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Everything posted by AntifreezeUnder0

  1. Hydroid is maybe true to longer endurance runs and its all due to just skill spam and ability to do that untill finger fells off. Grendel, well yea he can endure long missions and technically 1 tap with nourish any lvl enemies he can eat. But his dmg output on 500% strenght is nowhere near to prerework grendel, where the higher the enemies got the better multipliers to nourish he would gain via feast, since it scaled off 10 enemies, per 10 enemy lvls. Now his dmg potential with scaling is 0. Yea generic strenght build can work, but its still no where near the pre-rework dmg output. Limbo yea , eximuses can kill him, but big dmg weapon incarnon helps with that.
  2. Its not improssible, but it highlinght why random loadouts with emphasis on least used, unwowned picks are least used.... in firstplace. And it further shows that we get illusion of challenge in duviri. All difficulty is gone once we get the roll with our top pick loadouts and frames. Even if one gets to own all the weapons and mod them it still be some not viable and be just to reroll on better choice.
  3. I join to those who want to keep it all year long. Even paying to have it permanent, or have different pumpking head to be paid one and thise dullahan be event like... Grendel doesnt look well w/o the pumpkin head.
  4. I think it more kills for people knowing you must input x ammount of hours to reach others who inputted same ammount of hours in specific grinds. If pay to skip handed out like booster pack of lr 3, mastery with 1 frame fully stacked with top arcanes, all the types of forma and being prime of choice with the best weapons in each section(primary, secondary, melee) fully moded with best setup mods the pay to skip just throws newbie in sp content , and they would complain game is hard. While just playing and reaching that point naturaly would take the time to learn how , what and which mechanic to use and build proper skills.
  5. Well it sounds good on paper, but then in the end you dont skip the grind anyways. Unless we talk by paying you get all the stuff handed to you to play comphy on that newly reached content. Quests were not the problem, the grinding and gaining proper mods, and weps are in order to melt things. But then again more ways for people to reach point and realise why play, play for what, what to do is great.
  6. Stug is the op aoe wep, no headshot multipliers... :D I mean could headshot but no headshot multipliers still. All stug need is in incarnon mod get 70%+ to 100% status and same for crit chance, add some crit dmg multiplier and its great wep. To annoy everyone.
  7. Endgame is when you play to try out new things or take breaks until new content updates arrive, then go back to hibernation. Or find own way to play, for me good and thing i found was grendel and using stug silly fun, but it made everything else just a mastery fodder farming, nothing more. Its just about having fun. Are there realy many different builds? Its more like copy paste mods and [insert weapon here] . Endgame is a path you go to find reason to keep playing, be it the process itself or realisation its just rinse and repeat of same things with different name to find fun, joybrinning encounters.
  8. Well you could try visit simaris. Maybe you can buy the mandachord in there already. Since simaris is answer to regain lost, accidentaly sold or after completition get extra copy of some quest items
  9. Its been there always. Grenade if you stand on it or close to it or even in the explosion range means 1 hit death , but there are times you are fine. Doesnt matter if you are full shield, status immunity , full health and 3k armor. Its insta death. But if its a bug well then...
  10. There is no fomo. You dont loose anything of value if you miss today, you can quit for a year, come back and still be in same situation in certain events, and only have to complete any newly released quests/content if there are any. Good thing everyone if free to farm up relics and earn plat to buy things they might want and not wait for. And in the end when you first start you already playing same game, with same mechanics, the longer you play , you just develop personal preferences and your own playstile. Rest is same rinse and repeat, do missions, farm resources/relics, craft new shiny toys(weps or frames) ,slowly if bored enough get the rest of mr fodders, and once you had made your favourite or go to overall loadout, everything else in game become just mastery fodder farming, where the rinse and repeat stuff start to feel like a duty, since nothing of value is beeing added rather than check mark or collection list you dont actualy need, but is an excuse to do stuff. Its always be the rinse and repeat of grind missions, get new toys, craft repeat and take break untill new toys arrive.
  11. There are 2 choices mostrly verglas and aoe helstrum status spreader. (1 is nautilus weapon, other comes from moa, if i remember correctly). But they each has their benefits but overall you wont gain much dmg out of them, since if their weapon has even slight chance to be an afk play corner stone it be adjusted.
  12. Well grendel himself is an answer. They changed and had no problems that grendel in ball form can cast feast, and nourish, and regurgitate, all 3 abilities(albeit hi own) are 3 different body animations, but work while he is in constant other (ball form) animation. But i wish they replaced nourish with pulverize, in helminth. Why not have mini titania ball attacking enemies!
  13. They should have pet corner, where we can put the spare pets in there and they roam/play arround like you suggest. Or if not pet let us put there the wilderbeasts from open worlds! with fish tank or tanks in other corner so we can fill the natural habitat of all Warframe.
  14. Its same old suggestion to as any other matchmaking. Want to avoid random shenanigans, form a special squad- either by inviting friends or in recruit chat with specific demands. Yet, if i play grendel there better be noone else with nourish, or grendel for that matter, if i use room cleaning set up , there better be noone else who can do it, this post has same energy to it. You need to accept fact that there always be situations where for most part game becomes walking loot collection simulator from time to time, so let out your inner leech and get the free loot. If it not be saryn, it be mesa, or other of countless tileset clearing builds ... Or just play solo or invite only, so you can enjoy your build to the fullest, but miss out of drops. Sadly there are no other options. Even survival missions is more about hiding in corner nd do nothing while room cleaners simply kill all , before you can move if play in public.
  15. But my point is that now you need to invest heavy in strenght to even get fraction of dmg with the viral stacked and armor stripped enemies, compared to pre-rework where even non stripped armored units died 1 to two shots, with 177% strenght and full gut up to certain lvl . Imagine that you need 500% strenght to do fraction of dmg you could get on 177%, and you need 300% duration instead of 100, to achieve same effect as before update. Thats what i want to tell. Yes , now grendel can kill but i need to double or triple streght because rework killed the dmg output of frame(scaling) ... where even armor strip and viral stacks does not provide nowhere near dmg, one got on non stripped enemies , without viral stacks . Imagine if they made that you need 600% strenght to have 50% toxin dmg bonus for saryn and its spores only affects 5 enemies at max at same time. Or mesas aimbot only kilss 10 enemies before 100% depleting energy, They work, but thier niche would be killed.
  16. Yea both times should have made either in squads or solo, but thing i wanted to show that doesnt matter solo or in squad pre prework pulverize on full gut(for scaling multipliers it was 10 enemies) the rest to 40 was for the armor boost) w/o armor strip did great dmg, even on armored units such as grineer or corpus units since it had toxin splash and on collision , dealing dmg to enemies outside gut and to those inside too. As mentioned the link text for the video purpose on old pulverize more about maintaining the ball form, but still you can see same old chargers ospreys even ancients get killed by rolling into them and see how even low strenght eat and spit can kill acolyte, not as fast... but still. -After rework grendel even with armor strip- do lesss dmg and does not kill often lvl 25 units, not to mention you need invest heavy in strenght to get fraction on dmg effect... there are benefits in other areas but overall rework made him copy paste strenght build , removed glutony part of his, removed scaling , remade nourish which is same as sevagoths better on others, even with armor strip abilities he does less dmg with stripped armor and 10 viral stacks than before with no armor strip and no viral!! Which is my main dislike for the rework. Its dmg nerf, his special CC nerf, scaling nerf in the name of ball movement, and killing need for any of the augment use... You need 300%+ duration to get the pre-nerf status immunity on full gut nourish cast with augment, and 300+% strenght to have fraction of the dmg... Even with arbi bonus and totaling 500% strenght he did not do dmg near he did before. ... But other frames who gets to clear rooms easier and few tiles ahead yet remained intacted... -Viral pulse- well its just you need to get hit for it to activate... so dmg ouput is ... meh which is why old nourish with gave toxin buff and splash would actualy be better, since if you strip armor either by pulverize/regurgitate the pulse and dmg multiplier would enchance each other dmg output and would go along with the scaling... sad part there is no scaling no more.
  17. Well mesa is aimbot, question is does insults followed or as above said it was joke/ sarcasm.
  18. feast pulverize and nourish toxin buff was devastating, having 40 enemies inside gut, killed 1 to 2 collide enemies arround you in ball form and inside too all due to scaling. Pre- rework grendel against casual sp infested, just example(video purpose was on maintaining the ball rather than showig dmg) After rework same enemies same build.. armor strip viral pulse active... (yes 1 more player in squad , but dmg is none existant on full gut cast(which supposed to be same as old full gut) before Rework enemies did not die in gut. While in gut they were decaying 2% armor on default or arround 9% per second on 177% strenght, after all the armor decayed you got increased energy drain/hp drain depenting with augment or not. And while in pulverize it dmged enemies inside gut and outside gut when colliding/jump slamming in enemies and dmg got further boosted by nourish dmg multiplier which scaled off from enemies in gut(althought only first 10 enemies per 10 enemy lvl). Only when spat out enemies got toxin on them and had toxin aoe splash splash in small radius, which amplified the dmg since you did have 40 spat out enemies in a buch splashing each other and enemies in room. Grendel works, but still dmg output is way lower than it used to be. He just became the generic strenght build frame.
  19. no where near, tested same build and increased strenght on sp enemies, pre-rework ball 1 touch maybe 2 touch/collide to kill enemies in gut and outside gut. Now even if spit out half of time the toxin doesnt splash over to enemies or isnt even on the enemies you spit out. Pre rework grendel was killing enemies 1 to 2 shot w/o armor strip! Yes now with armor strip viral and strenght boost you get to rather big dmg, but its fraction of what pre-rework dmg scale was cabable off. Like you need 300+ strenght to mimic the dmg of what full gut 177% all 3 augment grendel could output! and it also requires 300+% duration to mimic the status duration you could get from nourish augment and 2 sec per enemy in gut. yea, but pre-rework grendel still would eat overguard fast, compared to now. or would kill everyother enemy so you would just need to shoot overguarded enemies. Every other patch , brings random ball movement halt in air or second after you cast catapult. Like normal rolling with space is faster and further compared to catapulting with momentum, its noticable at times and annoying when you cant even get to place where normal bullet jump can reach. And 2nd thing there is often delay to jumps in ball form, few seconds but sometimes it goes to you cant even double jump and catapult, so againt normal jump/bullet jump is better. its not constanty but annoying enough. Movement it self is responsive, but also... sometimes you need to wait 3 to 4 seconds for momentum to halt to even change direction... since you stuck on invisible pixel or pixel sized ledge. Also pre-rework ball was harder to get going, but was not that bad once got used. Everyone prefers new grendel ball, but for me nerfwork just killed everything special you could achieve when you could get under control the energy or hp drain. Al beit w/o the armor strip abilities, but still you coul strip 40 enemies in gut in 10 to 12 seconds on 177% strenght and when spit out they did great dmg, and gave way more dmg output to nourish/pulverize than compared now with virals armor strip.... And even then nourish is easier to use on others... albeit with less viral stacks
  20. Well his rework overall was huge nerf- for viral stacks, viral pulse dmg and energy buff and ball movement control, you traded dmg scaling, special cc form- eat room and spit out to kill other room(the 40 enemies), and his ball with less control and inability to climb stairs did huge dmg when paired with toxin buff which benefited his kits dmg due to scaling, meaning the higher lvl enemies you ate the multipliers you get. Now you get viral dmg, viral stacks on pulse, better energy multi(skill itselfs is better on others than on grendel due to no gut required to cast) which combined with the armor strips still do less dmg then pre rework grendel with no armor strip and scaling effect of eaten enemies... Hell even 300% duration on full gut now, doesnt come near to full gut 100% grendel pre-rework with augment for status immunity. Hill ball is just paper weight and simply for moving arround with movement getting messed up each patch due to random momentum halts , which goes away on next patches. Regugitate with viral stacks and toxin dmg on 300% strenght still is no where near dmg output he had pre -rework on full gut nourish toxin buff, and 177% strenght!fraction of dmg you get now ... There are benefits too to rework, but over all before you got rewarded for being able to control energy drain or health drain with huge scaling dmg and ability to eliminate enemies and could utilize all 3 augments, now its just generic build ignoring augments and near braindead slap gloom get full gut and you get passive healing while enemies are in gut, but dmg output of other abilities with nourish buff on are meh... Same pulverize build killing sp enemies with 1 shot on collide, not ticles lvl 25 enemies.... and maybe in few collisions kill them.
  21. Well for grendel it be great if the just rolled back the nerfs- give back glutony - the enemy 40 enemy cap, and scaling, and toxin back. And major fix for both would be that essensial parts of the helminths get kept to frame, like the aoe slow from gloom is sevagoth only and helmith variation gets the healing aoe effect. And for nourish give the viral pulse and viral dmg(or turn in back to toxin dmg , and viral pulse), energy would be grendel only . But then again both frames are not easely the best dmg dealers by abilities... well grende used to be, but 40 enemy cap could give some fps stutters on spit out and trip to desktop still. And best way is just to take big dmg number slap on a frame with booster abilities and kill everything before they kill you... And then again i use grendel and have gloom on him, get full gut and you have free healing, cast any abilities, its further free healing, kill enemies its extra heling, get into ball form collide with enemies, you guessed it more healing. Have pet with hunter recovery and predasite or panzer.... more healing,hirudo crit build is healing by crits and extra heal from dmg to enemies while gloom is on on top of all the others healings, add nourish augment for status immunity and you have some one walking through map not worrying about enemies much, up to certain lvl in sp, normal path... well just facetank and kill everything with stug, you got time to do that, even thougth stug is ok in sp too. Just a personal preference. But in the end pre-rework grendel hit way harder and with ball 1 shotted sp guys at lvl 150 when colliding, now same build ticles lvl 25 and takes few hits to kill them if unlucky
  22. I mean Warframe also adapted some of other game things or themes. Ash`s ones still look smore better and smoother...
  23. You could always go for discount gundam and get zephyr with skin! But this game already have enough of content islands which get introduced , barely updated, then even nerfed and forgotten.
  24. Its personal preference, one try play carefully, other rushes, one just walks throught everything ignoring all the statuses and kills enemies. Like grendel with nourish augment gets lik 25 second status immunity on full gut or just status clearance and few sec immunity if 1 enemy in gut and has negative duration. Become ball and rush play bowling with enemies or become pinball. Or just cast for immunity and walk and kill enemies with stug while standing in toxin /gas clouds and attacked by enemies.
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