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Nightwave Reputation Math to get to 30


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5 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

Which is, again, one weekly challenge in a 10 week event? Wow, such harsh locking. 

It's 10k standing, which is 33% of the weekly standing. Placing you right on the cusp of failing to get enough in 10 weeks.

If this isn't rectified in later weeks that is, hence the complaint.

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10 hours ago, hazerddex said:

except nothing locked exept locks YOU made yourself.

its YOU who chose not to just friend up with people on warframe even if its temporary.

its YOU who chooses not to do pubs.

not DE 



also you don't know that were getting the same exact missions next week. so unless you have a time mechine. you don't know if your perma locked (by your own habbits.) out of elite weeklies. 

It's also me who chose to be a founder based on the understanding that playing solo was a viable option, something DE has been relatively good it supporting.

and it is DE who are changing that arrangement.

and it is you, who are failing to grasp this simple thing.


I mean next weeks "elite challenge" might as well be "Punch hazerddex in the face as hard as you can, while taking out profit taker" would it then be you choosing not to participate?

Or, and just hear me out here..

Would that be unreasonable given the history of the game so far, hmmm?

Edited by SilentMobius
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Yay, another grind! Not just another grind but one that resets ever 10-11 weeks so you can do it all again! Yay! 


Are there any solo friendly online games out there? It can be a paid game. Asking for a friend. 

Edited by Lythandra
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2 hours ago, LSG501 said:

See a few posts up...

Also going back to do the same content because we have to for thie new game mode doesn't change the fact that we left if for a reason or anything, it's a forced participation of a part of the game that a player has chosen is not something they want to do. 

I haven't done eidolons for got to be a year now, I just don't enjoy them, now with this update if I want my 5k standing (which most high level players will do because we want the umbra forma) I have to go through the entire 3 stages of eidolons even though I have zero interest in doing it, not to mention hoping I don't get caught by one the bugs that I keep seeing mentioned..

All I see is baseless complaining.

if you don’t like playing the game, leave.

You only need to do 65% of all the challenges. You don’t have to do the elite challenge if you don’t want to.

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19 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Which would be fine if it wasn't for the fact DE have said 10 week cycles... either way I still feel 7 weeks of 'forced' grind is excessive.

From a personal perspective I think they need more daily missions and they need to rebalance some of the requirements for 3k and 5k rewards.  As it stands now it's essentially a 'forced' weekly grind if you want anything.

no one is aiming a gun to your head dude, if you dont want to do, it dont do it.

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I played for 6 hours last night, most of that time with at least one clan-mate. I made it up to level 3 with 800 points in that time. During that time I had 3 or more occasions where we had Saturn 6 convicts spawn, helping out on points. 

I would say that we are average players, except after doing a bunch of Pub stuff at one point I know that we are not. I personally carried low MR players through a number of missions where I may have well been playing solo. In fact as they didn't know what they were doing, it would have been easier to be soloing the missions. As I was happy to help them out I kept pubbing until we had a group of 4.

My thoughts on this new thing are generally negative. I've seen what the same system does to other games, and I know why the system was put in to begin with. It was not done to improve anything for the players. In fact it intentionally harms new and casual players enjoyment of the game. For people like myself it dictates what I will be doing whilst in the game if I want to advance.

No I don't like it, hate may be a better term. However as I'm relatively pragmatic I'm figuring out how to add it to my list of chores I have to do before I can enjoy the game.

So, six hours in and I have three things left to complete for this group of weekly's. Of which all three are at least partially completed. I have yet to do 4 Ayatan Sculptures, 4 Bounties on the Plains, and 3 scans for Simaris. 

That said It looks as if going forward I will have to spend 2-3 days a week doing this which I'm not too happy about. For those less skilled, who are just starting, with less time than I have.......they're screwed

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Il y a 2 heures, SilentMobius a dit :

It's 10k standing, which is 33% of the weekly standing. Placing you right on the cusp of failing to get enough in 10 weeks.

If this isn't rectified in later weeks that is, hence the complaint.

5k. No other task require you to be in a group. Also, 10k out of 43k is 23%, not 33%. 

Again, hard locks? Really? 


Do mind that i agree the challenges need huge work, but seriously *@##$ing about ONE challenge (out of 17) for ONE week (out of 10) that requires you to friendlist someone for 15 mins of your life is the most irrelevant of issues... 

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Il y a 3 heures, (NSW)Mercwithamouth22 a dit :

thats only 1176 hours of life to get tier 30...yeah hard pass on this crap

Also what? Are you seriously implying you need to play 24/7 for 7 weeks straight to complete those menial tasks you can passively accrue while doing other stuff? Are you for real or you just trolling? 

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killing Wolf doesn't give any standing which not only sucks balls but doesn't make sense at all

capturing daipered grineer gives 50 per (150 for 3, knock them out 1 by 1, if you knock all 3 you lose 1 of them somehow) killing the bullet sponge of Saturn gives zilch

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

Excuse me but what the #*!%. Exactly ONLY 2 can be passively and naturally achieved, the rest IS forced and dedicated grind! Grind we've already done a million times! And grind we don't like! Why's that mentality that it's ok to want your player base not to enjoy what they're doing all of a sudden? 

IMO there needs to be more challenges along the lines of "300 bow kills" "or looked the old in mission challenges. This way we aren't always forced to focus grind as much.

I'd like some high end challenges that rely on skill than tedium

If DE is open to suggestions, WoS wont be so bad in the long run 

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il y a 3 minutes, (XB1)Cubic Clem a dit :

Excuse me but what the #*!%. Exactly ONLY 2 can be passively and naturally achieved, the rest IS forced and dedicated grind! Grind we've already done a million times! And grind we don't like! Why's that mentality that it's ok to want your player base not to enjoy what they're doing all of a sudden? 

Cut the crap. Unless you literally have EVERYTHING, you're telling me no player does 9 invasions over a week, or 8 bounties, or a single tridolon? There are maybe 3 that make you go out of your way to do them, the scanning ones. Amd even those can be progressed towards while doing completely unrelated stuff. 

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2 hours ago, MacKerris said:

For people like myself it dictates what I will be doing whilst in the game if I want to advance.

No I don't like it, hate may be a better term. However as I'm relatively pragmatic I'm figuring out how to add it to my list of chores I have to do before I can enjoy the game.

Didn't find the right words myself, but that's exactly how I see it, too. Chores before I enjoy the game as usual, because I don't want to miss out. Not wanting to miss out is my own decision, so I am working to get there now, instead of just playing like before. That doesn't make the whole game bad or anything. If this is what it takes now to play a game I really like and enjoyed so far, then I better learn how to live with it, if I want some rewards.
Alerts more than once made me all excited and jump in. This system is more... passive?

Edited by Silescere
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il y a 40 minutes, (XB1)Cubic Clem a dit :

I am done with the plains, invasions and any of the other stupid and tedious tasks. Done! I have everything I wanted and care about. Why in God's name would I want to go back? Because it's fun? Rewarding? Hell no it's not #*!%ing fun nor rewarding to me and a lot of players that played uninteresting content for too long! And do you think the best way to introduce a new system is asking their veterans to go YET AGAIN back to stuff we've already done a bazillion times, which makes us sick to our stomachs to go back to? 

Let me tell you, WRONG! This will be yet again a lot of reason for a lot of once loyal players to ditch the game because it is NOT challenging, not an act, it's a tedious and brainless task. 

On that note i agree with you, but if you read my first post it was replying to another genius implying that you needed to specifically grind nightwave 24/7 for 7 straight weeks to get the stuff, which is so hilariously bullS#&$ i don't even know whether i should laugh or cry. 


Yet again lemme repeat myself. THE CHALLENGES NEED WORK. The point is, bullS#&$ whining about "i have to run 15 mins of missions not solo booo-hoooo" or the rest of the "feedback" I'm reading is not gonna help any. The challenges should be more interesting and fun whether you are a day 1 player or you are a sub 50 hour account. Stuff that makes you use the existing mechanics. Stuff that makes you use parkour. Rewarding "cool factor" actions like groundslam headshot kills, dropkick kills, airslide headshots, chain kills etc. Stuff that make you play differently like "the floor is lava", or "you can't be damaged". That kind of thing. And also the nightwave is the perfect system to give meaning to profile achievements which are currently completely unused. 

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6 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

Stuff that makes you use the existing mechanics. Stuff that makes you use parkour. Rewarding "cool factor" actions like groundslam headshot kills, dropkick kills, airslide headshots, chain kills etc. Stuff that make you play differently like "the floor is lava", or "you can't be damaged". That kind of thing. And also the nightwave is the perfect system to give meaning to profile achievements which are currently completely unused. 

You see no downsides in challenges you can fail? (floor is lava, can't be damaged)

Or no downsides to challenges that your squadmates get in the way of? (chain kills)

Or challenges that have your squadmates acting like lunatics in the missions? (airslide headshots)

I appreciate the fun factor you are after, but can you not find this fun yourself? Why everything gotta be rewarded?

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5 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

Would that be unreasonable given the history of the game so far, hmmm?

Is it unreasonable for a CO-OP game to ask you to play with other players?

Even though this game is solo friendly not everything can be played solo e.g. Trials.

It's similar to your Founder's Access. Even though this game is F2P friendly not everything can be acquired through gameplay.

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il y a 16 minutes, (PS4)drpunk-yo a dit :

You see no downsides in challenges you can fail? (floor is lava, can't be damaged)

Or no downsides to challenges that your squadmates get in the way of? (chain kills)

Or challenges that have your squadmates acting like lunatics in the missions? (airslide headshots)

I appreciate the fun factor you are after, but can you not find this fun yourself? Why everything gotta be rewarded?

I think you misunderstood my point entirely. Not everything needs to be rewarded. I fully agree. I've been advocating for a gear piece that lets you get full group spawns and select mission starting level AT NO CHANGE IN REWARDS for a long time now.

But the system is currently already in place. So to make the most out of it, DE should imo follow the example of Path of Exile. That game has a similar system and, done properly, it helps immensely with player retention. But the challenges we have now don't do that. Rewarding "fun factor" actions is a basic principle, yoy do something fun, or awesome, and on top of that you get rewarded for it. Win win. On top of that, you can use the challenges to make players use the mechanics creatively, or coordinate a team, etc.

Currently our challenges are not good because:

- if you're a new player you don't have any incentive for them because they are things you would do anyway

- if you are a veteran you don't have any incentive for them because they are things you are already mostly done with

If the challenges were less of endless cariants of "do said run of the mil thing x time" and more along the lines of "do something once but in a very different way" it would be nicer. 

Also, the achievemnt tabs of our profile currently serves absolutely no purpose. Why not use that? We have a metric tonne of achievements, those cpuld be integrated. Imagine getting a small amout of nightwave rep every time yoy did the "a tenno for every necessity" achievement. Imagine if a new player grinding through the "mastery" achievements got rewarded with a moderate amount of rep each time he got one done. It would integrate achievements seamlessly into the progression and give far more meaning to the more obscure ones, like "sleds of sunshine" etc. 

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3 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

All I see is baseless complaining.

if you don’t like playing the game, leave.

You only need to do 65% of all the challenges. You don’t have to do the elite challenge if you don’t want to.

Ah yes the don't play the game argument... you do realise that DE can make mistakes right...

I'd love to know where you think my argument is baseless as well, show me.

3 hours ago, -NightmareMoon- said:

no one is aiming a gun to your head dude, if you dont want to do, it dont do it.

Ok..tell me another way to get the umbral forma then, tell me another way to get the syandana or the armor... oh wait you can't because there is no other way to get them and considering that a majority of the game design is about 'collecting everything' and many players play the game for that reason there is a 'metaphorical gun' to our heads if we want a full collection of items. 

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35 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

IMO there needs to be more challenges along the lines of "300 bow kills" "or looked the old in mission challenges. This way we aren't always forced to focus grind as much.

I'd like some high end challenges that rely on skill than tedium

I'd enjoy doing that one with my daikyu.  But I'd probably end up cheesing the last 150 with a thunder bolt / gas build in a low level map.

And gobs of Lenz users would overrun beginners areas and do it in a couple of minutes.  And then get frustrated about how they had nothing left to do!

(Not saying it's a bad idea, btw.  It's just another example of how there's no perfect solutions.  If you're not frustrating vets, you're frustrating beginners.  If you're not frustrating people with limited time to play, you're frustrating people with lots of time.  And while it's impossible to satisfy all of us, it's pretty easy to irritate most of us. )

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12 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

I'd enjoy doing that one with my daikyu.  But I'd probably end up cheesing the last 150 with a thunder bolt / gas build in a low level map.

And gobs of Lenz users would overrun beginners areas and do it in a couple of minutes.  And then get frustrated about how they had nothing left to do!

(Not saying it's a bad idea, btw.  It's just another example of how there's no perfect solutions.  If you're not frustrating vets, you're frustrating beginners.  If you're not frustrating people with limited time to play, you're frustrating people with lots of time.  And while it's impossible to satisfy all of us, it's pretty easy to irritate most of us. )

(x3 your MR)...?

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1 hour ago, GPrime96 said:

The amount of Standing need for a normal Syndicate if you want to reach it’s max title is 365,000 so 300,000 is a low amount. Plus nightwave dosen’t have a Standing Cap like normal Syndicates.

Normal syndicates don't vanish after 10 weeks and you can take yer time and act according to your own schedule though.

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55 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Ah yes the don't play the game argument... you do realise that DE can make mistakes right...

I'd love to know where you think my argument is baseless as well, show me.

I won’t deny that there are some issues with the Nightwave system. But the complaint that the game is giving you a reason to go back and play through the content in it again is a really stupid complaint.

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