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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I haven't played a lot with heat inherit so my info is secondhand, not personal testing. But my understanding is that faction bonuses from both weapons apply. Here's Dystopia's original explanation: Or listen to this, especially around 3:20, although the whole video is great.
  2. I might have misinterpreted your question, but does this help: Afuris and Dex Furis are from the same riven family, although with different dispositions. So the rivens will work in all three. i.e., Afuris, Dex Furis, and Afuris Prime*, although with different percentages because of their dispositions. *But not Furis, which is in a separate riven family.
  3. I'm not sure about all the factors involved, but there is a general issue with the Eximus Stronghold not working on several Corpus Survival maps. Although maybe it's balanced out by the Eximus Strongholds on other maps that have something like 5x the normal amount, lol.
  4. Meanwhile, if prime weapons could talk, most of them would be like: "Prime passives?" Also Pyrana Prime's gimmick is extremely impactful not to mention fun...absolutely. But some time look at the stats without the buff compared to the original Pyrana. You'll notice something funny. :P I'm going to guess the wiki is talking about friendly projectiles there. Although if that's so, I think whoever put that note in was looking at the charged shot, and forgot that it has punch through. The ghosts definitely block my movement, as well as uncharged shots without a PT mod. So they'd better block enemy projectiles. And yeah, I agree with your idea that DoT kills being able to produce ghosts (in some fashion) would be a nice improvement to them.
  5. My biggest hope is the update gives some incentive to use weapons with low slash weight / no forced bleeds. I don't expect it at all, but some new Zaw types and general freshening up of those parts would be great. I have to admit, Incarnon Kestrel would hype me up. Also Okina, Sarpa, Endura, or Ripkas.
  6. It's pretty simple to do intentionally with some combos and positioning. But the easy answer is spam spam spam, and you'll get lots of melee headshot kills. When I was keeping track, it wasn't unusual for me to have 10-20% headshot kills with melee only, and that was before the 3x multiplier.
  7. Cognitive biases absolutely can affect perception, memory, and the way information is communicated to others.
  8. ?? There are some pistol skins that have single- and dual-versions, but these are listed as separate items afaict. Like, in the Market, Perla lists two different skins in the bundle; and Vasto and Akvasto skins are bought separately. As far as the topic goes, yeah, more dagger skins would be great.
  9. Is there a patch note or a date you can cite? I know what DR is, but if it wasn't the original SP bonus, I still don't know what "great increase to DR" for SP grineer you meant. Especially Heavy Gunners. Nox have gone through a few changes, although I think they are less tanky now than they were before Eximus Reborn.
  10. I much prefer it the way it is. I rarely use slowing abilities anymore, but I still like sources of cold, largely for making it easier to shoot targets accurately. As far as slowing down Defenses and the like, this is a case where I think people need to lighten up about perfect efficiency in random squads, or communicate with their squad mates, or form their own "no slow" groups, or play solo. Only thing I'd like changed is enemy transformations/death animations being slowed down, which it seems like DE does fix. (Eventually.)
  11. Depends on what kind of Incarnon perks it gets, and whether it has to exclude altfire weapons. But I'll say Castanas. If it can't be an altfire weapon, Twin Rogga. Ask me again every day for a month and I'll probably have 20-30 different choices.
  12. Yeah, I was looking at a November calendar, so my guesses are completely borked.
  13. Yup. Whenever this community pats itself on the back for what a great community it is, this is one of the first things that crosses my mind. Lots of great individuals play this game, but it turns out the community is just like every other good-sized gaming community I've ever known: ultimately a very mixed bag. If Conclave ever gets discontinued, I shudder to think of the high-fives that will swamp these forums for a few days before those people latch onto another thing whose existence they can be indignant about.
  14. If using the best frame for everything is important to you, you're not going to like Loki. If you enjoy using different frames that can accomplish almost anything, regardless of whether they're best at any particular thing or not, you might love him. I don't know how long "a while back" is, but he hasn't gotten any less dated, not really. As far as touch-ups go, about a year ago, Safeguard Switch got a major upgrade, giving him access to its unnullifiable invulnerability. It's got its limitations, but I find it really fun to lean on that instead of Invisibility. It really pushes the Agent of Chaos theme for me. He also got a small upgrade to shields (and armor) with the stat rework and the shield gating changes probably helped him if you prefer relying on Invisibility. He could certainly use some more help, especially Decoy. But still, one of my favorite frames to play
  15. Oh, dang, that's good advice. I'm sure I spent half my time throwing snowballs at my team. Maybe I can get that down to 40% or so, lol.
  16. These topics are interesting in that there are so many different perspectives on what has caused declines. I feel like they're largely an outlet for people to complain about whatever features or directions they dislike, and use playercounts as a form of self-validation. Personally I trace all the game's problems, population or otherwise, to Banshee's missing fourth ability and a distinct lack of Veldt Prime. Other than that I'll note that it's hardly unusual for games to become less popular 5 years or a decade in; the lucky few that even make it that long.
  17. Long standing bug. Annoying because DE actually did fix the other original bug it had where it was providing constant regen regardless of finishers. Also doesn't work on Parazon kills, although ground finishers were made to work with AoD. And because it's on Finisher Kill despite the description saying "on Finisher" this has the side-effect of it not being triggered by DoT kills, like those on Vulpine Fox's standing finishers. In case anybody at DE gets this far, I'll also mention that the wording on Lone Blade would be more clear if it were changed to say "Follow Through rather than "Fall Off". (Ditto Incarnon Magistar's Crushing Verdict.) And maybe that it "Sets Follow Through to 100%" since 0.7 * 160% = 112%. (And no, it doesn't do more damage if it hits more targets at the same time.)
  18. Well, sure, and for good reason. And yet... ...it's been known to happen. :P
  19. The last hotfix of 2022 happened on 15 Dec. :P (I don't remotely believe they'd break that early if they release on the 13th or 14th, but it's kind of funny.)
  20. While true, I don't think that's a good reason to leave this as is. The usefulness of the aura even in those frames would be limited in spammy heavy builds, since the way the negative is constructed it's easy to deplete shields entirely. So then you're talking about a few frames that are only doing intermittent heavies or have to have a great shield restore method. That's getting into "too limited" afaic, especially when it wouldn't be hard to rework the negative somewhat and open it up to a lot more builds. And if the negative affects squad members too who aren't using the aura, would your reaction be "Whoever can't handle the shield loss brought it on themselves by not playing Rhino, duh." :P (And I wouldn't have expected this thread to give me another reason to think Mesmer Skin is gross, but life is full of surprises.)
  21. Are you sure the negative applies to everyone in squad when they do heavy attacks? I do think the mod should be adjusted either way. The negative shouldn't be per hit, which gets ridiculous fast with range and/or grouping, even solo. (And because of Follow Through, the hits themselves become less effective as you add more enemies.) Pretty fair amount of heavy attack builds out there, especially with glaives and gunblades. And I'd guess the vast majority are spammy. Also we may very well be doing more heavy attacks soon.
  22. It's a short window to activate a fast, 100% efficiency heavy attack if you want. Otherwise ignore it when it's not convenient. The old combos were all about memorizing timing and varied with every stance. This is looking for a single visual cue and reacting to it. Time will tell if it's good or not, but if it's bad it won't be because it's imitating the old combo controls.
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