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Tridolon Coolmunity


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Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed,you gotta have this,u gotta have that and if u mess up even if a little bit,u are treated like a kid who's about to be grounded. Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u.And what bothers me the most is they kinda express themselves the cooler guys.It's all pins and needles when it comes to whisper someone for the invite. It's understandable and all but man, can't people have fun anymore? I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this.As someone in chat said , how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.This is my 1st time posting in forums.I rarely do complaining but this bothers me to the point i had to make a post.I beg your pardon if i offended anyone.Will DE fix it somehow?I'm sad.

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1 minute ago, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed,you gotta have this,u gotta have that and if u mess up even if a little bit,u are treated like a kid who's about to be grounded. Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u.And what bothers me the most is they kinda express themselves the cooler guys.It's all pins and needles when it comes to whisper someone for the invite. It's understandable and all but man, can't people have fun anymore? I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this.As someone in chat said , how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.This is my 1st time posting in forums.I rarely do complaining but this bothers me to the point i had to make a post.I beg your pardon if i offended anyone.Will DE fix it somehow?I'm sad.

You want DE to fix players forming their own squads for Tridolon? wut

Public Teralyst hunts are more than enough to rank up with Quills to get better equipment, you could also consider joining a clan and form groups in there.

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because of some bossy toxic kids in public tridolon, I finally take my time to lvl up my gear and can solo Tridolon now, but will take extra time if solo. Thus, you can H casual tridolon, u as DPS and invite 3 others non-bossy pro kids and have fun. Can run twice Tridolon in 1 night. However, once u get have all the gear to solo Tridolon, there is nothing much to farm anymore from Tridolon (I got energize already) and to me, the flashy skills of Tridolon hurt my eyes, I will only run once in a while when I am in right mood. When forturna drops, I will hunt spider instead coz there is only day in Fortuna, so hopefully the skills wont hurt eyes as much. 

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when u lead the team and main dps output, you don't have to worry whether the teammates are good or not as long as they do their basic works. e.g. Trinity keep 8 lures alive but you can give them advice sometimes like if they don't know how to charge the lures etc. It is far better than joining a diehard squad who keep barking and biting your legs when you are 1 second late from their expectation. -.-'

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Cause it is all about efficiency.Tridolon is a revive nightmare if not well prepared. 

Public Teralyat is good enough for u to enjoy fun. U can use almost anything to beat this, but not Tridolon.

But I admit some ppl just ask too damn high standard for Tridolon hunting party. It doesn't need gear that good to clear the trail.

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I have fun all time. Just play good and be friendly, it's not about community, but about a less headache from players where don't want to improve yourself and want to be accepted from everyone like it was.


And about the community,  we can face toxicity in any game and any mode. And this can't be touched from the dev's, only by the family. Just mute and go ahead. 

Edited by Peter
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 Get strong enough to solo it then only do random bounties,  it's what I did.  sometimes you get a random group with other people that can solo it, and sometimes you get new people you can show what they need to do.


Once you get everything you can to  optimize this hunt soloing it becomes pretty easy.  Sniper riven, deadeye aura, void strike w/x23amp, adarza kavat, trinity, shattering impact Sarpa ( to lower the armor not completely remove it)

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They are a lot easier to get into then raids were. I remember making noob only raids and having to figger the whole thing out because any one with 1 win on a raid would not let you join. 


After i I got good at raids and had over 100 the other problem with elitest players would quit if a single problem popped up at any point in the raid. I started making a ban list ware I would ignore any one who left a raid for any reason as they were a waste of time even tho they thought they were 1337.

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1 minute ago, BDMblue said:

They are a lot easier to get into then raids were. I remember making noob only raids and having to figger the whole thing out because any one with 1 win on a raid would not let you join. 


After i I got good at raids and had over 100 the other problem with elitest players would quit if a single problem popped up at any point in the raid. I started making a ban list ware I would ignore any one who left a raid for any reason as they were a waste of time even tho they thought they were 1337.

The irony of that comment, because real life issues can't be a thing? 

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1 minute ago, BDMblue said:

They are a lot easier to get into then raids were. I remember making noob only raids and having to figger the whole thing out because any one with 1 win on a raid would not let you join. 


After i I got good at raids and had over 100 the other problem with elitest players would quit if a single problem popped up at any point in the raid. I started making a ban list ware I would ignore any one who left a raid for any reason as they were a waste of time even tho they thought they were 1337.

 This isn't what a elitist do, I'm elitist and i never surrender. 

And i love to help new hunters because they will help me later. 

Do not confuse elitist with baby ragers 

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2 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

You want DE to fix players forming their own squads for Tridolon? wut

Public Teralyst hunts are more than enough to rank up with Quills to get better equipment, you could also consider joining a clan and form groups in there.

it was more of a desperate call man.please understand that.

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A double edged sword.

There is the lowered fun factor for some in doing it a specific way but in the end the specific way tends to have the best end results.

Do you want to do 1 or 2 Tridolons or 3 or 4?  That is why they do it that way.

As for people bring up raids those were not hard so much as learning the burden of knowledge to do them. LoR was fairly easy to learn while JV's third part you would need to do often 5+ times while being shown what to do to really learn it and even then you might still forget a part here or there.

But once you knew what to do on raids you could usually have a mess around all limbo group and finish it fairly quickly.

In this Raids were more a knowledge check while tridolons are more a gear check.

Edited by Brorelia
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It's like this because you aren't limited I the amount of Eidolons you can capture in 1 day (astronomical). 

With the old trials, you had 24h to do all 3. Being slow, doesn't limit you from getting the same reward. (talking about arcanes, not the rare crates/credits).

With Eidolons, however, you have to be as efficient as possible in order to get the maximum per night cycle. 

I'm also annoyed by the elitism of the tridolon hunters but I solve that by advertising chill hunts. I'm fine with doing 1-2 per night with people who have little to no experience. I always get people willing to join.

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You only have fun in online games if you have friends, no matter the game or the mode.

They took the raids and the toxicity went to the plains of Eidolon, and now it will come to Venus, and no matter what they do the scene will always repeat itself.

It's no use, it's not the fault of the developers or the game mode, Tridolon is interesting and it's the only thing that holds me in the game yet because I do with my friends, when you do randomly you can wait for anything, as the name says , is random.

Make friends and make your game better.

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5 minutes ago, Robert999220 said:

Its a mode that rewards speed and efficiency, and you are limited to when/how long you can do it for. this creates anger in people when things are going at an optimal pace. unfortunately the mode itself is what draws the toxicity. 

In my experience, it's one of the only modes in WF that has toxicity, some of the players in public hunts are absolute scumbags!

That said, I just ignore them, if they want to shout at a mirror, let them, I won't answer.

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5 hours ago, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?

probably because it's a more serious type of game mode, and most importantly, it's on a time limit: if you mess up a run, you have to wait nearly 2 hours before you get another chance, so these people want every run to go right. unfortunately, like so many poor souls, they don't seem to comprehend the fact that matching with randoms is unpredictable and can yield anything from a bunch of MLG pro's to 3 first time hunters, or god forbid 3 AFK Leechers, and anything else in-between. so whenever the run goes bad for whatever reason, they will take it out on you.

your best defense against toxicity is to avoid PUGs. recruit, run with friends, run with clan members or try your hand at a solo hunt if you have the gear for it. but don't ever expect 100% efficiency from randoms like so many foolish players do.


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6 hours ago, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?

Because DE needlessly timegated the Eidolon/Tridolons.

The protracted "sit and wait" period makes them inconvenient and the narrow "actually do the thing" window stokes the flames of min/maxing efficiency. Since failure could very well mean that you have wasted that cycle and get to "sit and wait" all over again and if there is anything players enjoy more than everything else..... it's being told they can't do the thing they want to do because of an arbitrary timer.

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6 hours ago, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed

It's because the amount of loot from Eidolons you get is strictly dependent on how efficient your team is. If you can only afford one night cycle per day because you work full time or are otherwise occupied, wasting that ONE attempt is not something you want to happen. So, as soon as you graduate from farming Vomvalysts and get your first decent amp, you start looking for teams who aim for one or two full clears per night. Then you farm up your Focus, Amp and Operator Arcanes and start aiming for 3, 4 or even 5 - and at this point, thanks to how inflexible the current speedrun meta is, you either comply or get left behind. 

So yeah, teams tend to look for members that can pull their own weight, who already have experience and equipment. 

One of the ways to solve this would be locking the amount of rewards you can receive from Tridolon hunts per day, like allowing you to launch the Tridolon bounty say, no more than 3 or 4 times in a 24-h period and moving the Arcane rewards to that bounty instead of direct loot. And making Tridolon Bounties run on instanced time, so when you run it, it's ALWAYS night time in Cetus for your group.  As it stands now, with Eidolons being a "kill as many as you can in a 50-minute window" fest, speedrun groups WILL be restrictive and demanding. 

Edited by Reifnir
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6 hours ago, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed,you gotta have this,u gotta have that and if u mess up even if a little bit,u are treated like a kid who's about to be grounded. Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u.And what bothers me the most is they kinda express themselves the cooler guys.It's all pins and needles when it comes to whisper someone for the invite. It's understandable and all but man, can't people have fun anymore? I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this.As someone in chat said , how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.This is my 1st time posting in forums.I rarely do complaining but this bothers me to the point i had to make a post.I beg your pardon if i offended anyone.Will DE fix it somehow?I'm sad.

Every game is like you described, the only thing that matters is how you deal with it. I have had a great time just selecting the tridolon bounty and running outside solo. No issues most of the time

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it's all about efficiency, some ppl just want to use those 50min to make 3-4 tricaps, and you can do it only when everybody knows what to do and do it well

Will DE fix it somehow? - yeah, they can actually rid off day/night cycle, which will make it way more relaxing to hunt

can't people have fun anymore? - believe me - three captured tridolons in one night is fun

how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand. - well, some ppl just dont want to and dont have any obligation to help you, and at least before you go to tridolon caps make sure that you can easily deal with Terry and your equipment are good

Edited by Atekron
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