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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Just escort the guy out, enemies will spawn on you, guy will not die. Win win.
  2. It is not its main source. This is: Mission Drop Tables Mission Type Source Rotations or Drop Table Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes Sabotage Earth Sabotage Resource Caches C 3.67% 1 0.0367 Cervantes, Earth I have farmed several so far, but I only do this mission where there is another incentive (NW, Riven opening, SIlver Grove).
  3. Jat Kusar wouldnt. Ripkas sounde nice.
  4. It is. But it is substantially faster if you play solo due to mission scaling, while Alchemy mission scaling is still broken, at least for normal missions (it takes into accounnt initial squad size, not the current one).
  5. Getting maximimum potetial is a optional (and in my opinion not worth the hassle). No. By comparison, there is much Less Sister Tenet weapons than Lich Kuva weapons, so the rotation is much smaller. If someone wants to invest a lot into minnuscule bonus (max potetial), let them. But do not make that easy as you propose. No it doesnt. Whoever treated is as mastery fodder will just keep treating it as such and never equip it anywhere. Whoever wanted to use the weapon will invest in it and likely also try to maximize valence fusion. This proposal shifts some repeatable content into less repeatable content. All looter shooters have RNG, it is a must for the dopamine mechanism to work. If you remove RNG from the equation, you get chores. What randomness? Where? Dunno man, but for me if something is guaranteed, it is exact opposite of randomness. If content frustrates you, do not do it. It is optional.
  6. Unless you get numbnnuts who keep destroying everything that is marked, effectively making 2nd phase take forever. I think he meant Void Flood, as it is the variant we get in the Circuit.
  7. So this is how it goes: You capture a Terry, you get a 1 Brilliant Eidolon Shard, you desposit in the shrine to summon Garry, you capture it, get 1 Shard, deposit, summon Harry, capture it again, you get 2. If you kill or fail to capture anything you lose all deposited Briliant shards and do not get any more. May be the daily cap that prevented you from getting more than you should. Reputation and focus on end screen have certain known bugs.
  8. Those seem to be exact same things just described in different way, unless the difference is that cephalon's original is dead and construct's not necesarily.
  9. She and frost come back pretty frequently. Prime Resurgence is however most likely random.
  10. What difference there would be between Cephalon and Construct, if there was any?
  11. The issue is a bit deeper than that. CC is still more effective and no CC at all. But if you have mapwide cc you can cc the weaker enemies while you focus your attention on killing the immune ones. It is still better to bring AoE CC and Single target weapon than no CC and AoE weapon. I think this video summs up all the issues we are having atm, better thann I could ever describe them:
  12. You do not need to use it., Just open twitch/warframe and leave it open. You can do that ahead of time (eg. on your break or when you start work). Put the phone in the locker/drawer or you pants. If that counts as using your phone and you get fired for this, it is good for you, that job was not a very fair one. Most of the streams are at 1-4 AM for me. I just leave the PC on with stream up, while I sleep.
  13. Making corpses desintegrate faster is counterproductive for Nekros as his ability has Internal Cd. If I were to pick to pick out of all the frames I got probably Khora as she offers best KPM, while also providing Loot. All in all it is matter of personal preference and playstyle choice. I find the new reworked Hydroid too powerful for normal missions, I cant really stack anything because everything is dead. I use him specifically for Silver Grove farm (+Chesekrate). 2 Apothics usually render 5-6 mods. But then again I wouldnt run Derelict Survival as I already mastered Octavia and have Octavia Prime, the relic farm is suboptimal and there are no unique mats drop.
  14. Beter overall performance by a small percentage. IF you happen to have proper riven for it. But even that not likely. It much harder to compare than Phantasmas (imo Prime is better regardless of your riven), due to the fact Secura Dual Cestra has the Sequence effect. Also both normal variants have non-existing crit scaling.
  15. Lorewise, it makes no sense to be able to do it in Teshin Cave. Mechanicwise: You can clearly see (mouseover) your choice of Warframes/Weapons before you get into the cave, so pick the right Focus school beforehand.
  16. I am not a seasoned Shield Gater, but It may get problematic with Rolling Guard's effect.
  17. Wouldnt getting Secura Dual Cestra from the start and investing in it instead of normal Dual Cestra be exact thing that works? I always sell the weapon once i got direct upgrade, especially if it's fodder.
  18. Maybe you just do not understand how to use warframe market? Khora Chasis and Systems are indeed 2 plat.
  19. It is not in the Options menu. Just go to the chat window and click a Looking Glass icon in top left corner. Also in general, using trade chat is waste of time if you want prime parts/set or mods. Price checking in chat is just pure laziness. Do your research yourself. Where do you think people get the answers from? We got no Rain-men here, nobody know the prices of everything by heart. Use https://warframe.market/ for both trading and price check.
  20. I think you are missing the point of drops. They are there purely to motivate people to watch the stream. They are means to an end, not end itself. What you are proposing is reversing it. It is not in the interest of DE. They do not care for you to get the drop, they care that you watch the stream at the time it is streamed live. If you cant, then you cant. And no form of motivation is needed because you already failed the main objective.
  21. Midday for you, midnight, evening, noon, early morning for other people. It is impossible to pick time that suits everyone. Indeed.
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