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Let's Talk: Content Drought - What DE can learn from this


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2 minutes ago, whoshotya1978 said:

It's about time for new enemies a new fraction. 

Sentients are being expanded. 

3 minutes ago, whoshotya1978 said:

. New areas on the star chart 

Fortuna, railjack, and tau

4 minutes ago, whoshotya1978 said:

. A new storyline 

The new war. 


All in all, the things you want are coming but these things take time. 

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mate, what do you think DE are doing? they aren't sitting on their hands and watching posts on the forum for shsih and giggles, they are working on giving you what you want.

new enemies? coming with Fortuna. new area on the starchart? that's Fortuna. new Storyline? fortuna. are you starting to sense a theme here?

DE are always working on content but you cannot expect them to just magic it up out of thin air, we're gonna be waiting a while longer, so until then, find something else to do like the rest of us, rather than stating the obvious. smh.

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4 minutes ago, whoshotya1978 said:

It's just a suggestion 

Sounds like you’re complaining more than suggesting if you ask me.

The new content will come out when it comes out. I’d rather have an update where it’s not rushed with no bugs than an update that is rushed with an insane amount of bugs that is unplayable.

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4 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

We can have both. You don't have to alter your casual starchart grinding experience to give vets a challenge. Just introduce challenging content.

If Elite Alerts come out as they've been showcased in the Prime Time, then you can be sure to see lots of incoming "This is too hard!" threads.

There should be some kind of enemy treat to the warframe. 

New bosses or something ..

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4 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

We can have both. You don't have to alter your casual starchart grinding experience to give vets a challenge. Just introduce challenging content.

If Elite Alerts come out as they've been showcased in the Prime Time, then you can be sure to see lots of incoming "This is too hard!" threads.

There should be some kind of enemy treat to the warframe. 

New bosses or something ..

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14 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

ahh memories. they were't that challenging IMO, challenging was was dealing with those bloody Surveyors and their constant hit and run BS, or fighting a Super Bada$$ Loader with it's 6 cannons and waiting about 5 hours for it to stop firing.

personally I could go either way, though if I want real challenge, there's games like Bloodborne and Nioh that provide. Warframe seems to work best as a full-on power fantasy IMO, and wiping out mobs in an instant brings me enjoyment. this is one of those things where there's no easy answer, because we're always gonna be divided on this.

Rabid stalkers offered more challenge than —any— WF unit outside a manic with its invulnerability cheese or hyenas.. Noxes are mildly fun to put down if only for their outraged howl on death. BL AI are simply more engaging. Better mechanics, epic and humor.

Surveyors take patience and a little timing, otherwise they are not much of a threat outside the sclerotic bad a* variant.

bada* loaders or Saturn, each class had a a way of downing them fast, distracting them or face tanking them. EOS was a different matter. In BL2 there were always creative ways to shut down enemy AI, and use weapons with skills (people still come up with new ones).

Compare a slaughter dome, DeathTrap, The Guardian, Flint, Pete, Vermi or Hyperious with Ruk.

Tyl Regor is the one semi amusing fight I can think of.

but my point is both cheeze slaughter and more challenge can be supported. Pick your op level vault hunter or grift level nephalem. 

Of the two, Grifts are an interesting model. The elite packs are larger, with more modifiers and more numerous the higher you go.

Edited by (PS4)teacup775
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18 minutes ago, xcenic said:

According to forums rules you swear and should be warned. But since you are praising DE you get ignored. 

Quickly brothers let us away for the grand conspiracy has been uncovered~

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn *vanishes into the night*


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1 hour ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:


Why was the "Vote power/challenge" thread merged with this one where said issue's more of a sidenote?

I think the implication that DE has to focus on either "power" or "challenge" is that there might be an identity problem, or a need to change the way things are now.

To some people, the solution is challenge in an effort to alleviate boredom.  To others, they prefer a direction centered around power.  Frankly, in my opinion, you need both since they compliment each other.  You can't understand cleanliness without the concept of dirt.

And how do you get more power or challenge?  >>DE releases more content.

Hence the content debate.


EDIT: But yeah, there's been some weird migration lately.  Maybe there needs to be one giant megathread on this or something to organize it all.

Edited by PR0JAX
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Feedback is one thing, and that belongs on the actual FEEDBACK forums, but here on GD, most of what I've seen has been nothing but regurgitated rants, practically copied and pasted from YouTubers or other threads.   Not to get political, but it's like watching the 2016 US Elections all over again.  People repeat crap they don't understand, and think that the team can just snap their fingers and make it so...

That being said, I'd love to see someone here who demands "more content" actually write a Warframe-related STORY.  Like an actual book.  It could be just a few chapters, even.  I want to see it done within a, let's say.... 6 week period?  Yup.  I also want constant updates on it, the story has to please -everyone-, and as soon as it's done, and I better not find any typos...., I expect another one a few weeks later!  And on and on into infinity...

I'm serious, too. 

Because that's essentially what is being demanded of DE.  And before anyone gets off complaining that I'm "White Knighting", I assure you I'm not.  I'm just trying to point out that Warframe has been active and growing for over FIVE YEARS now.  That's longer than most FILM franchises.  That's a HUGE accomplishment.  It's grown SO far beyond what was expected when it first launched.

People need to understand that in it's "middle age", so to speak, maybe it isn't gonna grow as fast as it used to, either.  Hell, I'm just glad it's still alive!  Name 2 other games that have been active and GROWING, consistently, for over 5 years?  

People don't seem to want to accept that Warframe may have just passed its peak and is slowing down, getting more focused on what it wants to become, and less focused on just tossing out random guns and blades every other week.   I feel Fortuna will be its second wind, and that's not a bad thing.  Warframe is in a good place right now for those discovering it.  For those who've been here since the beginning.....cool. neat. Glad you enjoyed it, please come again!   

The idea that DE NEEDS to have new "content" for everyone all the time is absurd.  When I was a kid, that meant paying for another game cart/disc -entirely-.   At the very least, these days, that'd equate to a paid DLC.  But y'all just want more, more MOOOOOOOOOAR.....

Friggin' gluttons, I swear..  *sigh*

And mind you, this mini-rant is not aimed at those of us who just want to suggest some improvements or critques....it's aimed at those who just wanna scarf down their steak and complain that there isn't MORE steak already hot 'n' ready on their plates!  They want steakhouse quality at a FREE buffet.  It's just irking the ever-living hell outta me to see the community act so entitled, and what's worse is no matter how much you hold up a mirror for them, they refuse to acknowledge it. 

Can't change if you can't accept there's a problem in the first place.

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