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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Why not just be in favor of a system where you mod the ability weapon itself? I do not mind the power offered by the way it currently works, but it does bother me that you need to go out of your way to ruin your melee build in order for that ability to be maximized. It used to be the same way for Mesa before proper exalted weapon modding was added. It's also not hard to read the weapon name on the Riven Mod and realize it should only apply to that one weapon.
  2. Aiming with Torid is like Aiming with Ignis. There's not a large focus on precision.
  3. Torid isn't exactly "high effort".
  4. There's a fine line between a bandaid and making the least resource intensive change to fix an issue. The bandaid in this scenario would be making the timer stop after the Wolf is defeated. The real solution is allowing players to backtrack after the ship portion. The middle ground is removing this one challenge for this mission.
  5. In most cases, an alt. I think DE should add a bunch more Mastery Rank locks all over the game in tasteful ways to better lead players to which systems they should care about investing in, the power level of certain enhancements, or the gear checks of certain map areas.
  6. OP's Forum account is 5 years old and made the same type of thread about Vay Hek and Focus Trees. Don't get fooled.
  7. It makes sense, like the other things you want Mastery Locks removed from. The whole "Low MR" niche thing isn't something to be catered to, it's a voluntary speed bump you installed on an account for gameplay. DE has catered pretty well to lower masteries, but with a game having now 10 years of gear history, they should really be doing the opposite, but making sure it's employed in a thoughtful way. There are many items and areas of Warframe that don't need to be high Mastery locked, but something like 10-16 would suffice. Riven Mods are one of those things that would be better off getting pushed away from a new player to Mastery Rank 20.
  8. I think the best course of action with Rivens is to honestly leave them alone, because changing them 8 years later would not make them anything but just closer to another mandatory weapon mod. With the way power creep has been going, the only appeal Rivens are having these days is their affect on extremely dated mechanics that DE haven't bothered to update (such as manipulating IPS weighting or rolling for attributes the weapon can't mod for normally).
  9. While relying on AI (and RNG to degree as well) is certainly a point, it only ever adds a couple seconds to the entire mission. I certainly know what you're getting at, but the point of my thread is to outline fundamental mission designs that cannot be fixed to make this challenge work. Even if you counted Wolf defeat as mission completion and had the brothers instantly teleport to bomb locations or zone defense, you still have a map design that actively removes backtracking, especially under time constraints.
  10. This isn't about the speed. I can finish the mission in under 15 minutes. There are two fundamental issues with this challenge that prevent it from being suitable for this challenge, and only one is fixable: Sneaky Sabotage counts mission complete after the Scyto Raknoid is killed. Junk Run counts mission complete after the Tusk Thumper is killed. However, in Prison Break, the mission is not count as completed after the Wolf of Saturn Six is defeated. In the other two Break Narmer missions, this allows you to rush the objective for the timer, and then backtrack for the other challenges after the "boss" is defeated. Prison Break requires you to extract to stop the timer. This leaves no room for doing challenges outside of the mission path (such as collectibles). I can only check a few side rooms before cutting it close to 15 minutes, and the Prison Break map is by far the largest. Backtracking. Sneaky Sabotage and Junk Run are setup in a way where the player can backtrack at any time, even after the bosses are killed. Prison Break does not have this map design as it contains the Grattler vs. Fighters scene that teleports you to a new section of the map. This means that it is physically impossible to backtrack even if the issue above was resolved. Fixing this would require reworking the map, and I'm just being realistic in saying that it would be easier to just remove this challenge from the pool. Hopefully this can get acknowledged because it's pretty annoying, especially for content that isn't seeing any improvement to the Garrison Wares to make it feel "up to date" with the updates to Archon Shards.
  11. This would be a nice feature (even if I wouldn't personally be affected by it). There's just too many Relics. Also, a "Hide Crafted" toggle is needed across the entire game. It clutters up Nightwave, Vendors, and virtually everything that shows blueprints.
  12. Hot Take: Arcane Dissolution was a mistake that favors passive (or even AFK) Arcane Farming over actually earning Arcanes from each respective area, and the Relic inventory surfaced this future issue in 2016 but was ignored. The thing Relics need is a complete overhaul as the foundation drives the bloated inventory of unique Relics, not another loot-box to maybe roll for something you want. The only things Relics should dissolve into is Void Traces.
  13. For PC players who use Steam, the notes feature is really handy with the Steam Overlay, and you can even set the opacity and have it stickied over the game while you play. I've converted all my trade chat messages to it personally.
  14. I can kind of see OP's point (I don't agree with the rude wording though). In Fissure missions or Exterminate, I'm capable of clearing the mission alone, and I can see why the other players in my squad could get upset by getting no action. The whole "just play solo" thing is really a cop out for how coop functions these days. I can see both sides. Personally I would not want a black list system. Better matchmaking is one thing, but a black list is another.
  15. This is the biggest cope. Tagfer and Fibonacci should both be right next to the door since they offer missions/bounties. Nobody would care if they sat next to each other if it meant they were both at the door. Flow =/= Least time spent. It would be more natural and about just as long (you're not actually walking in hubs, you're sprinting/bullet jumping/rolling). The annoying part about Fortuna is the cutscene crap with the Profit-Taker bounty and the door that requires interaction, not the fact you need to walk to the door or from the door to Little Duck who is pretty close by. Quinn and Fibonacci should just be near the door, not need even more spaghetti code to band-aid a teleporter in.
  16. I believe the Muzureh Entrati Coffer is the "Rare" container and Thalmin is "Reinforced". I just progressed one scan on my Muzureh and it dropped a 30 minute booster. The nature of the bugged scans make sense if you consider it as a duplicate, much like how the Octavia music puzzle on Lua spawns a duplicate Rare Orokin container that is not in the codex. This would also explain why Thalmin has a 60 minute booster. Knowing this, it seems the Rare container needs 12 scans (and is currently bugged/annoying), and the Reinforced container needs 5 scans. I know I am repeating myself, but the codex really should not require the player to scan these things more than once. They are just a checklist item that spawns extremely infrequently and don't even have descriptions. It doesn't help that the codex is so bugged all the time. It's easily been 5 years since you could actually have a "100% and up to date" status with this thing.
  17. It would improve the flow of gameplay. It's really that simple.
  18. I'm of a similar opinion. Though, I fortunately still have tons of Platinum and items to trade from a time when I was more motivated with farming "extra". I've come to terms with getting very few Arcane Energize as I prioritize the weeklies instead and just not bother with this "Operation". The fact these things drag on for 4 weeks is also a bit annoying if I'm being honest. I much rather DE give us something less excessive with a shorter window of 1-2 weeks. Hell, this could have just been a Tactical Alert with a new Wraith/Vandal/Ceti weapon and no Arcanes vendor. It's getting really boring that the last 3 Operations in a row have had the exact same gameplay rewards (barring a small handful of cosmetics). Operations used to be exciting, especially for a new weapon to use. I'd probably give the event more of a go if there was scoring involved. Spamming the Effervo node ad nauseum gets pretty stale, especially when you already have the Arcanes done and don't get any reputation or Voca from the boss itself. The only thing this update has left for me to do are codex scans and Netracells time-gating. I can't even bother with the former really, because the codex is such a joke.
  19. This is an extreme edge case in a landscape where we just aren't getting any Sentient content. Slotting 3 Umbra Mods (and/or 2 Sacrificial) is already quite unnecessary with min-maxing heavily favoring Shield Gating over Armor and CO/GunCO over normal Base Damage on most items. This is why I said realistically. There's nothing stopping you from slotting 5, but it's not really that good of a prospect. How many Warframes even fit this hypothetical where it's worth it to do that?
  20. I see often that players just select Revenant like they would Wukong for Defy or Inaros back in the day. When these options are used, it cements the fact that a Warframe is still viable in Steel Path with 0 abilities. All Revenant offers (speaking in terms of why he is so popular, I know he has more to his kit) is bypassing the need to look at your health and shields and manage survivability actively. There is already a wide range of viable Warframes. I think the issue you might be seeing is how limited roles are in a mission, and how most Warframes now can "do it all", meaning that comparing two Warframes, the stronger one makes the weaker one look like a waste of time. It's not that Warframes have viability issues, it's that things have become saturated for years. DE could add 10 new mobility Warframes, but they would still have to compete with Titania. They could add 10 new "tanky" Warframes, but they would still have to compete with Revenant. They could add 10 new "support" Warframes, but they would still have to compete with the Operator/Drifter. That's where we are at. Grendel is an excellent example. He has a useful kit that handles content well, but he is criminally undermined in the practicality department by the rest of the roster. This makes him look "weak" when they aren't actually weak, they just aren't practical choices for the same roles we've been using for years now. A major cause of this is the Helminth system.
  21. Isn't this just an "everyone wins" event where as long as you're semi active everyone gets the gold trophy at the end?
  22. What you're describing was insignificant due to many other factors outside of the mod. It was a fraction of a second. It is designed to be a parkour mod anyways. It was also objectively changed for the better thinking long-term and with all the changes we've received to shields and other mechanics being added.
  23. You're getting 5:45 to 6 minute runs of the 30 eyes Effervo Steel Path boss with just Mesmer Skin and pointing an Incarnon weapon? You're omitting several layers of "skill" that is not Guitar Hero or Counter Strike, but more of Chess or an RTS game. Yes, I am aware that there are cheese builds in Warframe. For one to effectively pull it off, you need to actually understand several mechanics in-game as well as modding capabilities. Revenant does not simply make Steel Path "twice as rewarding" by existing. This is disingenuous and a misrepresentation. There's parkour, damage attenuation, damage modding, damage buffs, debuffs, mission-specific knowledge, the Void Angel, and more that goes on within that single mission. You have to grind several areas of the game and be well-equipped in the first place before "pointing and clicking" as you think it amounts to. I will absolutely agree with you that the Superboss (60 eyes) Steel Path Effervo mission does reward players by removing RNG. However, if we're looking at mission efficiency, it is skill based performance in Steel Path. If you want to tell me it's nothing to do with skill, join any public mission and you will see that the 30 eyes boss typically takes 8-9 minutes, where a two person squad can do it in 6 minutes or less. That's a skill gap, and it is measurable through rewards and performance. People like to throw around that Warframe lacks skilled gameplay, but that's just not true. You can get away with being inefficient, and you'll still finish missions and content, but if you are skilled with the game, you are often rewarded with better uses of time and more effective reward output. You can boil any computer game down to "point and click" if you really want to. It completely misrepresents what we're talking about though. I really don't understand the thought process of "the game should allow me to have everything without me ever raising the bar with the content I participate in".
  24. I mean, that's because it was objectively a downgrade. You were increasing roll speed without affecting distance. This meant you were rolling a shorter distance with less momentum out of a roll. Amalgam Barrel Diffusion and Mirage's Passive were changed so that the increase in speed also increases the length, meaning it is now a proper parkour bonus. In relation to what OP was asking, that's just the nature of a live service game. Changes come along that sometimes make previous features obsolete, irrelevant, or destroyed. It is what it is.
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