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10 minutes ago, AleqThunder said:

( I mean I am MR14 and I can barely kill 1 lvl 40 tusk on POE)

Perhaps this is more why they wanted to report you for leeching? If you cannot contribute you are essentially leeching.

  • Its the same as mining/fishing etc.

People just seem to hate it when you do not stick to the objective area. Personally, this does not bother me in the slightest; but many people do not like it.


You are unlikely to get permabanned for just one person reporting you. I do not think DE would even take the time to say anything to you about it if it was just one person.


I am also curious about:

10 minutes ago, AleqThunder said:

Please help me find justice.


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vor 16 Minuten schrieb AleqThunder:

( I mean I am MR14 and I can barely kill 1 lvl 40 tusk on POE)

My guess is, that he didn't report you for mining, but because you were dead weight. Quite frankly, I think he was right to report you. If you join a mission then you should carry your own weight. If you simply join a mission which is to tough for you and you just think 'Well, the others will carry me' then yes, you are leeching.

I don't know how powerful the person who reported you was. Maybe he wasn't a MR26 damage god, with a fully modded Saryn Prime, a few hundred energy plates in his backpack and Vazarin Focus in order to make defense objectives invulnerable?

Maybe he was on a level where he didn't have the power to spare to carry somebody else? In that case all your very presence did was causing more enemies to spawn, regardless of what you were doing.

I think you are very rude in your assumption that you are entitled to being carried around by other people.

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3 hours ago, Walkampf said:

I think you are very rude in your assumption that you are entitled to being carried around by other people.

Ironic shaming of assumptions while assuming

Also you can mine a bit during downtime but don’t mine in a position where you neglect the squad but try not to do this in sqauds at all and if you can’t kill the enemies pick a frame that can support the team without killing so you are being viable at least because that is kind of leaching if you are playing ember and being a mediocre stun bot with no damage play trinity so you can still help the team at least don’t be a liability 

your not being banned the reporter just was scaring you and being tilted 


Edited by (PS4)BloodyXSavageX
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5 hours ago, AleqThunder said:

...this thing is reportable...

It isn't

The listed Reporting Options Ingame are:



Offensive Language

Offensive Name

Real Life Threats


Now that's InGame; in theory someone could Manually Contact DE customer service by email or phone and tell them X player was leeching. But that's kind of wasting the customer service rep's time. The Reporting Options DE has provided are no accident; those are the items that they feel are serious enough to be worth reporting.

Edited by (PS4)haphazardlynamed
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vor 9 Stunden schrieb (PS4)BloodyXSavageX:

Ironic shaming of assumptions while assuming

Except for, i wasn't assuming. I quoted the part, where the OP himself outright said, that he is not able to properly defeat the mobs in the mission difficulkty he chose to join.

Thus he conciasly decided that he whould force others to carry him. To reiterate, I quoted the sentence, where he admited that he was of no use. This isn't an assumption, this is based on what he himself wrote.

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So you intentionally went into a bounty expecting to be carried?  And as soon as you went in you started mining?  Are you trying to annoy other players or just completely oblivious of how your actions can be perceived?

And what on earth are using for weapons/warframe if you can't kill a lvl 40 tusk at mr14?  By that stage you should be doing sortie 3, maybe not breezing it but certainly capable.  Or have just been power levelling to climb mr, expecting others to carry you and not actually learned how to play the game? 

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If you are killing stuff and stop to mine a vein in the bounty area, sure, it looks like some ass behavior but I don't think people will get annoyed over it. I've done that countless times simply because people can't report me based on the end stats. 

But of course if you go spelunking in a gem cave while your team is 1000 meters away then maybe you should get worried.


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The world is full of bullies, however if you feel like you have to be carried through a mission, you really need to look at yourself and say WHY am I not good enough to do this yet, then go solve those problems or ask other people for help on how you can improve. For myself, I try to over-achieve and focus on learning to do everything solo, if not providing self confidence, you can at least know that you are not a leech or the likely cause behind a mission failure. Ultimately this is a better path for self analysis and improvement and I find it more useful and rewarding but some people are into watching youtube and trying to be a mimic of someone's style.

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7 hours ago, Walkampf said:

Except for, i wasn't assuming. I quoted the part, where the OP himself outright said, that he is not able to properly defeat the mobs in the mission difficulkty he chose to join.

Thus he conciasly decided that he whould force others to carry him. To reiterate, I quoted the sentence, where he admited that he was of no use. This isn't an assumption, this is based on what he himself wrote.

Fine I’ll give you that, just felt you were antagonizing OP a bit hard there

Edited by (PS4)BloodyXSavageX
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19 hours ago, Walkampf said:

My guess is, that he didn't report you for mining, but because you were dead weight. Quite frankly, I think he was right to report you. If you join a mission then you should carry your own weight. If you simply join a mission which is to tough for you and you just think 'Well, the others will carry me' then yes, you are leeching

Im going to save this one down for the next time someone says that people are not that stupid that they would report an obvious newbie for not being able to keep up with mr20+ meta players.

Not everybody is powerlevelling, has up to date mods on everything by the time they reach mr 12, just being above avarage is not a reportable offense. IF he wouldnt do anything during the bounty (literally) that would be a punishable offence but being a noob is not.

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Well just only for few min afk doesn't count as leeching and i don't think DE will ban that player for this type of simple reason even that player report and most of all if you are lower mr and went for higher enemy level mission or boss then if you are higher mr and if lower mr is with you it's not right to accuse or use offensive words of leaching because lower mr can do what you higher mr can do, well if they do screen shot and you report that guys because this game is fair and friendly game and most of all you don't find that type of ppl in warframe  not here yea just few may be ( wf is not like other moba where they scold or use offensive word if you are newbie or die) so don't worry about it just chill  tnx

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Fallen_Echo:

but being a noob is not.

You are right, however, in this case, the player in questein knowingly joined content which he was not yet strong enough.

There is no difference between deliberatly not doing anything and deliberatly joining content to hard for you, to do anything. You are leeching in both cases.

In both cases you cause more mobs to spawn without helping your team and you are just sitting around, making it harder for your team and grabbing rewards everybody besides except you worked for.

vor 6 Stunden schrieb (PS4)BloodyXSavageX:

just felt you were antagonizing OP a bit hard there

Well, he IS a leech. That's a fact. I don't think a perma ban whould be justified, but some form of consequence should definitly happen. The person who reportet the OP overreacted, yes, however, it's understandable. Maybe he wasn't a MR26 player who chould oneshot everything on the plains but intead he had to fear that there is a possibility of loosing his progress because somebody was leeching instead of helping?

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No, dude just overreacted and acted like a jerk. I've seen people doing the same thing. I just rolled my eyes and kept going. Now if I'm the only one doing the work. I'll probably shout at the screen and drop a way point to remind everyone where they should be. Let them report you, if you didn't go off on a prolonged lunch break, then they won't have any actual evidence that you didn't take part, and support will see that and he might be the one to get into trouble. 

Also at MR 14 you should be able to take on the vast majority of what the plains can throw at you. 

You've got access to the weapons, and frames that can help boost your damage, or make you survive all that they throw at you. Sounds like you might not have spent time coming up with a decently formad set of equipment. You should definitely work on that, ASAP. 

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8 hours ago, Walkampf said:

You are right, however, in this case, the player in questein knowingly joined content which he was not yet strong enough.

There is no difference between deliberatly not doing anything and deliberatly joining content to hard for you, to do anything. You are leeching in both cases.

In both cases you cause more mobs to spawn without helping your team and you are just sitting around, making it harder for your team and grabbing rewards everybody besides except you worked for.

Even in that case thats still not leeching, its just being noob.

Someone being weak as hell in a game what not soo long ago was about pushing your limits as hard as possible is not a crime, hes trying and he doesnt matter because hes weak, end of story.

Do we really want to tell people that unless they can solo lv40 content alone they should forget about the public mode on any higher level nodes? Because that sounds like some absurdish level of elitism.

If anybody know he sucks and all he can do is to struggle let him do it, its no more different than bringing a 4th guy to any spy vault mission when there are only 3 consoles. Both are useless but it shouldnt be a problem at all.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Fallen_Echo:

Even in that case thats still not leeching, its just being noob.

I disagree. They are leeching.

Why do you think you can only join ESO and Sotiers with Max rank Warframes? It's a bandaide check to filter at least some players which are not fulfilling requirements. There are to many factors in Warframe which decide how strong you are. DE can't simply put in a controlmethod like there is for example in World of Warcraft, where you have a value that you can use. In WoW around 90% of your power comes from linearly scaling equipment and even in that ame the playerbase are adding additional value to judge team members abilities (raider.io).

Since Warframe is a lot more complex than WoWs gearing system it comes down to personal responsability. And the OP abused this lack of control in order to force other players to solve content he is not fulfilling the needed requirements for.

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52 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

I disagree. They are leeching.

Disagree all you want, but be aware that it doesn't change a thing. 

Once they were contributing, or at least trying to, then it's not leeching. Being away from the group for a short period is not leeching. Being weak is not leeching. Mining and fishing during bounties, could be leeching, but that's only if they were off doing that the whole (or at least a significant portion of the) time.


Last night I hopped into a public Teralyst hunt, looking at the first team, I thought that it would go reasonably well. There was a Volt, Chroma, Umbra and a Rhino. Most seemed to be carrying gear that should have been useful, I think the Volt carried an Arca Plasmor. The mastery ranks were a mix but it was probably from 14 up to the 20s I believe. I was middle of the pack. 

Got through the gate and the Terry was off in the distance. I rushed to mark it then got a lure and went to work. Everything went sideways from there. My teammates kept dying, which was an indication that they had no clue how to use the operators. There were multiple people without amps. When the shields went down there was no Volt shield stack for me to aim through. I had to charge the second lure because someone parked it off to one side and just left it there. One joint got popped by someone other than me and that was pretty much the total combined contribution that they made to the damage. 

We did capture it successfully, and I headed to extraction. When I got there someone dropped a way point by the shrine and told the squad to come to it. Another asked "gantu?" and there was a "hell yes!" thrown in for good measure. 

I responded by marking the exit and typing "seriously?" and "Look at the mission progress." the person who marked the shrine did 1% of the total damage, the chroma did 11% and I think the Umbra did 3%.

I waited, and someone started spamming their way point, and there was a "come on, man" tossed my way. 

I said "lol . no", left the squad and extracted.

I was in a team that could barely handle the Teralyst, had no ability to keep the lures from dying, could barely cause any damage on their own, wasn't able to keep from being downed/dying and, got super pushy about taking on content that I can almost guarantee would have lead to the host ending up with no revives and extracting causing all of us to lose our rewards. 

The whole thing would probably have gone faster if they were all off mining and fishing, because I wouldn't have had to revive multiple teammates, look around for the lure that got left out of the action and, repeatedly check for a Volt shield to shoot though, 

All of that indicates that they were all woefully unprepared, and I still wouldn't call any of them leechers. There are a lot of other unflattering things that I don't mind calling them, but not leechers. 

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On 2018-12-04 at 5:22 PM, AleqThunder said:


Just remembered a time in the acolyte event, when some twit accused me of leeching and claimed he'd been carrying the team. 

During that event an acolyte would appear in a random node of the star chart and you had to play the mission to find and kill them, to collect a random drop before extraction. 

It was a defection, I started off escorting a couple of groups, loading up the health pods to help keep the survivors topped up, and then headed off down the unused corridors looking for the acolyte, before coming back to help with the survivors. 


It took quite a bit of dashing around like a madman, to find the target, and I blew him away, marked the drop, and headed back to the survivors so others could go grab the drop. 

I noticed that not everyone got the drop when we extracted, and also that someone was blasting everyone in the group and me in particular in chat for being away from the survivors and accusing me of not doing anything. 

I pointed out that I was the one who hunted down the acolyte and asked what he was doing the whole time. He said that he was escorting survivors and doing all the killing to keep them alive. 

I point out that I had the highest kills (bear in mind that I hardly killed anything when I was zipping along the unused corridors only things in my way that would slow me down) so obviously he didn't do as much as he thought he did. 

Point is, any idiot can accuse others of leeching. A lot of the time, the people who are quick to jump to that conclusion are a bigger problem in terms of toxicity, than even the actual leechers. 

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)guzmantt1977:

Once they were contributing, or at least trying to,

There is a huuuge difference between those two things,

If he was contributing, then no issue.

If he was trying, then he didn't, thus he played content he should not yet play. If he stayed anyway and got the rewards despite not contributen, then he was leeching.

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