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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. In my experience there's a big cliff the average player falls off when they hit the SP - making it available even earlier would make that problem a lot worse. Usually, everyone gets the SP and they run Earth and they're like nah this is easy... because there's usually enough matchmaking on earth that you're running it with people, but then as people venture out the matchmaking dwindles to nothing rapidly and for almost all the rest of the SP they are alone and it is HARD, especially stuff like interception and defense, simply because they don't have the breadth or depth of mods needed or the heavy investment into frames & weapons or the experience.
  2. .... so anytime they fix or update something it doesn't count? Again, I'm not denying that there's old stuff that needs to be updated or ideas they had that they just flat out dropped - some of which many of us wish they'd pick back up, but at the same time why aren't you giving credit where credit is due? Hydroid? Inaros? Mag? Excal? They also updated the syndicate pledge system. The list of improvements is really long, I could go on. Yes these are all parts of the game that are more in people's focus, but can you blame them for prioritizing that stuff? Like I would 100% rather have a Chroma overhaul than a weak pass on conclave. And why is the stug unlikely exactly? I mean I never in million years though I'd be using the kunai in high level content, but here we are.
  3. Hmm, interesting. I have two thoughts immediately: Aiming + Shoulders: this would have to be a left shoulder only thing Too Mech?: it might fundamentally shift the game more towards being mech than being ninja, like and ots style lends itself to: missiles mortars rockets rpgs ..... which in turn lends itself more towards nuking rooms, which may or may not be something the devs want idk...
  4. While there's no denying DE is much more focused on the new things, I don't think it's quite fair to say they NEVER revisit previous content. They do, it's just a slow, slow burn compared to what we'd like. Like if you put together a list of all the QoL improvements we've got in the last year alone it would be pretty impressive. Like you bring up the Stug but dude, should we talk about the incarnon revolution in the same breath? Like wow. AMAZING arsenal uplift, and the stug might be in the next wave of that. And companions?!?!? I'm not saying there's not dead content islands. (IDK how you left out Kahl lol), and I'm definitely a little salty that RJ and necramelee aren't being actively pursued, and I have an entire dream sequence involving WF pvp/pvpve, but I'm just saying any kind of post like this would do well to acknowledge the amazing improvements we've gotten recently too.
  5. Yeah there'd be 3 ways of doing it I suppose: stack by stack (not a good option probably because once you have a ton of them this wouldn't even hurt at all) percentage (yeah probably the way to go) rate of decay based on stacks (basically a different way of doing percentage, but the % is very low at first so you don't lose hardly any and then as you get higher and higher so does the penalty. This is an okay solution but it might end up feeling pretty lousy too, but there's a lot more math tweaking you could do with this to adjust the curve. I have a feeling this would be the game dev preference just because it would probably be more balanced than a linear % - i suppose you'd have to have the ultimate ceiling you're judging against at 2.1 billion though? not sure)
  6. Interesting. The idea of combo multipliers determining incarnon form durations sounds enticing to me. NGL to this very day I have deep confusion about how the melee incarnon system works exactly. I get 6x combo, activate the incarnon, slap some dudes around, then I let it decay to 0x, then I run back up to 6x.... and it refuses to be ready to activate like omg 90% of the time it feels like. (this was especially infuriating when trying to complete the challenges like activate it 6 times in a mission). Drop to 5x and then go back to 6x? No dice. Go up to 12x and then to 0x and then to 6x? No dice. I have no idea how it works. What's it waiting for? What condition isn't being met? Do I have to drop 'out of combat'? No clue. I end up just completely ignoring it and if it happens to magically light up (for reasons completely unknown to me) then I activate it. The only reason I'm not super irritated by this is the incarnon forms seem to make almost no difference anyway (except for the Ichors, those do things)
  7. Well there are 2 or 3 melee incarnons which seemed to try this - forced bleed procs (slash status). One sec I'll look them up.... Furax Incarnon, Evolution 4, Flashing Bleed - 40% chance on Impact status (roughly equivalent to Hemorrhage?) Magistar Incarnon, Evolution 4, Flashing Bleed - 50% chance on Impact status Bo Incaron, Evolution 4, Flashing Bleed - 40% chance on Impact status ... hmm I think that's all of them? Anyways, my experiments with them were a little disappointing. I think the main reason is that melee is very slow compared to shooting. However, my experiments weren't terribly deep and these might be secretly very strong idk (especially in combination with melee arcanes).
  8. Exactly, yes. Yeah I realized after I posted that Barbaric Range would be busted on Saryn because she doesn't use her abilities fast enough to care that much about efficiency. There are so many outliers to everything - I don't envy DE the task of making sure a mod isn't out of control somewhere lol
  9. Ok so this has irritated me for a very long time, and I'm finally just going to ask for it because I end up wishing for it just a little too often. There's a huge gap between the low ability mods and the high ability mods and I want some mediocre mods. Let me try to illustrate: I'm making these linear ascents based on the fact that we have mods with no downsides up to a limit, and then mods that start having downsides, so I'm assuming DE is ok with mods with no downsides up to this point and I start from there. It's a big assumption, but it's all I have to go off of. So anyways, we go from Stretch at 45% all the way up to Overextended at 99% - with nothing in between. Likewise we go from Primed Continuity at 55% to Narrow Minded at 99% with nothing in between, and Streamline at 30% all the way to Fleeting Expertise at 60%. Strength is a bit more complicated because it is pretty heavily saturated with mods, but we basically have Intensify at 30%, Transient Fortitude at 55% and Blind Rage at 99%. Each of these is balanced against another ability when they go beyond a certain point. Strength is unique in that is balanced against both Duration (Transient Fortitude) and Efficiency (Blind Rage). What I'm really looking for all the time is mods in the middle, but there are a lot of other things that could be done with ability mods as well. Let me try to show this as well... And there's also a possibility for creating double corruption ability mods like this: Now there's some question about how DE chose what ability to balance against what ability. Why is Range against Duration instead of Strength or Efficiency, for example? And this gets pretty technical because you probably have to chart out the averaged warframe power scheme or something, power over distance multiplied by efficiency & duration - they might even have some dope formulas they worked out to figure this all out idk, and then see if there are bad spikes. But I think it's probably safe to assume that none of that is in stone, and that there are other balancing options for each - just like Strength is balanced against two. Another thing to note is that there's some possibility that depending on what ability is matched the metric might change. In the Brittle Range mod example above, I had to guess that it was mostly similar, but DE would likely have more rigorous math behind such a thing. Also, certain mods stack and certain are mutually exclusive, and of course stuff like arcanes comes in too. But anyways I think diversifying the negatives would be helpful because different frames have different needs, and a massive hit to duration might be unacceptable or very painful, or likewise a massive hit to range might be very painful, but those same frames might be fine with massive hits in other areas like strength, efficiency, or energy. Note that efficiency and duration are often two sides of the same coin for some abilities (mostly channeled ones) but often weighted differently per frame & ability. Also note that efficiency is a slightly less useful tool because of the insane energy regeneration now available. So I guess I'm basically asking for two things here: Ability mods that are middle-of-the-road, between the base mods and the very high-cost corrupted mods Diversification in the ability downsides (if practical) to better accommodate more frames/playstyles --------------- A note on the actual modding here. This desire is not necessarily due to a lack of mod space (although that's a factor ofc), but rather it's due to wanting things like range, duration and strength, and willing to make sacrifices for them, but not to the enormous degree demanded by the current corrupted mods. Like yes, I do want duration - and I want more than 55% duration (Primed Continuity) but I do NOT want -66% range (because to compensate for that I now have to use Stretch/Overextended. Ok let's say I want close to +100% duration, right? The only way to get that without sacrificing range is to use Primed Continuity + Constitution + Augur Message / Archon Shards.... OR Narrow Minded + Stretch + Augur Reach (to get the range back up to 100%). But almost always, I'd rather just go halfway and take a smaller hit: Primed Continuity + [new middle mod of +75% duration & -35% range] and then I can add stretch on after to bring it back up if I want to. To show you an example of how these middle mods actually work right now consider this: I want +100% range. That's Overextended (+99%r, -60%s) + Transient Fortitude (+55%s, -27.5%d) to bring the strength back up to 100%). This works because Transient Fortitude is a middle mod, the only one we have. If we didn't have Transient Fortitude here, we would have to use Overextended + Intensify + Augur Secrets / Archon Shards (just to get the strength back to about 100%). Of course, we normally want above average range, strength & duration where we can fit it, so that's more mods on top of this, sometimes with a full repetition of this issue (like if I wanted high duration here - like +100%), I'd have to repeat this whole process except with no middle mod to help out).
  10. I agree with @DrivaMain people are probably blowing the eclipse nerf out of proportion. I'm not saying it's not a nerf - it definitely is, but it won't make Mirage anywhere NEAR as bad as Chroma - she's very versatile and strong even outside of the eclipse damage buff - and for everyone else it's actually a raw DR choice without parallel and I think its use as a subsume will absolutely skyrocket. There's not a weak frame that won't want it. People have been asking for a helminth DR for a long time - honestly I'm surprised DE is giving this out - it may be too strong a subsume now - but we'll see. I agree 100% the highest tier Deep Archimedea rewards are probably not going to have long term value (except for people selling those arcanes), and that the arcanes themselves are lackluster for how deep into the back shelf they are. However, I think it's a decent bet that by the time we've all collected enough arcanes for a full set (still a looooong time unless you're buying them) there may be other rewards put into the top tier, at least that's my hope. The main draw of these missions is actually the difficulty for me, not the rewards so much, but it would be nice if after some time they expanded them to include more exclusive items (and thus breathe extra life into this mode). The writing is definitely already on the wall for the highest tier though - and this is the kind of foresight DE has classically been blind to - people shooting for the highest difficulty tier will most likely become a wasteland before they plant anything in it again, sigh 🥹 Styanax deluxe is pretty epic. I wasn't hyped at all for it - Aztec seemed so far out of theme from the rest of WF - but seeing the different colors on it changed my mind 180 degrees. Wow, it's great! I don't share your issues with Axios Javelin but I don't play Styanax a lot either Your point about Nidus' augment and how he fares in team play is a solid one - I don't think this will make him any better of a team player Hard to say if there's any weaknesses in the Inaros rework until I actually play it. On paper it seems stellar to me. Nourish needs a nerf, but personally I'd weight the nerf towards the viral and not as much towards the energy, for precisely the reason that many people use it to patch up energy problems more than anything The slam changes are AWESOME actually, my god. (Arca Titron says HI 😈) That radial jump menu is also AWESOME. I was hoping they had a cleanup for the regular version when I first saw the graphic - this was completely unexpected but I'm totally on board for it. Great QoL (especially if there's a helminth shortcut in it).
  11. I recently picked Gara back up and was playing her a bit, every so often I check her out again y'know? While very strong and versatile, she's also pretty annoying to play. Almost all of the problems with Gara stem from losing her stacks. Hit a nullifier bubble? Jump off a cliff? Die? Forget to cast 2? Or even fight in Last Gasp for a little too long? Get knocked down or staggered at exactly the wrong second? Lose vision of your HUD (mag proc) and not be able to see the timer in time? Focus on something besides the timer for a little bit? Suddenly 90% of the reason for playing her evaporates and she has to start over from scratch. So some suggestions I have TWIMC. I'm recommending at least one of these (not all of them): Decay. Instead of all her stacks falling off immediately make them decay. I think this is a very fair QoL and is overall the best possible solution. Adjust the decay rate as balance dictates. I'd also recommend pulsing the ability icon red during this time until it decays completely just to alert the player that it's happening and they are rapidly losing stacks. This way it's not the end of the world if any of a dozen mistakes happen. If you still wanted you could include a base penalty, like you lose 20% of your stacks up front and decay from there. Base Duration. Double (or otherwise increase) the base duration of her 2, this would make it a little more forgiving. She needs monster duration, monster range (unless you're subsuming over vitrify for some reason), high efficiency, and strength if possible. She needs to build for all 4 stats, while also spamming (so high energy output), and also ofc survive. So help her out a little in the duration department, cut down on the intense ability spam she has to do, and make it less likely to 'miss' keeping it alive. Secondary Refreshers. Make it so casting her 1 and/or her 3 also refresh her 2. This would introduce some variety into the needed upkeep of this ability and make it more natural to maintain. The danger here is probably that it's too easy to keep it up, but if no other improvements were made I think this would be fine. This is just another way of keeping her stacks alive with less maddening maintenance. Cap & Stack. Instead of fixing the maintenance problems we could lean into them harder. This is the reverse strategy, where we make losing stacks even easier, but make gaining them easier and faster too. For balance reasons we'd have to cap them in this case though, which will doubtless hurt much of the allure of Gara while ironically making her too strong of a pulse nuker (more than she already is), although maybe there's a way to do this cleanly. Pause Timers during Last Gasp. One other thing I'd recommend is that she gain overgaurd while casting her 4. Not much, just like 100-500 og or something, or alternatively some overshields. The animation is so incredibly long when held that she almost needs extra protection during it. Or alternatively speed up the animation considerably. (I'm running 2 regular casting shards on her, she still feels sluggish in actually all of her animations). I'd like to emphasize that I am what I'd call a casual Gara player, so if any Gara mains want to weigh in feel free. Since her dmg has no cap I understand where DE doesn't want to make it easy to maintain, but at the same time.... man does it seriously suck to lose ALL your stacks in the blink of an eye.
  12. Glad to see at least one Inaros main who is enthusiastic about what are indeed completely great changes. I actually think these have the potential to kick Inaros into general top-tier territory.
  13. It's kinda like if you had a cat and that cat was killing all the neighborbood mice but on the side it was also killing and maiming all the other neighborhood cats because KILL ALL and the neighbors got upset so you have to put your cat down now and you're real sad because you love that cat so instead of putting it down you just keep it indoors now and it can be annoying at night but at least it's still alive.
  14. Yes I foresee this ability only being used defensively in the future. It will be good in that way, 90% consistent DR is nothing to sniff at and a LOT of frames are going to flock to this now, BUT I think where this becomes bad is that we have to ask 'why not just make it a 95%/90% DR ability and nothing else' .... and then we have to ask 'what's the downside/drawback/interest of a duration based DR ability?" - that is, it turns an interesting choice into no choice, and I think that's what feels bad. There's no reason to ever use the damage side of this again, and a straight up 90% DR is both boring and possibly too strong. Does Mirage (& everyone else) actually need a 2x-3.5x final damage multiplier like this? No, probably not. If it was something else besides a damage boost that would be interesting, and probably that's the best route out of this situation. Make the other side of the toggle do something else, something interesting and useful enough to compete with DR. But otherwise what's the point of a toggle if it's never going to be toggled.
  15. Even though this accomplishes nothing but make it more visually appealing I have to confess to secretly wanting this myself many times; my OCD brain wants all the reds together, all the blues together, etc.
  16. ALL of his abilities sucked. He definitely needed attention. Don't even try to defend any of them, they all sucked and you know it. Could you use them? Sure. They still sucked. Or if you feel you have to die on that meaningless hill we can go through them and I can explain how they all sucked individually and then you can deny it all again anyway 🙄 IDK what you're trying to communicate here. Are you trying to say that Inaros had no problems surviving? If so I'd have to press X to doubt on that and ask about your playstyle, specifically if you are relying on rolling gaurd, gloom, quiver, etc. Because he definitely struggles in the upper SP and the other high level content DE is making these days. I never said anything about level cap, that's an entirely different metric built primarily on cheese.
  17. Update since Devstream 177: The reward table changes sound very good. I'm still not happy with the distance marathon involved with these, but at least it's better rewarded, and with the addition of Deep Archimedea i'll be running less of them too which is good. While I'm here Deep Archimedea sound amazing and I'm looking forward to them.
  18. I'm mostly reserving judgement until I can actually play it, but it seems completely fine as far as power and playstyle goes. As far as survivability goes - I get the feeling he's still going to die a lot at high levels because there's no overgaurd in his kit - he has zero gates. That said the biggest thing going for him with survival i think is actually going to be the new eclipse (haha!) As far as theme goes, I halfway agree - like I had my own big dreams for how an awesome mummy frame should be - but DE basically didn't want to make a whole new frame and so they just tweaked things, and I think that's perfectly fair. It's not the dream, but it's a practical and fast update that is going to make him way more playable.
  19. Hey does anyone know if there a way to set the song on Octavia's resonator when it's subsumed? I don't see an option for it and it doesn't seem to inherit from Octavia herself either. It makes this a very irritating subsume to use.
  20. As someone who subsumes over merulina and is much happier playing her as a result, I'm completely on board for this augment.
  21. I agree with Pablo it often feels like you just should use nourish no matter what. It's only 1 stack of viral, i think that's 100% boost
  22. I'd agree if it was just raw damage and nothing else on this ability. But a 90% DR on demand is going to be what this ability is used for now, and because of that even though the damage will suck - absolutely yes - it's still overall a good change because a mostly useless ability is now a reliable 90% DR. Would it be better if it was multiplicative? Yes, for sure. But would it then be an overpowered helminth? Honestly idk, maybe - the only reason eclipse isn't OP right now is precisely because it's completely unreliable (or straight up broken with the GI).
  23. Perhaps only tangentially related, but I think it would nice if there were more meaningful accolades available to the general population. Currently the only such accolade is your mastery rank. Normally games tend to use some of their achievements for similar in-game honors, but I don't think that would work for WF. Also this is difficult for WF because there is so little in the way of challenges that aren't starchart or mastery. I'm not sure exactly what I'm asking for here, but we have our dedicated profile pages and they actually offer no personalized awards or honors (outside of MR, questionable stats & achievements) - it'd be cool if there were badges to mark major milestones or playstyles or other esoteric achievements. It feels untapped, really. Like we should probably have a chestful of medals by the time we're MR30 or something. Somewhere in this discussion the samdali from the Fragmented One comes up - that is kindof the thing I'm looking for I suppose, but more generalized and not particularly a gameplay cosmetic. While I think it would be cool and would help spice up the usefulness of the profile page, I also wouldn't want to have to visit the profile pages to appreciate this, like it's nice to see these things when you're loading in or something. I will add finally that I don't know the effect on player stratification and elitism a massive expansion of this would have - possibly it would be negative overall idk.
  24. Yeah, depending on what's exactly happening, this is most likely due to poor communication from DE on how this mod works. The wiki clears things up a bit: "If a single attack is sufficiently strong enough to kill in one strike (i.e. damage value in excess of the total available health after armor damage reduction, plus the possible energy-converted buffer), the player will instead enter bleedout immediately and not lose any energy. This is to avoid wasting energy, as the player would've been killed regardless." It doesn't exactly work the way everyone expects it to. For the above reason Quick Thinking and Gladiator Finesse are not terribly popular, it's basically a little bit of extra EHP not a failsafe.
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