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Chroma needs a rework


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16 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

I think some players (Like you) need to do more research on Chroma`s History to learn that the Skill was BROKEN since he was launched, it had the WRONG formula and it was making him very Overpowered. What [DE] did was FIX said formula so it would work as intended.

Now, i dont see where he is Useless, i am a Zephyr Main but already Formed my Chroma Prime yesterday and wile doing so noticed how even without his 3rd Ability active he was already soaking up a lot of Shots wile taking very little damage and with it active, enemies were hitting me for 1 damage.

So, considering that, if you who says your a Chroma Main is still having difficulty playing with him, its not because hes weak, its just because you either dont know how to forma him correctly or you dont know how to play him.

Read this... 

And no, chroma was not broken, the moltiplicative buffs were intentional, the only "broken thing" was the double dipping damage and STOP.  

anyway, read it. 


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1 hour ago, Korusagi said:


Oh, and... Please%20take-a-number.jpg?t=15374010218 ... and wait for your turn.

Or maybe we just got too spoiled to always think that.

How do you teach some manners to spoiled kids? Yes, slaps in the face, in the bottom, "mental slaps" even.

Surely, maybe i'm just tired of these threads..


1 hour ago, Kialandi said:

Are you serious? Is Chroma really THAT BAD?

There are more important reworks than Chroma. People like you should calm down and actually look at other warframes.

 $139.99 USD , that is a lot of nines .

i can buy sekiro shadow die twice , red dead redmeption 2 , monsterhunterworld , cyberpunk 2077... (long list)  for a fresh and valuable experience 

instead of mix and match Riv Elite/Vetala armor set with some gold bits on them and a lizard that breath Rainbow from his deformed mouth ...

(and ill still have extra money for milk )

if chroma is not going to be reworked after he finally get the moment of his life , then when ? 

and cold day in hell when you call your fellow consumers a spoiled brats , for advocating pro-consumer future to be added to the game .



Edited by Yatazanami
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excuse me but i just came out of a bad anxiety from worrying about being able to afford chroma prime access and getting into a bad mood that got carried away  between the lack of any rework and someone suggesting to replace spectral scream with elemental swapping. i am sorry @zodiacshinryu that i got over carried away with my personal issues with elemental swapping, your first suggesting about his abilities was good and ok. i just can't remember when i started getting into the terrible mood.

so can we just cease the argument and find a good standing ground.

if it helps at any. i would like to suggest having the elemental swap gimmick in the gear wheel when they add that new gear wheel we have been shown. then at least don't need to worry about cluttering up any abilities cycle abilities like quiver or vuabans abilities. 

honestly i think i was a bit selfish in my argument. 

in its simplest i just wanted chroma to fallow his dragon theme more closely. 

Edited by maddragonmaster
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2 minutes ago, Yatazanami said:


 $139.99 USD , that is a lot of nines .

i can buy sekiro shadow die twice , red dead redmeption 2 , monsterhunterworld , cyberpunk 2077... (long list)  for a fresh and valuable experience 

instead of mix and match Riv Elite/Vetala armor set with some gold bits on them and a lizard that breath Rainbow from his deformed mouth ...

(and ill still have extra money for milk )

if chroma is not going to be reworked after he finally get the moment of his life , then when ? 

and cold day in hell when you to call your fellow consumers a spoiled brats , for advocating pro-consumer future to be added to the game .

You don't have to pay 140 bucks, 80 is enough to get Chroma Prime. Or you don't have to pay anything and just farm him yourself for free.

Someday, perhaps? Does a rework HAVE TO BE TIED to prime or deluxe? No. DE can decide to rework any warframe at any time. Right now Chroma is not in need of immediate rework. He's still viable unlike some other warframes. 

Well, a lot of players are indeed acting like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get their dream phone for Christmas. There was ABSOLUTELY NO WORD about the rework. The fact that you WANT something DOES NOT mean it will happen.

You are not "advocating pro-consumer future". Everyone knows what they are paying for.


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20 minutes ago, Yatazanami said:


 $139.99 USD , that is a lot of nines .

i can buy sekiro shadow die twice , red dead redmeption 2 , monsterhunterworld , cyberpunk 2077... (long list)  for a fresh and valuable experience 

instead of mix and match Riv Elite/Vetala armor set with some gold bits on them and a lizard that breath Rainbow from his deformed mouth ...

(and ill still have extra money for milk )

if chroma is not going to be reworked after he finally get the moment of his life , then when ? 

and cold day in hell when you to call your fellow consumers a spoiled brats , for advocating pro-consumer future to be added to the game .



"and cold day in hell"... I like it 

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23 minutes ago, Kialandi said:

 You don't have to pay 140 bucks, 80 is enough to get Chroma Prime. Or you don't have to pay anything and just farm him yourself for free.


what if i did , like dozens other people , and de didnt make him exclusive to the void (no prime access) so your point is mote .

23 minutes ago, Kialandi said:

Someday, perhaps? Does a rework HAVE TO BE TIED to prime or deluxe? No. DE can decide to rework any warframe at any time. Right now Chroma is not in need of immediate rework. He's still viable unlike some other warframes.

a rework that benefits a frame is always tied with a prime or a deluxe , this is DE bread and butter since forever , but now they dun goofed , they didnt even bother with him 

he was nerfed in no time when plains of eidolon lunched because he was so efficient (DE wont have that) , now explain to me why its taking ages for a rework or a buff ?

and rhino prime surpass him in everyway imaginable .

23 minutes ago, Kialandi said:

Well, a lot of players are indeed acting like a bunch of spoiled brats that didn't get their dream phone for Christmas. There was ABSOLUTELY NO WORD about the rework. The fact that you WANT something DOES NOT mean it will happen.

You are not "advocating pro-consumer future". Everyone knows what they are paying for.

you're so convoluted and delusional and not seeing things clearly , support your favorite devs , but dont blindly defend them when they drop the ball .

Edited by Yatazanami
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1 hour ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

Dear Chroma main players.
Chroma needs a new "rework" that absolutely reinforces him, because as it is now it's not good.
There is no reason why someone should prefer him to other warframes, the characteristics that made him such have been weakened to the pointlessness, now it is already so much if we survive with Chroma.
I would like to ask DE to grant a new rework, not only of his third skill (the one that needs it most for me) but also of all the others.
If you also want a rework of chroma of any kind, resistance as before, damage as before without the double dipping damage, a new first skill, a fourth skill different or anything else, then you can do a post for Chroma on the forum, if you're not agree then don't do anything , do not come to write absurd things, if you do not care, just avoid ... Thanks

It seems like a revolution ahahah.

*sigh* Really, another chroma rework thread. 

Chroma has a decent niche right now, High level assassinates, Plague Star, Eidolon hunts.

  1. So could he use a complete rework? No.
  2. Could he use some tweaking? Yes.

Asking to only hear the voices that want change and ask others to be quiet is unbalanced feedback. 

What needs a revolution is people such as yourself to use this amazing forum feature called "Search Bar" and respond to megathread on this topic instead of coming to GD and jumping on the bandwagon by making another thread.

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38 minutes ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

Read this... 

And no, chroma was not broken, the moltiplicative buffs were intentional, the only "broken thing" was the double dipping damage and STOP.  

anyway, read it. 


the multiplicative buffs were intentional ?

Update 22.12

  • Fixed a longstanding issue with number calculation being multiplicative. Boosts now apply before upgrades instead of after, making the ability consistent with all other damage boosting abilities. Overshields are now considered for Vex Armor. Chroma's Vex Armor remains one of the top performing damage-multipliers in the game - and it's now an aura! Instead of just being focused on Chroma, it can now benefit allies in range.
  • Vex Armor can now be recast to preserve accumulated buffs.

:thinking:hmmmmm really gets your noggin jogging 

Edited by seprent
made the text red since it was invisible on dark theme
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1 minute ago, XzWasPzX said:

Chroma Prime skin is beautiful. Chroma as warframe... meh. Good for bosses because of the 3, but not for regular battles. 

yub and this is the heart of the problem, theres no reason to use him for eidolon or solo gameplay if you have rhino , its not that hard , just make the nezha card guy rework him

and everything will be golden .

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30 minutes ago, Yatazanami said:

what if i did , like dozens other people , and de didnt make him exclusive to the void (no prime access) so your point is mote .

a rework that benefits a frame is always tied with a prime or a deluxe , this is DE bread and butter since forever , but now they dun goofed , they didnt even bother with him 

he was nerfed in no time when plains of eidolon lunched because he was so efficient (DE wont have that) , now explain to me why its taking ages for a rework or a buff ?

and rhino prime surpass him in everyway imaginable .

you're so convoluted and delusional and not seeing things clearly , support your favorite devs , but dont blindly defend them when they drop the ball .

Why is my point mote? You bought him because you thought he got a rework? How would that make my point mote? It's your fault that you did not read the patch notes.

It's not always tied with a prime or deluxe. I don't remember Zephyr, Banshee or Valkyr getting reworked when they got primed. To be honest I don't remember ANY rework being tied to a deluxe skin with the exception of Nezha. My point is that Zephyr and Valkyr got some kind of tweaks before or after they got primed. It WAS NOT tied to their release.

Yeah, DE certainly won't have that...*cough* SARYN *cough*. The math was wrong for 2 whole years and with the release of PoE it became more apparent.

I love your last sentence. You get mad when someone calls you a spoiled brat but you don't hesitate to call me convoluted and delusional.

I can clearly see that warframes like Nyx, Vauban and Wukong need more attention than Chroma. Also let's not forget the upcoming Fortuna update.

Edited by Kialandi
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8 minutes ago, Kialandi said:

I love your last sentence. You get mad when someone calls you a spoiled brat but you don't hesitate to call me convoluted and delusional.

Honestly i think it's just him projecting unto us.

Though spoiled brat is a rather apt name for how a few people are acting on the forum for the past few days.

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lol even tactical potato says he should get a rework eventually i 100% support him getting a rework maybe changing his 1 and 4 to be better and more dragon like features in his abilities like 2 and 3

Edited by FlaminFox
lack of explanation
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Justo ahora, FlaminFox dijo:

lol even tactical potato says he should get a rework eventually i 100% support him getting a rework maybe changing his 1 and 4 to be better and more dragon like

Its pretty obvious. We have a wonderful chroma prime, beautiful and... he will stay in the ship cause he is just inefficient for many reasons. Its a pity, honestly.

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3 hours ago, Thaylien said:

And this is just... look; it's a damage reduction. Toxin and Puncture deal bonus damage to the Ferrite Armour, the substance, that all warframes have, the same as they do to enemies. What this means is that the Damage Reduction value of Armour, when you factor in the bonus damage these abilities do to the substance, is the same as if they were hit by anything else at an equivalently large value.

Toxin deals 25% extra damage to Ferrite, so 100 damage becomes 125. Armour of 95% Damage Reduction means you reduce 125 Damage to 6.25. The exact same function as if you'd been hit by 125 Damage from any other source. The Toxin proc's Poison damage over time is then 50% of that 6.25 damage instead of 50% of the original 100.

Please, do everyone a favor and read again b4 replying with more nonsense:


"It's important to note that type modifiers against armor work in two ways here: they mitigate a percentage of the target's armor, and increase the damage dealt in the same way as a type modifier against the hitpoints would do. Practically speaking, this means that Corrosive b Corrosive damage is only reduced by 25% of a target's whole Ferrite Armor and the base damage is increased by +75%." 

Not only does puncture dmg deal 50% bonus dmg against ferrite targets. But it ignores 50% of our armor value in the dmg calculation aswell.

Lets say I have 300 armor, An enemy hits me for 100 puncture dmg. The dmg gets a 50% boost to 150 dmg, aswell as ignoring half my armor (50%) in the dmg calculation effectively reducing my 300 armor to 150 for the purpose of the dmg calculation.

Had i been hit by an enemy dealing 100 corrosive dmg. Then the dmg would get boosted by 75% to 175 while also ignoring 75% of my armor, which then reduces my 300 armor to 75 armor

Like in my previous post if you bother to actually read it, abilties do not face the same penalty to their dmg reduction, as the dmg reduction comes from the ability not armor


3 hours ago, Thaylien said:

And Bleed procs are the greatest 'over-estimated' function in Warframe. If you're hit with one, it's going to be 35% of the damage dealt after calculations, so if you get hit with 100 damage, but it's Slash damage, not Puncture, then Ferrite Armour takes 15% less damage from it, meaning your Bleed proc you receive is based off 85 total damage that is then reduced by the armour value. If it's 95% damage reduction from your Armour, then you're being dealt a total damage of 4.25 damage, and the Slash is proc'ing Bleed for 1.48 damage per second.

Wrong just wrong. Please stop contributing to the spread of misinformation. Slash procs have always dealt 35% of the dmg b4 any sort of mitigation. 

Also Slash procs ignore all forms of armor mitigation.

In your example that 100 dmg will deal a 35 slash dmg proc no matter what regardless of dmg type or armor.

Do the community a favor, and actually know what you are talking about b4 posting.

3 hours ago, Thaylien said:

This is exactly the same situation that frames like Mesa find themselves in, because they reduce 95% of the damage dealt to them, and it also has the calculations against the frame's base materials, and status procs in exactly the same way.

Read the 1st paragraph of this post on why you are wrong

Edited by Dragazer
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As someone who mains nyx, I think she should have priority over other frames, her 1 and 3 have long casting speeds which open her up to getting killed, her 2 is complete trash and unusable outside of low level content, and her 4 is also terrible without the augment. The augment for her 4 makes it useable, but she is still open to being downed when coming out of it. She is still useable, as is chroma, and i enjoy playing her, but there are other frames who have a higher need for attention.

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1 hour ago, Yatazanami said:

what if i did , like dozens other people , and de didnt make him exclusive to the void (no prime access) so your point is mote .

a rework that benefits a frame is always tied with a prime or a deluxe , this is DE bread and butter since forever , but now they dun goofed , they didnt even bother with him 

he was nerfed in no time when plains of eidolon lunched because he was so efficient (DE wont have that) , now explain to me why its taking ages for a rework or a buff ?

and rhino prime surpass him in everyway imaginable .

you're so convoluted and delusional and not seeing things clearly , support your favorite devs , but dont blindly defend them when they drop the ball .

There is merit to making sure your voice is repeatedly heard to create the critical mass necessary for change.  I’d like to hear from TRUE Chroma mains that understand fully his kit.

And I mean vets with a mature Mod Library who have played for years.

I “main” Volt Prime and when I see “Volt sucks” threads, I laugh at the ignorance.

And I’m smart enough to know that I DON’T have an elite level of understanding for Chroma’s kit.


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1 hour ago, Kialandi said:

Why is my point mote? You bought him because you thought he got a rework? How would that make my point mote? It's your fault that you did not read the patch notes.

your point is mote because theres no reason to buy him for green real cash and, (i'll farm him, i have time) but what about the average scrub ? or the people who

love him and love this game but are busy in life ? they will get even more 💩 deal and they have almost no choice, so in the end both, farmers and buyers

get a bad deal in someway.

1 hour ago, Kialandi said:

It's not always tied with a prime or deluxe. I don't remember Zephyr, Banshee or Valkyr getting reworked when they got primed. To be honest I don't remember ANY rework being tied to a deluxe skin with the exception of Nezha. My point is Zephyr and Valkyr got some kind of tweaks before or after they got primed. It WAS NOT tied to their release.

i'll tell you why , once upon the time DE actually cared about the end game and the mechanic of this game and reworked frames at random times, the laziness

started with only doing that when they release a prime or a deluxe , and now its going to change even more with this chroma prime (no rework) even when he

needs it bad and you glided all over my points of why DE was quick to nerf him to 💩 but its okay (according to you) to not give him a buff  now ?

(let alone a rework)

1 hour ago, Kialandi said:

Yeah, DE certainly won't have that...*cough* SARYN *cough*. The math was wrong for 2 whole years and with the release of PoE it became more apparent.

you're clearly biased to DE no matter what , explain this to me , why DE was quick to:

nerf the loot chance and the rate for Nekros desecrate , make pilfring swarm not be effected by power str , cap atlas Ore Gaze to 50% (it was 100% before) ,

eradicating draco and peacemaker greedy combo (there was no exploit, only synergy) and many more stuff,  but its okay to be lazy by not giving a costumer who

is paying real cash a better value ? by reworking a frame to have synergy and usability ? Blasphemy ! (in your voice) 

1 hour ago, Kialandi said:

I love your last sentence. You get mad when someone calls you a spoiled brat but you don't hesitate to call me convoluted and delusional.

you started this , calling us spoiled brats  (total insult, flaming, and not respectful or constructive) but when i do the same to you i am the mad one now ? please .

1 hour ago, Kialandi said:

 I can clearly see that warframes like Nyx, Vauban and Wukong need more attention than Chroma. Also let's not forget the upcoming Fortuna release.

they deserve a rework , but now right now where Chroma is the frame for the current prime access ,  he supposed to get a better look , theres no better time than this.

now imagine if fortuna released , you think he will be able to climb DE priority over the amount of bugs and attention fortuna will force DE into ? be real with yourself man .

Edited by Yatazanami
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Just now, Yatazanami said:

they deserve a rework , but now right now where Chroma is the frame for the current prime access ,  he supposed to get a better look , theres no better time than now.

Chroma is in a state that's far better then several other frames who are more deserving of a rework than him.

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