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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. Heya, As per title. The terminal to hack on the new tile (in the spoiler below) is very difficult to hack because of a reflection in the middle of the incoming glyphs.
  2. If the removal of Archon Shards killed Kahl missions, then it's good they were moved elsewhere. Garbage content shall die anyway for DE to understand that we're not interested in such content
  3. Yeah, losing (melee) buffs makes for a pretty terrible gameplay with limited options, while the Disruption in the Sanctum is pretty lit on the contrary.
  4. That's the behavior of most ephemeras (except the Steps obviously) unfortunately, I guess it's to not add too much visual pollution ?
  5. Hmm sorry, which Warframes are not pigeon-holed into two builds ? Not saying there isn't any, but I'm 90% sure most Warframes are pigeon-holed into one build.
  6. You're not forced to participate in any discussion that doesn't peak any interest. By chance, do you reply to everyone on the tables nearby when you go to a restaurant, telling them how uninteresting their lives are and how you don't care about whatever they did last week ? Or do you succeed in ignoring them ? Some people belong to the Ignore List tbh @Arniox: welcome back, congrats, have fun ! Kullervo is pretty damn good & fun Warframe to play with.
  7. I've been using it the last week, it rocks (pun intended). It just shreds everything that goes into its path, is nigh invulnerable and overall pretty fun. I had forgotten until its existence but he's still pretty relevant, i'm impressed. So yeah, most his abilities are useless except his 1 and whatever you want to subsume on him, but he's fun and wrecks stuff until pretty high level. I've done quite long SP Void Cascade Fissure runs and he has no problem dealing with Thrax for example, and Acolytes are consistently two-shot until level what, 500 ? I don't know if that's a 100x worse Whipclaw as I don't use Khora, but it's definitely prominent for whatever you want to use it for. I'll try it on EDA next week to see
  8. It's not available at all, even after applying a forma ? Then that's definitely a bug
  9. The change dates from before Dante, I can't remember when. But I've used Garuda since day 1, and the Seeking Talons always went through nearly everything to hit everything in range, ignoring the LoS. It made her incredibly good. The problem is that, even though she's still good (used her in EDA this week), it's frustrating such a major change was never documented.
  10. What ? Before a rather recent update, her 4 went through absolutely everything except extremely thick stuff. So she may have used LoS but with a very permissive penetration value, and since then her Talons are very unreliable, very often not reaching even visible targets. She has gone from OK to garbage that day, with no mention of this change/nerf even being made on any hotfix.
  11. People seem to not understand DE purposely put a rather lame reward as max reward specifically for the purpose of leaving you one slot to mitigate bad RNG
  12. That post is extra moronic tbh - it's not feedback, it's flaming for the sake of flaming. We got it, you hate EDA. Good news, your proposal is already in the game : EDA is not a mandatory game mode, it's optional, so just skip it. You're welcome.
  13. Wow, lit I like that this trailer features Parvos & even a mention to Entrati
  14. I wasn't impressed by Qorvex when it released. It was one of the picks during the -Duration week, and as he's not really impacted by Duration, took him and avoided the -Armor on ability. Spamming its max-range Wall was crazy good against the boss and its neverending adds, and the sheer quantity of enemies even made his 4 wreck stuff. Was #*!%ing crazy bruh
  15. For the second one, yep a Dante, I was on Qorvex spamming the wall to group & prime all enemies but I've seen the shieldgate activate every second or so On the second one, I was with Voruna, and the enemies spam was cool for the health orbs drops - the Tennokai melee I had equipped made the rest damage-wise
  16. Recently I've remembered I never grinded for the second one, while looking for a subsume that would not be (too) affected by Duration, so I tried to find some motivation to grind that. It's indeed way too long, especially if we factor the Arcanes in. Even the Steel Path version doesn't give a lot more crystals so it's not even worth it. Dante next to that was a bliss
  17. There is a reason why they don't do that. It would emphasize too much on the "just remove your S#&$ weapons duh" mentality which is definitely not what DE wants. DE doesn't want the next weapons released with Jade are immediately flagged as fodder and not catalysted/formatted just to be thrown away after reaching 30. We can like or dislike the "Everything including what you don't own" aspect, but this will not move anywhere. The first-week bug was indeed very nice. If you had garbage picks, you could check again tomorrow for better ones. That was actually interesting. It should be made a feature to alleviate a bit the bad days.
  18. The only thing they can do to make Corpus worthy and reduce the Viral meta would be to make Corpus unit be full Shields. Like no HP, if that makes sense. Boom, Toxin & Viral statuses become useless Otherwise, we'll just go through the eternal cycle of Toxin statuses (Toxin, Gas, Corrosive & Viral) combined with Slash being predominant, as it always was. After reading their whole post, I have the feeling the situation will just be worse afterward, with plenty of wonky situations in between. Like how fun will that be to fight against Corrupted enemies, or Acolytes spawns during Corpus/Infested missions,... Wait & See, it's not as if we could do something anyway
  19. That's where I have a problem. Give me a level 5000 Grineer map with inflated armor and that's supposed to let me play what I want ? Like I can play a Duration-based Zephyr with non-meta weapons ? Very unlikely - it would be a meta-required mission, where I'd have to play the most overpowered frames that exist.
  20. I've always thought that the "strong" Warframes (Atlas, Hildryn) should be able to equip Archguns routinely in the Primary Weapon slot.
  21. Do Randomizer-complaining-people even realize that without the Randomizer, the only way for DE to create a challenging content would be to make us fight against level 5000 Grineer with +500% armor buff, which would then force us to play a meta-warframe with a garbage gameplay, to which they would complain even more ? The randomizer is a way to push players to play, build & test out other stuff, either because of the loadout's choices or the debuffs. Admit it : without the Randomizer you'd just take your Revenant, Wisp, Saryn meta with Incarnon weapons, and you'd complain that "it's too easy :(((("or "too monotonous".
  22. Wdym ? I've completed all EDA since it arrived, never failing against the boss when it was there. Once with 37 points, once with 34 points. And I'm not even that good For the other complaints... Well, you request DE to basically not implement such game modes. If that's such a hassle to you, you're free to not do it really, I do enjoy it as well as probably some other people. Considering there is no exclusive reward there, you don't "have to". I have ran Kahl's missions once since it arrived, I despised it with a passion, I just... avoided it. It didn't make me miss out on anything, and as long as some people enjoy it, why would I even request to delete a game mode I'm not doing ? That's incredibly selfish.
  23. That would be nice (fashionframe could be transferred as well ), but I'm pessimistic it'll ever be done for obvious monetary reasons
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