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Everything posted by Berzerkules

  1. You want to play together? Cool, wanna run SP Circulus? It's my new favorite node. I'm actually testing a speedva build there now. Send me an invite in game You need to farm those weapons and mods like everyone else did while you were taking a break. It takes time, don't worry, you'll get there.
  2. And you build to get carried. We all make our own choices in life. We must learn to live with those choices
  3. Oh look, another person who lives in a dream land and thinks WF is a co-op game.
  4. I've spent like 90%+ of my time in WF playing solo. I don't have to watch anyone but myself do anything. I learn how to do things solo before I even attempt doing them in a group. I've always been like that in games though. If I can't do it solo why would I enter a group setting and get carried or left behind. It was an eye opening experience for sure. I was low MR farming credits in dark sector infested survival and struggling after like 10 minutes and ended up getting carried for an hour+. They linked me builds and I saw I needed arcanes, forma, potatoes etc. and I slowly worked towards that. That first time getting carried set me off on endurance runs because I saw what was possible. I didn't have to stop or get carried, I just had to get better and getting better required better gear and know how.
  5. I liked being a low MR player seeing the carnage of higher MR players. I saw what was possible and wanted to progress. I put in a bunch of time, farmed a bunch of stuff and learned the game. You can either complain that you can't keep up anymore or adapt. The choice is yours because this game is still going to move forward with or without you.
  6. You will get overtaken by powercreep if you take long breaks from a game that is constantly changing. What seems ridiculously OP may just be the new baseline if you have missed multiple big updates. Steel path has been out for like 3 and a half years and Voidrig came out just after SP was released. If you are that far behind you have a lot of catching up to do because WF is not the same game you played back then. It's just going to take time to learn what WF has become and farm what is now "required" in new content. You can't expect to come back after that long and pick up where you left off. Of course you are going to underperform in pubs since everyone else has progressed and adapted to the game WF is now and you are using what worked years ago.
  7. It works exceptionally well if you build specifically for it but that can be said for almost anything.
  8. I always wondered what happened to Zilchy. I liked them. Hope they are OK.
  9. GTFO of here domestik drones!!! necramites are moving in.
  10. Kinda basic build for any slash weighted melee weapon with around 20% cc and 20% sc is something like condition overload, blood rush, weeping wounds, attack speed, range, crit damage, faction mod. Pair that with viral primer like epitaph, kuva nukor, tenet cycron etc. and call it a day. Some people don't like faction mods so use more cd, range or attack speed. or a riven
  11. Godless heathen, that's the nicest thing you've said this whole thread. Thanks😈
  12. After a quick look at your profile it appears that you you actively choose to not use prime items. After 4+ years you have like less than a dozen prime items and you're over here arguing with people about what goes on in fissures. Are you so antimeta that you purposely gimp yourself then complain? You're pedaling a moped down the freeway calling people jackasses and telling them to slow down.
  13. Is it really a dumb idea though? DE basically gave us choose your own warframe rivens in the form of archon shards. Not saying we should have frame rivens but at this point anything is possible.
  14. I don't know anyone that plays this game or really anyone that games like I do. Playing WF is kinda "me" time but I do plenty of other quality stuff with the fam. My daughter and cruised around for hundreds of miles this summer on bikes, Actually the whole family rides together fairly regular but my daughter and I ride the most. My youngest helped me with the hundreds of trees I have in the garden all summer. This winter my boys and I have been playing pathfinder. Table top games are fun af with a group, I'd much rather do that than play video games. I don't need some wholesome time with loved ones in a video game because I spend real life with them but sometimes a want a few minutes to myself though. When I'm playing WF it's coming up with stupid solo endurance builds because that's what I like and what works best for me. I can sit down for a while to play then pause as I'm needed and comeback whenever I have time. The "problem" is builds I have that work for stupid high lvls absolutely melt basic star chart stuff like fissures. I'm not going to play a lesser version of my builds in a fissure so everyone can play, I'm just going to bring some random loadout and kill everything because it's sub lvl 100 and my builds are made for a couple more zeros than that. Like right now I'm testing a Mirage build with 2 green shards for full strip and my utility primer is oneshotting lvl 200 SP Circulus before I can even melee. If I take that build to fissures I'm the bad guy? That's just one of my regular builds. I'm not trying to be a dbag but I don't have anything that will make normal star chart an enjoyable experience for a full party. It's like people try and make it sound like other players are purposely trying to ruin others time when they are just playing the game with the exact same tools as everyone else. DE doesn't give us a place to use all the power we have been given and we're expected to play nice with others. It's just not going to happen.
  15. By entering any pub mission you have agreed to take whatever you get. We all make this decision when we choose public/invite only/friends only/solo. I choose solo 95% of the time because no matter what anyone says WF is not a co-op multiplayer game. In the rare chance i do join pubs I'm not going to try and spin a story about being the victim of some kill stealing nuke. That's asinine, we all know that DE does not create content with the intent or necessity to require an organized co-op group. They make content that anyone can solo.
  16. It's a two way street, we both determine how the mission plays out. If our goals and playstyle don't align we are both #*!%ing with the other persons good time. I can waste your time wiping the map and making you play follow the leader and you can waste my time making me wait at extract. Are we both are in the wrong for wasting each others time? Or is nobody an inconsiderate jerk since we both agreed to be there in the first place and take whatever comes our way?
  17. So if we were to ever end up playing together we would both be inconsiderate jerks?
  18. Like one hour later it happened again.. It's obvious what causes this too, if Malice casts on you and you kill him too fast before you dodge roll the ability off you it gets stuck. I just realized that it is so much louder in game than the garbage videos I have here.
  19. Any word on this yet? My Mag loadout will finally be perfect when this gets fixed.
  20. I like the caustacyst and wanted it to work out but after a little testing I still prefer gas/electric dagger armor strip setup, it seems to provide more consistent armor strip and higher kps average without the use of 2 archon shards. You do have to sacrifice your primary weapon tough.
  21. That sounds good but It seems that full strip through 14 stacks of corrosive with melee would take so long that you would end up killing enemies before you got a full strip. A corrosive primer would probably strip faster. IDK, maybe I'm missing something here. IDK, I use an exodia contagion zaw on Mag to tag eximus units outside on my bubble. That's a pretty good reason to use 2 weapons. That's just the first example of the usefulness on using more than one weapon that popped into my head. There are countless more.
  22. it was on the controller tab. So far I know wisp and xaku don't work.
  23. Invert tap/hold abilities does nothing. Some of My settings got reset to default. This wouldn't be a problem before because I used DS4 to bind my controls and that would override the in game settings before the recent crosdsave update. Now in game settings take precedent over DS4. Like in DS4 I had unbound all controls to that pad on the top of a ps4 controller except hitting the middle to open/close map now I can't unbind those because in game options override DS4. Also if DS4 is open weird things happen now I can't even have it running while the game is up. I'm stuck with buggy wf controller options. I also posted a couple controller bug report threads last night. I haven't used steam forever. It was always messing with controller function. I'd turn it off then an update happens and it #*!%s off again.
  24. You can't be serious. After 9 years you really think that you're going to get the chance to use a new unranked unforma weapon in a pub fissure? Fissures are for farming, no one is there have a friendly enjoyable co-op gaming experience, they are there to farm prime parts. Expecting anything else is unreasonable. By now you have to know pub fissures are going to be a speed run right 99% of the time? I've been playing half as long as you and if I join any pub mission I expect to play follow the leader unless I load in first.
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