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Plains of Eidolon Remaster: Hotfix 24.6.2 +


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I was running the game on medium setting with no problem, even in remastered Plains,
but after the latest Hotfix I'm experiencing major performance issue to the point of the game being hardly playable.
even in my orbiter I don't get a frame rate over 20 or so.

tried dropping the game setting to the lowest possible with no real result.

can anyone give me some pointers please

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Thanks for all the changes, really loving the reworked Plains. I will say, however, there is still significant issue with Bounty Caches spawning in the ground. They are occasionally still able to be interacted with, but majority of the time just causes the bounty to be eventually failed. I have noticed it's more prevalent when they spawn down in the caves. I failed 4 bounties yesterday while trying to finish up the Nightwave mission, just because they had spawned in an unreachable location.

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20 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

Thanks guys for the further updates. Any news on what's going with the new lighting making things look seemingly a tad blurrier?

Only fix for it that I've come across is to disable depth of field. Sadly DE probably won't fix this

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"The Wolf of Saturn Six Changes:

  • The Wolf (and other “stalker” type enemies) now have a level cap of 45 for Solo players and 60 for public squads.
  • Significantly reduced the Wolfs tankiness."


WELL... 7D051D50A32777A1C681A4EFF5A72F0CD9197732And the prisoners were also on the same level

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2 hours ago, KingJerbear said:

Thanks for all the changes, really loving the reworked Plains. I will say, however, there is still significant issue with Bounty Caches spawning in the ground. They are occasionally still able to be interacted with, but majority of the time just causes the bounty to be eventually failed. I have noticed it's more prevalent when they spawn down in the caves. I failed 4 bounties yesterday while trying to finish up the Nightwave mission, just because they had spawned in an unreachable location.

if you pull out your scanner you can see exactly where they are, and then you can stand in the right place and the prompt will pop up. this still should be fixed but in the meantime you can do that fyi

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42 minutes ago, XZLink said:

"The Wolf of Saturn Six Changes:

  • The Wolf (and other “stalker” type enemies) now have a level cap of 45 for Solo players and 60 for public squads.
  • Significantly reduced the Wolfs tankiness."


WELL... 7D051D50A32777A1C681A4EFF5A72F0CD9197732And the prisoners were also on the same level

+1 on this, I was in a pub squad and he was level 74

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I didn't really know where else to put this, aside from writing into my Hello-Kitty Diary and shove it up where the sun doesn't shine.
What I don't get in the games industry is this ever growing trend to reduce player choices and removing the impacts of these choices.
I bet there are many people out there, happily playing a game, never checking the forums. Sometimes I am under the impression, that these just silently playing people get the full brunt of everybody else, who is crying out the loudest. Speaking in general, not trying to get personal.
While I do see the point in forums and such, I also feel, that I can no longer just play a game, whithout becoming actively and regularly involved or else I will be counted as nonexistent.
That just on the side.
My point is: If at all possible, please let your playerbase choose, how they'd like to play and not just take a small crowd from whatever platform and adjust the game to whoever yells the loudest. Most of the latest large complaints boils down to that: Taking away options and touching running systems.
Now before everybody goes mad and shoots me with "But they need to listen to paying customers!", bear with me for a moment longer. I'm aware of that and I encurage innovation and change.

I can only speak for myself and hence I'll use me as an example. As a relatively new Tenno (have not left Neptune by choice), I like to work for stuff. Not tediously, but sensible. I love the side stuff in this game like mining, fishing, breeding pets and raising them, collecting every recipe there is and I also was a very big fan of how Cetus resources were used and needed. It made sense. I don't like being spoon-fed and I don't like the "just pay with standing" way instead of crafting. Same with Arcanes or Fortuna.

In general, why not giving us choices and options, instead of just ever replacing something that was probably loved by and totally fine with many, to please the other half?
Why not please all your customers? There's no downside to it.
1.) Nightwave AND alerts would have been awesome. Nightwave cred offerings like the occassional potato, mods and a cosmetic made available in addition as the more spontaneous alerts. Not talking about the tier rewards, to point that out. The alerts and the public grouping system worked great, so why not keep it? On a sidenote, most of my starter Tellurium and Oxium came from alerts and so did Nitain... And Kubrow eggs...

2.) Instead of taking away melee mode and quick melee, give players a choice. A toggle. I was a heavy melee user, that now switched to spamming just abilities and my most effective gun. There's so many different playstyles out there, so I don't see the point in limiting that. Making one thing smoother and better (for many) and making the same thing in turn a drag (for many) is not a good strategy.
Same goes for overly flashy and bright effects. At least there I have an on/off choice and I'm happy for it, but I'd prefer a balanced one, like it was before.

I'm sorry I don't watch streams as often or not at all (spoiler prevention) or that I just recently joined and can't remember or know what was said as a course of action or whatever in means of "lowering grind and farming and changes in resources usage". I fail at keeping track of all the things and honestly, I can be dissatisfied with something even though I knew it would be implemented.

3.) I'm a person who even keeps recipes for all the antitoxins and obviously the large health restore, because I like the principle of using nature's bounty and to have the latter is rather handy. Last but not least, farming for something and using my loot / fruits of my labour adds to immersion.
I loved making the Tatsu and it made a lot of sense to produce bait from fish parts. I'm a sucker for such details and I'm up for more.
Frostleaf-brew against the cold etc just throw it at me. Moar stuff. No need to haves, but nice to haves.
Someone made a suggestion, for alternatively using servo-fish parts for bait and I totally like that idea! WF doesn't use the tedious and annoying "bring you skill level up to 375 to be a master, before you can harvest this" or "use your resources to craft a hundred iron daggers which you later throw away to raise your forging skill" and it was a very positive surprise for me to have fun while hunting resources. So I'm all in for more plants n fish n gems 🙂
On the other hand, I do understand people, who want to just breeze through the game with as less stress n work as possible. That is fine, really.
Like it said, everybody has their own unique way of playing and enjoying a game.
So just keep both sides happy and provide alternatives. Same with Arcanes. Pre-built and crafting options.

I only used the case with the bait as an example, but this is something that can be applied all across Warframe.

DE already has that system up and running in their market. And it works.
They are giving their customers the choice, if they have the time / like to work for a frame or weapon or if they'd like to purchase it with plat.

That's all I felt like it needed to be said. English ain't my native, so I'm never 100% sure if I phrased myself right. If in doubt how I meant something, just ask. TY

If at all possible, give us choices instead of replacements. Please DE.

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Could you revert the harrow's condemn (his 1st) ability back to how it was as it feels horrible to use for now because you can't use it in air anymore.

If you would just make it to bring you to ground if you hold the button and be how it was if you just click the button. hopefully you consider this option

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On 2019-04-06 at 5:14 AM, -AS-Sternenwanderer said:

This Hotfix removed the winter / Chrismas dekoration from my orbiter 😞

i had it in there since 2015 non-stop 


i want it back

Try checking Landing Craft>Customise Interior. 

Mine also got "removed" and moved in there. 

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Cannot heal sentinels still, void dashing through them on Orb Vallis and now Plains of Eidolon fails to heal them with vararins protective dash. Can heal everywhere else in the star chart.

Also Tusk Thumpers need to be renamed to David Copperfield (magic show), you see them, get drawn in by them and become engaged with the show they put on then you know what's about to happen next (as in you're about to destroy them) they go poof and they're gone in a blink of an eye. 😛

Seriously though they seem to bugga off once down to low HP left, ended up getting the weapon BP from it after a few goes, still a fun fight apart from them disappearing.

The changes on POE look great and it runs awesome, I wish Orb Vallis was as well optimized as POE is.

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New melee system still doesn’t work properly when using a ps4 controller on steam, worth noting that controller has been optimized for steam and big picture mode. In game, when you press the melee button the first time it performs one attack, but afterwards the melee weapon is un-usable unless you switch to another weapon and switch back. Also worth mentioning when you’re running with just a melee weapon equipped (I.e., no primary or secondary equipped) the melee weapon is rendered completely un-usable.

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I don't know where suggestions go, so I'll post here, and let it be forgotten \o/ Can we get an option for Titania to hide the holstered weapons in Razorwing? They really stand out when looking at the frame.

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