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Most Powerful warframes lorewise


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as above, we are not talking primes and limbo does not have 'total time manipulating powers' like people tried pushing in past discussions 🙂

I would go 

gara or revenant- gara killed a sentient the same power of hunhow, and revenant because he has the power of a eiolodon

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I think that you would have to differentiate a bit.

At CalculatedMurderMachine seems about right...

You’d have to add Limbo for the power of the Rift.

You’d have to add. Chroma for what lore says about being the last standing (paraphrasing).

Volt is a master tactician who has slowly morphed into a Sentient-Slayer and a weapon Augment Frame...meaning as weapons get stronger, so does he by extension.

Saryn could be a pandemic nightmare through tactical insertions.

Nova for her destructive power.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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16 minutes ago, Limbo_Darkness said:

Well Limbo does control an entire plane in between the void and reality, so he is kinda one of the most powerful beings in Warframe.

He taps into a limited portion of it’s power...and sometimes he kills himself.  😆 He’s on the list but let’s not get carried away.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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I meant feats in their lore, which gets hard when some frames don't have lore, not their actual in game abilities or descriptions (chroma much)

Also, I agree with Silverback73, limbo can enter the rift, not control it to a unlimited extent 😛

Edited by Onyxeagle171
forgetting to put stuff there in the first place
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Just like the teleport spells in Avengers, they're not using their abilities to their full potential.

Why didn't doctor strange just portal-cut Thanos head off? Or do that to any of his underlings? Wong already demonstrated that it was possible.

Limbo could liberally open a rift where your head is. Doesn't matter how much armor you have, if your head is in another dimension from your body.

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We know from the comic that a Mag Prime actually died.

We know from The Second Dream [SPOILER..........maybe?]

That Loki is done in....

We also know that there was a battle between the Frames and Sentinels that destroyed a city. At least I saw it as with the Frames....could be the Void Demons themselves....

As for the power ranking....I am curious as to what the player base says (especially for WuKong...he always gets the shaft when it comes to ranking).

Edited by (XB1)DShinShoryuken
Mag....not Man
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Even if we discount Limbo as a total time lord, which he isn't anyway (His powers are over the Rift, not time in general) he IS still essokinetic - reality manipulation. He demonstrates teleportation and telekinesis capabilities in his idles, as well as the ability to make matter disappear, which means that at least some of these powers transfer to the material plane too. It's likely his powers in-canon extend far past what's displayed in regular Combat. Ordis does tell us to be careful using him after all, stands to reason we're holding back.

At the very least, he would most likely have Neo-esque capabilities. At most, it's possible his command over the rift could hit Doctor Strange Mirror Dimension levels. It's also likely the upper limits would destroy him all over again, and possibly us in the process via some Rift Voodoo.

Another interesting case is that Violence, the Acolyte using Limbo's body, is the only Acolyte to use abilities from multiple other Warframes. The others all derive their powers from a single frame (and, in Malice's case, summons drones to help), but Violence can use powers from Excalibur, Frost and Banshee.

Edit: I forgot something. The possibility, however faint, does exist that Limbo could potentially reach Bill Cipher levels of power. Reality Manipulation man, it's busted OP as we go up in power level estimations. But, the higher we put him, the less likely we get. I'm putting him at the Neo end, just to be safe. Although that's still bloody overpowered.

Edited by Loza03
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Saryn. Her potential for destruction is virtually unparalleled. Many frames can go toe to toe with the most dangerous things in the solar system, but Saryn has the potential to wipe out entire populations with her contagions. I'd put her at Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse levels of power.

Edited by Erytroxylin
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1 hour ago, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:

We know from the comic that a Mag Prime actually died.

We know from The Second Dream [SPOILER..........maybe?]

That Loki is done in....

We also know that there was a battle between the Frames and Sentinels that destroyed a city. At least I saw it as with the Frames....could be the Void Demons themselves....

As for the power ranking....I am curious as to what the player base says (especially for WuKong...he always gets the shaft when it comes to ranking).

Lmao, who do you think killed more sentients? the deth cube, helios or wyrm xD?

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Incorrect good sir, Gara did not kill that Sentient by herself, she used a device made by the Unum to kill the Sentient it was not by her own power. Also Revenant having powers of a sentient does not mean he is the strongest warframe, if anything he would be the respectively weakest out of them given that Warframes are capable of killing sentients already, and having a warframe with the power of a sentient isn't that impressive since we can kill beings of that power.




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SPOILEEEEEER Tag in title please


I remember something about Mirage lore. She was supposed to be a death sentence in battle as stated by, I think, Lotus. In her quest it is told that the is the best sentient killing warframe or something alike (but it could be related to operator skill and not actual destructive power).

Edited by Olphalarepth
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3 hours ago, Onyxeagle171 said:

Lmao, who do you think killed more sentients? the deth cube, helios or wyrm xD?

Yeah..... AutoCorrext likes to crush me train of thoughts on my phone every once in a while.

SENTIENTS is where I was talking about being the other side of the battle that destroyed a city.

I wonder what 4 powers were used that blew up a city? Nova, Mag, Revenant, and Oberon going off one after another would be a light show of lazers and Energy Pulses throbbing out to annihilate all that opposed them. That I would like to see crash a computer one day.


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I think Inaros was pretty strong in lore.


In the story told in Sands of Inaros, he slaughtered the Orokin and their armies, driving them away from the world of the Sky Worshippers.

Then later on the Infested attacked the planet and when almost all the worshippers had been infested or killed, Inaros appeared and wiped them off the planet in a single giant sandstorm; killing himself in the process.

I guess the original setting in the story: Phobos, an 11km moon, got reconned to being Mars, a 3,390km planet, making it far more impressive.

Edited by Ailyene
Minor - Grammar
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- Chroma is outright stated by Lotus to be among the most powerful warframes. being able to wield all 4 elements is pretty strong.

- Inaros was so strong that he defied the Orokin  when they kidnapped Sand People, at a time when nobody defied the Orokin. 

Orokin Soldier: "you can't go against us! we serve the Empire"

Inaros: "I have over 4000 health and 3 different ways to get it back, all of which involve killing you. come at me bro."

and let's not forget Harrow: granted, it's more about Rell, but when the Tenno himself is the only thing keeping a malevolent Void Entity from entering the system, it makes you wonder just what Rell was capable of in Battle with his frame. given that his senses would have been somewhat heightened due to his condition, he would've basically John Wick'd his way through even the hardest battles.

honourable mention to Ordin Karris, the Beast of Bones: not a warframe, true, but IMO it takes even more balls to pull that off as a mortal human. his last stand is by far the most badass piece of Lore in the game. (the dude LITERALLY made himself start bleeding to death just so he could kill people, that's metal AF.) 

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7 hours ago, WrathAscending said:

Ehhh... part of the problem with Limbo is that he doesn't have control. Hence the Limbo Theorum quest.

Limbo did have control, he just overwhelmed himself by pushing too hard. The two are not mutually exclusive  Evidence:

"A Rift? A Rift that this Limbo could control?"

Direct quote from the Limbo Theorem quest, when Ordis is reading the aforementioned theorem.

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