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Atlas Prime When?


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we're due two female primes first, most likely Mesa Prime and Equinox Prime. after that, it's back to males, and Atlas will get his chance. 

as for my hopes, I want golden rock fists and/or golden Rumblers. in fact no, just make all his Rocks from every ability look like giant golden nuggets. (because they taste yeeeee-haawwww!)


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I dont think that Mesa, Octavia or Nidus will get a Prime skin in the future. They are different than other frames in terms how to get them and in terms of power level. If they would get a prime version they all should be locked behind MR 8 or 10 at least and the most parts sould be rare.

Edited by DerGreif2
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5 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

I dont think that Mesa, Octavia or Nidus will get a Prime skin in the future. They are different than other frames in terms how to get them and in terms of power level. If they would get a prime version they all should be locked behind MR 8 or 10 at least and the most parts sould be rare.

DE said that every frame will get a prime.
And these 3 are not outstandingly strong comared to other frames that already got a prime.

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55 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

I dont think that Mesa, Octavia or Nidus will get a Prime skin in the future. They are different than other frames in terms how to get them and in terms of power level. If they would get a prime version they all should be locked behind MR 8 or 10 at least and the most parts sould be rare.

DE has said all frames will get Prime versions. All frames.

@OP: Mesa/Equinox (December 2018/March 2019), Atlas/Wukong (June 2019/September 2019) based on the MM/FF pattern tied to release date, with the next 2 frames being interchangeable. So its next June at best, or next September at worst.

Edited by Jarriaga
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2 girls, 2 guys in order:

Ash Male 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Ember Female 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Excalibur Male 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Loki Male 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Mag Female 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Rhino Male 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Trinity Female 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Volt Male 10-25-2012 Vanilla

Frost Male 01-29-2013 Update 6.0

Nyx Female 01-29-2013 Update 6.0

Banshee Female 03-18-2013 Update 7

Saryn Female 03-18-2013 Update 7

Vauban Male 05-17-2013 Update 7.11

Nova Female 07-13-2013 Update 9.0

Nekros Male 09-13-2013 Update 10.0

Valkyr  Female 11-20-2013 Update 11.0

Oberon Male 12-19-2013 Update 11.5

Zephyr Female 02-05-2014 Update 12.0

Hydroid Male 04-09-2014 Update 13.0

Mirage Female 07-18-2014 Update 14.0

Limbo Male 10-24-2014 Update 15.0

Mesa Female 11-27-2014 Update 15.5

Chroma Male 03-19-2015 Update 16.0

Equinox Female 07-31-2015 Update 17.0

Atlas Male 10-01-2015 Update 17.5

Wukong Male 11-25-2015 Update 17.12

Ivara Female 12-03-2015 Update 18.0

Nezha Male 12-16-2015 Update 18.1

Inaros Male 03-04-2016 Update 18.5

Titania Female 08-19-2016 Update: The Silver Grove

Nidus Male 12-22-2016 Update 19.5

Octavia Female 03-24-2017 Update 20.0

Harrow Male 06-29-2017 Update 21.0

Gara Female 10-12-2017 Update 22.0

Khora Female 04-20-2018 Update 22.18

Excalibur Umbra Male 06-15-2018 Update 23.0

Revenant Male 08-24-2018 Update 23.5


you can easily predict the next prime.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Atlas prime would need a major rework or a major boost in base stats.

Either they give him a skill with damage reduction like warding halo or shattershield or they give a strong boost in armor and HP.

Right now its not a great tank or a good damage dealer, its very meh in all aspects.

So either make it a good tank (Rock frame i would expect so) or boost offensive capabilities, his punch looks impressive but it doesnt scale at all and its underwhelming on armored targets.

I would prefer a Uber tank tbh sinxe kt would match its theme better.

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59 minutes ago, Bacl said:

Atlas prime would need a major rework or a major boost in base stats.

Either they give him a skill with damage reduction like warding halo or shattershield or they give a strong boost in armor and HP.

Right now its not a great tank or a good damage dealer, its very meh in all aspects.

So either make it a good tank (Rock frame i would expect so) or boost offensive capabilities, his punch looks impressive but it doesnt scale at all and its underwhelming on armored targets.

I would prefer a Uber tank tbh sinxe kt would match its theme better.

Wait One Punch Atlas isn't a good damage dealer.....?

You sir need to learn to mod him me thinks, and yes he is a bad tank because he's not a tank unless his invulnerability during his #1 counts.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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7 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Wait One Punch Atlas isn't a good damage dealer.....?

You sir need to learn to mod him me thinks, and yes he is a bad tank because he's not a tank unless his invulnerability during his #1 counts.

Ok we might not be on the same frequdncy here.

His 1 is strong yes but it doesnt scale well and it has limited range. Atlas was more or less designed to be a tank, they gave him descent base stats to do so and even implemented the rubble mechanic (a truly sad attempt that is) to make it last longer in missions but yet again he cant compete with Nezha with Warding Halo alone.

For something that is "themed to be a rock" he is rather squishy. Right now what we have is a "mage" with a bulletproof vest that do not tank or cause as much damage as other options.

It is having an identity crisis right now.

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Mesa. ~Dec 18'

Equinox. ~March 19'

Atlas. ~June 19'

Wukong. ~Sep 19'

Ivara. ~Dec 19'

Titania. ~March 20'

Nezha. ~June 20'

Inaros. ~Sep 20'

Octavia. ~Dec 20'

Gara. ~March 21'

Nidus. ~June 21'

Harrow. ~Sep 21'

Khora. ~Dec 21'

Garuda. ~March 22'

Revenant. ~June 22'

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1 hour ago, Bacl said:

Ok we might not be on the same frequdncy here.

His 1 is strong yes but it doesnt scale well and it has limited range. Atlas was more or less designed to be a tank, they gave him descent base stats to do so and even implemented the rubble mechanic (a truly sad attempt that is) to make it last longer in missions but yet again he cant compete with Nezha with Warding Halo alone.

For something that is "themed to be a rock" he is rather squishy. Right now what we have is a "mage" with a bulletproof vest that do not tank or cause as much damage as other options.

It is having an identity crisis right now.

I think is punch is decent.  Sure, it doesn't scale, but I can keep spamming it until the dude(s) I am punching are dead.  But I am not going to complain if DE can figure out a method for an open ended damage multiplier on a per enemy basis that reduces the amount of spamming I have to do kill the dude(s) I am punching.  The damage part of his other powers however leave much to be desired.

I definitely agree that Atlas isn't tanky enough and especially not tanky enough on demand.  I like the rubble armor in concept, but in play, it takes a little bit too much time and goes away too fast to be truly useful in anything but endless missions where you can build it up and maintain it.  Ultimately, it is far too much work for 1500 armor that decays so rapidly when I can just pick another tanky frame that has far better survivalbility with a whole lot less work.  Additionally, I like my offensive powers to require active play, but I like my survival powers to be more passive/fire-and-forget which Atlas is the complete opposite of.  Right now, I think Atlas is better off just spamming punches or petrifying enemies to survive far more than building/maintaining his rubble armor.

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30 minutes ago, Saturmorn_Carvilli said:

I think is punch is decent.  Sure, it doesn't scale, but I can keep spamming it until the dude(s) I am punching are dead.  But I am not going to complain if DE can figure out a method for an open ended damage multiplier on a per enemy basis that reduces the amount of spamming I have to do kill the dude(s) I am punching.  The damage part of his other powers however leave much to be desired.

I definitely agree that Atlas isn't tanky enough and especially not tanky enough on demand.  I like the rubble armor in concept, but in play, it takes a little bit too much time and goes away too fast to be truly useful in anything but endless missions where you can build it up and maintain it.  Ultimately, it is far too much work for 1500 armor that decays so rapidly when I can just pick another tanky frame that has far better survivalbility with a whole lot less work.  Additionally, I like my offensive powers to require active play, but I like my survival powers to be more passive/fire-and-forget which Atlas is the complete opposite of.  Right now, I think Atlas is better off just spamming punches or petrifying enemies to survive far more than building/maintaining his rubble armor.

He need a active damage reduction skill or the rubble mechanic should increase with kills (from any source).

Imagine if everytime you killed something (or assisted in killing) you would get a permanent rubble stack. Since each stacks represents 1 armor point, playing for a long time and killing stuff would make it scale naturally by simply doing the mission.

Passive tank frame that would scale by playing and allowing players to enjoy Atlas the way they want.

Just need a small tweak to its passive.

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16 hours ago, Bacl said:

Atlas prime would need a major rework or a major boost in base stats.

Either they give him a skill with damage reduction like warding halo or shattershield or they give a strong boost in armor and HP.

Right now its not a great tank or a good damage dealer, its very meh in all aspects.

So either make it a good tank (Rock frame i would expect so) or boost offensive capabilities, his punch looks impressive but it doesnt scale at all and its underwhelming on armored targets.

I would prefer a Uber tank tbh sinxe kt would match its theme better.

My Atlas has hit over 8 million damage. His damage is perfectly fine and adaptation made him much more survivable. His only issue is his 2, his 2 sucks. If they made it like give him armor or something it would be perfect.

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On 2018-09-28 at 5:31 AM, Im_a_Turtle said:

Which prime is next after the Chroma? I can't remember the order of releases per frame. 


What are your guys' hopes for Atlas Prime?

You ment to say " Atlas re-re-rework when " , right?

Edited by Spectre-8
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