting each other by mistake in trade chat. A friEND game? lol. Please listen to people who actually play your game not forum zealots who are staying in this board 24/7 literally replying back to every feedback comments that has any criticism in it.

Plus for the love of god’s son, please add exit function to right clicking a irl mouse. I’m fine with using a mouse and keyboard on ps4 but at least you had to make it 1/4 functional at least, at least from the beginning when you sent it to Cert. Moving a cursor with a mouse and then click something and then find a controller and press O to exit is basically hitler.

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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This is my first post on the warframe forums.

Up until this point I very much enjoying playing warframe. After a few months of intensive playing, I finally reached that point where I faced endgame content.

I noticed I did not played as much as the first few weeks, but more on a stable basis.

Yesterday I came back from holiday and noticed the clunky feel I had with the interface.
Perhaps I cant pass judgement based on the small amount of time I had playing this, but I consider myself to be experienced enough to see how this works out for myself on the long run. It is something I could get used to, but I'm just not liking it.

This is my Q of letting go. DE, I wanna thank you for making such a great game possible and the time I spend on it. Every second is without regret. As with everything in life, things come and go. I hope you will make your game greater then it already is and that lots of people will enjoy it the way I did.


- Friendly waves.

Edited by (PS4)Nova_NL
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My clan has over 90 people in it. Every single one hates The Curse. Same in the Alliance chat. Every1 hates this crap. Before I would have rated this as AAA+ game, now its in Alpha state. Here's couple Big Bugs which are constant:

Arsenal: They hotfixed the triangle back so we could remove mods faster. 90% of the time its not there! Before we could move config to config with shoulder buttons. Now the Config text becomes magnetized and can't click it anymore because The Curse revolves around it!!! Its literally impossible to change configs because I just can't click it. 

Text chat: This is repeatable 99% of the time. Click any of the linkable items in the text and it glitches. Cant anymore close chat tabs and every single menu item in the chat becomes unresponsive. Only way to recover from this is go to the relay or the dojo.

Same S#&$ keeps happening everywhere. The Curse becomes unresponsive and just cant activate things. It locks navigation sooo many times that.... ARGH!!!!!!!!

Saryn is Great! Everything else in this update is F U B A R !!!

After playing this a while it has become clear to me: Not a single sole tested this release. This is so broken and riddled with bugs all over the place just because of The Curse they added here. They should be ashamed of themselves to release this kind of mess. They surely cant call them professionals anymore. I have worked in many software companies and not in a million years would it been possible to break there own product completely and then just say to the paying customers: "GET USED TO IT AND STFU!" I still can't believe that they didn't revert this release back when they noticed that it's completely broken. That is total disrespect against their customer base. 

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1 hour ago, mastermaniac said:

As a PC player who uses a controller, and despises mouse and keyboard, and hates this garbage "update" from the very bottom of my soul, I say this to you

I'm sorry, I should've said 'mouse and keyboard players'


Anyways, to the players who try to stay positive and want this new UI but just in a more polished way: even if this new UI works perfectly fine it would still be a step backwards because using a cursor with a controller is bad interaction design

there are enough pc ported games on console with a cursor, no bugs at all, but still it feels bad with a controller..

The only way I see this working out is when the cursor only kicks in when you use your joysticks in the UI, and ALL the other buttons (d-pad, L1, R1,..etc.) get priority over the cursor. I honestly believe this is the only way


And to end my post, I have to say I'm really worried. I've been playing 4 years on console and a year on pc before I got my ps4, and this update is making A LOT of players I know quit, they don't log in anymore.. and it's taking away my will to play as well. I'm betting that if the cursor stays a fundamental part of the UI, the game will slowly die on consoles because it doesn't feel like a console game any longer

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One major thing I wish DE would "fix" is this stupid triple click S#&$ or square/X to select instead of X/A.  Just going to deploy my extractors in navigation is enough to make me ragequit for the day because of all the wonky cursor crap.  Why, DE, WHY would you change the select button after all this time?  Honestly, I just want DE to tell us that when they finally get this code working as intended and distribute the final iteration of this fiasco that they give us controller users a toggle option.  Sadly, all I keep hearing is people telling us that that option would complicate coding and that the dev team isn't interested in giving us that choice. EVER.  DE, please listen! We don't want to walk away from a great game but who wants to continue to play a game they are now unable to enjoy?

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Loadout selection is missing the popup that lists equipment, just like everything is missing a description at selection. If you have to click on it then it may as well have its own page. 😕 

Could make upgrading interesting, if every item in the inventory opened its own mod screen without needing to be equipped first, selecting a mod slot opened the list of mods for selection instead of dragging across windows, etc. But I don't think that's the point, so can we get descriptions on select added back in like the button shortcuts?

Edited by (XB1)Kavriel
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On 2018-06-08 at 3:10 PM, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

For the record we are not beta testers and the version of the UI that DE released on the live servers was an embarrassment to your team. At this point we are only trying to survive so don't think of this as something we want to do but as the only way you will fix what was one of the worst content launches in Warframe's history. Yes, it really was that bad.

Warframe is open beta... So yes we are beta testers.

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Crosspost: In this update I've noticed that my spoiler mode passives no longer show on the ui. Also since right stick is used for scroll and look, when flying in ship (during load screen) chat cannot be used because it just moves the ship vice the cursor.

love the new ability to select links and user names! Unfortunately with ps4 we no longer have the option to see if profile from that selection menu, just PlayStation profile. I've found this to be the same whether in the user list from chat or from users chat posts. Only way to get to WF profile is friends/clan list in communications. Would prefer WF profile over PlayStation heavily. 


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Not sure if this has been mentioned just yet, but there are some definite problems in three more areas: Operator Appearance, Orbiter exterior colors, and Orbiter interior colors.

In Operator appearance, you can not rotate your operator when you are in the face design interface. You can only rotate (for a very short time) your operator to view the appearance when you hover over the "Sigil" category in the armor section, or when you are in the equipment (Amp) category. Even in the Amp category, it is a bit unstable.

In the orbiter exterior colors, the Orbiter will not rotate at all, regardless of what Orbiter is selected.

In the Orbiter interior colors, the UI does not allow you to see where you were trying to look (as in, if I'm looking at the Foundry console, it shifts my view to a different part of the ship, so I can not accurately see what colors look like unless I exit the color picker. If it is not something I like, I have to repeat the process, exit, look at it, and then rinse and repeat).

These are all continuous issues, regardless of where the Virtual Cursor is moved, or what buttons are used to attempt rotation of items being previewed.

Thank you so much for listening!

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On 2018-06-05 at 7:07 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

It's already mentioned in the spoilers in the OP, but! In case you guys missed it, you can absolutely change the speed of the cursor by going in the “Controls” Options and changing it to to your liking.

so i could keep on passing every weapon/mod i wanna equip, no thank you!

now being honest this new UI is bad for consoles makes players (at least my circle of friends and a lot of people in the european region chat) get frustrated and the new UI is inefficient and makes everything take more time and everything taking more time means people who are constantly busy with things such as work will stray away from the game.

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I haven't played in a few weeks and I found this to be pointlessly annoying within seconds.

Scrolling with the right stick is nice, but can I just turn off this random cursor? It's really uneccesary.

Edited by (XB1)TJM99
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I can not put more than one mod down. It will not allow me to select a second mod. I have to back out and then go back into upgrades. then i can grab the second mod. then it does it again and I cant place the third mod without backing out and going back into upgrades. Also if I go into simulacrum with a friend I can't control the setting board. only my visitor can

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I've had some time to get used to this new interface, and Warframe's just not as much fun to play any more. My clan used to play every day, now nobody does. Collectively we've sunk thousands of dollars into WF (that's not a plea for special treatment, just an indicator of how much we loved it) but now... we just don't want to any more. I doubt we're the only ones who've reached the same conclusion. No hate or anger, DE, it's just really sad.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

After 5+ years and hundreds of thousands of dollars you lose the right to call something an open beta when it is freely available on multiple stores.

No, not really. Otherwise, Facebook would have been taken over via eminent domain and turned into a public utility. Look, the Nexus mod manager was an open beta for years and years. All games nowadays seem to ship with the open beta status, as if that somehow insulates them from criticism. And Warframe is no different. DE still owns the game, and has every right to leave it in open beta...and with the new melee rework I've been told about, I think my days in this open beta are numbered. Think the UI is bad? Wait until they try cramming a patchwork melee system into place to make it better. Then you'll have a buggy UI and a crappy melee system. 

Game over.

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)Firebrandd said:

Now I have that song from Spy Kids 3D stuck in my head.  But yeah, I agree. If we are being ignored, the game is definitely over.

Right, except for the bit where we clearly aren't being ignored. Issues that people have raised have been addressed, and the control scheme is improving. I still don't like it, but it's not as bad as it originally was. Unfortunately that's the only point in your last post and it's invalid. So...... 


2 hours ago, (XB1)DS Monkfish said:

I've had some time to get used to this new interface, and Warframe's just not as much fun to play any more. My clan used to play every day, now nobody does. Collectively we've sunk thousands of dollars into WF (that's not a plea for special treatment, just an indicator of how much we loved it) but now... we just don't want to any more. I doubt we're the only ones who've reached the same conclusion. No hate or anger, DE, it's just really sad.

I've noticed something similar. I still enjoy the game, the missions the getting new frames etc. I dislike interacting with the menus, with things in the orbiter. It's translated into less enjoyable play, and I've spent less time playing than the equivalent period before the update landed. By making the control scheme more "fluid and organic", it's made my interaction with the game less so. There's too much that just isn't intuitive. I have to go fishing for the cursor, if using the sticks, then scroll the menu/mods with the other instead of just being able to scroll by approaching the edge the way it did before. 


I'm still playing the game, but a lot less than I would have liked. 


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5 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Right, except for the bit where we clearly aren't being ignored. Issues that people have raised have been addressed, and the control scheme is improving. I still don't like it, but it's not as bad as it originally was. Unfortunately that's the only point in your last post and it's invalid. So...... 


We keep asking for a toggle.  THAT is what is being ignored, so yeah, my point is still valid.

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They already explained that the old system is no longer a part of the code. In order for you to have that "toggle" which I also asked for they need to rebuild all of the functionality. That's not something that can be inserted in a short period. The fact that they haven't been able to do it yet isn't an indication of you being ignored. 


The fact that you think it is them ignoring you, is proof that you have actually ignored most of the dialogue thus far. Kind of depressing really. 


If you really want a toggle, then you have to expect a very long wait. If you experiment and suggest individual items that are negatively affecting your interaction with the game then you can hope for smaller fixes but faster, until the functionality exists again and toggles become more feasible. 


It's like being on a boat that's taking on water. You can stand around and complain that the boat needs to be fixed, or you can grab a bucket and help the rest of us to bail so that they can fix it a bit faster. 


Either way, making demonstrably false statements doesn't help anyone get anything done. 

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2 hours ago, TwoWolves said:

No, not really. Otherwise, Facebook would have been taken over via eminent domain and turned into a public utility. Look, the Nexus mod manager was an open beta for years and years. All games nowadays seem to ship with the open beta status, as if that somehow insulates them from criticism. And Warframe is no different. DE still owns the game, and has every right to leave it in open beta...and with the new melee rework I've been told about, I think my days in this open beta are numbered. Think the UI is bad? Wait until they try cramming a patchwork melee system into place to make it better. Then you'll have a buggy UI and a crappy melee system. 

Game over.

And yet legally, the act of releasing the version to everyone and accepting money invalidates any claim that the product isn't ready to be released. A person or company can make any claim they want but they have different legal obligations based on their actions. DE can keep Warframe in open beta for another 20 years and legally it doesn't mean anything as their actions have proven they want to fully distribute and collect money for their work.

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On 2018-06-09 at 9:30 PM, StinkyPygmy said:

No backflipping is super easy on keyboard. I have no idea how anyone plays WF on a controller. its not a controller friendly game.

I’ve never played warframe on pc only Xbox but the way I think of it is controllers are designed to make it easier to transition between games and still feel comfortable. It makes it easier to master new games and it’s more comfortable and simplified than a mouse and keyboard. The cursor takes away from that. When I first started the game was easy to adjust to and I quickly mastered the controls and selection systems, but now it feels way off almost like I have to completely re-adjust. I just hope that they make the cursor optional not just to make life easier but to save themselves from losing old and potential players alike 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

And yet legally, the act of releasing the version to everyone and accepting money invalidates any claim that the product isn't ready to be released. A person or company can make any claim they want but they have different legal obligations based on their actions. DE can keep Warframe in open beta for another 20 years and legally it doesn't mean anything as their actions have proven they want to fully distribute and collect money for their work.

Yeah, except for the part where I said:

"DE still owns the game, and has every right to leave it in open beta"

Accepting money for a game doesn't mean the game is ready to be released. Warframe did it before the game was ever released to generate funds to get the game released. Other games have done the same. Accepting money for a game when it's in the EULA that it's an open beta does have legal ramifications, sorry to break it to you. Unfortunately, it means that the user has very little if any control over what gets released, and the fact that DE listens at all when they have no legal or moral obligation to do so means there's still hope to get this melee "rework" put in the trash bin where it belongs, along with this new half-assed hybrid UI. Honestly, the more I use the UI, and now with the melee rework, the more I find myself in the camp of the alienated and disenfranchised. 

Whoever said that the hybrid UI was in alpha state was spot-on. You don't release alpha-state software to the public because it's not ready. If you still choose to do so, then you deserve any recriminations and backlash that result.

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