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Lets Discuss the Mesa prime accessory pack


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LOL well this is depressing AF. is there nobody who finds them at least nice looking?

besides we have 3 loadout options now. we can mix and match 😛

i had my first prime accessory purchase being the EDo armor and that sayandana so i actually like that the next thing was something to make my operator prettified as welll.. tho i wish i could get that operator suit.. im all for more options. xD if only i wasn't broke at the time

Edited by Makunogo
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I do think it looks nice but I don't usually get most accessory packs, and I she is not one of my top frames so I won't be buying her prime access. 

It might be a different story if they had reworked her 1 and made the purpose of her 2 and 3 a little less redundant with each other.

Edit: I had the same problem when Vauban Prime came out. I loved him and have put many hours into playing him, but most of his abilities fill the exact same role so I couldn't justify paying it. Tesla=cc area denial. Trip Laser=cc area denial. Bounce=cc area denial. Bastille=cc area denial. Vortex=cc area denial. There's hardly a reason to use most of them over one another.

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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14 minutes ago, kambinks said:

All I'm seeing in clan chat is how uninteresting the accessories are. I'm inclined to agree with only the sugatra seems neat.   

can confirm, no1 is hyped about MESA PRIME ACCESSORIES but yeah there is awalys some1 who needs a thread 🙂

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1 hour ago, Makunogo said:

LOL well this is depressing AF. is there nobody who finds them at least nice looking?

besides we have 3 loadout options now. we can mix and match 😛

i had my first prime accessory purchase being the EDo armor and that sayandana so i actually like that the next thing was something to make my operator prettified as welll.. tho i wish i could get that operator suit.. im all for more options. xD if only i wasn't broke at the time

Sorry mang. It’s just too gaudy for my tastes. All my stuff is black and ivory and dirty silver, very much going for ‘edgy mech pilot suit’ rather than golden void space prince.



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Can't really say I'm impressed, at all..... Kinda expected something with more punch for the big Christmas prime access. Though what are your thoughts on it? Cause mines not very good right now on the accessories, but I am curious to hear.


Edited by YukimaruLegends
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This is entirely subjective.

You don't like operator accessories, or maybe you just don't like these, so you think it isn't big enough for Christmas.
I, on the other hand, like it. So it's pretty big for me.

So what's the point of this thread?
Just because people say, it's good, you will start to like it?
Or maybe you think, just because some people will say they don't like it, DE will just change the prime access?

I mean, there is no write or wrong to this question.
There is just "I like it", or "I don't like it" or maybe something like "They are nice, but I like other things better".

The real question for me is: Will Redeemer Prime have Impact Damage on the charge attack?

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1 minute ago, Rawbeard said:

like most PA it's Prime Mastery Fodder. I don't really see the problem. and I'll do as I always did and will not buy it either.

Mesa is hilariously powerful, up there with Octavia in terms of insanely disproportionate damage output and survivability. Fodder, she is not.


That said, I’m not buying the Access.

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15 minutes ago, Eisdschungel said:

No chance Ill Buy it. Also, aside from the operator stuff, Why does the Frame that profits from having  no melee come with a melee dangly cosmetic?

They have been kicking around the idea of Sugatras being added to guns for awhile. (In so much it's brought up in a Dev stream once, someone said "...sure" and thats the last we hear of it) They may have forgot about it. @[DE]Rebecca...

Edited by Firetempest
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I mean..  Her shooting gallery works on Tenno... Her and Volt buff them greatly in Edilons hunts. 

As for the PA it's technically discounted plat with free stuff on top. You should not view it as selling you a Warframe and plat, but rather Plat and a warframe & weapons with less grind...  And the format needed in her is grind enough. 

And for accessories..  China founders are still the only ones with a prime emblem... Gosh..  These accessories are still better than Oblivia prime though.... 


Redeemer may be promising if it's not entirely explosive charged damage... 

Getting on the hype-wagon-train, if this is somehow as powerful as the actual Tigeris/Prime with the distinctive barrel and that little description...  It may be best melee. 

Edited by (NSW)Evilpricetag
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