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What’s your worst trade experience?

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I’ve played the game for 2 years and I’ve had my share of bad trade experiences. But I think my worst one was with the pickiest riven buyer I’ve ever met. So he wants to buy a god roll dread riven. He didn’t specify what he was looking for in the riven he wanted, so I showed him my dread riven which has increased crit chance, crit damage, and status duration which is perfect for a hunter munitions build and has one hit potential on sortie level enemies. He didn’t say anything, but asked to see how good it preformed. So I took him to the simulacrum, spawned in two 110 heavy gunners, shot one arrow in one gunner and two arrows in the other and they bled to death. At this point, he knows what stats my riven has and he’s seen how it performs. Before I can even state my price he tells me to take my “no negative stat having riven” and shove it up my you know what. He then went off on a rant and I hit the ignore button. 

So what’s your worst trade experience?

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How do you guys have "worst trade experience?"

"WTS <item> 1000P"

*Buyer PM: "500P"

"No thank you"

*Buyer explains how that <item> is not worth that much"

"Okay, noted"

The end. Move on with your life.

Most of the time (correct me if I am wrong), these worst trades experience comes from both the buyer and seller want to "win". Want to get a better deal.

I have much better things to do in my game and in my life. I only say once, if yes, deal. If no, move on. Don't need to talk and explain so much.



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8 minutes ago, ZesiMuerte said:

How do you guys have "worst trade experience?"

"WTS <item> 1000P"

*Buyer PM: "500P"

"No thank you"

*Buyer explains how that <item> is not worth that much"

"Okay, noted"

The end. Move on with your life.

Most of the time (correct me if I am wrong), these worst trades experience comes from both the buyer and seller want to "win". Want to get a better deal.

I have much better things to do in my game and in my life. I only say once, if yes, deal. If no, move on. Don't need to talk and explain so much.



Most of my trades are quick like you described, I guess I was unfortunate to meet a this particular person 😂

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A) wts item x plat. Guy messages me "I'll buy invite me", then, after we pull up the trade table, all of a sudden he wants to haggle by like, 50% of my price. If you want to haggle I get it but do that first.

B) agreeing to buy an item for whatever price the seller is asking then "someone else offered x can you do more plat?". Not the end of the world but again, just annoying.

C) this is the only time this has happened but I had a guy get very abusive when I told him I didnt like the neg on his riven. WOW YOURE SO BAD AT THIS GAME THIS IS A GOD ROLL blah blah. Told him most he would ever get out of me for anything is 10 plat with that attitude.


Those are of course, just minor inconveniences. What gets me though is how some people will blatantly lie about how good your riven is or how much your item is worth to try to get a good deal.

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I remember going on trade chat for someone wanting to buy Zephyr Prime, so I go to his dojo, accept his trade offer and place the Zephyr Prime Parts only for him to cancel after I place the BP first. He teleports away and comes back with Zephyr Prime and says he has no plat.


It took a lot of will not to spaz out in chat.


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14 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

A) wts item x plat. Guy messages me "I'll buy invite me", then, after we pull up the trade table, all of a sudden he wants to haggle by like, 50% of my price. If you want to haggle I get it but do that first.

B) agreeing to buy an item for whatever price the seller is asking then "someone else offered x can you do more plat?". Not the end of the world but again, just annoying.

C) this is the only time this has happened but I had a guy get very abusive when I told him I didnt like the neg on his riven. WOW YOURE SO BAD AT THIS GAME THIS IS A GOD ROLL blah blah. Told him most he would ever get out of me for anything is 10 plat with that attitude.


Those are of course, just minor inconveniences. What gets me though is how some people will blatantly lie about how good your riven is or how much your item is worth to try to get a good deal.

Notice me.

What if I told you there wasn’t another buyer and that’s just a cheap trade tactic?

A guy once told me 100p for a riven, I said deal. Then loading into dojo another player joins group and seller said the other player offered him 200p but I was first and wanted to know if I would pay that much first. I said no and left squad. He PMs me and says Waaiiit I’ll do 100p that guy just left. 

I respond no, I’ll do 50p take it or leave it. He took it.

So I guess that’s more the other guys worst trade experience, lol

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Kuljack said:

Notice me.

What if I told you there wasn’t another buyer and that’s just a cheap trade tactic?

A guy once told me 100p for a riven, I said deal. Then loading into dojo another player joins group and seller said the other player offered him 200p but I was first and wanted to know if I would pay that much first. I said no and left squad. He PMs me and says Waaiiit I’ll do 100p that guy just left. 

I respond no, I’ll do 50p take it or leave it. He took it.

So I guess that’s more the other guys worst trade experience, lol

Teach me your ways.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)JaysInc_ said:

Teach me your ways.

Treat trade chat like a business. Start with providing a clean and positive customer experience, the moment they start doing otherwise (rudeness, hostility, begging) just turn the switch. All sales double, all offers half. The cost of doing business as they say.

I have always been kind in trade chat, and even taken trade when someone can’t meet my asking price, but blatant swindingly is amateur and disrespectful. Nothing wrong with trying to barter a price, but the bullying behaviors are just down right cheap.

Sometimes I miss the trade market game and the mounds of plat but then I remember how toxic people can be with rivens. 


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Oh this is an easy one.

Worst trade experience? My first and only.

Being a new player and scouring the menus for an auction system. Googling to find out trades are done through chat like it's 1998.

First and last attempt to trade in this game. If I ever find drop rates are too punishing for a non-trader, I'll simply uninstall. I'd sooner just find a better game to play than rely on archaic systems.

I like to be rewarded for my game play accomplishments not my ability to social network with potential scammers in a chat box.

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warframe market is good for buying but for selling... bleh, you end selling items at a significantly lower value on warframe market then the actually market. its why so many f2p players don't want a system like that implemented into the main game. i remember one day i got a profit of over 200 plat just from buying off of warframe.market and selling it on the actually market. 

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wanted to buy something (don't remember what) and got an offer for 40 plat, which was lower than the market value for said thing at the time.

after I joined their session the guy I wanted to trade with told me he wanted 80 plat and I should give the plat to his "friend" and then he would give me the item in a seperate trade.

I got out of there, because I know a bad attempt to scam me when I see it, only to get insultet for "going back on a trade promise" and they threatend to report me because I went back ob said "promise"

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Every trade I've completed has been at least pleasant,  and sometimes really fun.  There are plenty of cool people in trade chat, afaic.

Almost all the trades I've started but haven't finished have been fine too.  The only one that was actually bad was just some person going off  because I was disinclined to buy unrolled rivens with D polarities from him.  smh - ignore - done.  

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The only trade experiences I’ve had that I would call “bad” we’re just being ignored by sellers when I offer their asking price. Granted, I find what I’m looking for on warframe.market so it’s entirely possible that the item is already sold. That said, a simple “Sorry, already sold” seems a more appropriate reaction that alt tabbing to the website, cancelling your listing, and pretending I never messaged in the first place. 

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Needed a nekros neuroptics back when he was first released, so i asked clan if anyone had any for sale.

A guy offered to give it to me for free, and so i accept (i gave em something in return, iirc it was either a galatine blade or the 1 other part). Aaaand the neuro didn't pop up jin my foundry. 

I felt bad saying it to the person that gifted me that so when i got asked i just said i got it, then proceed to farm for it.

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