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Calling it now a Prime Arching and Imperator Prime will come with Atlas Prime.

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From the Rebecca's Game Spark interview. Quote:

Do you plan to add an archwing?
Rebecca: That is the plan. It will be an interesting module. (?)

What kind of reward can you get with Empyrean?

Rebecca: Good question! I haven't announced anything yet, but there is a battleship upgrade and it is possible to strengthen shields, speed, power and more. There is also a huge reward, but this will be announced in the future.

What is the next prime frame to be added?
Rebecca: The answers is hidden in the answers so far!

To Rail jack incoming. I got plat says DE will prime another arch-wing and Imperator Prime with Atlas Prime.

Why Imperator, cause it's the oldest of the Arch guns, Why Atlas cuase he's next in line and how reg Atlas aquired? In space(jordis). Why another prime arch-wing because rail jack in space.

Completing Rail jack missions will drop the relics for Atlas Prime, Imperator Prime and a Arch wing prime. 

Prove me wrong 😅 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
Was proved wrong it seems about Atlas Prime next. Cloud riding Saiyin Monkey boi incoming
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14 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

You are Wrong: It's Wukong Prime next.

Wukong prime comfirmed pretty much.


Yes and no.

They released first before atlas as timed exclusives in China.



Point 2:

Arcwing is terrible and no one will buy a Prime Arcwing Weapon or even WANT one, it's bad enough they tired to give us the Arcwing Prime, I NEVER see it. very little players use the Prime, cuz Iztal is OP and is gonna get a Nerf.

Point 3: Wukong Prime got a rework, Atlas Prime is the worst frame in the game and is in a terrible place, countless topics ask for a Rework BEFORE his Prime. Wukong Prime will generate way more income and profit.


Think about it, An Massive Rework, An very really designed Deluxe Skin and a Primed Version of a Reworked Frame, that is WAY better then the normal cuz of stats and design, IF I was a Dev of any game, I'll do the same.


Point 4: The next Prime is next week, We won't be seening Railjack for a LONG time. It will be utterly pointless to give out a Arcwing Prime of anything, EVEN more so if they will be reworking Arcwing. No ones a Primed Arcwing that is about to get hammerd with a Nerf

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

I don't understand. 

Atlas was released in October

Monkey boi was released in November. 


Go here and look for the comments about Wukong Prime, that will explain everything,while I do rather wish to have a Official statement, it's painfully obvious that Wukong is next 

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

I don't understand. 

Atlas was released in October

Monkey boi was released in November. 


That's for our region, they released earlier in China. Technically speaking Wukong and Nezha predate Atlas which makes it fully possible they both may come first depending on how DE feel about the matter. (it'd definitely be more ideal for de to release a prime of someone like nezha during winter since its a high spending season and he's a very well received frame since his rework) 

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1 minute ago, Cubewano said:

That's for our region, they released earlier in China. Technically speaking Wukong and Nezha predate Atlas which makes it fully possible they both may come first depending on how DE feel about the matter. (it'd definitely be more ideal for de to release a prime of someone like nezha during winter since its a high spending season and he's a very well received frame since his rework) 

See my Gif Above

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)Demon Intellect said:

Why do you think its atlas? In your quote she said the answer is hidden in her other answers and the question before that was about the wukong rework... nowhere did she ever mention atlas in the Q&A.

Oh I C. Well she said huge reward. Which to me that commentates Atlas Prime as being a huge reward? And Atlas is next in line. 

Hmm I could be wrong about Atlas Prime next I guess. Well @DeMonkey will be excited. Would probably make home feel better considering he's a bit broken atm. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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21 minutes ago, (XB1)Demon Intellect said:

I really do think so people are intentionally dense. I mean seriously she only talked about Wukong and Vauban and one of those already has a prime.

I can admit when I wrong. tenor.gif

You got me there captain stewbing.

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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