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Wisp Review/Early feedback


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38 minutes ago, Riger82 said:

Can I get a run down on her 1 and 3? I missed the first part of the devstream, and no one in game seemed willing to explain them.

Also, I dislike how slow her teleport moves. I can parkour faster, lol.

Her teleporting might be affected by mods, at least I hope so.

As for what her 1 and 3 does:

  1. Her 1 summons "Resevoir" or whatever it's called. There are 3 types that each give a different buff:
    Red give health and heal.
    Blue zaps enemies and apply electric procs (like Vauban's Tesla)
    Green give speed boost
    All three are work in progress and it's most likly going to change.
    The way it works, is Wisp summoning these resevoirs near her and they stay there forever, she and her allies can move near it and get a boost for some time. You don't have to stay near it to keep the bonus.
    Wispt can have 6 of these at any time, from which type she wants, but they don't stack if you got more then one of the same type.
  2. Her 3 just take these resevoirs and make them deal radial damage each time you press 3.
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DE I love you but ... Wisp isn't going to do well. Anything placed in a solo location is only really helpful in three mission types, Interception, Defense, Mobile defense. Team players picking up the reservoirs will be unhelpful. Any Oberon player knows that you can hardly get players to get a buff on the carpet. Her teleport is like Nezha's which is only good now because of the explosive nova and push through. Her #3 suffers from the first issue. Her #4 while GORGEOUS is going to be pointless unless there is a new damage type in the game actually called Sun Damage. Unfortunately heat damage is not a good damage type against anything with shields or armor, Ember syndrome all over again. Love you guys and love the design and I really hope I'm wrong but I think this kit is a bit unhelpful.

Unless we sprinkle reservoirs all over the map and hope enemies stray close to it to nuke them... I just.. How will we know enemies are close if we're not near them to have LoS? In which case, guns. Or more likely any other frame doing the job faster. She seems like a spawn camping frame which means, what's the point of her in the wide open areas like OV and PoE. I think we need a reevaluation of this frame fast.


Side note 2! If her 4 is radiation then that's okay!


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Her three , first abilities are just useless mostly because of how the game is played which is super fast, running, rolling, bullet jumping to the objective. Other than in stationary missions she is not much of a use. Her 4th is just - super damage time, flat and basic. As oppose to Revenant (who actually has a story quest and signature weapon) i will defend comparing Wisp to him simply because Revenant arsenal is actually fast and easy to use in many situations starting from basic shield, life steal through fast phasing forward and ending up on having your small army and all this is fast to use and achieve, not like deploying a freaking pot plants and gathering them or wondering if your circle is filled okay (just unnecessary confusion). Wisp for me doesn't bring anything new or useful to the table, neither she will fit my fast gameplay. 

And also as they said in devstream why frames are lacking the lore is my another problem. Making a frame which is just inspired by a random in-game item won't make me like it more or want to dig in and master it. I would really rather wait more time and get a frame that has some more meaning and story behind it rather than just a pretty picture. Garuda, Barruk, Hildryn, Wisp are the frames i never picked up for this very reason. I treat them as MR booster because they don't represent any story or reason of their existence so i naturally ignore them. 

Edited by Unicornu
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Thank you. That explains why the only thing people said about the 3 was that it sucked, lol.

So basically wisp is a semi-stationary support cannon. I'm okay with that. i was honestly expecting a new stealth frame. We haven't had one since Ivara, right?

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Not everyone is a min maxer, wanting to spend 3+ hours on mot.

Warframe has a very large casual audience, who will probably love to float around the star chart burning the faces off grineer with their very own miniature sun.

She looks fun, which should be the point.

Point given. Most of the fun I have with Warframe comes from min-maxing and seeing how long I can last in endless missions. While this may not be for everyone, I'd really like to see a new frame release that caters to this exact playstyle.

I really hope that those of you who are interested in her will have a blast playing her, no matter if she gets changed or not. I'll keep playing Inaros until the day I perish.

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9 minutes ago, Creegz said:

I'm going to objectively tackle this because it seems to be a little less than constructive.

First ability - deployable makes sense for the context of ability 3. I can already think of a bunch of ways 1 will work very well. It will require some thought and placement. As for pub players ignoring it, that's their problem, not the frame. It's an education and player skill problem. Not DE/Wisps fault. I hope we can un-cast them or something, that will make ability 3 easier to deal with.

Second ability - Yeah it could use a bit of an upgrade to how fast it moves HOWEVER that would also adjust the flow and increase the skill gap of using that ability as intended. Think Loki's decoy. I like it that way and will definitely make use of the ability.

Third ability - Really straight forward and dependent on player skill and their ability to plan ahead. Great for defense missions. Depends on range too though. Do an interception and leave one on each point and cast the ability to try and do some damage while you're on your way to the point? Sure. MobDef just cast on points, buff up and get ready to defend. 

Fourth ability - it's just a damage cannon. What's the problem? Probably could be enhanced to be even more effective through mods.

I am excited to see what this frame can do, I really do want to get my hands on it.

Deployables in warframe are awful, only good deployable warframe is octavia. Her 1 is just not that good as far as it's shown on devstream, little speed buff,bad cc and small healing over time, only healing is useful.

Second ability has to low duration to be used as good decoy + its moving.Even if it moved faster, l could still do better with just bullet jump and maybe operator dash.

Place 1 in spot where enemies spawn and spam 3 WoW what a skill. It can be useful if it does great damage but for me at least it's broken to just spam 3.

It's damage cannon on support/deployable warframe.Good idea, l admit it looks super dope but it's another press4 to win ability.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Not everyone is a min maxer, wanting to spend 3+ hours on mot.

Warframe has a very large casual audience, who will probably love to float around the star chart burning the faces off grineer with their very own miniature sun.

She looks fun, which should be the point.

Well, then why that large casual audience dont just go and you know ... catch some animals, thats the activity made for them.

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3 minutes ago, Blacque said:

DE I love you but ... Wisp isn't going to do well. Anything placed in a solo location is only really helpful in three mission types, Interception, Defense, Mobile defense. Team players picking up the reservoirs will be unhelpful. Any Oberon player knows that you can hardly get players to get a buff on the carpet. Her teleport is like Nezha's which is only good now because of the explosive nova and push through. Her #3 suffers from the first issue. Her #4 while GORGEOUS is going to be pointless unless there is a new damage type in the game actually called Sun Damage. Unfortunately heat damage is not a good damage type against anything with shields or armor, Ember syndrome all over again. Love you guys and love the design and I really hope I'm wrong but I think this kit is a bit unhelpful.

Unless we sprinkle reservoirs all over the map and hope enemies stray close to it to nuke them... I just.. How will we know enemies are close if we're not near them to have LoS? In which case, guns. Or more likely any other frame doing the job faster. She seems like a spawn camping frame which means, what's the point of her in the wide open areas like OV and PoE. I think we need a reevaluation of this frame fast.


Side note 2! If her 4 is radiation then that's okay!


l agree l love DE and l think they are the best but wisp is just bad

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Bring more attention to it and hopefully DE will reconsider.  I think it's a bit too late now unfortunately.  The idea of teleporting to locations for navigation is redundant due to the speed at which we move with parkour and operators.  The distraction is going to get Wisp killed in higher levels due to there being no visible CC effect.  You throw out a glowing orb that draws enemy fire then teleport to it.... are the enemies going to magically stop firing at it?  Any moves that are stationary are bad; period.  Vauban should have taught us that by now.  For such a fast frame she spends far too much time backtracking and casting things that don't keep up with her.


Just found out the teleport does have a radial blind/stun effect on landing.  Apologies.

Edited by Blacque
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4 minutes ago, Swagernator22663 said:

Well, then why that large casual audience dont just go and you know ... catch some animals, thats the activity made for them.

Wrong way to look at it. They should be able to also enjoy the game the way that they want to. DE adding frames that piss off min/max players or people who ONLY want to play a specific play style and cannot accept other ways of playing is not a bad thing, it's very good. It opens up different ways to play.

This feels like people in DOTA getting mad because you push a tower opportunity before the 12 minute mark or nobody on your team in CS uses an AWP your team must be terrible.

2 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

She looks fine so far more of a defensive frame. But maybe wait till she actually come out to get feel of how the frame plays 

This is the best way to approach this. The frame may be more fun and work out better in actual practice versus theorycrafting its viability.

Edited by Creegz
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Just now, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Not everyone is a min maxer, wanting to spend 3+ hours on mot.

Warframe has a very large casual audience, who will probably love to float around the star chart burning the faces off grineer with their very own miniature sun.

She looks fun, which should be the point.

nope gotta appeal to the meta mancers who clearly know the game far better then anyone else and know instantly what the community does and does not want and screw you for thinking other wise 

i agree with you kit looks cool people are just going over the deep end as usual actually kinda polarizing in the devstream chat everyone saying how cool it looks while here the about the bizzaroworld opposite and how its all terrible and rabble rabble rabble to the point i think the forums is a SCP for the game in another dimension

if you have your own idea for how it should instead that? great post them lets talk about it id love to have a discussion. Dont just sit there say its bad because you dont like it and it cant do something you get from a kitted out inaros on mot then lump the entire community into with say everyone doesn't like this its your opinion your entitled to it but you dont bring anything helpful to the table 

so i shall end of with the tide and true statement of wait for it to release before forming any hard opinions since we were not given ability stats their scaling with mods and what mods affects the abilities just what they do at a base level with max level health and sheilds

seriously if we approached every warframe based off this kind of thinking everyone might as well play rhino, inaros, or nidus with fully kitted out tigris primes rivend gram primes and hell shaking akstiletto primes since "end game" seems to only care about 2 things tank and damage

mild rant over i require my tea and a snickers have a good day everyone

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8 minutes ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

there might be some "this is poop" comments because the latest frames were meh and the next looks the same 😉


ps. beeing a free game doesnt mean ppl are not allowed to criticize it.

ofc they can criticize  but people are seeming overly angry and they could just sound a little more civil about it

Edited by Giveup12
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6 minutes ago, Unicornu said:

Her three , first abilities are just useless mostly because of how the game is played which is super fast, running, rolling, bullet jumping to the objective. Other than in stationary missions she is not much of a use. Her 4th is just - super damage time, flat and basic. As oppose to Revenant i will defend comparing Wisp to him simply because Revenant arsenal is actually fast and easy to use in many situations starting from basic shield, life steal through fast phasing forward and ending up on having your small army and all this is fast to use and achieve, not like deploying a freaking pot plants and gathering them or wondering if your circle is filled okay (just unnecessary confusion). Wisp for me doesn't bring anything new or useful to the table, neither she will fit my fast gameplay. 

And also as they said in devstream why frames are lacking the lore is my another problem. Making a frame which is just inspired by a random in-game item won't make me like it more or want to dig in and master it. I would really rather wait more time and get a frame that has some more meaning and story behind it rather than just a pretty picture. Garuda, Barruk, Hildryn, Wisp are the frames i never picked up for this very reason. I treat them as MR booster because they don't represent any story or reason of their existence so i naturally ignore them. 

Can't agree more, l remember Octavia, Harrow and Titania's quests.They were all fantastic.New warframes just don't have soul. No one is pushing DE to make new warframes every 2-3 weeks,l would rather wait 3 month's for new warframe with lore filled story and outstanding design.

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First, of I love wisps design, her aesthetic is gorgeous!!!!   
although we barely know how she works as we just got our first glimpses at her I'm worried that people won't utilize her abilities to the extent you guys designed her for. I really don't want what happened to revenant to happen to her where shes just used a glorified 4 button that clears rooms. I thought I suggest a change that would compliment her other abilities more. and some suggestions on her other abilities. 

my idea is to make her 4 a supercharge to your buffs.

for the healing, it either boosts the healing rate, gives damage resistance, gives you a health boost and or gives life steal to your attacks 

for the speed, just makes it fast, causes reload, melee, fire rate, bullet jump, casting animations all faster or some, and maybe gives damage resistance. 

for the cc all it to chain enemies, gives your weapons a similar cc ability having its effect transfer to your weapons. 

idk if it should be a channeled ability or have it on a cooldown refreshing all your abilities but causing you to consume your buffs faster.

also maybe if you have it channeled or on timer your 3 does some other things

shock waves from the healing give duration back to your abilities or saps health.

from the speed, it slows enemies or speeds them up.

from the cc it blackholes the enemies towards the buff stand similar to exodia hunt or vauban's vortex.
I'm no game developer or programmer and id hate to have her 4s animation wasted but maybe while it's active the portal appears your head like a halo. thanks for everything you do, she still looks fun and I'm sure ill still love to player her even with her current 4.


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1 minute ago, SRBvuk22 said:

Deployables in warframe are awful, only good deployable warframe is octavia. Her 1 is just not that good as far as it's shown on devstream, little speed buff,bad cc and small healing over time, only healing is useful.

Second ability has to low duration to be used as good decoy + its moving.Even if it moved faster, l could still do better with just bullet jump and maybe operator dash.

Place 1 in spot where enemies spawn and spam 3 WoW what a skill. It can be useful if it does great damage but for me at least it's broken to just spam 3.

It's damage cannon on support/deployable warframe.Good idea, l admit it looks super dope but it's another press4 to win ability.

To tackle the deployables part, if it has a way to decast it like you do with Frost for example I think it would be totally fine depending on how the player uses the frame. I would probably have no issue with this after the time I spent playing games where it was a requirement to drop things and then move them.

The second ability could probably help the fourth one as well to line up groups, we'll have to see it in practice more to get a handle on how it's really going to work. Also for spy missions that second ability will be fine if it's not tied to the horizon.

I can agree with that sentiment of it being broken to spam 3, that's definitely not an invalid argument and probably the thing I would find the weakest about this frame.

Damage cannon looks nice and feels a bit more like a tech demo but could be fun to just blast out.

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