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What is your daily Warframe routine?


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Lately, I've been getting kinda bored with doing the same things in WF.

Dailies, PoE Bounty spam, Kuva farming, Hydron XP farming, then the occasional relic hunt which takes half an hour of spamming in Recruit chat before finding a full team.

I don't even feel like increasing my MR just because it's Hydron farming with weapons I don't get to use. And if I actually do level them by playing regular missions, they'd just feel underwhelming just because they're weak without any mods.

What's your daily routine that keeps you engaged within the game? Maybe share something others might not know to be enjoyable that you do

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*A couple of relic runs (if "fast" ones are available)

*Maybe a couple of syndicate missions to slowly collect medallions for future use

*An elite alert



In between I check the foundry to see what's going on (mostly the daily forma routine) and maybe post a couple of WTS messages on the trade channel. Of course, if there is anything out of the ordinary, like orokin catalyst alerts, gifts from the lotus etc. I will do those as well.

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Login, check Sorties to see if it's something enjoyable for once, do either an Arbitration or an Index run depending on whether I need Endo or Credits, feed the Kavat, logout, suddenly remember all the the Plains Bounties and Cetus and Quill Standing and Prime Part farming on my to do list, and also that I still haven't completed Mask of the Revenant or built the Paracesis.

Then I go read something to chase away the feeling of futility.

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Doing Sorties If they arent cancer, followed by flood if its on the hour, waiting for an interception Arbitration, Tridolon if i can remember to do it. not getting my daily focus even tho i want to cap it. staring at trade chat for no reason for what ends up being hours. random fissure runs if i can speed run it. hoping i get my last dual kamas blade from a random pub (gotten a lot of my vaulted stuff in pubs)

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After logging in, it mostly depends on any boosters I may have. Credit boosters mean I'll probably do Sorties, Resource has me on a Kuva Survival, and Drop Chance often takes me to a Survival mission thst drops Orokin Cells. Before doing that I'll usually hit up my Foundry first to pick up anything I've been waiting on or see if anything jumps out at me. I have about 20-30 weapons ready-to-go in the Foundry at any given time, so I can gtab a new one and go if I feel like it, if I get a Riven for it or any other reason. After that I'll check on the Kavat, then do some Fashion. Then I'll run missions depending on what I'm after currently. Right now it's mostly Ducats, Primes and Syndicate standing, but I need to get back into PoE for Lenses and and Eidolon Shards.

I don't really have a set routine because I'm at a point where I don't need much of anything and I don't wanna burn myself out. Lately I've been playing single frames for longer periods (so playing a diff frame every 4-5 days instead of every 4-5 missions for example), but that's about it.

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>Be me
>A fairly young player
>Reached mr18 in like 6 months
>Nothing to do other than waiting for updates so i can get mastery fodder
>Stares at region chat for like 2 hours or more
>Do sortie, elite missions and a few relic runs
>Starts to question if i have a life
>Logs out and cries in the corner
>Redo process in the next 2 hours

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I got plenty to keep me busy at the moment:


Log in for daily tribute - buy plat if I get a discount.

Say hi to doggy and give her a DNA stabiliser if necessary.

Check alert missions and do any I like the look of (use these to level up frames and weapons, along with Sanctuary Onslaught).

Try and make progress with current quest (The Sacrifice atm)

Later I'll try and join an Eidolon hunt - need cores & shards to increase Quills standing


At some point I need to find time to fight Lephantis, so I can unlock Eris...


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2 hours ago, Makunogo said:

Doing Sorties If they arent cancer, followed by flood if its on the hour, waiting for an interception Arbitration, Tridolon if i can remember to do it. not getting my daily focus even tho i want to cap it. staring at trade chat for no reason for what ends up being hours. random fissure runs if i can speed run it. hoping i get my last dual kamas blade from a random pub (gotten a lot of my vaulted stuff in pubs)

I actually have 9 relics for that part. But too lazy to look for runs since it's almost impossible to find vaulted runs, sadly.


1 hour ago, FlusteredFerret said:

At some point I need to find time to fight Lephantis, so I can unlock Eris...

I can help you with that if you want tbh

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I don't have a routine because that would be boring. 

The only things I do for sure every day is sortie and a couple rifts. 

Otherwise I have a list from which I randomly choose or I do whatever friends need: spy for mods, hive for mods, kuva farm, xp farm, bounties, (ugh) eidolons, arbitration, hunt flowers/kill specters, focus farm, cryptic farm, mutagen sample farm, corrupted mods farm, nightmare mod farm, riven unlocking... Might be forgetting some. Friends usually suggest rifts, Harrow/trinity farm since those are still needed. 

Lately I've been picking some frame I don't play as much to figure out builds for, forma and take into content to test out. Also been bringing a variety of frames to sorties to see who can hang. 

When I'm bored, I just do something else. I still haven't finished Persona and Red Dead and Fallout are coming out soon. 

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I go on, try getting volt prime neuroptics and fail because warframe grind is too insane nowadays and then i get more frustrated with this game. This has been going on for a year now. I still havent gotten my volt yet becuase of the cancerous relic system. I even made a video about this, but i am not sure if you guys want that link tho.... 


Also I try getting new weapons

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Log in to collect daily rewards.

Chat with my clan mates and play with them and with random players some rounds.

Lurking the chat for potential preys peps whom needs some kind of help " it can be form of a gifts "

Giving someone a gift and brighten their day.

Log off and actually collecting more money / study.

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I usually playfor 3-4h n

Not much to do but i usually try new FUN and meme builds to see how things go

Usually most fun thing i did was mirage hall of mirrors with tetra with pink bullets with full multishot and bounce in small deffense mission like hydron

4 hours ago, danielkzlai said:

Lately, I've been getting kinda bored with doing the same things in WF.

Dailies, PoE Bounty spam, Kuva farming, Hydron XP farming, then the occasional relic hunt which takes half an hour of spamming in Recruit chat before finding a full team.

I don't even feel like increasing my MR just because it's Hydron farming with weapons I don't get to use. And if I actually do level them by playing regular missions, they'd just feel underwhelming just because they're weak without any mods.

What's your daily routine that keeps you engaged within the game? Maybe share something others might not know to be enjoyable that you do


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Mine? Grab some warm tea, sit down log-in to warframe, view the forums on my phone during loading. After the load finishes I collect my daily, view alerts, invasions, sorties. Then I view my syndicate standing to decide what I'd like to sell/farm. Next head to my foundry and peruse the options available to me. I then head to my arsenal say good day to each of my Warframes (21) and fashion frame a few until I'm ready to look my best. I then alert the wife to hop on with me, sip my tea, wait on her to join then run Hydron to begin my daily XP slog. 

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