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Let's Talk: Content Drought - What DE can learn from this


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14 hours ago, (PS4)Napalm13b said:

What does anyone benefit from making excuses for DE? Do those ppl not want the game to be better? If all my customers just made excuses for my business' short comings, we would go downhill very fast and so will they. I think we should always push for the DE to make the game a far better experience. Keep in mind they are a business and we control the money they receive so why not ask for things to get better?

In short; I would like to know why you (if you are one of the people who do it) make excuses for them while not actually knowing the reasoning behind the problems with update delivery or other issues with the game.

You answered your own question. People are giving DE the benefit of the doubt BECAUSE they DON’T actually know the reasoning behind the problems with issues. The public is NOT privy to everything behind the scenes. DE has nothing but good intentions, this is NOT something they take lightly. They work weekends and they work 24 hours a day just to bring updates or fix issues overnight. We all know this! Can you give constructive feedback and possible solutions instead of just pointing out that there are unspecified issues? What solutions and contributions have you brought to the table, if any? Some people just can’t be satisfied... 

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4 hours ago, Corvid said:


sorry it seems you didnt really get what i've said, so let me say this again and clear
i didnt state that many people play pvp in warframe, did i? no i didnt
i said that it's wrong to assume that no one ever came in warframe thinking about pvp
try again harder, but try to really read before ok? good

Edited by -.SP.-G43riel
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2 hours ago, (PS4)ChiefDevilEggs said:

Am I the only one who wants a mode where we have literally HUNDREDS of enemies coming at us at once!? Like some sort of Battle mode?? THAT WOULD BE SO EPIIIIC!!!

i agree with this statement personally i would love kinda a big last stand kinda thing with warhammer retribution

go to the tau system and kill as many as possible before they get you 

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I don't think you are being creative enough to believe that we can't have both. 

You most certainly can balance a power fantasy, it is just difficult to do so. 


The dichotomy I think you mean is "do you want it to be easy or hard". Just because you are powerful, it doesn't mean it is easy. Also, it is not a dichotomy in the first place, contrary to popular belief a grey area does exist. 

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DE is pumping out as much content as they cant with more than enough love than they should be legally be allowed to put into it.
>:U ya hear that DE stop spoiling us with all this love you shower onto us.

It's getting a very annoying that there are so many people an even youtubers saying that there is content droughts, lack of content, not enough of new content. But Do those people take in account that are beloved makers of Warframe are people to they are not cephalons constantly working non stop.
No they are made of flesh an blood, they have lives an families to go home to every day.

They don't have to put soo much time an effort into making the game as amazing as it is, but they do as it's both a labor of there love an what brings food to there tables.
Yes i do dread the wait between new content but that what makes all the new stuff so much more enjoyable. Its the wait an learning of how the progress is on what they are working on.

DE has put tons of the thoughts an feelings of there players into every new feature, update an hotfix they done. 
So many things they done just cause of player memes to ideas we the player base has talked about  that DE took an made into actual content in game.

I love warframe as each year it's not the same game its a game an half more than it was before.

To all you members of Digital Extremes i have to say that i respect every single one of you, for all the blood, sweat, tears, an sleepless nights you have poured into this game.
I will always love warframe an every one of your staff will not be just amazing people but people who actually know how to get work done an have abit of fun along the way.

idk why this post that was used to make my own topic was moved into this topic 

Edited by (XB1)ShadowBlood89
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DE works on various upcoming features through trail an error
Not all things they are working on will be listed off every time they think of them up
They have to test the various additions, fixes, changed, reworks to make sure they are not gonna be totally janked
Having to program said features an stuff into the game code
Go through several dozen concept ideas for new items, enemies, weapons, skins.
Figure out how to improve already in game features.
Developing new features takes time, money an energy.

But hey you want content 700% faster but then will complain that DE didn't quality control check it cause of community complaining of no new content. 

Then there is the fact that DE is not a massively large company that employees over a thousand people to work onto the game. Thus making only a handful of people are working in certain areas of development.

original poster 😄 do you know how to code, render, an run all the various things in a game if not how about you dont complain about the time it takes to release new content as you clearly don't know a thing about how making games work

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Meta complaints are one of my favorite things because they are just as delusional as the baseless complaints of the very people you're trying to counter. You're the opposite end of the spectrum. For every "DE gets nothing done" there is a "DE are game dev gods who can do anything and any criticism can be explained away by their team size/company size/trying their best/etc."

The only issue I have is that DE has a ton to be criticized for. They're doing a lot better than they were in 2017, I will say, but they also still do some really silly things. There are 5 year old bugs that don't get addressed, we still have the worst moderation I've seen in a game of this caliber, they add a lot of really shallow "new" content without expanding on what exist as much.

Yeah, DE's employees are only human, and a lot of my gripes rest with the designers and community managers, and not the programmers and artists who do the more heavy day to day stuff. The people who criticized DE are criticizing the people who make the big decisions. Those people are worthy of criticism, and complaining about the idea of developers you like getting criticized is a dumb complaint. You're caring more than they do I assure you, because no matter how many people call this game S#&$, they're still making a metric #*!% ton of money.

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58 minutes ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

original poster 😄 do you know how to code, render, an run all the various things in a game if not how about you dont complain about the time it takes to release new content as you clearly don't know a thing about how making games work

you don't need to know how to sing to know that a person sings bad
you don't need to be a mechanic to understand something is wrong with your car
you don't need to make movies to understand how bad a movie is
you don't need to write books to recognize a bad book...
...list keeps going.... 
...at last you dont need to be a game designer or developer in order to judge or to find problems in a game

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19 hours ago, (PS4)Napalm13b said:

What does anyone benefit from making excuses for DE? Do those ppl not want the game to be better? If all my customers just made excuses for my business' short comings, we would go downhill very fast and so will they. I think we should always push for the DE to make the game a far better experience. Keep in mind they are a business and we control the money they receive so why not ask for things to get better?

In short; I would like to know why you (if you are one of the people who do it) make excuses for them while not actually knowing the reasoning behind the problems with update delivery or other issues with the game.

Retorting to the complaints about content draught is not making excuses. Its to bring attention to how most of the community need constant updates and a ton of garbage or else its the end of the world. 

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15 hours ago, Acos said:

I have a general distaste for "doom! threads", of which the internet has too many. The world has too many actual problems for those to ever come off seriously.

Thank you, exactly. When a discussion about Warframe becomes so heated, toxic, salty, opinionated, passionate that would befit real problems, I see no point in it. I play games to have fun, period. Yes, we can have serious discussions on games too, but there's a point that certain lines are crossed.

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23 minutes ago, Pr1A said:

I'm a bit out of the loop, what exactly is going on? Why are people so salty?

Cause they have the the *perception* of content drought...a thing that comes in cycles in Warframe, and I am playing for almost 2 years, mr24...

 Some YouTubers made some (pointless) videos these days about that "issue" (which was there back from the start I've played) and then It has become a thing to debate with rage. We live in the Age Of Complain And Perception. Face It. 😁

Edited by (PS4)nating51
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1 minute ago, (XB1)Architect Prime said:

There's been some polarizing things lately. 

I agree...I just think most of it is blown WAY out of proportion.  I'm not saying there's not a little truth in most of it...but only a "little" truth.  Not these mountains of "OMG ITS ALL GONNA COME CRASHING DOWN!!!" bs that people would have you believe.

"Polarizing" is well-put.  People think everything is either "Best EVER!"" or "Trash".  This isn't unique to Warframe, of course...it seems to be an internet thing.  I dunno.  

I think people just need to chill, walk away from the game for a few hours, and breathe.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)nating51 said:

Cause they have the the *perception* of content drought...a thing that comes in cycles in Warframe (and I am playing for almost 2 years, mr24). Now some YouTubers made some (pointless) videos about that issue and now that is a thing all people are talking about.. We live in the Age Of Complain And Perception. Face It. 😁

Sad, but true.  These days, YouTubers preach the "gospel" according to the masses.  If so-and-so says it's that way, it MUST be the truth! /s

Noone seems to think for themselves, they just regurgitate what they've heard somewhere else, and justify it with their own twisted logic.

And this whole "Content Drought" nonsense really has gotten way out of hand.

There is no friggin' drought!

There IS a period of time between one release and the next....but that is by no means a "drought".   I mean.... as I've said elsewhere, it's like claiming that you ate at Breakfast, but since Lunch hasn't been served yet, you're going through a famine.  That's bs.  Lunch is currently being prepared. You're just impatient. (not YOU you, more general "you".)  

People really do need to just learn to friggin' wait....heaven forbid 😛

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Either side of an argument "Can" be right, its just a case of who is right and why.  Making a claim and then backing it up with some logic tends to be better than just the average rant/iquit type of thread, doesnt help that in a lot of tv/films/games constructive criticism these days is just seen as instant trolling and people jump to twitter/forums/etc to defend.... well, anything just to be heard, even if they arent fully in the know.

As for this thread?, some specifics would help otherwise there is nothing but vague ambiguity.

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