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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Last year's didn't come out until near the end of January. I just hope we get them. Every year I love seeing the stats, but I'm also a little surprised DE bothers. I think it's only because it started out as something Reb felt strongly about Hopefully she continues to feel that way even with all her responsibilities. I think vanilla Atlas or Trinity will still be at the bottom. If we're excluding base frames that have a prime version, then Cali seems like a good guess. Not great, and his reputation is even worse; hard to acquire, and a lot of people think he's ugly. And still no augments or skins. :/ For Primary, still Carmine Penta. Harder to acquire than Veldt, and quite bad compared to even more AoE options than last year. and why u pickin on Veldty-poo??? Secondary: Detron. Melee: Kreska or Galvacord. Really I'm just taking the bottom ones from last year, as I don't see much reason for these to have changed. I wouldn't automatically say "bad aim" but it does seem odd. I think Miter is one of the most forgiving out of the the ones that require headshots. Furis is the only one of those I can think of that is as easy.
  2. Yeah, underrated weapon for sure. Like Perigale, it even works ok hipfired too, which the augment should enhance. (Although I just noticed that it's benefiting from its scope+50% headshot damage bonus on body shots too, which it won't while hipfired.) edit: wrong, turns out it has a min combo count of 1, so I was just seeing the 1.5x combo multiplier.
  3. Neat idea. I like it better than the simple "always copy frame colors" setting proposals I've seen since it's so much more customisable. A lot of people probably would prefer simplicity of the setting, but we could get both.
  4. Komo in AoE mode explodes on the last target hit, not every target.
  5. Punch Through does work on a few projectiles with AoE components. I don't have the augment yet, but it most likely explodes on first contact, while the projectile keeps going. This was the common behavior before DE shadow-changed PT. Sporo's direct damage is really high, so this would be a substantial buff. It might explode on every contact, but that is extremely rare. (And obviously much more powerful.)
  6. It's good in some ways, for sure. It makes for a great perk on a weapon like Aeolak, which has a bit of innate Rad, or as a progenitor element on some Nemesis weapons. Enough to get useful incidental procs without disrupting the elements one mods for. It also means it's easy to offload on to a sentinel weapon or specter, and get much of the benefit. Which is great from a build standpoint, and not so great from a design standpoint. It really all goes back to your original point, which is it's hard to justify sacrificing the most valuable slots for it, especially compared to some of its direct competitors. Except in very specific situations, and the most prominent of these push Rad damage not Rad status.
  7. Opportunity cost is certainly a problem--although the new combo mods make that easier to bear. Another problem is that one Rad proc on a target is about 99% as useful as 10 of them That said, it's always odd to see proposals for status buffs that don't mention Blast. (Yeah, I know about Topaz shards.)
  8. Oh, good catch. Fire Walker's speed boost is a nice perk, but it's not affected by strength. I would try it on Nezha first to see if it's what you're looking for.
  9. Most are the same, some are nerfed or limited. None are buffed, although there are some that work even better on other frames than on their original. There's a list here you can reference, with alterations/limitations under "notes": https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Helminth?so=search#Subsumable_Abilities The system's a little sparse on movement abilities. Some with movement components are Wrathful Advance, Reave, Blood Altar, and Molt. edit: There's also Infested Mobility, which is an innate Helminth ability rather than one you have to sacrifice a frame to get.
  10. Just like us, past a certain point they should just get wider instead of taller. :P
  11. Haha, the forums would get pretty entertaining if it was Grakata rather than Twin.
  12. I like it too, but I've seen a fair number of complaints comparing it to the original version. (Which was before I got into the weapon class, so I can't comment otherwise.)
  13. Reb said in an interview that 5 more are coming.
  14. I don't know, but I think there's a good chance you're missing out on frames that are pretty entertaining. As far as grind goes, I thought Citrine's was one of the more enjoyable. If you don't like Mirror Defense, probably not. I know you hate Duviri already, so I won't bother talking about Kullervo's acquisition. Could be worth spending some plat on though, if you like the idea of making heavy attacks into tele-nukes.
  15. I'm guessing you're just basing this off stuff you've read or watched? These are really powerful frames. And while "fun" is subjective, Kullervo is for me the funnest frame to come out for years, (And he can't kill himself, or even do very significant damage to himself unless the player is just mashing the 2 button with no enemies around.)
  16. That's because he's got 75% heavy efficiency as a passive.
  17. It's definitely intentional. As far as the main topic goes I'd like it if exalted weapons were treated like regular weapons where one could acquire duplicates, forma them differently, equip them in the Arsenal as desired, and move them between copies of their associated frame. I don't have high hopes for this being added though, as think most people are content enough with one copy of each exalted. Mostly I am too--I think I'd only use this on Artemis Bow currently.
  18. I'd welcome a system where we could upgrade regular weapons to open up levels all the way to 40, and thus get Nemesis potential for capacity on any weapon, or nearly any. Maybe also a progenitor element, though that has more ramifications. (Like Incarnon Torid with innate cold or electric, lol. )
  19. Practically speaking, I'd find this handy for differentiating my duplicate frames. I'd hope not to have to pay plat for a feature that should be built in to the game though.
  20. I'd settle for being able to favorite relics. We get that, and I don't really care that I have thousands of relics of way too many varieties that I'll never use. Transmutation could be nice too. Hell, even selling them for 1 credit each would be an improvement, as it'd allow me to manage my relic selection screen better. I don't really see a "Let me reliably convert my super-abundant and worthless things into scarce and valuable things" change happening though. Not unless it's in the most paltry quantities you can imagine, or involves randomness.
  21. I don't see it as unfeasible. I do a ton of this already. It is messy though, given the limitations of the modding screens. More favoriting / sorting / default options could help. Being able to underclock mods at will would solve the problem, but I think this is unlikely to happen.
  22. Most likely means giving up or downgrading an exilus, which is a non-issue on many weapons, and not -too- big a deal on many more. Hurts quite a bit on some though. A riven might require downgrading another mod. The new mod is an interesting case. I'd guess a fair number of people are going for radiation, especially given the new content, and PHC already exists. Plus there's not much reason to pump radiation status, so the normal outlet of "downgrading" to a 60/60 mod doesn't apply so well. Shotguns were in a similar situation when Primed Chilling Grasp came out, and I read similar complaints, even though there was much, much less incentive to build Magnetic. Radiation damage has a lot more applications. I'm just musing though. I have no problem with capacity having a ceiling that has to be worked around and not just forma'd around. And I don't feel like DE is obligated to add capacity every time they give us a new primed mod. Although I also don't particularly care if DE adds more capacity or lowers the cost of some mods, for instance exilus.
  23. I use this occasionally with a gas build, similar to this:
  24. High standards Mid standards Low standards ~ ~ ~ Warframe standards :P
  25. Annoying, yes. Dealbreaker? No. Especially since I use these weapons in regular mode a lot. Although maybe someday there will be a really powerful but ugly incarnon on a weapon I find really beautiful otherwise. Like if Endura Incarnon is awesome but looks like a glow-y children's bicycle, I'll be kinda irked.
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