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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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Here are some of my thoughts of Revenant. 

Enthrall power is ok for the most part. Like Nyx, they tend to be brain dead (not shooting enemies the first sight, walking around trying to take cover first, then shoot) or also do low damage. This is mainly a AI problem but the 7 buff cap is nice. The pillar could use some pull effect to make some nice soft CC, that way other people that kill them accidentally or not, doesn't completely waste Revenant energy and time.

Mesmer Skin need to be look at. Compare to other defense powers, it's lacking. For a game that is a horde base, you're gonna lose that in less then 2 seconds at the price of 50 energy. Would be nice to see it bump up to more, lower energy cost down to 25-10 with a slight increase to animation speed or change the function as other mention, it fight against his passive.

Reave, in my opinion, isn't worth it. There are other better ways to heal up, without the ridiculous cost of 75 energy for a long casting time animation and the possibility of missing enemies as they move out of the way. Need to be instantaneous or/and lower energy cost.

Danse Macabre is his best power but need some buff too. A someone mention, only reason he got nerf was from the complain people from Hydroin mission. Overshields drop from the thralls are a bit too low, would be nice to drop 100 overshield instead of 50 points, free/half cast Reave to move around easier, maybe enlarge the pillars from enthralls, from 2 meters to 3 meters or so.

Overall, I quite enjoy him but need tweaks to be better.

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IMO enthrall needs 2 changes:

-Allies shouldn't be able to kill thralls (but the casting rev should - couldn't be used to troll since thralls seem to be ignored for defense waves anyway)

-Maybe thralls should apply a moderate DoT to targets they attack (given how low enemy damage is compared to enemy health)?

Aside from that, I think mesmer skin should apply some visual FX to stunned targets - making them more obvious so you know which target to enthrall.

Edited by AlfredTheSpaceNinja
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I have 1 idea for possible fix problems with spin spin guy. I think his second ability should be recastable and i think this is only one thing to put Revenant in good spot for solo play, for his 4th im good with his drain but with channeling give us better dmg to make this ability burst aoe dmg. 😄

Edited by MonTreeqoo
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Revenant as a concept is a bit of a strange bag when I look at his abilities, allow me to elaborate.

His 1:  What a major disappointment, from the initial 20 thralls to a frankly pathetic 4 and then into a mediocre 7. I got the theme of Vlad as the Vapire frame, converting other enemies to his side while he reigns over them as the supreme overlord of edge alongside his big bro Nekros however this change was something that made him considerably less so. From what I understand when talking to others, this was initially Rebecca's passion project and it was a concept she really wanted to go ahead with. When the 20 thralls were first revealed I, like many others in Twitch chat got reminded of the distant echo of the D2 Necromancer and his army of skeletons and flesh golems. This is a playstyle that was lacking from WF, we have fought hordes, but we have never taken control of a horde and fought fire with fire quite like this. The biggest problem in his kit is yet to come however...


His 2: While damage mitigation is never something that I'd want the removal of, there is a specific scenario that I can think it would be warranted and fair (See my suggestions at the end). The mechanic of having charges makes the whole ability feel a bit cheaper than it needs to. If you are designed to be a minion-mancer I can understand the whole conpet of having charges on your abilities, your minions will keep aggro and in theory, you shouldn't be getting hit. A stray bullet every once in a while will bounce right off you and you will be an unstoppable juggernaut commaniding minions all over the place, unable to fall yourself because all other enemies are too busy fighting your thralls. This ability has the same problem as his 1, it's not quite what it should be. While the intentions are understandable, the execution is incorrect.

His 3: This is one of the biggest problems of his kit. No matter how I see it, it doesn't really fit into the minion-mancer mentality of playing around with thralls. The idea of having thralls at all is for them to take care of the fighting and be the distraction while you gun down, cut down and wreck havoc alongside them. This puts you in the heart of battle away from your thralls and only gives you a decent amount of health and shields in return, whereas if thralls are distracting them as they should, you don't even need to worry about sustaining yourself since you get all your mitigation from your 2.


His 4: I am expecting to get a lot of disagreement from others here but I'll still be honest. His 4 is what ruins his kit completely, contrary to the popular opinion that it's the saving grace of his kit. Here is the deal, if you are a minion-mancer, your AOE clear comes from having a lot of minions to focus a lot of enemies. This goes out the window if you turn into a discoball of doom and spin around styling on everybody in the room. You kill everything, from your own thralls to the enemies, making any kind of investment into his 1 counter productive. The CC his old ult provided was a good window for keeping track of the number of thralls that you have and maybe getting a few new ones to save yourself from an unfortunate situation of having no minions to fight an angry horde of Corrputed Bombards who will eagerly blow you to pieces with their rockets. In addition to that, it's CC meaning that it's useful at all times. I get it, it is exhilirating having a power that makes you fabulously spin around and annihilate everything without prejudice but in a few days that hype dies down and then you are left with a frame that has 1 gimmick that doesn't feel all too rewarding to play with, you press 4 to win.


My suggestions are as follows:

Base stats: Buff Revenants armor 


1: Make the thrall cap 20 again and give them a buff, scaling off the thrall's level and Revenant's power strength. The buff increases health (or armor perhaps), damage and perhaps and gives a life drain abliity which drains the enemies hit by the thralls of a bit of their health, giving it to Revenant as Overshields. Make the thralls immediately aggro the enemies and attack them in a spread out manner and make them unkillable by allies and Revenant himself.


2: If the 1 change goes through, nothing really needs to be changed with this abliity, it should work provided that the enemies are focusing the thralls as they should.


3: This can be changed into an ability which buffs both Revenant, his allies and thralls. Maybe something like a brief movement speed and lifesteal buff, I'm not sure myself what could be done here but I'd love to hear other people's opinions


4: Bring back the CC. His old ult while seeming a bit stale fit his kit better than his current ult. The main reason was that the CC he got which made his kit centered around the production and usage of thralls and didn't exactly contradict the idea of being a master of an army like his current ult. I do have one suggestion on top of the CC and this is a call back to the corpse explosion Necromancer, namely Thrall explosion. If you walk into a room filled with an angry horde of corrputed enemies, send your thralls in for a kill command. They run in, explode in a colourful flurry of energy and while some mobs may still remain, they are briefly crowd controlled giving revenant the time needed to recruit new units to his macabre army of mindless thralls, ready to reign over the battlefield again. 


I hope you enjoyed reading my suggestions and thoughts and I'd really like to get a conversation going in the comments. Please be respectful to each other and let's all let our voices be heard in trying to improve this frame. 

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It would be better if some of his kit and passive disregards his need for shields, since most of the time Mesmer skin would not allow that to be touched anyway.

Most of the benefits are thralls are found through their deaths, why should we attempt to prolong their life by making them invincible to allies. At most it would only prove to be an inconvenience to you and them, besides Nekros already has the job of having invincible slaves so why should we turn Revenant into a budget Nekros?

Edited by ConsumerJTC
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1 hour ago, SteelSoldier said:

 Since Revenant has 105 base armour, then he would have 105/(105+300)=26% Damage Reduction on his shields, I am not absolutely sure if that would be enough to make his shields more relevant but it would definite help a bit, however if they would increase his base armour to at least 150, he would have 150/(150+300)=33,3% Damage Reduction on his shields if his shields were affected by his armour

Would be amazing if arcane guardian affected it.

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Revenant as a concept is a bit of a strange bag when I look at his abilities, allow me to elaborate.

His 1:  What a major disappointment, from the initial 20 thralls to a frankly pathetic 4 and then into a mediocre 7. I got the theme of Vlad as the Vapire frame, converting other enemies to his side while he reigns over them as the supreme overlord of edge alongside his big bro Nekros however this change was something that made him considerably less so. From what I understand when talking to others, this was initially Rebecca's passion project and it was a concept she really wanted to go ahead with. When the 20 thralls were first revealed I, like many others in Twitch chat got reminded of the distant echo of the D2 Necromancer and his army of skeletons and flesh golems. This is a playstyle that was lacking from WF, we have fought hordes, but we have never taken control of a horde and fought fire with fire quite like this. The biggest problem in his kit is yet to come however...


His 2: While damage mitigation is never something that I'd want the removal of, there is a specific scenario that I can think it would be warranted and fair (See my suggestions at the end). The mechanic of having charges makes the whole ability feel a bit cheaper than it needs to. If you are designed to be a minion-mancer I can understand the whole conpet of having charges on your abilities, your minions will keep aggro and in theory, you shouldn't be getting hit. A stray bullet every once in a while will bounce right off you and you will be an unstoppable juggernaut commaniding minions all over the place, unable to fall yourself because all other enemies are too busy fighting your thralls. This ability has the same problem as his 1, it's not quite what it should be. While the intentions are understandable, the execution is incorrect.

His 3: This is one of the biggest problems of his kit. No matter how I see it, it doesn't really fit into the minion-mancer mentality of playing around with thralls. The idea of having thralls at all is for them to take care of the fighting and be the distraction while you gun down, cut down and wreck havoc alongside them. This puts you in the heart of battle away from your thralls and only gives you a decent amount of health and shields in return, whereas if thralls are distracting them as they should, you don't even need to worry about sustaining yourself since you get all your mitigation from your 2.


His 4: I am expecting to get a lot of disagreement from others here but I'll still be honest. His 4 is what ruins his kit completely, contrary to the popular opinion that it's the saving grace of his kit. Here is the deal, if you are a minion-mancer, your AOE clear comes from having a lot of minions to focus a lot of enemies. This goes out the window if you turn into a discoball of doom and spin around styling on everybody in the room. You kill everything, from your own thralls to the enemies, making any kind of investment into his 1 counter productive. The CC his old ult provided was a good window for keeping track of the number of thralls that you have and maybe getting a few new ones to save yourself from an unfortunate situation of having no minions to fight an angry horde of Corrputed Bombards who will eagerly blow you to pieces with their rockets. In addition to that, it's CC meaning that it's useful at all times. I get it, it is exhilirating having a power that makes you fabulously spin around and annihilate everything without prejudice but in a few days that hype dies down and then you are left with a frame that has 1 gimmick that doesn't feel all too rewarding to play with, you press 4 to win.


My suggestions are as follows:

Base stats: Buff Revenants armor 


1: Make the thrall cap 20 again and give them a buff, scaling off the thrall's level and Revenant's power strength. The buff increases health (or armor perhaps), damage and perhaps and gives a life drain abliity which drains the enemies hit by the thralls of a bit of their health, giving it to Revenant as Overshields. Make the thralls immediately aggro the enemies and attack them in a spread out manner and make them unkillable by allies and Revenant himself.


2: If the 1 change goes through, nothing really needs to be changed with this abliity, it should work provided that the enemies are focusing the thralls as they should.


3: This can be changed into an ability which buffs both Revenant, his allies and thralls. Maybe something like a brief movement speed and lifesteal buff, I'm not sure myself what could be done here but I'd love to hear other people's opinions


4: Bring back the CC. His old ult while seeming a bit stale fit his kit better than his current ult. The main reason was that the CC he got which made his kit centered around the production and usage of thralls and didn't exactly contradict the idea of being a master of an army like his current ult. I do have one suggestion on top of the CC and this is a call back to the corpse explosion Necromancer, namely Thrall explosion. If you walk into a room filled with an angry horde of corrputed enemies, send your thralls in for a kill command. They run in, explode in a colourful flurry of energy and while some mobs may still remain, they are briefly crowd controlled giving revenant the time needed to recruit new units to his macabre army of mindless thralls, ready to reign over the battlefield again. 


I hope you enjoyed reading my suggestions and thoughts and I'd really like to get a conversation going in the comments. Please be respectful to each other and let's all let our voices be heard in trying to improve this frame. 

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1 hour ago, ShadowOptics said:

Hi all, after being a long time MR25 lurker I've decided to post some feedback about our lovely Revenant! Thank you DE he's a nice addition to the toybox! 

I've experimented with him and builds and this is how I would personally change him whilst keeping to the core DE vision of a Ghostly Eidolon Vampire Laser Fiend: 


Enthrall works well at the moment with the buff to 7 thralls being a good number. However where I feel the ability is getting clunky is where we have the two "linked" effects namely the shield drop and dps "pillar of light". The "pillar of light" disintegrate effect has a similar vibe to Oberon's augmented Hallowed Reckoning. Useful, but only when enemies are in close proximity and not reliable as damage due to teammates killing your thralls when spread out. 

1st change: On Kill, a pillar of eidolon energy erupts as normal. However instead of staying, the pillar would erupt for a split second then set enemies in a radius around the thrall alight with a "Eidolon Energy Burn Effect" I think this would work best as a Damage Over Time effect like a fire proc hitting enemies in a radius around the pillar. Good for skill based kills to maximise the DPS effect. 

2nd change: The disintegrate "pillar of fire" would spawn a ghostly vomvalyst projectile that seeks out any enemy survivors and gives them a good punch of dmg, possibly with a knockdown impact proc. This would be beneficial as other players killing thralls would actively contribute to DPS in the area. Also nice and Eidolon themed and Vomvalyst themed. 

Mesmer Skin

Mesmer skin works excellently at the moment, however it could use a minor tweak visually, maybe the "sleeping" enemies could grow ghostly eidolon energy tendrils out of them and if not enthralled they leave a "shield drop" when killed. Therefore this would create an active/passive element to Mesmer Skin to be tactically deployed when low on health/shields. Also for each charge of Mesmer Skin I think Revenant should become more "ghostly" and transparent to give players a visual cue of when the effect is active. 


Reave works ok, however I have a few tweaks to make it more interesting other than a buff to tweak the shield/health regen. For the visual effect, maybe it could be tweaked into a swarm of Vomvalysts doing their dash attack 🙂

1. "sleeping enemies" would now give double amounts of shield if dashed through. This would give a tactical use for Mesmer Skin providing much needed shields to a damaged Revenant. 

2. Enthralled enemies give the standard increase in shields/health as normal

3. Enemies suffering the "Eidolon Energy Burn" would give the effect of a radial burst of health regen to warframes in range maybe 3 seconds of healing. Teamwork effect and a skill base "timing" effect. 🙂

4. Maybe an Augment Idea "Mesmerizing Reave": Reave through 4 enthralled enemies and Revenant gains 1 charge back of Mesmer Skin and 25...50 energy (rank up effect). 

Danse Macabre

Two minor changes: 

1st change would be that the eidolon lasers would converge and focus onto single enemies when "channelling" to do more DPS and also auto target the closest ground/aerial opponents. I'd also add the damage over time "Eidolon Energy Burn" effect with a change to proc per pulse of the beam. I think this change would work so that a player would choose to hit heavy enemies harder, whilst leaving the "spin beam" to mop up the squishy mob enemies. 

2nd change "sleeping enemies" and enthralled enemies would drop "shield pickups" to increase the amount of shield pickups. This could also be extended to affect Equinox's enemies under "sleep" and Ivara's "sleep arrow". 

Please give me your feedback on my ideas, I'd be interested to know if you think these changes could work or if you have a better idea to add to mine 🙂



Must his abilties be so supportive towards other people? We already have half of the cast that uses supportive abilities so why should revenant not be more selfish? Especially his reave, we do not see Eidolons or actual vampires being helpful towards the local fauna or society.

Edited by ConsumerJTC
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DE, you're great and WF is great. But this...

In keeping with changes we've made to Warframes in the past to deter from the "set it and forget" approach, we have increased the energy per second on Danse Macabre

...is utter trash. Stop taking perfectly great frames - coughEmbercough - and making jokes out of them. You're mostly better than that, kindly demonstrate it.

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ok i am going to be nice and honest as i can now.  i have gotten all my frustration out and now i can think of some ways to improve revenant.

1. give his first ability 2 funtions one to make thralls and 2 to drain health and shields from them. also make thralls not be able to recive friendly fire from the other players in your group. have thralls die after their time is up.

2. make mesmer skin simular to inaros scarab armor and have the charges be stackable up to a decent number.

3 . give reave a knockdown effect so that you can also take avantage of this and entrall the pronged targets. also give it at least some decent damage and have it be health, armor, and shield steal since shields as they are now are terrible.

4. just get rid of danse macarbre, you guys shouldn't of made it a large ranged aoe anyways since you guys have been saying your have been trying to avoid the set it up and done. have it be at least a exalted beam weapon with an alt fire that fires more lasers out of the cursed hand.

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8 minutes ago, ConsumerJTC said:

Must his abilties be so supportive towards other people? We already have half of the cast that uses supportive abilities so why should revenant not be more selfish? Especially his reave, we do not see Eidolons or actual vampires being helpful towards the local fauna or society.

The idea behind that is that Revenant was the "warden". He's not explicitly tied to a Vampire/Ghost/Eidolon, he just uses the power of the Eidolon to "focus" his abilities through. Abilities that work to benefit a team are part of the Eidolon's skillset, the vomvalyst's collectively heal the Eidolons on the plains. 

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Could we just get like 30 Thralls or have amount of enemies affected by power strength? This allows for the spreading ability of thralls to be more noticeable. And of course, with 30 thralls, there isn't much worry about allies killing all of them. (30 is probably overkill, but gets the point across.)

30 Thralls is like the old Nekros, but only with a minion proliferating ability.

7 is too little, considering the swarm of enemies later on. Nekros with 7 is fine, but that is because he gives them a damage/HP/armor multiplier. Thralls do not have any benefits, they are just enemies shooting their friends. 

With more enemies the geysers won't be as pathetic as they are now. It probably wouldn't be impressive even with a change like this.


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Just thought of something. When other tennos kill Enthrall enemies, those hover shard seek out and enthrall another for a limit time flight and can only be kill by the caster. That way, he can still control enemies without worrying from outside kills when playing in teams, except for nukers.

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I can't in any metric of honesty tell another player that I am aware of what Revenant's kit is supposed to do for a squad that is equal too or better than other warframes.

Enthrall doesn't supply anywhere near enough damage or crowd control to be a better ability than the rest of the roster. Thralls still attack Revenant & friends. Thralls don't do enough dps to kill other enemies. Thralls don't survive long enough to be made use of by the rest of Revenant's kit. Raising the cap of maximum Thralls is not enough for this ability to be a thought within the player's mind.

Mesmer Skin is absolutely terrible. Shattershield is better in every way. Mesmer Skin needs to be brought up to shattershield's 'bar'. Mechanically Mesmer Skin needs to change. A limit to how many times a single enemy can apply an instance of damage per second or some other form of enemy throttling is most popular right now. I don't think that this system which uses charges is going to be applicable to whatever the future version of this ability will become. My suggestion is to turn this ability into something similar to Shattershield but instead of reflecting projectile damage Mesmer Skin would taunt enemies forcing them to approach Revenant, and most importantly, leaving cover. Mesmer Skin should reduce damage taken instead of being a sloppy damage-reflect that does not work mechanically outside of a small encounter.

Reave. This ability sees most benefit when used on Thralls. Thralls are never alive when playing outside of solo. Even after fixing Enthrall I don't think this ability will be worth using when there are more easily useable options for healing yourself available. The energy cost is much too high for a movement ability that performes this unanimously terrible. 75 energy for a movement ability which does poor damage, if any, moves the smallest distance provided by a warframe ability, and finally can't provide more sustain than a; melee weapon, cat, gimick-gun. Garbage.

Danse Macabre has potential to be a strong ability with an ultra niche playstyle. Finally Warframe gets an ability that lets the player use a whirlwind barbarian playstyle and you've destroyed it before a healthy samplesize of data could be collected from your playerbase. I'm certain that less than 49% of your monthly active users had acquired the warframe. The damage output of Danse Macabre is objectively worse than other options from many competing warframes. The range is uncontrollable by the player meaning that the already uncompetitve damage is difficult to apply to common gameplay. The unmoddable range is not something I would change. I would however instead revert the energy consumption change that was made most recently as I know, confidantly, that this change alone prevents the warframe's kit from further synergizing with itself. Can't cast Reave to get into that pack of enemies to apply damage when Danse Macabre is using the most energy in the game. Can't even keep Danse Macabre active long because it needs to be unchanneled so Mesmer Skin can be reapplied.

This warframe is neiter a vampire, a ghost, or a sentient. It looks like a sentient and moves like a battalyst but those similarities end there. This warframe can't do anything better than any of the remaining roster.

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I don't like his fourth. Like, at all. I think it's just the stance he takes. I'd rather him T-pose instead lol. I like the idea, it kind of reminds me of Mirage's fourth. Which I never use, but it's still kinda fun. I like that I can Reave while Dansing(?), and the most important thing obviously is he's so weird to color. It seems I'm either stuck using all whites, or all blacks, or stone colors.

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I think the channel name and smiley face are an instant 10/10. 

You had a good first three seconds. I was actually going "Oh. This is going to be fairly high quality." And when those faces came on I lost my sides in orbit. There's potential here. You could, for instance, put a lot of effort into editing in-game and all that but then have a stark contrast with those derpy little faces. The thing I'd work on the most is a better mic, since that would make it 10 times better and in turn make the irony of what you have here a lot better and more entertaining. 

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20 hours ago, Madway7 said:

I didn't see anyone really calling mesmer skin useless, just seems bugged.


Also I don't mean you, but what you said reminded me of a pretty funny conundrum (at least to me)

Pre release Revenant:

Me: I want massive changes, I don't like this kit at all for x reason, I think it's bad. Please do x.

People: What do you mean? You haven't tested him in game yet? How can you say if his abilities are bad if you haven't tested them?

Post release reading what you said.



Not gonna make suggestions for major changes. At least unless it's a stated option on the table. 

Personally I dislike the thrall mechanic. I saw issues with it since day one, but too many people liked it. And too many people were for the "vampire" theme for this frame.

At best all we got were changes to his 4 which turned out to be 1 of the 2 good abilities in his kit. Pretty boring, but good thanks to the (prob last minute) adaptaion change.



I agree he's not the most engaging frame to play as a whole. As far as the vampire thing goes, he probably should have been vampire themed or eidolon themed, not a poor mix of both.

The conundrum is amusing, I will agree. And I've been very vocal about my concerns in upcoming melee changes (not excited). 

On the mesmer skin bit, I've seen it - on videos and in a round about way here. I think it's fine. It could use some tweaks but they certainly aren't necessary. 

I get the impression when I read these threads that a lot of people are hoping the newest frame is going to be "the one" - the frame that you will only ever play that frame ever again because it does it all. I personally hope it never happens because the reason I was drawn to this game was the abundance of choice and the ability to do things your own way. I have a map-clearing Mag and a DPS Oberon and neither of those is really how your "supposed" to play those frames. The fact that if I work at it I -can- do those weird builds are what keep me playing when I have nearly all there is in the arsenal (zanuka can kiss my operator - shy little jerk).


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Was the nerf to Danse Macabre really necessary? Revenant was barely even a footnote outside of people leveling him for mastery. Now he’s totally Irrevenant.

Thralls suck. It doesn’t matter if he has 4, 7, or 50. Enemies. Don’t. Hurt. Themselves. It’s the same with Nekros’s shadows, Nyx’s entire kit, Inaros’s sand shadows, and any ability that makes enemies attack themselves.

Mesmer skin? More like Meh-smer skin. As a survival skill it doesn’t even compete with Ironskin or even Warding Halo for that matter. It needs a method of recharging itself.

Reave is simply a waste of energy that I avoid using at all costs.

Danse Macabre deals mediocre damage when compared to its energy cost, especially when coupled with its inconsistencies with spinning around and having a fluctuating range and the pointless mechanic of holding down left click.

Proposed changes-

Have thralls multiply their own damage as well as the damage of Danse Macabre proportionally to the total ehp of the thralls, and remove the duration. Have the number of thralls affected by power duration.

Cut Mesmer skin’s casting time in half

Have Reave recharge Mesmer skin up to 1.5x its base capacity. Also, make it an instant cast.

Restore the original energy cost of Danse Macabre and reduce the damage. Give the lasers some tracking so that they can hit elevated targets. Have thralls act as mirrors to reflect the lasers to nearby enemies.

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10 minutes ago, nokturnihs said:

If you had read the post I didn't say to stop providing feedback. Because I don't agree with you on thrall immunity you felt the need to try and belittle me? Well bud here's the thing:

We don't have to agree.

You have multiple grammatical issues in your reply, genius.

Your inability to acquire Mesa, Mag, Inaros and Nyx sounds more like something YOU need to fix. Not me.

If you need his thralls to be immune to Friendly Fire, have you considered you aren't playing him effectively? That also would be your problem, not mine.

If the rest of the community wants thrall immunity go ahead I guess. Make Revenant a total joke. He has some amazing potential but if people need said immunity as a crutch because they just can't get through those missions without invulnerable pets doing their jobs for them or are too pre-occupied watching Friends re-run while they play and want to truly "set and forget" then go semi-AFK then whatever.

I actually play the games I play. Strangely that's worked out well for me. 

It's not belittling when it's fact. How does grammar change that?

I've had all of those frames for months, if not years, but nice projection.

It doesn't matter how I play them, if they're wiped out from one of the many AoE abilities and weapons in the game then it's just a waste of energy to maintain any useable number of thralls. Because even with the free cast from mesmer they'll be wiped out faster than I can make them. This isn't even hyperbole, it's what's happened on any mission with 1 or more squadmates.

Nobody's asking for invulnerable thralls, they're asking for thralls that won't be killed from other players so that they actually have a chance at being used. It's funny that you're talking about reading comprehension when you seem to be missing even the basics of what is being asked for. You seem to think people want to afk (somehow, with a duration-based ability that doesn't boost thrall damage or durability against enemies in any way and protected by an armor skill with a very small amount of charges between them and any incoming threat), when there is no indication that it's even slightly what they want. They want thralls to survive more then a couple seconds of being around another player. I'll put it this in a way I hope you'll understand:

His thrall mechanics make you hate your teammates because they kill your thrall mob and bye-bye kit interaction. Maybe if you want to Solo stuff alone, that's great but....Why would you make an ability that DISCOURAGE team gameplay? It's a team PVE Horde shooter.

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I'm just going to jump in for a moment, and say that no matter how "effectively" you play a frame, you can't necessarily control your squad's actions nor the actions of your AI-Controlled Thralls. That said, you can always mitigate the damages done to your thralls, but it doesn't guarantee that your allies will be mindful of what they are doing. You could be the number 1 Revenant player in the world, it won't stop team-mates from either accidentally or purposefully slaughtering your thralls. It leaves us with a hypothetical 1/4 of control to the player, and 3/4 control to everything else (enemies, allies, and the AI controlling the thralls).

It's not really a crutch; A single player's performance shouldn't necessarily be dictated by outside forces, such as allies. This is why people hate limbo, just in reverse, the over-all play-style just doesn't mesh well with online play, in which the majority of squads are PUGs.

This is a problem, but I don't believe giving the thralls anti-Friendly-Fire is the solution, because then it can lead to trolling in the opposite direction. But something does need to be considered when looking at this ability.

I personally feel his Thrall ability is underwhelming, especially for CC. That doesn't mean it is, but I think I'd still prefer Nyx (Phat booty = Phat CC) or Nekros (Slim Thicc Legend) for that sort of thing. The fire pillars are nice, but gimmicky, and rarely do I see damage come from them, especially in a game where standing still generally equates to death. The synergy with Mesmer skin is sort of pointless, given how few charges you have (6 at base, with no mods). At that point, why spend the base 50 energy for this? Just Zenurik dash, get more energy back and spend the base 25 for your first thrall.

His 2 is definitely weak, especially with everything that can affect it, and no grace period (Seriously? I feel like every time something like this is introduced, this complaint is constantly mentioned). I am not entirely sure why every time DE introduces an Armour mechanic, they don't initially give it a grace period, which so far has proven to be desirable for all frames that utilize such a mechanic (See Rhino and Frost, as examples). You can definitely mod it to be better, but at that point, you might as well just play a frame that performs those functions better (I.E.: Rhino). I am not sure how I'd fix this personally, but I think just a different ability altogether might be the way to go. Status immunity might be nice, especially against Procs that hit HP directly (such as Toxin or Bleed).

His Reave definitely can become pretty pointless, especially versus Grineer. Just from what I have seen, you really don't have a lot of HP to work with, but a S#&$-ton of shields. This is nice, but Toxin and Bleed procs will kill you pretty quickly if you don't mod for those issues in mind. Also, you have a set Wall-width, and you cannot increase the drain? What is the point then?

His 4 is now just pizza-hungry. Not necessarily bad, but not good either. 


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