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Feedback on the recent looting change with Nekros/Hydroid etc.


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Has literally no one noticed this change? Haven't seen a single topic on the forums about it so I will start my own. This was put in patch notes as a "fix" when it is a straight up nerf.


Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.

Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora

So what this means is that Nekros cannot desecrate enemies stuck in hydroid/khora abilities, essentially nerfing the double dip combo for maximum farming that has existed for years now.

What made DE suddenly have a change of heart and make this "bug fix". Is farming loot faster bad for the game? Whats next? Smeeta not stacking with resource boosters? 


Please don't let this go unnoticed. This is a huge nerf for a game based on collecting loot that was put in the patch notes as a minor "fix".

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Hydroid Nekros was a staple for my clan when it was new, as well as many others, for obtaining the Hema.

As you have effectively made it harder for newer clans to get the Hema than we had it, mutagen samples need a drop rate/chance increase.  I'd say at least double, but at least consider raising it by the amount of a Desecrate.

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16 minutes ago, Duobyte said:

Has literally no one noticed this change? Haven't seen a single topic on the forums about it so I will start my own. This was put in patch notes as a "fix" when it is a straight up nerf.

So what this means is that Nekros cannot desecrate enemies stuck in hydroid/khora abilities, essentially nerfing the double dip combo for maximum farming that has existed for years now.

What made DE suddenly have a change of heart and make this "bug fix". Is farming loot faster bad for the game? Whats next? Smeeta not stacking with resource boosters? 


Please don't let this go unnoticed. This is a huge nerf for a game based on collecting loot that was put in the patch notes as a minor "fix".

Please revert, we need farming in this grindfest!

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Someone on bug report forums told me to make a post about this in general discussion subforum so I guess I might as well do it to make this more visible. Hopefully this doesn't count as a spam.

Has literally no one noticed this change? Haven't seen a single topic on the forums about it so I will start my own. This was put in patch notes as a "fix" when it is a straight up nerf.


Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.

Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora

So what this means is that Nekros cannot desecrate enemies stuck in hydroid/khora abilities, essentially nerfing the double dip combo for maximum farming that has existed for years now.

What made DE suddenly have a change of heart and make this "bug fix". Is farming loot faster bad for the game? Whats next? Smeeta not stacking with resource boosters? 


Please don't let this go unnoticed. This is a huge nerf for a game based on collecting loot that was put in the patch notes as a minor "fix".

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Or, if it's possible: Have the enemy factions drop the associated research resources (e.g.: All Grineer enemies can drop Detonite Ampules). That should help ease the problem of mutagen samples by quite a bit.

Edited by Renegade343
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Someone posted an idea of breaking down Mutegen Masses for Samples awhile back.  I think increasing the drop rate as well as adding that feature would make the Hema research more tolerable. (I still think it should be lowered though)

Edited by MagPrime
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typical, "fixing" things that were perfectly fine.

Same as when they made helios no longer scan cephalon fragments and lore shards, a pointless change that adds nothing to the game,. just annoyance.

Hope it gets reverted just as fast.

Edited by QuantumButler
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Pilfer Hydroid and Desecrate Nekros no longer stack for loot farming purposes.  Why is nobody here on the forums talking about this?  I only see Redditors bringing this up.  


Update 25 Fixes:

  • Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.
  • Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.

DE even classified it as a "Fix", even though it is clearly a nerf to a long-time game mechanic.  They exponentially increased the grind for building materials in this one "Fix".  

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5 hours ago, Duobyte said:

What made DE suddenly have a change of heart and make this "bug fix". Is farming loot faster bad for the game? Whats next? Smeeta not stacking with resource boosters?

That won't happen because boosters make them money but they will just nerf smeetas so they can't stack if people get lucky enough.

23 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.

  • **Added info: When we added the Nightwave challenge for the Silver Grove, we encouraged a return to content that normally would have been fine. A small handful of players found an exploit and as we looked into things, we thought we fixed the issue with the new Chesa behavior that could lead to problems. We didn't. We decided to cut a bit deeper. Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior.


They could have just made the specters immune to those abilities and buffed their drop rates a bit. They could have just limited these changes to the specters. They could have just accepted that some lucky people would rarely be able to get a bunch of mods and moved the threshold for a ban slightly higher. Instead they took the laziest route and made absolutely everything in warframe into more of a grind.

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I find this really disheartening as my favourite thing to do in game is sit in hour long survivals with my friends and farm resources.

We always bring nekros hydroid and sit back and watch the numbers climb.

Ive been running a booster alongside it to speed things up and because of it I'd be more inclined to buy them again. I love seeing those high numbers.

Really hope that they revert this and just fix the silver grove enemies.

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This change basically makes Necro incompatible with Khora/Hydroid.

I don't know why they nerfed this, used to be a legit combo people has been using for years, maybe it affected booster sales too much? lol.

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7 hours ago, Duobyte said:

Has literally no one noticed this change? Haven't seen a single topic on the forums about it so I will start my own. This was put in patch notes as a "fix" when it is a straight up nerf.

So what this means is that Nekros cannot desecrate enemies stuck in hydroid/khora abilities, essentially nerfing the double dip combo for maximum farming that has existed for years now.

What made DE suddenly have a change of heart and make this "bug fix". Is farming loot faster bad for the game? Whats next? Smeeta not stacking with resource boosters? 


Please don't let this go unnoticed. This is a huge nerf for a game based on collecting loot that was put in the patch notes as a minor "fix".

Just so you know, they had released notes like a month after pilfering swarm was originally released about how they didn't want desecrate and pilfering to be interacting the way that they were, because it was allowing for way too much resource gain.  The "nerf" you're complaining about was merely fixing a bug that's existed since the khora pilfer update.  For the last few years you haven't been able to stack desecrate with pilfering, as was intended.

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