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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. I'm sure the limit is just the 32 bit integer limit seen in most of the game (hence why Credits and Affinity visually cap at 999,999,999). As for Thermia Fractures, I have 477, but that's only because of Jackal Eximus.
  2. People have been asking for this since 2015 when they added Focus. Good luck.
  3. Ok and? There's not a real problem with Mastery Locks in Warframe, especially when the one you're describing is absurdly low. MR 0 accounts are basically just a flex that you need to P2W your way through all gear and prime accesses due to MR restrictions. They're often alts too.
  4. I wish it had a score, even if no leaderboard. Really not much of a reason to replay this event unless you're farming Arcane Energize (for the third "event" in a row ). Like, they could have done the Hallowed Nightmares style score with a special endurance mode of the Steel Path 30 Eyes Assassination mission with a timer, and extracting faster gave you a higher score. Sobek Wraith or something could have fit as well. Basmu and Ceti Lacera may as well be in the market for how often they reappear in vendors lol.
  5. Even though there is no leaderboard, it would have been nice to atleast have an Operation score. This more or less feels like Nights of Naberus and not "Operation". The last real Operation we had was Orphix Venom, and before that was Hostile Mergers. 😔
  6. Yeah the "Ice Skates bug" as I call it can be super annoying. It happens when I'm using Nova all the time.
  7. I know it's a pipe dream, but it would be so cool if players could mod custom HUDs.
  8. That's because it's double dipping crit mods.
  9. You're 10 years late for that discussion. DE is certainly addressing this with Soulframe though. I am part of the preludes pre-pre-pre-alpha (did I have enough pre's Steve?), and the environment is absolutely incredible. That is with multiple graphical issues that will be addressed later and a fairly restricted playable area. Most of that comes from the core mechanics being a lot slower, as well as the insane sound design that gets you lost in the nature that was presented.
  10. This playerbase has always been pretty allergic to progression. I remember a long time ago when DE reworked Mastery Rank locks on weapons to categorize them by general output power, and lots of people weren't appreciative of it. The same feedback happened when Plains of Eidolon had crafted Arcanes. The word "progression" is always flipped into "too grindy".
  11. I'm going to have to agree with you, but it's an unfortunate consequence of many factors that create a vicious loop. Lots of it is the way players play, but then also how DE designs farms. DE designs farms with this breakneck speed in mind, ... and you see where this is going. There are some things that could be addressed though, such as Razorwing Blitz. It's basically the Maiming Strike of movement speed. There's no reason it needs to be leagues faster than Volt's Speed or Zephyr's Turbulence. It's kind of silly to have a movement ability be so broken, that you need to limit your power strength to be able to control the damn thing. I will say I do play this way often, but that's because movement is what really keeps me enjoying this game. There is just nothing like flying through tilesets as Nova with Wormhole. :D
  12. I would just make it a thrown grenade secondary that forces enemies open to a finisher.
  13. Yep. It's also worth noting that in the context of a video game, a positive opinion is just play time in silence. If someone's playing your game more and not really writing about it, you can safely assume they are enjoying it. For Warframe you look at the flavor of feedback in contrast to the scope of updates.
  14. You say "my way", but the suggestions many players have (that I am honestly just repeating and molding together based on my own experiences and what I've read from many other players) are actually to allow newer players and casual players to eventually be on equal footing with an older player no matter when they jump into the system. Do you know what my personal, selfish, not-caring-about-any-other-player perspective is? "This is fine, because I won't miss weeklies and I really don't care that a player who's played less weeks or missed them has less Shards than me". That's my transparent, honest reaction because I already enjoy keeping up with the game and I won't miss drops. That reflection really tells you part of the problem with Archon Shards though. It divides players based on login streak, much like how the Login Tribute system did before it capped at 1000 (now 3000 of scaling) days AND added the option to choose milestone rewards. Archon Shards right now are the same if Login Tributes never stopped scaling the reward track. You'd be permanently separated from progression because of the date at which you started and how religiously you played. That's not a great system to have. What I don't understand is the anti-mentality here. The suggestions many players have provided would not make your experience worse, unless you're experience is solely good because other players are upset with how it works (which I would not assume is the case with anyone). "It will straighten out over time" is omission that the variance is actually unnecessary. If you're going to time-gate something, just time-gate it like Veilbreaker where you get a set rate. RNG isn't necessary there. If you enjoy the mode, why not there be 2 Netracells a week with guaranteed Shards, and then you can just replay the mode as much as you want with a chance at the Adapters and Arcanes? I'm not understanding the refusal to improve the system. Warframe used to stand out among the other games that add these kinds of "farms", not stand right next to them or consider using their ideas (Story Skip and Regal Aya). This just comes off as pretentious.
  15. Then you defeat the point of the modding system which is meant to restrict you on how many high drain mods you can fit all the time. The reason I mentioned "Drain Creep" is because they're stuffing needless high cost mods that aren't improving the modding situation.
  16. I assume the Echoes update, because that is in the new year and when players already moved on from the update besides the players who haven't even gotten into it. DE's bread and butter development strategy always seems to lead towards accelerating the progression of players who aren't bothering with new content or aren't caught up yet after a "honeymoon" period of engagement before the content is abandoned. Hard to say. Personally, I can't comment because DE forgets about alot of things, but they also make very intentional decisions all the time. It wouldn't surprise me either way. The people who will go for this on every weapon (like me by the way) are the same people who are going after Archon Shards religiously. It's not even close if you compare time sink. Most people will probably use 10 adapters, one of which is on Glaive Prime, and they will not even bother or care much outside of that. For the sake of math, I will calculate it out for you. 209 current melee weapons (which is generously including Zaws) equates to 4180 Platinum spent or 10,450,000 Standing. For a Legendary Rank 3 player, that is ~322 days of standing cap. This assumes you own every single melee weapon (1260 Platinum worth of inventory slots), and you want to slot an Arcane in all of them, regardless if you play them much (which includes so much fodder). That isn't even 1 year of standing gains, and 4180 Platinum isn't actually that much if you are farming for it. By comparison, the last year of Archon Shard farming has personally not made much of a dent in my Warframe roster, and I don't miss a weekly. So yes, it really is easy to acquire and not a big deal.
  17. I rather see more Galvanized/Amalgam/Primed Mods like Galvanized Acceleration or Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger. Stuff like Primed Redirection that we got from Baro is honestly boring, especially when it was already a rank 10 mod and we have Primed Vigor. I think another thing that needs to be mentioned is "Drain Creep". Stuffing more Primed Elemental Mods, Galvanized Mods, etc. that are just straight upgrades are honestly more annoying to build diversity than mods in the nature of Primed Mobilize or Galvanized Acceleration, especially when we don't need these damage increases with the way things are unbalanced.
  18. They're also 20 Platinum. So yeah, they are easy to acquire. 2 days or 20 Platinum is trivial. Remember when Arcane Adapters were earned only? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  19. It's only in shambles currently because of two reasons: Players with 6 year old Arcane inventories can liquidate. DE has made no effort to fix AFK farming in Steel Path Void Survival. I think after a month or so, it will stabilize itself as players won't have massive stockpiles. Farming Arcanes takes quite a long time. You're also forgetting that the Echoes update will likely be where they add the Arcane pack for the new Melee Arcanes, meaning those won't really be worth farming either. Truth of the matter is Arcanes have completely fallen from where they used to stand as an upgrade and are now essentially treated like another mod system with an accessible place to farm them. The fact someone can just farm Steel Path and buy packs until they bypass Eidolons is sad.
  20. I quite like that aspect. Though, I enjoy it when doing normal assassination and I take Speed Nova. For the SP boss it was quite a bit slower.
  21. I'd wager Ember Prime Resurgence is being saved for Mobile launch so that demographic of players can buy Glaive Prime for $$$.
  22. Cliche lecturing doesn't accomplish anything in this discussion. My point is also not the comparison between players, but the nature of randomization within time-gating. Having random drops is fine. Having time-gating is fine too. Mixing them in the way Archon Shards work leaves a bad taste in your mouth every time you get "the wrong roll" because you need to wait an arbitrary amount of time to try again. This feels close to the way some mobile games feel, and it can absolutely hasten the feeling of burnout and annoyance. As I said, there is plenty of feedback that has existed for a year now that leaves Archon Shards in a grindy way, but feels like you actually have control over how progressed you are. Right now they still feel like the end-game version of Login Rewards. Your progression is essentially nothing more than a metric of weekly logins and less about grinding, as there is no way to make up for lost weeks. This is compounded when it costs Bile to remove Shards and fusion results in less overall inventory.
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