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Hydroid without Pilfering Swarm useless?


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4 hours ago, Misfit53 said:

I just got Hydroid Prime. Started playing him and having a lot of fun with his kit, I've only played him for less than a day and he's already climbing up to the 1rst place of my favorite ones. I'm a CC kind of guy, and even though most if not every Warframe has some form of CC to an extent, I find Hydroid really good at it. Each one of his abilities has a form of CC, making him perfect for my kind of playstyle.

But, as I wanted to go on Ophelia, Uranus, I came across 3 guys who happened to be there to farm, not casually do the mission. I'm not going to give their names, of course, because why would I, I'm just curious about my Warframe.

And there's my problem. I don't have the augment Pilfering Swarm, simply because I don't want it. So 2 of these guys were saying I just have to AFK and wait for 20 minutes because I don't have the mod. But why? Because I don't have the proper mod?

Like I told them, I know it's a gigantic mod for farming purposes, but I don't want it. I didn't build Hydroid just for farming, I did because I looked at his kit on Wiki and thought he would be perfect for me. I find building a Warframe just to farm with it pointless, I just want to have fun.


So that said, I have a few simple questions for more experienced players about Hydroid:

Did I really build Hydroid for nothing, unless I'm going to buy the augment?

When you build Hydroid for Undertow and using Corroding Barrage, you can make him a DPS frame that scales well. So you are not forced to build him for Pilfering Swarm. So if you want to build him for CC instead, then go for it.

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4 hours ago, Misfit53 said:

I just got Hydroid Prime. Started playing him and having a lot of fun with his kit, I've only played him for less than a day and he's already climbing up to the 1rst place of my favorite ones. I'm a CC kind of guy, and even though most if not every Warframe has some form of CC to an extent, I find Hydroid really good at it. Each one of his abilities has a form of CC, making him perfect for my kind of playstyle.

But, as I wanted to go on Ophelia, Uranus, I came across 3 guys who happened to be there to farm, not casually do the mission. I'm not going to give their names, of course, because why would I, I'm just curious about my Warframe.

And there's my problem. I don't have the augment Pilfering Swarm, simply because I don't want it. So 2 of these guys were saying I just have to AFK and wait for 20 minutes because I don't have the mod. But why? Because I don't have the proper mod?

Like I told them, I know it's a gigantic mod for farming purposes, but I don't want it. I didn't build Hydroid just for farming, I did because I looked at his kit on Wiki and thought he would be perfect for me. I find building a Warframe just to farm with it pointless, I just want to have fun.


So that said, I have a few simple questions for more experienced players about Hydroid:

Did I really build Hydroid for nothing, unless I'm going to buy the augment? 

Can't Hydroid be played in a CC heavy role? And be good at it?

If Pilfering Swarm is the only good augment on Hydroid, why are there others available to him?



If the answer to the first question is yes, then Rip my Hydroid, I guess.


PS: No stupid replies please, I'm actually wanting to know if I can be useful to my team as Hydroid with my playstyle. Don't care if I'm right or wrong. It's not the point here.

With Hydroid's recent changes he's perfectly good performing in a CC role. If you don't want to do Pilfering Swarm, may I recommend giving Corroding Barrage or the augment for his puddle ability a try (I forgot the name of that mod). I have two set ups for Hydroid personally, one where I use Pilfering Swarm and Corroding Barrage and the other where I use CB and the puddle augment so I can heal allies and debuff enemies.

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Il y a 2 heures, (XB1)RevenantRequiem a dit :

With Hydroid's recent changes he's perfectly good performing in a CC role. If you don't want to do Pilfering Swarm, may I recommend giving Corroding Barrage or the augment for his puddle ability a try (I forgot the name of that mod). I have two set ups for Hydroid personally, one where I use Pilfering Swarm and Corroding Barrage and the other where I use CB and the puddle augment so I can heal allies and debuff enemies.

I think it's Curative Undertow. I was planning on getting either that one or Corroding Barrage, so I'd heal or debuff. Both still fit a support role with this, so I'm fine. I'm not really into being a DPS, it's really not what I like. It even bothers me sometimes. I have no problem with being carried, I actually don't feel comfortable as a carry. I'd rather be helpful to the team and make sure they don't die or don't have too many enemies shooting at them.

If my allies lose HP, I can activate Undertow and boom, full HP allies (while CCing and damaging some enemies at the same time, how awesome!).

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Pilfering Swarm is alright for loot farming, but mostly for raking in large amounts of common stuff (Plastids, Poly Bundles etc). In Survivals farming Orokin Cells, I always get better results by moving about the tileset. I kill more enemies in less time and I can find Orokin resource caches which always drop cells.

IMO, useful as Pilfering is, it's far from the apex of Hydroid's kit. Personally I find the strongest mod he has access to is Corroding Barrage.

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8 hours ago, LarryYourWaiter said:

Games aren't a job.  This is leisure time.

you shouldn't play the most EFFICIENT way possible; you should be playing the FUNNEST way possible.

for some people, they're the same thing, and that's fine.  but to each their own.

edit: inb4 'Funnest isn't a word.'  lots of words weren't words before we used them.

on the flip side if you only have, say, 1 hour of time available to play warframe each day it may become important to play the most efficient way possible

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9 hours ago, MagPrime said:

No, you're a good example of why it's a community problem. 

How is a new player supposed to know those are farming nodes? 

There are no signs posted in mission, no disclaimer pip up when someone selects it.  It's just known by vets that those are good farming points. 

Instead of the people who use it as a farming node going solo to prevent situations like this, somehow, new players are magically supposed to know to go solo instead? 

Naw. Take responsibility and think before telling someone how to play.

1. Actually its pretty obvious, since survival is the best endless type to farm things. I literally tell people its a farming node then leave if I see a non-farming settup(pilfer hydroid, speedva, equinox, nekros)

2. New players have to check the wikia for info in this game and as such would learn which nodes are farming nodes. DE_Steve himself has said this is an look online for info game.

3. This isn't a community problem if a player failed to do their research when there is enough resources to do so.

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I love running Pilfering Swarm but more as a bonus to his skill set rather than just sitting there pressing 4. The problem is Pilfering Swarm is great early/mid game levels but falls rapidly to the point it's just a CC.

Curative Undertow is actually a great healing tool with added CC to block incoming enemies turn in to the fountain of youth and then unleash the kraken, I'll usually adopt this tactic for teammates being revived.

Tidal Surge again if you go for a balanced build i.e. not max strength you can get really good range on this one.

Not a fan of his 1.

Overall I play to have fun and use what I like to use. Hydroid is my favourite and has been since release he's not a be all and end all frame but he's not useless without farm build.

p.s. Warframe is a game you play the way you want to play, if people have a problem with that's they're problem. Private sessions are a thing.

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1 hour ago, JaycemeSwain said:

1. Actually its pretty obvious, since survival is the best endless type to farm things. I literally tell people its a farming node then leave if I see a non-farming settup(pilfer hydroid, speedva, equinox, nekros)

Ah, classic "follow the M.E.T.A" reasoning. Unless it node is marked as "farm here" on the star chart, any node is a farming node.

You have no reason to dictate what people bring to a public game, if you want to do so, create a private instance.

2 hours ago, JaycemeSwain said:


2. New players have to check the wikia for info in this game and as such would learn which nodes are farming nodes. DE_Steve himself has said this is an look online for info game.

New players don't have to do this. Checking the wikia is compulsory and doesn't even lead you to farming resources unless you actively look it up. You can look up Frames, Weapons and Quests and they all have no bearing on farming. That's false equivalency.



2 hours ago, JaycemeSwain said:


3. This isn't a community problem if a player failed to do their research when there is enough resources to do so.

It is a community problem when players believe they are entitled to tell players what to play and how to play it in public matches. You want the game to play your way? Play privately. 

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1 hour ago, Buzkyl said:

It is a community problem when players believe they are entitled to teach new players what to play and how to be effiecient in public matches. You want to not learn the game or decide to troll on purpose, Play privately.


The OP trolled and now wants people like you to defend his ass that should be in solo doing these missions. There is enough info out there on effietively farming. He could just have done research instead of complaining on a forum. The fact you people are defending him instead of directing him to the resources he should have checked instead is what is wrong with the community. When I was clearing the star map intially, I actually took my time to be effective because effectiveness is fun. Idiotcy like the OP aren't. I only did the TWW after like MR12 because I wanted to be as effective as possible.


If a new player is willing to learn, then send them to the resources. But if the player is like the OP, then send them to the resources and leave the mission.

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55 minutes ago, JaycemeSwain said:


The OP trolled and now wants people like you to defend his ass that should be in solo doing these missions. There is enough info out there on effietively farming. He could just have done research instead of complaining on a forum. The fact you people are defending him instead of directing him to the resources he should have checked instead is what is wrong with the community. When I was clearing the star map intially, I actually took my time to be effective because effectiveness is fun. Idiotcy like the OP aren't. I only did the TWW after like MR12 because I wanted to be as effective as possible.


If a new player is willing to learn, then send them to the resources. But if the player is like the OP, then send them to the resources and leave the mission.

OP trolled because OP didn't follow the meta in a public game. Well that's comical. If he/she joined a private game, then refused to adhere the host's request is a troll. However this was a public game, hydroid is more than 1 augment

This game is not purely farming and if a player wants to farm a public without following the meta that is their choice.You are free to leave and create another instance.

Fun is entirely subjective and if pure efficiency was what everyone defined as fun this game would be based around min maxing.

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5 hours ago, JaycemeSwain said:

1. Actually its pretty obvious, since survival is the best endless type to farm things. I literally tell people its a farming node then leave if I see a non-farming settup(pilfer hydroid, speedva, equinox, nekros)

2. New players have to check the wikia for info in this game and as such would learn which nodes are farming nodes. DE_Steve himself has said this is an look online for info game.

3. This isn't a community problem if a player failed to do their research when there is enough resources to do so.

1: How is a new player going to know that right off the bat?  

At least you remove yourself from the mission after trying to dictate how people play, instead of basically holding them hostage.  It would save you a lot of time if you followed your own advice though, and go solo.

2: How is a new player going to know that's what Steve said?  It's not posted anywhere and it was said a long time ago. Most new players I've run into don't even know how to find the wiki, let alone that it exists. 

3: How is a new player supposed tonknoq they're expected to do research before ever playing the game?


These are just lame excuses to blame people for your own short comings and refusal to be a positive part of the community.  

No one is demanding you take new players under your wing and teach them everything, just that you take your own advice and think.

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21 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

1: How is a new player going to know that right off the bat? 

This is a research to play game, just like Path of Exile. Please don't tell me that warframe doesn't have a high learning curve.

Most pugs I see in a farming node go there to farm. its 1/10k times I get a troll like the OP so its not many times I have to tell people that they should be taking a farming frame. There is a difference between teaching a new player and being a dictator. Sad to see you can't see it. this is a player problem not a community one. He could have just left the group and did it solo, but instead he stuck around just so he could post it here for some brownie points. I can't stand idiots or fakes and I'm pretty sure the OP isn't a casual player since he is actually using the forums. He wasted everyone's time by posting his trolling and typing it in such as way that guible people will feel sorry for him. He can't fool me.

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40 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:

I don't know what lootshooters are


Didn't realize that people don't know what a LOOTSHOOTER is. Sure you're free not to follow the meta, but if you go to an endless node with a bad settup on pug, expect people not to be happy. Sure Hydroid is more than 1 augment, but its the only useful TEAM augment. if you want to play with pugs, you need to remember this is a team game.

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41 minutes ago, Officer_Triceracop said:

At this point I can't tell if you are trolling, trying not to understand, or have no concept of pug team play.

I'm not the OP, so I'm not trolling. Pugs do tend to be useful 9/10 times. Literally the post is mostly people agreeing with the trolling OP.

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3 hours ago, JaycemeSwain said:

This is a research to play game, just like Path of Exile. Please don't tell me that warframe doesn't have a high learning curve.

Most pugs I see in a farming node go there to farm. its 1/10k times I get a troll like the OP so its not many times I have to tell people that they should be taking a farming frame. There is a difference between teaching a new player and being a dictator. Sad to see you can't see it. this is a player problem not a community one. He could have just left the group and did it solo, but instead he stuck around just so he could post it here for some brownie points. I can't stand idiots or fakes and I'm pretty sure the OP isn't a casual player since he is actually using the forums. He wasted everyone's time by posting his trolling and typing it in such as way that guible people will feel sorry for him. He can't fool me.

Again, how is a new player supposed to know?

Aside from your rant about personal issues, everything you've posted is common knowledge for experienced players. 

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I'll be fair, I didn't know that those nodes were farm nodes, and I've clocked ~850 hours in game. So if someone who has already done multiple tridolons and is trying to complete the game to a possible extent doesn't know this, how do you expect someone who only just got to Uranus to know that. Plus, the arguement of "Go in solo" doesn't make much sense if you read his replies. He said he is afraid of solo, especially solo survival.

BTW, this message is targeted to @JaycemeSwain

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3 hours ago, JaycemeSwain said:

Didn't realize that people don't know what a LOOTSHOOTER is. Sure you're free not to follow the meta, but if you go to an endless node with a bad settup on pug, expect people not to be happy. Sure Hydroid is more than 1 augment, but its the only useful TEAM augment. if you want to play with pugs, you need to remember this is a team game.

Curative Undertow-Heals allies and himself

Corroding Barrage-Strips enemies on armor as well as CC

"Pilfering is the only TEAM augment"

lol sure, keep believing that.

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1 minute ago, Buzkyl said:

Curative Undertow-Heals allies and himself

Corroding Barrage-Strips enemies on armor as well as CC

"Pilfering is the only TEAM augment"

lol sure, keep believing that.

Tidal Impunity: Clears all status effects and immunizes you and allies against them... and is attached to the most important power in your kit.

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I use his Corrosive Barrage instead, and it's fun to spam piss rain all over the map since you can have multiple instances of it. If only he were prettier, like Abe or Shape of Water fishboy then I'd use him all the time because his skills are pretty moistening.

I still want the ability to cancel his dash by pressing it again. The last big leftover flaw in his moveset.

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Il y a 6 heures, JaycemeSwain a dit :


The OP trolled and now wants people like you to defend his ass that should be in solo doing these missions. There is enough info out there on effietively farming. He could just have done research instead of complaining on a forum. The fact you people are defending him instead of directing him to the resources he should have checked instead is what is wrong with the community. When I was clearing the star map intially, I actually took my time to be effective because effectiveness is fun. Idiotcy like the OP aren't. I only did the TWW after like MR12 because I wanted to be as effective as possible.


If a new player is willing to learn, then send them to the resources. But if the player is like the OP, then send them to the resources and leave the mission.

Yep, you're right. I definitely can't fool someone who thinks he's being fooled. I'm so troll this is the first topic I ever made about the game and felt embarrassed about actually posting it. I was expecting people to laugh at me because I was convinced the be the one who did something bad.  But yeah, I'm trolling. How does posting on a forum makes someone a not-new player, by the way? Are they really that difficult to find? Is there some sort of secret code that you get in the game after a certain point to be able to access it?  Because guess what. I found the forums when exploring the website while I was waiting for the damn 18Gb to download, and since it took about an hour and a half, I pretty much explored every area.

Another point you made, is that if you go on an endless mission on "pug" with a sub-optimal setup, people will be angry.

First off, someone tells me what pug means. The only thing that comes to my mind is "public game". But wait. Since I'm trolling I already know what it means, I just act like I don't. Sorry, I forget it's just a role I'm playing sometimes.

Anyway, point is, if you go on a public game and expect things from people, how is it the fault of those who join, especially if they join after the mission has started? Are they supposed to know that they joined a faming group?


Another point you made is that this thread is "literally mostly people agreeing with the trolling OP".

Okay well for one, No? I'm pretty sure I clearly stated that the point wasn't to have people agreeing with me. I said that I wanted to know what to do with the Warframe I just built.

Second, what does OP mean too? Yeah, yeah, I know, I already know what it means, I'm just really trying hard to look like a victim in all this.


You also said that one should look at the wiki about nodes.

Well sorry, but I look at the wiki to know about a weapon or warframeI find interesting. Why would I look up a node? The only reason would be to want to farm a resource, look it up on wiki, and look at the nodes it usually is found on. Plus, I have already been spoiled the fact that there's actually a human inside the warframe, because people who did the required quest can't stop making their character pop out of the warframe all the time. I don't want to know in advance about the missions I haven't done yet, to make sure the game still holds surprises for me. Like the Fight with Chroma. I enjoyed this so much, the fact that I was fighting another warframe, plus being told Ordis would leave us even though I like this annoying AI. I loved this moment. When he refused to leave, I smiled like an idiot in front of my laptop because I felt happy. If I had known before playing the mission, it might have ruined it.


You're right, I'm not a casual player. I love video games, and  I always did. That doesn't mean I know all about Warframe.

Want the truth? Fine. I'm 20 years old and severely depressed. I've been viciously bullied during my whole life because I was smaller and skinny. An easy target, indeed. I couldn't even defend myself. Instead of using this to become stronger, I started using my favorite hobby to escape it. Video games. It's still true as of now. Video games are my way to escape my S#&$ty life. I don't go outside unless a close friend manages to drag me out. I don't want to be told how to play a character I like. But maybe I'm trolling.

If you still don't want to even listen to what I say, then I only have 2 words for you. F*ck you.


Edit: If you also say I'm making this up to actually look like a victim, then you're missing the point. I'm explaining why I made this post, why this is important to me. I want to be better at what I do in the game. That's it.

Edited by Misfit53
Because I'm trolling, kappa.
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