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I miss fun Melee


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I enjoyed melee. Run through a map, slashing, smashing, stabbing, blocking WHEN I WANT.

If I rightclick while meleeing I go right to weapon. There is no option for blocking so I can use seperate buttons to aim a gun and block when I want. 

I don't mind the instant switch. I do mind the difficulty in making combos and charge attacks when coming under fire (which is like 80% of the time)

I can't even turn off auto block.


Just add two controls to the options. Turn off quick switch to right mouse button activation. If I am holding a gun I will aim, If I am holding a sword I will block.

Second option: Deactivate Auto-Block yes/no

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Apart from the blocking I like it much better now. I'm also a bit afraid of the channeling and combo changes to come. I like the idea of an "overpowered-rage" mode, in a better way than the channeling toggle was, but Ihope it truly is as good as DE makes it seem.

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I don't miss mashing my quick melee key mindlessly and calling that melee.

Manual blocking, sure I could maybe be on board for that coming back, but quick melee wasn't proper melee and since the 2.9 change I have been using full melee combos far more than I ever have before.

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New system sucks out loud in many ways, not going to bother typing them all out again. New system is also noob and Walmart mass friendly... do the math then as to who is going to like it and who is going to hate it.

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4 hours ago, Loza03 said:

I'm pretty sure that the majority of people preferred the OG blocking.

Not if my pool of friends is anything to go by. None of us ever used blocking prior to the melee changes, but we do now if just by sheer happenstance. Personally, I'd prefer the ability to auto-block even with my gun out, provided I'm not firing or aiming.

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25 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

Not if my pool of friends is anything to go by. None of us ever used blocking prior to the melee changes, but we do now if just by sheer happenstance. Personally, I'd prefer the ability to auto-block even with my gun out, provided I'm not firing or aiming.

That's fair I suppose. Hell, ask me before the change and I'd probably have agreed. It's just I've seen a lot more people who prefer the old blocking system. Mostly due to block-glide and such, as well as not putting your melee away as often.

And, well, that's not to say they're mutually exclusive. They mentioned buffing block to a 100% block, so maybe auto-block could remain as a passive frontal damage reduction based on weapon type, but you have to manually hold block for CC immunity and 100% damage resist?

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13 hours ago, Loza03 said:

That's fair I suppose. Hell, ask me before the change and I'd probably have agreed. It's just I've seen a lot more people who prefer the old blocking system. Mostly due to block-glide and such, as well as not putting your melee away as often.

I agree 🙂 I even posted a suggestion about it. Long story short, I'm of the opinion that "aim" and "glide" should be separate actions and not bound to the same key. The same goes for latch, as well. I'd like to ability to glide without aiming even when wielding a weapon, in fact. My personal preference was to bind Glide to holding the jump key like in most other games with a glide component. That ought to prevent it from switching weapons or triggering scope zooms.

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11 hours ago, Atsia said:

Yeah, I doubt most players actually cared about manual blocking

I certainly did. I'd also hazard an educated guess that all the people making "manual blocking returning when?" comments in various threads - including update ones - cared about manual blocking as well. Because there have been a fairly substantial amount of comments on that. 



Edited by MirageKnight
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At this point, what annoys me the most about the melee rework is that we've been stuck midway through what is ultimately only a transitional state. In the meantime, DE seems to have said only very little recently about the next stage of Melee 3.0, and so it seems like the creatives have lost interest and directed it instead towards the next shiniest thing, at least for now. I personally dislike autoblock and having to use stance moves, but I am willing to deal with both because a) I personally think this new melee system is still an improvement even in this current state, and b) I expect that stances eventually will get improved, and autoblock will receive the changes it needs after all of the feedback that has been given so far. Nonetheless, I'd rather those changes came sooner, rather than later.

For autoblock specifically, I agree that it is the one change that I think was a step back, as autoblock at best adds nothing to combat besides some damage reduction, and at worst is an active impediment by interrupting the player's actions in a manner completely out of their control. I personally would much rather have blocking bound to ADS so that there would be perfect symmetry between melee and gunplay, and so that there would be more consistency as well between melee combat with and without guns in the player's arsenal. 

Edited by Teridax68
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They could just make autoblock a melee feature that doesn't require an actual melee block. A % chance based on your melee weapon for a shield of warframe power to spring into being, reinforcing normal shields, working like a normal block but not interupting normal play.

Then the rumored 100% block tied directly into melee blocking combined with the shield.

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Since the rework, I’ve noticed that I don’t auto target the enemies as much.

Used to be on the console that was what happened.

Now I seem to just shoot past them and I have to frantically turn around and face them over and over again.

I have the setting on still, it just doesn’t work with the stance on.

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I really love the new melee system. There are some minor issues like the cancellation of channeling when I aim glide, but mostly it is great.Now I can initiate combo maneuvers and instantly switch to ranges weapons and back.

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Am 4.5.2019 um 22:54 schrieb Loza03:

I'm pretty sure that the majority of people preferred the OG blocking.

That's definitly wrong.

The people who do are just crying very, very loud.

The OG blocking has no downsides, apart from 2 mods now funtioning differently. 2 Mods which were hardly used anyway by anybody. It's really just a point in order to make any kind of point.


There are only 2 actual issues with the new blocking.

The first was the Vaykor Sydon, which DE fixed very quickly and the weapon is arguably better than before.

The other are charge attacks, specifically of gunblades. When DE fixes this then the new system is simply amazing.

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1 minute ago, Walkampf said:

That's definitly wrong.

The people who do are just crying very, very loud.

The OG blocking has no downsides, apart from 2 mods now funtioning differently. 2 Mods which were hardly used anyway by anybody. It's really just a point in order to make any kind of point.


There are only 2 actual issues with the new blocking.

The first was the Vaykor Sydon, which DE fixed very quickly and the weapon is arguably better than before.

The other are charge attacks, specifically of gunblades. When DE fixes this then the new system is simply amazing.

Most of the feedback I've seen has been negative to autoblock in particular. Including several people pointing out they like Melee 2.99 otherwise.


The actual issues with the new blocking also include the lack of ability to aimglide with melee out, which means you can't block in midair and if you want to move around in midair you're forced into a gun, which zooms your camera. Or, rather, you can do both of these if you're being actively shot at whilst in midair with melee out but have no control over it, meaning that it's quite possible to be forced into an aimglide in mid air. Plus, a lot of people who prefer melee want to keep their melee out during parkour - which though subjective is still important.

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Loza03:

The actual issues with the new blocking also include the lack of ability to aimglide with melee out, which means you can't block in midair

True, however, when you are airborne enemies accuracy is reduced anyway. So blocking or not, some form of damage reduction is still in effect.

vor 8 Minuten schrieb Loza03:

which though subjective is still important.

You are one of the very few, who realize that this is a subjective issue, not something mechanically breaking the game, like a lot of other people claim.

But here is the thing, basically the same happened when Parkour2.0 was introduced and coptering was removed.

The difference is, Parkour 2.0 was rolled out in one patch so people were able to at least give feedback over the complete system.

DE named the current melee system version 2.9 for a good reason. several features are still lacking, like air combos.

Crying that the new system is worse than the previous isn't gonna help much, since it can't be said for sure, what else will change when the system get's upgraded to 3.0.

Maybe, just maybe, there is an actual reason, why air-blocking was removed? I don't know, you don't know, and the crybabies certainly don't know either.

Feedback on the current state is OK, but this overemotional crying a lot of people are resorting to is simply pathetic.

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10 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

True, however, when you are airborne enemies accuracy is reduced anyway. So blocking or not, some form of damage reduction is still in effect.

Blocking provides a more tangiable effect.

10 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

You are one of the very few, who realize that this is a subjective issue, not something mechanically breaking the game, like a lot of other people claim.

But here is the thing, basically the same happened when Parkour2.0 was introduced and coptering was removed.

The difference is, Parkour 2.0 was rolled out in one patch so people were able to at least give feedback over the complete system.

DE named the current melee system version 2.9 for a good reason. several features are still lacking, like air combos.

Crying that the new system is worse than the previous isn't gonna help much, since it can't be said for sure, what else will change when the system get's upgraded to 3.0.

Maybe, just maybe, there is an actual reason, why air-blocking was removed? I don't know, you don't know, and the crybabies certainly don't know either.

Feedback on the current state is OK, but this overemotional crying a lot of people are resorting to is simply pathetic.

Keeping your melee out is subjective. Having control be able to be randomly wrenched away from you in mid-air because air-blocking hasn't been removed, manual activation of it has, is objectively worse. I feel like you missed that part. More control is better than less control, and several people have pointed out that much of the given reasoning for removal of manual blocking seems negligible. We have 3 different ways to bring out our guns. Reload, firing, and aiming. That's pretty redundant, and aim could easily be used for blocking. There's even been suggestions of double-tapping aim to bring up guns still.

I don't like the people screaming about how it's universally worse either (because it's not), but autoblocking is worse than manual blocking because there's fine elements of the control scheme missing as a result of not having it. That's 'feedback on the current state' - everything else is good, if a bit unrefined by the 2.99 state, but Autoblock is ultimately a worse system.

Edited by Loza03
Missing word.
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Any feedback about "old" melee gets in one ear comes out from the other.

We have to wait 'til we're bones&dust for this melee 3.never to come (well, can you blame my salt? So much hype and we don't even know if we'll like it. So far I'm hating it as it's destroying old melee piece by piece making it clunkier and clunkier)

Edited by Asdryu
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