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Nightwave, I am spent


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2 hours ago, hazerddex said:
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Other people disagreeing with other peoples opinion and discussing it is not derailing. derailing a thread would be switching topics to a completely different topic i.e taking this topic and turning it into a topic about Pokemon. Your just upset your not getting the echo chamber that you want.


There's a huge difference between discussing a topic and attacking other people's opinions.

You can't force people to like something.

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4 hours ago, Ark218 said:

Honestly, with over 2k hours I had run out of things to do regularly before nightwave. I usually end up waiting to play new content drops as they come.

I'm in a similar situation, but you know what, I was fine with that. My reward for having done everything in WF was that I could play other games until something new/interesting was added. Even after 2k+ hours I could still enjoy playing WF after an update instead of just playing the same old same old for the sake of playing and not really having a good experience.

NW isn't difficult, it's also not the least bit interesting as it's just a bunch of stuff I could do any time or would just happen normally...and it did require time I would have preferred spending pursuing my own agenda. I'm officially done with NW season 1 having reached  rank 30, I'm certainly not going to keep doing these chores for fun, because they aren't. WF has plenty of content you can repeat, but few things I want to repeat.

That said, I don't want a bunch of "interesting" riven-like challenges because even though I enjoyed a few NW chores like the kuva survival (sans the unnecessary with-pals requirement)...I certainly don't want stuff like this week after week. NW as occasional/repeating 2 week events, ok, NW in perpetuity, I'll pass.

What really erks me about NW is the wolf himself (this along with the boring fracture event and 4th kdrive plank cost DE a PA) what an awful way to add a new weapon. Maybe DE still has something planned for the end of NW, but they get no points from me for their lack of communication.

* DE, please don't take my killing 150 enemies with corrosive yesterday as a continuing endorsement of NW post rank 30, that was purely coincidental...

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On 2019-04-06 at 12:41 AM, Neofit26 said:

It's Friday night and I have just finished my weekly nightwave homework.

That sums it up.


Homeworks are never fun, no matter what the context is, because it is homework.


We need fun content, not boring tasks that we want to be over with, that force you to play the game in a way you don't want to.


It was a fun experiment DE. It is about time Nightwave gets shelved never to return again.


I need those umbra formas though, so you gotta find a way to integrate them into the game somehow.



- A fellow Tenno

Edited by White_Matter
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On 2019-04-06 at 8:52 AM, trst said:

The inherent design of Alerts was always a problem. Needing to get on with little notice or risk missing out on a reward for months was an issue players have always complained about.

Nightwave could use more work towards fixing this issue but even in it's current state it has mostly solved it already.

And again this system does not take a lot of time to keep caught up on and also all of the extra time put into it over Alerts is progress towards other rewards that never existed with Alerts.


Also the Itzal nerf comment made in the Devstream came from Scott which if you know any of the history the players have with Scott, this isn't a surprising comment from him.

I feel I should add to this, a lot of the things nightwave is asking you to do can be done together. For instance, you could have done the recent 10 nightmare missions and the spy missions at the same time. Searching for any nightmare mission that is also a spy takes 2 minutes at most. And if its a survival then you can also get your kills in. Thats 3 out of the 10 in one go.

If its taking you an age to do, then youre not being smart about how you do it either. And you dont have to do everything either, thats the beauty of it.

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I'm effectively done now, got my sledge building, and there is no way barring my net going out that i can't get 11K more standing to reach rank 30, i feel no sense of fulfilment only relief that this monopolization of my life will soon be over and i can look forward to other things or just do missions in this game i actually want to do, the sense of entitlement the devs have over the player base's time is ridiculous, they need to stop putting arbitrary time limits on everything then wasting our hard drive space with the rewards so others can use them based soley on free time or happening to ahve played the game longer,

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Personally I don't mind my endgame being that I have time for GF, family and a huuuuge backlog of other games that I'd like to play. 😋

And that's from an oldtimer MR27 with pretty close to everything and still not feeling like I have done enough. 

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With nightwave, the new player experience has gotten worse, not better.

It was easy to log in, see a heat blade or pangolin sword blueprint, or the occasional nitain or even catalyst. Now there's nothing but an insane grind wall that new players will have a lot of difficulty going through - and then they won't know what to buy with their incredibly limited amount of wolf creds. GG DE

Oh yea, I used to get roughly 3 or more nitan per week. Now it's zero.

Edited by zetheros1
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I reached rank 30 today. I wouldn't say I'm spent or burnt out! But I can agree with you that Nightwave has shaped the way I play the game in not the greatest way... I have to plan my evenings around efficiently completing Nightwave tasks. I usually tackle the daily and one weekly every evening while building up progress for other weeklies (e.g. Invasions, Nightmare, Relic challenges)! For example, I spent maybe an hour fishing for rare servofish and mining rare gems in Orb Vallis this evening! I spent another hour cracking open some more relics (did 4 last night so only had to do 6 more)! The daily today was hacking 8 consoles, so I ran Lua Spy with Limbo... Anyway... I only really get the weekends after completing the weekly Nightwave challenges to really focus on progressing in the game. Like, reaching Old Mate in Fortuna was harder since I had to do all this other Nightwave stuff. I'm glad I got Kin in Ostrons well before Nightwave! But I don't have much time to hunt 19 more Teralysts to reach Architect in Quills or even any time to farm Toroids for Little Duck!

I try to shoehorn as much progress into my Nightwave challenges as I can! I picked up Prisma Grakata from Baro last week and I chose this to be my 3 forma Nightwave weapon! I have a Mirage Prime cooking in foundry, so I took my unranked Mirage and maxed her in 10 Lith and Meso relic runs with the Prisma Grakata (not leeching, I did a fair bit of killing with Mirage and Grakata! Lith and Meso are low level anyway!). Then for the 8 console daily today, Limbo equipped Prisma Grakata in Lua Spy to help level it a little faster (no alarm Vaults give lots of affinity!) while I hacked 8 consoles. Prisma Grakata has 2 Forma in it now and I started it on Monday! I think the Lua Spy was also a Nightmare mission... so one more Nightmare mission for the Nightwave challenge!

I tried to mine gems near temples for Toroids but no such luck...

Anyway... that's an example of how I try to work around Nightwave while still progressing in some meaningful way!

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New player here, I started a week before Nightwave went live and here is my perspective.

*Note: I have a lot of free time on my hands even with a full time job and am also very use to skinner box game design, grinding, and researching content through wikis or other third party sources. Currently at 300+ hours in game and rank 24 in Nightwave.

The first week of Nightwave I thought nothing of it, not yet knowing about the time sensitive nature of it. I did about half the challenges.

Second week after now knowing about the amount of time available and the significance of the Umbra Forma and Wolf Armor, I started to actively work towards gaining points and was enjoying myself.

Third week is where I felt like Nightwave was guiding what content I played and the feeling of "Fear of Missing Out" started to worm it's way into my mind.

Fourth week, Nightwave no longer felt enjoyable and started to feel like work. Work where I have a deadline to meet or there would be consequences. This feeling has continued since then.

Nightwave introducing new players to things like bounties, sorties, grove spectres, vaults, and more was nice as it felt like I had so much variety in what could be done in the game even if I couldn't do it yet. I did raise an eyebrow at the "1 hour survival" challenges, but glad they have yet to return.

The major issue I have with Nightwave is one that most in this thread share, it feels like work or a chore with the novelty wearing off after the first few weeks. When I play I am constantly thinking about what Nightwave challenge to do or how much time is left and NOT thinking first on what I WANT to do. The Standing grind for Fortuna and Cetus were the most unfun part. After missing the Elite Weekly that required Old Mate, I felt rushed to get as much standing as possible so I didn't miss another challenge instead of increasing it at my own pace.

Again as person who has spent much of his free time in Warframe, I know my experience is like not what the average new person has, but it is one point of view which may be of some use. I have obviously really enjoyed the game as a whole, but Nightwave has me uneasy about where the future of this game and my role in it will be at.

My suggestion would be for wolf cred to be awarded every 10k points and all awards purchasable using the currency. For things like Wolf Armor and Umbra Forma, a minimum requirement of X number of Elite  challenges would be fine and of course limited to 1. Nightwave should also be two weeks max and appear periodically like Baro or the Ghoul events.

Edited by Bioness
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DA FAK you guys talking about?? 

i solve most of the Nightwave challenges in 2h solo.  Like the only one active now is daily and sorties since monday. 


What you need help with, let me know ill give you a tip. 


but if anything DE should add like 2 daily missions or a daily should give you 2.000points. 


Also we should get 20 wolf points with each rank. 

Edited by (PS4)ImTheOx
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1 hour ago, Bioness said:

New player here, I started a week before Nightwave went live and here is my perspective.


Again as person who has spent much of his free time in Warframe, I know my experience is like not what the average new person has, but it is one point of view which may be of some use. I have obviously really enjoyed the game as a whole, but Nightwave has me uneasy about where the future of this game and my role in it will be at.


I'm a fairly new player, having started on PC in January (after a couple of hundred hours on PS4 in 2014) and not really feeling the same as you about Nightwave (although I have had reservations). I too have loads of free time and spend a lot of it on Warframe (approaching 8 days of gameplay since January) I usually complete most but not all objectives each week and am currently at reward tier 17. Sometimes I've missed challenges due to locked content (such as Sorties, The Index, Halls of Ascension), sometimes due to RNG (not enough Eximi spawing or being short of Ayatan sculptures) and sometimes because I can't be bothered (Orokin Vaults). I doubt I'll get to reward tier 30... but why would that be a problem?

I think the only person you can blame for suffering FOMO is yourself, not DE or Nightwave.

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It may be, because apart from the Umbral forma all other rewards were mediocre. I don't mind Nightwave, but I did realize that I did all that for the Ubral Forma and the Wolf armor (which sucked btw). When what you get for ranking up is another sigil, it doesn't exactly provoke excitement.

Perhaps it would be better if players had the option of choosing tier rewards, with resources thrown back in. In any case, the change has to be looked with the perspective of how much is it going to impact plat expenditure and the answer has to be not at all.


LV 1-10

Common (can be selected multiple times):

20 Creds

50 Fieldron/Mutagen/Detonite (the small ones)

10 000 Polymer/Plastids/Whatever

Uncommon (can be selected once):


Forma Bundle

Warframe Slots


LV 10-20

Common (can be selected multiple times):

30 creds

500 Oxium/ 5 Orokin Cells

200 Void Traces

Uncommon (can be selected once):


Unique Mods

Weapon Slots


LV 20-30

Common (can be selected multiple times):

40 creds

4 000 Kuva

3 Tellirium

Uncommon (can be selected once):



Umbral Forma


And just for the FOMO make an official announcement that any previous cosmetics will be added into the next season's store.

Thus, only the umbral forma will require any actual thought and it's still going to be greatly reduced, while also not throwing previously very rare or plat exclusive items at the player base and as an added hidden bonus, solve an issue with my arch nemesis..... *squints at Hema*

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Lol yet when I say that nightwave is bad at what it was mean to do people roast me wow. I've said it before nightwave itself is fine it's pretty good but as a replacement for alerts it is a complete failure. They could easily come exist if they changed up what you can buy with wolf creds. If they want it to replace alerts they need to give world creds for like every challenge finished.

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I am not fond that they aren’t giving us enough options to earn Wolf Creds. It unfortunately took me a while to figure out the only way to even get them.

They have an idea, but the execution and formatting needs better polish.

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Can't say NW made that much of a difference to me. I didn't bother with alerts and I don't really bother with NW. General effort is the same, it doesn't matter whether I do a random alert just because I was at the right place at the right time or finish a random objective because I was doing some random mission and things lined up.

If I look at it from this perspective then maxing out NW should be the equivalent of doing all of the alerts you come across.

And how many veteran players played all of the alerts?

If you were like me and did very few alerts here and there you can hardly expect that you'll reach max rank NW with comparable effort. Because comparable effort under alert system would be to grind out all of them not just select few.

The stick is very comparable, what changed is the size of the carrot. If we got a Wolf armor set alert but only available for 1 hour at random every month I'd imagine people would complain about it even harder.

I've been enjoying Warframe and games in general much more since I've learned to just let it go. And with the way the game industry is going it's only gonna get worse from here folks.

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3 hours ago, AndyBeans said:

I'm a fairly new player, having started on PC in January (after a couple of hundred hours on PS4 in 2014) and not really feeling the same as you about Nightwave (although I have had reservations). I too have loads of free time and spend a lot of it on Warframe (approaching 8 days of gameplay since January) I usually complete most but not all objectives each week and am currently at reward tier 17. Sometimes I've missed challenges due to locked content (such as Sorties, The Index, Halls of Ascension), sometimes due to RNG (not enough Eximi spawing or being short of Ayatan sculptures) and sometimes because I can't be bothered (Orokin Vaults). I doubt I'll get to reward tier 30... but why would that be a problem?

I think the only person you can blame for suffering FOMO is yourself, not DE or Nightwave.

You can't exactly place blame on a well known psychological fault of humans on the people experiencing it. DE and many other companies that do "limited time offers" know what they are doing when they put stuff up like that. You may not care enough, but for people who don't want to be at a disadvantage for missing the Umbra forma Nightwave is not a wholly enjoyable experience.

I would go further into it, but then such discussions devolve into ethical arguments on personal responsibility vs. company accountability.

Edited by Bioness
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Well, as I said, only 'no lifer' can actually benefit by alert.

With alert system, we are required to be online on Warframe within around 1 hours(or 2 hours if the reward is catalyst/reactor), when the ramdom alarm is triggered, and no one have an idea when does it rings.

And, look back yourself. We are human being, that needs to sleep about a third of the entire of your daily life, and usually needs to work about a third of the entire of your daily life, so even if you are dedicate the whole free time to Warframe you will lose 2/3 of the rewards bestowed by alert.

Will you get up when the alert is triggered while you are sleep all the times? Will you set aside your daily work just because you want to run an alert? And more importantly, will you keep stay near of your PC or console and ready yourself to dive into alert when it triggers? Hey, it just means Warframe plays you, or your entire life is bounded to Warframe, not you play Warframe. That's why only 'no lifer' can actually benefit from the alert. Only who dedicated their life to Warframe can get the actual reward by it. What the hell?

Also, no one guess WHEN the alert is raised, so you can't even wait a while before it releases, only makes things even worse.


If I remember correctly, even the mobile games - which are uses the devices much easier to carry and much easier to use on the little spare time during the work or any free time - of today does not use such an outdated mechanism. Then what if you are required to use effectively fixture device in order to participate it? That's nonsense.


Well, I am agreed on that Nightwave reward seems weird - why tier bonus does exists, in the first place? But, anyway, anyway... even at worst, Nightwave is always far better than alert, that is not only outdated, but also unreasonable and senseless system.

In short, anything can be better than alert, sir. Yes, I mean, anything.

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29 minutes ago, Bioness said:

You can't exactly place blame on a well known psychological fault of humans on the people experiencing it. DE and many other companies that do "limited time offers" know what they are doing when they put stuff up like that. You may not care enough, but for people who don't want to be at a disadvantage for missing the Umbra forma Nightwave is not a wholly enjoyable experience.

I would go further into it, but then such discussions devolve into ethical arguments on personal responsibility vs. company accountability.

Yes I can... because it's well known and within a neurotypical's ability to recognise it and avoid it. I believe in ethical behaviour, but I don't accept people who assume victimhood to avoid personal responsibility. There has to be a balance.

DE withdrew the kubrow "roulette" because they saw it was triggering gambling addiction... they decided to NOT make money for the sake of a minority with a mental health issue. I don't think they were even prompted.

If you want to talk about Activision or EA's ethics I think we'd agree on virtually everything, but I don't accept Nightwave as unethical... especially as it's free.

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I agree with the OP. 

I don't dislike the basic concept of Nightwave but I do hate how it makes me feel about the game.   I’ve gone from looking forward to playing Warframe to anxiety over being able to get my Nightwave chores done.  Now I sigh heavily every time I log in, particularly on Sunday.  

My belief is that Nightwave is not pleasing anyone right now, except for people who find it inconsequential.  I think it’s better than the old system in many ways, but it’s much more “in your face”.  I’m sick of Nora talking about lizard brains and a fine Chianti.   The game used to be more about Ordis and The Lotus, but now I seem to be working for Hannibal Lechter with lipstick.  

Let me complete the damn star chart lady.   I used to be have fun playing Warframe but now I feel like Warframe is having fun playing me.  

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On 2019-04-09 at 4:40 AM, Enialyx said:


There's a huge difference between discussing a topic and attacking other people's opinions.

You can't force people to like something.

Exepct no ones being attacked.

And you can't force people to be your echo chamber by playing "victim."

I disagree and I think nightwave is better then the old alert and people are to hung up on there but I want it now mentality.

If you cant stand people dissagreeing with your opinion. Then stay off public forums. 

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I played through Nightwave, got almost every challenge done,  and actually enjoyed what I had to do. Some were more chorelike then others, but revisiting Lua or the Kuva Fortess after the initial rush when they launched is something I wouldn't have thought to do on my own. Yes I had everything they had to offer but the tilesets themselves are still beautiful. Its the same for all the other 'chores.' They aren't something I'd do on my own, its content that I'd skip just because I've already done it. With Nightwave I find myself using weapons and frames I wouldn't touch otherwise and if there is one thing Warframe has, it is variety, but once you finish Mastering everything, and finish grinding out that Ivara or that Harrow you generally don't return.

Nightwave is one way to change that, and I appreciate it.

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I have no time to do anything else on Warframe if I'm going to try for that Wolf armour set. I can't always play every day, and even when I can if I'm not careful I get burnt out. I just have to do Nightwave stuff every second of playtime or I'm never going to catch up! It's a self-inflicted sentence, but Warframe itself has instilled in me over the years the compulsion to absolutely flagellate myself to get any kind of cosmetic, and I can't stop now!

I got every alternate helmet I've ever acquired through Alerts. Seeing as how these special Desert-Camo skins and Saturn Six Ornaments are only available for a set time, I've been snapping up as many of them as I can. I'm glad I'm not a new player who has to choose between the limited-time items and saving Platinum on those special helmets...!

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