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Can someone please explain to me kindly why "Nezha is a trap" gets you a chat suspension?



 So, recently (AKA within the last hour) I posted the comment "Nezha is a trap" in Region chat and was so generously rewarded with a chat suspension.

A: Why?

This utterly harmless comment shouldn't result in a suspension.

B: Was this really necessary?

No, it wasn't. Harmless bullS#&$tery like that shouldn't cause a completely unnecessary suspension.

C: Does this violate any conditions or terms or anything like that related to what moderators can do?

I really have no clue. 

I welcome kind and logical explanations. Please keep politics out of this conversation as best as possible.

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1 minute ago, TheAlmightyPickle said:

I'm aware of what the term means. My question is why the comment is so important as to require an immediate chat suspension upon simply uttering the "foul and vulgar" term.

I believe the term is "zero tolerance policy" its not "just" that phrase either btw. Also has something to do with Canadian law iirc.

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1 minute ago, TheAlmightyPickle said:

I'm aware of what the term means. My question is why the comment is so important as to require an immediate chat suspension upon simply uttering the "foul and vulgar" term.

Quite frankly, "the devs wanted to" is the only level of "important" the devs ever need to do anything. They could ban you for using the Boltor Prime with Rhino Prime if they wanted to, Warframe is their legal property. They won't do that, but I need to illustrate how the devs don't owe the fanbase anything, the devs don't owe you region chat, and if they want to ban you for saying "Nezha" and "trap" in the same sentence they can

As for why Nezha got hit with this, remember that Nezha is a Chinese sun god, and the devs are owned in part by a Chinese publishing company. When they made the Nezha frame, they knew they needed to tread very carefully lest they be seen as disrespectful. After that effort, I am not surprised they're looking at people posting "lol tranny frame" and glaring disapprovingly

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6 minutes ago, TheAlmightyPickle said:

I'm aware of what the term means. My question is why the comment is so important as to require an immediate chat suspension upon simply uttering the "foul and vulgar" term.

It's not about it being offensive.
It's about it being about sexuality.
The developers want you to enjoy the video game, not flirt with it.. or it's players.

It's unnecessary, it's not relevant, and losing that term does not negatively impact game play.

Basic social decorum man. No one's stripping your rights as a human being to ask you politely to pump the brakes.

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2 minutes ago, Sean said:

varying groups that perceive that word differently,

It's not about sensitivity to gender issues.

It's about sexualizing their video game characters..
let alone one that's based off of a child god, in a region that they are business partners with.

I get that people think that barring words is always infringement of their rights in some way.

The devs have curated a game that doesn't deal with sex, or sexuality.. not in it's marketing or it's premise.
It's all specifically ambiguous because it is not a matter of their content, and preferably not a part of the experience.

When people go out of their way to drag sex into it so hard that they make a meme, they are trolling..
and yes, that sort of based Old idle banter about flaming people's sexual identity, is not a matter of discussion within the confines of the game.
...Because DE is wise, and reasonable.

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9 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

It's not about sensitivity to gender issues.

It's about sexualizing their video game characters..
let alone one that's based off of a child god, in a region that they are business partners with.

I get that people think that barring words is always infringement of their rights in some way.

The devs have curated a game that doesn't deal with sex, or sexuality.. not in it's marketing or it's premise.
It's all specifically ambiguous because it is not a matter of their content, and preferably not a part of the experience.

When people go out of their way to drag sex into it so hard that they make a meme, they are trolling..
and yes, that sort of based Old idle banter about flaming people's sexual identity, is not a matter of discussion within the confines of the game.
...Because DE is wise, and reasonable.

Happens anyways with other words.


They just opted to ban over "trap" and "gay", which the latter I find especially funny considering they have a partnered streamer who uses that as their only personality trait and has it in their name.


Minor edit:

Even in DE's own streams they sexualize Warframes so would be exceptionally hypocritical of them... which is usually the case with their behavior on-stream vs what they ban over in-game.

Edited by Sean
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1 minute ago, Sean said:

Happens anyways with other words.

...they have a partnered streamer..

When those other words are edgy memes, they'll get reviewed for a ban, too.
Well that's that individual streamer's position.. and it's Their name on the checks made through their own content, not the devs.

I really just wanted to try to make it clear.

Everyone gets that you not everyone agrees with it,
but it's DE's choice, is it done with the curation of their game experience in mind,
and it filters out based garbage talk about sex, easily.

Whether or not that settles the matter for you, that's just what it is,
and no amount of threads snickering about, "sneaking the word in again," will change that.

I'm bailing out of this mess.
It's full of hooks.

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3 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

When those other words are edgy memes, they'll get reviewed for a ban, too.
Well that's that individual streamer's position.. and it's Their name on the checks made through their own content, not the devs.

I really just wanted to try to make it clear.

Everyone gets that you not everyone agrees with it,
but it's DE's choice, is it done with the curation of their game experience in mind,
and it filters out based garbage talk about sex, easily.

Whether or not that settles the matter for you, that's just what it is,
and no amount of threads snickering about, "sneaking the word in again," will change that.

I'm bailing out of this mess.
It's full of hooks.


Yeah, they can do what they want, still hypocritical behavior.


2 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

Because it's a common transphobic slur, and you are not the arbiter of what's harmless to other people.

To some, not all.

I suggest doing a bit of research on the word, actually began as a complimentary term, then got twisted by some, but still retains a bit of its initial meaning.


That's why it would be best to allow people to block words that they feel are insulting towards them.

Those that don't get offended can keep that out of their blocklist, those that do then never have to see it.

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9 hours ago, NinthAria said:

Because it's a common transphobic slur, and you are not the arbiter of what's harmless to other people.

Except it has nothing to do with trans people. It's about crossdressing and has nothing to do with sexual orientation or identification. Stop kink-shaming and appropriating others' culture. You're probably one of those people that attacks drag queens too, eh?

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Last time I checked a trap is:
a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape


a dangerous or unpleasant situation which you have got into and from which it is difficult or impossible to escape

I dont see a necessity to ban the word at all.

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3 hours ago, FlyingDice said:

Except it has nothing to do with trans people. It's about crossdressing and has nothing to do with sexual orientation or identification. Stop kink-shaming and appropriating others' culture. You're probably one of those people that attacks drag queens too, eh?

Ignoring for a moment your attempt at moving the goalpost, I am...well and truly perplexed at the notion that pointing out something as a common slur constitutes kink-shaming, cultural appropriation, or a veiled attack on drag queens--let alone all three at once. Would you care to elaborate on how you arrived at this conclusion based solely on my using the phrase "Because it's a common transphobic slur"? Because I feel like there's a piece missing here that I'm not privy to.

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3 hours ago, Takkov said:


Last time I checked a trap is:
a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape


a dangerous or unpleasant situation which you have got into and from which it is difficult or impossible to escape

I dont see a necessity to ban the word at all.



From what I read in the mod chat pic Sean posted there's some bias going on when it comes to the use of that word.... I mean sure lets use some obscure 3rd meaning of the word and assume everyone means that when using it instead of the two more common uses of it.


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7 minutes ago, Calistin said:

I mean sure lets use some obscure 3rd meaning of the word and assume everyone means that when using it instead of the two more common uses of it.

Nezha is neither a device/hole for capture nor an unpleasant situation, you are not in any situation going to refer to Nezha as either of those things.

Honestly, I've never cared either which way because I don't use region, but some of the arguments presented against the suspension are just pathetic. When people refer to Nezha as a trap, that is the one and only meaning that they are referring to.

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5 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Nezha is neither a device/hole for capture nor an unpleasant situation, you are not in any situation going to refer to Nezha as either of those things.

Honestly, I've never cared either which way because I don't use region, but some of the arguments presented against the suspension are just pathetic. When people refer to Nezha as a trap, that is the one and only meaning that they are referring to.

I don't use region much either as like most region chats it's not worth reading much.  That said I wasn't talking about the word Nehzra but the word "trap", it was a follow up to the person I quoted so I dunno how you got that mixed up?

That said I don't really care if they issue auto ban chats for using the word nehzra and trap in the same sentence as long as they don't just auto ban for using the work trap without nehzra being in the there.

Anyways it is what it is.

Edited by Calistin
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