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Everything posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. I kinda thought the damage should've been 50% at base. DE think that it should be like Roar, because while Roar increases double-dips and boosts abilities, Eclipse can be flipped to DR for that flexibility. But, like, that's not how people play the game. People aren't going to go "oh no there's some high damage units coming, time for me to hit eclipse again to swap my damage to DR!" Warframe is too busy as it is to include even more things to keep track of like that. Whatever a player is using Eclipse for on their build is going to be the way they use it 99% of the time, with most of the remaining 1% being an accidental input that gets immediately re-cast into the intended buff. If you need that 75% DR, it's unlikely you're going to swap off of it for a middling damage buff; and if you're using it for damage, also odds are you're already totally comfortable as far as survivability goes, and don't need the EHP. And in those niche cases where a player can make use of either, it's more efficient for them to just double down in one direction.
  2. I kinda agree. At this point the audio cue is totally superfluous. You know what direction the demo is coming from instantly, and can acquire them in about 5 seconds. Feels like they went a little too far, but I also don't see them walking it back a bit, because it's related to accessibility.
  3. Just had it happen to me in Armatus. None of the usual tricks to get unstuck worked. Not even getting the enemies to kill me worked - the operator just spawned in the collision box, too, and could do nothing to escape.
  4. They fixed the Caliban bug that's existed forever where the fallout zone didn't render on client. Now they bugged it a new way where it is only visible for like 4 seconds regardless of duration. Can't make this up.
  5. So, previously, if Nidus had 100% strength (25% bonus), and the ally had 400% strength, Nidus would get a 1.25x bonus to their final strength, and the ally would get 2x?
  6. They are individually instanced. You can pick up orbs with no feeling of guilt about taking away from your team.
  7. Prior to this patch, Caliban's Fallout Zone on his 4 had a bug where it wouldn't render if Caliban was a client. Now the graphical effect seems to end after ~4-5 seconds regardless of duration. :\ We're not asking for much, here. Basic QA, please.
  8. I'm bemused that people still think Defense is the worst. Run-enders pre-patch has been Survival since they gave the defense objectives actual HP. I can keep enemies off defense objectives; I can't, however, magically make up for half my team standing around with 10 kills and 2% damage done.
  9. Holy finally. That bug has been a bad one, and been present since release.
  10. Once voidshell tech was developed, it should have been included as the standard for every release going forward. Instead they just use it to farm more $$$, even though voidshells are usually bad because none of your attachments work with it. What could've been...
  11. In terms of unnecessary power creep, this would definitely be up there.
  12. 30% is an overreaction and is, in fact, usually worse than what you can get right now in even the dimmest settings that could still be counted as 'Light.' At least the DR will still be worth something on Helminth.
  13. Maybe it'll let you have electric status that doesn't combine with anything, so you can have ez Melee Influence on any melee weapon. Hopefully.
  14. The 'drought' has been about *checks watch* 3 months. Which is not so much a drought as 'the regular schedule for content drops.'
  15. Sadly, your preferred pronouns being displayed in front of people in a relay will 100% generate a hundred times more actual hostility and deliberate misgenderings than the current accidental ones.
  16. Yeah, if there was an expensive resource cost to re-up your invigoration, that might be something I would actually use. But again: broken beyond all belief. So they will likely never do that.
  17. They won't, though. This question has been asked a million times. It's so bad that there is a policy for moderators to just lock threads like this. You can say you're "just asking questions," but in the end whatever the answer to that question is doesn't matter. The thread is just spam.
  18. If Nidus' augment is affected by power strength it'll be the funniest ever. 800%+ power strength Nidus gogo.
  19. IIRC we don't even know for sure if Pablo is going with the 'all but one' or 'all' as conditions for the guaranteed legendary. He seemed to be waffling on that during the devstream. Should probably be 'all', because every equipment slot has something you can take that can potentially trivialize the game. Especially Warframes. And you're not 'forced' to, you just don't get the guaranteed legendary if you don't go all in. You can still amp up that 'heat' meter or whatever you want to call it to earn pretty much everything else while being allowed to take your personal crutch.
  20. DE: "message received, you will do Helldivers missions as Kahl"
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