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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I wish I had the weapon to test it. I'm seeing a lot of slash procs in this video: https://youtu.be/PLRiEGV061Q?si=evX8YPmOmaDpLrvl At a pure guess, what you heard might have had something to do with the Incarnon's behavior before its bleed mechanic was buffed.
  2. It would be very odd and almost certainly a bug if it didn't. Are you seeing a problem with its bleeds stacking?
  3. My build used Roar in quick SP and it seemed very promising. I don't have very high standards though. :P
  4. I've never spent much time with Concentrated Arrow, just enough to put it on my short list of "Fun Things I Really Need To Do More Of In Warframe Some Day". Anyway, doesn't seem weird in the slightest.
  5. Don't know about Inaros, but Nezha has the Safeguard augment, which can be cast on defense objectives and excavators, and a semi-decent CC in Divine Spears. (Maybe a second one in Fire Walker, but that's much harder.) Plus a ton of flexibility in his kit that doesn't directly help with defense, but can do so indirectly. I'm always happy to see Nezha come up in Circuit.
  6. The vast majority of infested have heads. Though not always where one would expect.
  7. It's working for me in the Sim, both the orb shooting utility and the bonus. What weapons did you use to test it? If it has an AoE component, it may not work. It's not even supposed to be slottable on those weapons, but I'm sure there are exceptions. If you tested it in mission and it didn't work, it could be a client issue.
  8. There's nothing like that, no. A few items aren't deletable/sellable, but there's no way to add items to that list.
  9. Just in case you didn't know already, hitting escape does shut off the VO and animation without exiting the message.
  10. Sunder covered this, though I'd add that another reason most Nova builds are constructed this way is because 90% DR is a really handy thing to have. I don't think it should be available for 25 energy and some helminth scrapings with no downsides. As much as it'd amuse me on Nezha or Citrine. You're reading more into what I've said than what I've said. It's not that adversarial. I'd agree there's an issue with injected Null Star. Largely because Nova is designed so that 300 duration isn't anywhere near as big a deal as it is on the vast majority of frames. (That doesn't mean it's free on her either though.) I haven't put any thought into how I'd fix it, but I don't think both making it automatically 90% and baking in the augment for free on other frames is reasonable.
  11. But not with zero investment. Not without sacrificing a mod slot for Molecular Fission and recasting of Molecular Prime. Other frames do have access to refresh through Neutron Star.
  12. It seems odd to make the injection explicitly more flexible than it is on Nova herself, between making it max DR and giving it a better version of an augment for free. What's your reasoning?
  13. Where'd you get this idea? Heat procs deal damage just fine even while they're being re-applied. You might be seeing a quirk with the way damage numbers are displayed. It can be hard to pick out the heat ticks with a high RoF beam weapon for instance, but they're there. The easiest way to see them is to stack up a bunch of heat procs in the Sim with a low damage weapon. Something like the (non-Incarnon and not modded with Hornet Strike etc.) Atomos can only do two digits of damage with its direct hits, but stack up enough heat procs and you'll start seeing four digit numbers. Those are accumulated damage from procs.
  14. If we're talking base frames, for me it's Lavos, with nothing else even that close. Not the ugliest, but a more fun and controversial take: Saryn. I feel something like this about a lot of "ugly" frames. Frames where I admire the art direction even though the aesthetics are not at all to my tastes. Nidus, Ivara Prime, Garuda Hinsa, and probably Qorvex are good examples of this for me. Lavos...nope, that doesn't work for me. I can't get past my aesthetic reaction to find anything to admire about it. Which is not to say that the artist did a bad job or that it's "objectively" ugly, lol. This is an entirely personal evaluation. I like the aethetics of a lot of frames that are perpetually on these lists, like Caliban, Hildryn, and Xaku. That model shows its age, but for me is fine, even a little better than fine...from the ankles up. :P
  15. I guess it depends on whether I could really use a heavy attack or fire rate buff, or how bad the 50% damage debuff messes with my build. However I can't really tell if the King's Collateral buff is doing anything. Small sample size though.
  16. It's confirmed that I'm neither for nor against exalted weapons getting these upgrades. Otherwise, no idea. :P You'd have to finish the quest and install the new segment first to verify it yourself, so don't bother unless you've got some time. I haven't done the quest yet, and there's no hint of a new slots on melee weapons (or Exalted Blade) that I can tell.
  17. I think Skoomaseller's point was, ranged exalted weapons didn't get exilus or arcane slots when those upgrades were introduced. (I'm neither for nor against exalted weapons getting these upgrades.)
  18. Oh my, I can imagine possibilities, and I'm mildly excited to see what it is. But it's still sad to think they've tried to address Decoy with yet another augment even if it's really good.
  19. I didn't even notice the Pablo spoiler in the OP about Loki getting a new(?) Decoy augment. Three augments for one very, very bad ability, what a world we live in.
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