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okay. DE may have inflated the rate of scanning Data-Hash. and...?


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8 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

If DE gives us an event that can fail and we choose to fail it, they should just grow a pair and let it fail. Inflating the numbers is like having a railroading GM in a tabletop RPG. If it doesn't matter what you do and the story is going to progress along a predetermined path anyway, the illusion of choice just feels like an added kick in the teeth. DE should either give genuine choice or dispense with the deception.

What do you mean "we" choose?

And without progressing in the event we never get to fight the Exploiter and that alsó meams no Hildryn for some ppl.

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il y a 5 minutes, (XB1)Cubic Clem a dit :

This all is just crazy, I'm glad they check on it. Because there are a lot of people like me that hate going into a large area, searching for little things hidden somewhere that you can only find using a map..

I don't enjoy that kind of gameplay, so do a lot of others.. I also don't get why it's such a big deal..

I liked it, I discovered a lot of new caves and places. And it made me feel like the kuria hunt that I liked too.

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You know what's the real problem here? Not the fact that they artificially inflated the numbers, sure it sucks knowing they're rigging stuff, but what's worse is that they got to 100% and now they're ARTIFICIALLY locking Hildryn for no reason, since they're 100%, we should be able to continue with the event now, but nope.

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11 hours ago, mikakor said:

i mean, what's even the problem. i see someone, i quote " Nice DE, it will really help us trusting you more for future events" . what's even the problem? Yeah, they may have #*!%ed up a little because they thought more persons would scan them, and they increased the results to finish it. what's the bloody big deal?

Because some people don't want to believe there isn't a Santa Claus. :laugh:

But yeah, it should be obvious to anyone with a couple of functioning brain cells that player bases aren't to be trusted, so DE are going to make sure those counters hit the 100% one way or another. Otherwise the content unlocked through them is wasted.

Some folks have already REEEEE'd at the idea of having to scan the data hashes and they would definitely REEEEE some more if they weren't allowed through the secret door.

But the idea that the devs would ensure the game progresses regardless makes them REEEEE even more. :crylaugh:


This is exactly why I keep saying the devs should ignore the player base and just make the game the way they want to.

Just far too many snowflakes looking for a reason to complain...



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8 minutes ago, Sebastianx said:

You know what's the real problem here? Not the fact that they artificially inflated the numbers, sure it sucks knowing they're rigging stuff, but what's worse is that they got to 100% and now they're ARTIFICIALLY locking Hildryn for no reason, since they're 100%, we should be able to continue with the event now, but nope.

The content might not even be in the game yet to prevent datamining or to give them an extra week to tweak it. Odds are, we would have to wait for an update either way before we move on to the next phase.

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11 hours ago, mikakor said:

i mean, what's even the problem. i see someone, i quote " Nice DE, it will really help us trusting you more for future events" . what's even the problem? Yeah, they may have #*!%ed up a little because they thought more persons would scan them, and they increased the results to finish it. what's the bloody big deal?

The deal was a blatant time gate, there was no question of the event failing. It was created as a means to force people's want to for the new frame to boil over and buy with plat. And after thinking it over, I'm okay with it IF the grind for her isn't too harsh. The cost of getting her is an early access type of system, where people can pay early for a frame, or can wait for when it's free to get. The key here is the grind isn't so bad it still forces people to buy her with plat, which I'm worried about. I still don't have harrow. (At the end of the day, DE is a company with a sole goal of making money, will have most decisions made with that in mind, and we players should keep that in mind when judging their actions.)

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I think DE have remembered something: we are the customers, we hold the whip hand over DE, not the other way around. We have something they need, they have something we might want. If the money had stopped coming in for a week or two DE would have changed their tune. I'd have been willing to stare them down and wait indefinitely.

Content should be rewarding to play in and of itself, not a chore with some vague, undefined reward, maybe, if and when enough people do it.

Well done Tenno, we stood together and told them "No, we won't jump through your hoop!"

Edited by AltheusV
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Being honest DE had to do this purely because it would be punishing the players who actually did it I mean they cant do anything about all the other players. There is always the option of only rewarding the players who did it or giving them something exclusive but then people will argue that if they knew there was a reward they would have done it which is a fair argument.Also I think this "event" was mean to progress the game so they cant have it fail they need players to get access to it to progress or atleast it seems that way since the characters reacted in a extreme worried way.

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Again, as someone said upthread: if DE painted themselves into a corner with an event that can't be allowed to fail, then don't make failure one of the options.

Just making two possible outcomes (you get the hashes, or you don't) both progress the event is such an obvious choice, I'm surprised they didn't take it. Perhaps it was too much to develop on their short timeframe. 

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il y a 32 minutes, AltheusV a dit :

I think DE have remembered something: we are the customers, we hold the whip hand over DE, not the other way around. We have something they need, they have something we might want. If the money had stopped coming in for a week or two DE would have changed their tune. I'd have been willing to stare them down and wait indefinitely.

Content should be rewarding to play in and of itself, not a chore with some vague, undefined reward, maybe, if and when enough people do it.

Well done Tenno, we stood together and told them "No, we won't jump through your hoop!"

If this would have been the case, we would have had universal vacuum, hema cost reduced, less boring grind (DE have been saying "we will reduce the grind" since at least 2014), decent moderators, no BS autoban words, and no scripted events. This is not the first/second/third time an event is so blatantly scripted.

Instead I've been seeing a lot of "iT's DE'S gAmE,tHeY dO wHaT tHeY wAnT" and "wHaT aRe YoU CoMpLAiNiNg AbOuT iT's A fReE gAmE" for a very long time. A good chunk of the community would rather bend over DE than have a better game. Just take a look at Warframe's reddit, constantly circlejerking. 

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for these kinds of event, DE shouldgrow a pair and litteraly make it so that those who did the event gets the rewards, and those who didn't... welp, too bad. they won't be able to come complaining since they didn't do it xD

second, some sensible persons here must learns that ANY timed / percentage / anything based event, with visible "comminity" numbers is always going to be rigged. they tried this one time to see if the tenno would protect it anyway, and the tenno purposely let a really blow up for the sole purpose of watching the world burn. if the tenno can do it with any kind of content, they'll do it, no matter what. so grow up, turn on your brain, and accept, at the end, that DE will always inflate the numbers until they state themselves they won't, for one event, or another. it will avoid you being disapointed over something that was blatantly obvious ( and well known, too... )

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

This all is just crazy, I'm glad they check on it. Because there are a lot of people like me that hate going into a large area, searching for little things hidden somewhere that you can only find using a map..

I don't enjoy that kind of gameplay, so do a lot of others.. I also don't get why it's such a big deal..

I don't think its a big deal personally, but I am a bit disappointed I guess. Like you, I don't enjoy this specific scavenger hunt, but because I was lead to believe it was a community event, ("we all lift together" mentality) I thought I'd do my part and help the community reach its goal. So I spent the weekend looking for the darn things, and now I wish I hadn't because it wasn't necessary. I didn't enjoy it, I got nothing out of it, and it wasn't required for progression. Honestly its not a big deal, just more of a lesson learned.

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13 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Or do what they have always done and give an illusion of contributing and tip the scales, change literally nothing. Nobody gains anything if the event stalls forever.

Is it really an event then? Why not just have a countdown timer for the code decryption?

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Il y a 1 heure, Ultimatesoup a dit :

If this would have been the case, we would have had universal vacuum, hema cost reduced, less boring grind (DE have been saying "we will reduce the grind" since at least 2014), decent moderators, no BS autoban words, and no scripted events. This is not the first/second/third time an event is so blatantly scripted.

Instead I've been seeing a lot of "iT's DE'S gAmE,tHeY dO wHaT tHeY wAnT" and "wHaT aRe YoU CoMpLAiNiNg AbOuT iT's A fReE gAmE" for a very long time. A good chunk of the community would rather bend over DE than have a better game. Just take a look at Warframe's reddit, constantly circlejerking. 

The grind is the counterpart of not paying for stuff in F2P games. It is never gonna change.

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I'm still mindblown by the people complaining about this.

If they had just read the info about the event it wouldnt be a surprise that it was intended to be over within a week. It is there, black on white in the info thread about the event, that DE expected it to take roughly a week to get it done. Yet people are tooting their cardboard signs with words of conspiracy and a coming apocalypse.

And no one knows if the community contributed as much as intended or if the event got a helping hand by an in-game system. The numbers can have lagged behind the actual result over the first few days, there can have been a massive upswing in contribution or there has been some helping hand from DE to push it along.

Bottom line is, no one but DE knows. And what is the harm in pushing the event forward so we get the actual stage of the event we are looking for?

What S#&$ty lives people must have if they need to bicker and complain about something as trivial as this.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Is it really an event then? Why not just have a countdown timer for the code decryption?

Presumably because the devs are still holding out some hope that just maybe, for once, players will take things seriously and actually participate...instead of having to be dragged along kicking and screaming.

They are trying to create a sense of jeopardy and narrative, but it seems most of the time folks just stand there with their arms folded, going...nope...not interested.


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22 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Presumably because the devs are still holding out some hope that just maybe, for once, players will take things seriously and actually participate...instead of having to be dragged along kicking and screaming.

They are trying to create a sense of jeopardy and narrative, but it seems most of the time folks just stand there with their arms folded, going...nope...not interested.


You mean like the devs just adding random tiny scannable items all over the place instead of adding a proper event that has us complete missions which triangulate the data hashes for us?

Yeah, it's 100% the players' fault for not wanting to search for them. /s

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People realize that if DE came forward and outright confirmed that they intentionally inflated values and have done so on (the first running of) past events they run the risk of players getting even more lazy with these types of events, right? So many people already refuse to so much as launch the game if they're not being spoon fed new shiny rewards that confirming that they can be even lazier and still get rewards from said event is foolish.

And regardless of progress being real or not these types of "community events" are only good for the game itself and the community. The influx of people and content creators doing the "ARG" puzzle and posting information on the how and where of the data hashes and all the guides people made all were work and collaborative efforts done by the community. These types of events get people talking about the game and make some people playing it feel like the community is more cohesive than it could ever appear in-game.

Also anyone who thinks that the chance of failure should be (more) real then you should do some research into the Gradivus Dilemma event. If there was any event with a real chance of failure it's this one as half(-ish) of the community did lose by the time it concluded and they were NOT happy about it. Events where your reward get's railroaded by someone else's progress (or lack their of) is something that can and will drive more players away than any "community progress" system could.

edit: Tubemen of Regor was another event that followed the same system as Gradivus dilemma and had all the exact same problems.


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3 hours ago, Ultimatesoup said:

If this would have been the case, we would have had universal vacuum, hema cost reduced, less boring grind (DE have been saying "we will reduce the grind" since at least 2014), decent moderators, no BS autoban words, and no scripted events. This is not the first/second/third time an event is so blatantly scripted.

Instead I've been seeing a lot of "iT's DE'S gAmE,tHeY dO wHaT tHeY wAnT" and "wHaT aRe YoU CoMpLAiNiNg AbOuT iT's A fReE gAmE" for a very long time. A good chunk of the community would rather bend over DE than have a better game. Just take a look at Warframe's reddit, constantly circlejerking. 

Heh, you're one of those "First Paywall" jokers.

Shouldn't you be happy with this outcome? You did it! You stuck it to the The Man! 😄

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Il y a 2 heures, ludo3009 a dit :

The grind is the counterpart of not paying for stuff in F2P games. It is never gonna change.

Not necessarily. Dota 2 is one example. On the other hand, World of Warcraft is grindy while there is an initial and continuous price.

But weither the game is grindy or not, boring grind doesn't attract players.

Technically speaking League of Legends is grindy, however I never felt that. This used to be the same in Warframe, but since PoE or so, a lot of stuff feels like it's a chore to be done with.

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