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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. Yes. Revenant can be killed during the casting animation, before Mesmer Skin stacks have been applied. This is assuming he doesn't have Mesmer Skin active already from a previous cast, doesn't have any protective abilities applied to him from his team, and he cannot use shield gate for some reason which would otherwise provide enough time to cast Mesmer Skin even under enemy attack.
  2. I would suggest adjusting the message for each type of package and for the ones with missing materials also include a short explanation where the player can find the materials and that they can switch from Nightwave to resource scanner on the Star Chart. Thanks to Nightwave being defaulted on the Star Chart, some new players I met have no idea what resources are available on each planet and where to look for a specific resources when they need one.
  3. I actually use WA only for the really beefy enemies like some Eximus, Acolytes, etc. Oh and for traveling. It feels great to one shot them. 😈
  4. Honestly, Kullervo doesn't really feel like a melee Warframe at all, unlike Valkyr or similar. Sure, his main and biggest for of damage comes from Wrathful Advance but since it's a single attack tied to a teleportation it doesn't feel like using melee to me. It's weird and I can't explain it properly but this weird synergy between an ability and a weapon is a really great feature of Kullervo's.
  5. Have a blast! DE are releasing one banger Warframe after another lately and Kullervo is really up there among them. Kullervo's solo play convenience and damage potential is one of the best in the game.
  6. I agree with this. The augment can make Merulina cast Yareli's bubbles like it does now but being able to mount and dismount it without canceling the ability should be a default feature.
  7. I'm not a Yareli main but she did sneak her way into my loadouts and I just want to say that I don't like Merulina Guardian at all in it's current form. I actually don't mind riding Merulina but it can be quite troublesome and annoying on some maps, especially the older ones, so I would appreciate being able to mount and dismount Merulina without canceling it and the DR. I don't need it to cast any abilities. It doesn't even have to do anything other than follow me around until I want or can mount it again. That said, I would appreciate if Gloom worked on Merulina and healed it even when I dismount it.
  8. I wish there was an option to skip it. My wife dropped the game as a MR24 because of it.
  9. This sounds great. If I understand this correctly, a 10 E/sec drain would be reduced to 7 E/sec drain assuming the overall Efficiency isn't capped or this wouldn't reach above the cap.
  10. Bleh! If they didn't help me save a mod slot on my primary weapon or enhance the Corrosive/Radiation weighting I'd remove them after reading this.
  11. Gara is a beautiful frame with huge potential. She is easy to use but can be difficult to understand at first. Her 2 creates a field of glass shards around you or your ally if you aim at them when you use the ability. It damages all nearby enemies and give you up to 90% damage reduction. Her 4 creates an expanding field of molten glass that slows down and stops all enemies it passes through while also using their health to strengthen the final glass barrier. It also refreshed the duration of her 2. If you shatter the aforementioned barrier with her 1 while having her 2 active, the field of glass shards will absorb the damage shattering her 4 does and adds it to the damage of her 2. This scales infinitely and can turn Gara into a meat grinder capable of doing insane damage to anything near her. Her 1 is a straight up damage ability. Her 3 creates a circular field of mirrors that forces enemies who enter to shoot the mirrors which will reflect the damage back at them and cause further damage if they get destroyed.
  12. Not if you're using a skin. I agree there could be a UI feature showing when the glaive is ready to use.
  13. It's not like we have Reactant sharing already in place for Void Storms or anything. Just saying.
  14. I don't really mind the Warframe is vulnerable in this situation but I would like for the game to properly explain and show when this happens and to see the Warframe's current status so I know when it's time to jump back and defend it instead of suddenly being pulled into a downed state.
  15. I'm very grateful for the new Lotus voice lines during Void Fissure missions. I don't know when they were added but they're a welcome addition to the otherwise mind numbing monotony of these missions that forced us to always listen to the same message over and over again.
  16. This ancient relic of a system is still going? You know all it does is discourage getting Rivens for new weapons and even discourage using new weapons themselves in some cases, especially since Incarnon Genesis related Rivens often have some of the highest Dispo on top of the weapons being among the very best in the game. You don't even change the Dispo based on global weapon usage as you claim, otherwise weapons like Torid and Burston should have had their Dispo lowered several times already. Don't get me wrong, lowering Dispo is bad and nobody wants that but you should raise the Dispo of other weapons to allow them to compete with those that have Dispo above 1.0 by defaulting all new weapons to start at 1.0 and increasing the Dispo more often to actively help weapons that see the least usage. Raising something from 0.55 to 0.6 after several months doesn't really do anything that would have a noticeable impact.
  17. All exalted melee weapons, even the pseudo ones, should be 'reworked' to be directly moddable, be able to use Melee Arcanes, and have their Mod Capacity benefit from their Stance Mod. I would also like to see the end of the stat stick mechanic. It's frankly stupid regardless of how powerful results it can produce.
  18. Condemn is absolutely amazing on Banshee for Disruption. Sonic Boom the Demo unit away from the Conduit and strip it's Armor (if applicable), root it in place with Condemn and get nice overshields, Sonar gives you a great damage 'buff', and Silence gives you breathing room to kill the Demo unit in peace. Banshee is the BIS for Disruption imo.
  19. I've grown to like Frost more. I'm still not satisfied with my current build and honestly don't know how to improve it. It struggles with survivability when there's not enough enemies to properly utilize Ice Avalanche but I need to move so Snow Globe isn't viable. However, in EDA, especially in Mirror Defence and Assassination, Frost really shined and pulled the whole team through. It made me really like and appreciate him.
  20. Tell me you didn't read the thread without telling me you didn't read the thread. This was already addressed and it's not a solution.
  21. Also bugs. They're extra troublesome in content like this.
  22. Zephyr actually sounds like a great pick for such a mission. She's basically invulnerable thanks to Turbulence and can CC and group up enemies. As for weapons, you can use anything these days if you mod it right. Levels don't matter much thanks to Viral+Slash or Corrosive+Heat (ideally with two Emerald Shards).
  23. Not a Caliban fan but his concept has promise and this suggestion is pretty decent. I would make his passive stackable with Adaptation otherwise there's no point to it. It wouldn't be OP because there are other frames which do it as well, like Citrine, but with up to 90% DR instead of Caliban's 50%. Razor Gyre needs to go imo because turning into a Beyblade is boring. It doesn't have synergy with the rest of his kit and neither does it do anything for his weapons. It's like Revenant's Danse Macabre but without the range provided by the beams. Sentient Wrath needs some work too. Lifting enemies is generally undesirable since it makes weakspot shots difficult. Also, it has weird tracking and limited number of enemies it can hit. That should be addressed imo. I like the changes to Lethal Progeny a lot. With Specters and Companions one could feel like an actual summoner.
  24. That's basically what every RPG does. Correlate difficulty to inflated enemy stat numbers and enemy density. It's what Steel Path does and people generally like it as far as I'm aware, so there's nothing wrong with moving forward in the same direction. Give us this mode with level 5000 enemies that have additional buffs and increased enemy variety and density. Have two Acolytes spawn at the same time for all I care. As long as it has exciting rewards people will play it and like it because they can use whatever they want in it without having their options being taken away from them.
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