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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Not exactly a dream passive, more of a quasi-realistic passive: keep his current wall latch bonus, add a damage bonus while wall latching and for a few seconds after. It would be neat. But it bothers me in that it's only barely a passiveL i.e, in the sense that it would be active during other sources of invisibility, and not just capital 'i' Invisibility itself. Since Loki is not generally going to be building for any other sources, may as well just add it to his 2 and make a real passive.
  2. Hopefully DE continues to be extremely cautious about adding more range bonuses. Although of course there are individual abilities that could use more innate range.
  3. That's out of date as of AoD. Weapons inflict no status on ground finishers unless they have a forced proc.
  4. Good catch, though I'm not surprised. There are quite a few things that don't work with the Ferrox altfire From the wiki: Multishot, critical damage, critical chance, and status chance have no effect on this mode. The only way to boost this alternate mode is through elemental damage, pure damage increases, faction damage mods, and fire rate. In the Sim, I went ahead and confirmed Xata wasn't working on Ferrox (I don't have Tenet Ferrox) in a different way: by comparing TTK with and without a +96% damage Xata active. Exactly the same whether it was off or on. And no void procs, of course. So the extra damage instance is not applying at all, perhaps for the same reason multishot doesn't work. (Although there are cases on other weapons of multishot not working where Xata does.)
  5. It's 23 hours for forma, and it only took DE 7 years to make that concession from the original 24. So, not to be a about it, but I expect it might get down to 6 hours in, oh ... 2135 or so. :P (That is, unless DE finds some other source of monetization / grinditization / loginization that can take on that role just as well as forma do. No doubt we'll find the process of producing this mystery item at least equally annoying.)
  6. Even if duplicate frames were less punishing in terms of time, resources, plat, whatever compared to multi-polarity, there are some things about handling it that are definitely clunky. Especially when there are more than 2 duplicates.
  7. In that scenario I build another Volt. :P (For real too: I'm not into Volt, but I've got four Banshees, three Nezhas, and two Kullervos. :P Not that this is a lot compared to some obsessed people with more than a hundred duplicates of one frame, lol.) Anyway, I've been predicting a multi-polarity system of some sort for years. I still think it may come. However if it does, I expect it to be only somewhat easier than building a duplicate frame and polarizing the hell out of that.
  8. Is that a recent change? I mean, "recent" relative to the video, which is 10 years old. Perhaps 2-3 years ago I did a fair amount of this on frames that weren't using invisibility, and weren't brute forcing. (Unless I bungled it, which happened from time to time.) There were easier maps than others, but the main problem wasn't enemy spawns exactly, it was sufficient cover and/or alternate routes near the ceiling or semi-hidden tunnels. I don't know that I ever did it in SP, where spawns seem like they could be very problematic. Even in regular missions, it was about as inefficient as one could imagine for farming. But it was fun, which always made me think the framework for a good stealth game was still there under the horde shooter surface. As far as the topic goes, I'm all for more advanced stealth missions. Ideally that don't make invisibility mandatory, but have more and more effective countermeasures against both invisibility and brute force.
  9. Do you have Evo 5 Stunning Brutality selected? When I turn that on, with AI turned on I get orange-ish explosion effects on massed ground finisher clumps in the Sim even though my weapon has green energy colors and pure toxin mods. With either of the other two options under the same conditions, nothing but green.
  10. Ah, ok. I was curious, since at least one other riven challenge is completely broken.
  11. It's true. Even though I was, and kind of still am pretty excited about the change.
  12. Is it different than your normal swing effect colors? When I use the Innodem, I get my energy colors on both normal swings and ground finishers. (Regardless of modded elements.) The ground finisher effects do kind of look like explosions.
  13. Did I offend you? My apologies if I did. My point was actually that I did no fact checking. I try to be cautious about making statements that imply the truth of something without some direct experience. Thank you.
  14. Probably a good thing. Hopefully it's very early next week though.
  15. Since her Talons are only a quasi-ability at best, it seems just as or more likely that it working with any of the mods is the bug. (If this is the case. I know what the wiki says about some of them, but I haven't done any testing myself.) It certainly should be consistent either way though.
  16. Have you been able to complete these challenges with traditional syndicate medallions?
  17. They do drop, they're just very rare. And if you're looking at the wiki's drop rates, I strongly suspect those are guesses, at least for Lanthorns. As far as my own experience goes, I too have gone months at a time without Lanthorn extractor drops. I'm going to guess my average is something like a drop every couple of months, usually two tries a day. And that's an average, so there've been much longer dry periods than that. So 100+ tries isn't really that much, I'm afraid.
  18. Exactly. But whether we buy or farm, both results are good as far as they're concerned. Maybe, although I think what's more likely to happen is more sources of these items, rather than going through the whole song & dance of adding a salvaging mechanic. But whatever it is, you can't really expect something like that to merely cost resources that just pile up, near passively. For a more realistic model, look at the NW or Acrithis shops. You can straight up buy Reactors, but it's going to involve resources that are in very short supply, that you'll want for other things too. (At least for a long time.) IOW, it still comes back to getting people to farm or buy.
  19. Sure, and I'm favor of that option. Just seeing if there is a way to work around the problem right now, other than not using melee.
  20. You might check to see if any of these is sticking, perhaps by experimenting with different controls. Otherwise I've got no ideas other than the stance issue which I mentioned already. With the Pobex and a 3.5x multiplier from speed I do have to be careful about the length of the tap, but it's manageable. And that's with 3.84 APS on the weapon before the buff. (Although curiously I can't actually tell the difference with Speed on or off in the rhythm of the animations, just a difference in the sensitivity of the melee button. Would be interesting to do a dps test comparison. Maybe there is a cap in play.)
  21. Keyboard or controller issue maybe? If not that, what weapon and stance? I've been using machete, rapier, and claws mostly, and I don't think I've had an issue with that. Playing with them in the Sim just now at ~2.8 modded APS...not that I would actually build weapons that fast normally. Of course actual APS can go much higher with faster base weapons and buffs, but you implied you're not modding that way. I do have what I'd call a very high quality keyboard, though far from new. But maybe that's part of it. Still tapping melee more of the time than not. edit: 3.84 APS Prisma Obex with either of the stances is not a problem either. Although it's hilarious to hold the button down.
  22. Not saying you're one of those people, but I've so often seen complaints about NW precisely because it made people "do something different". And the complaints about NW being boring are perpetual, not limited to this revised version of it.
  23. If you want to get the most out of it, you really want lots of base damage on the damage weapon, whereas it's not important on the primer. If your primer has more base damage then when you use the dps weapon you're basically heat dis-inheriting. :P
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