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Empyrean Release Date?


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I'm pretty sure THEY never said that. AFAIK, that was what they wanted when it was just a drydock release, back in devstream 129.

I can see it coming this week, though. Don't get your hype too high (read: don't flame DE if it isn't this week) but I'm reasonably hopeful.

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Yeah, ok. Fair enough. To be fair i probably misheard it, and they most likely just said It SHOULD be one or two weeks apart.


EDIT: Turns out they did say it should only be one or two weeks apart as they didn't want it sitting around doing nothing for too long


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23 minutes ago, NotAnAbrams said:

I need to be a space pirate ninja murderer as soon as possible

I'll go for Space Pirate, since I've been playing Black Flag again recently.

I really wish we could just jump into a random sector and go hunt Grineer/Corpus merchant ships that carry tons of ressource and credits. Perhaps RJ mods as well.

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With a team of around 100+ employees I would expect that the RailJack should be ready to fly this week maybe between Wensday to Saturday an announcement may drop followed by the update within 24 hours and part three coming out on Christmas. If not then it will probably be around Christmas for part 2 and early to mid Janurary next year for part 3.

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Although this is relying on the PREDICTION that they are ACTIVELY and RUTHLESSLY developing the Empyrean Update above all else. So don't be mad at me if my PREDICTION is wrong.

ALSO here is a weird little bug I encountered (this was taken before you could customize the ship)
I discovered it when I invited my friend Adydoesstuff into a party who didn't even start research on Cephalon Cy. After about a good 20 minutes I went to my Dojo to find that my ship's color was the same as the polychrome of the Drydock but I guess for now we have a nice little glitch to show to DE although not that major.e2c69d2d18.jpg

Edited by CommanderEevee
Giving detail on the circumstances in which a bug occured.
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2 hours ago, Gentleman_Bird said:

I got finals for the next couple weeks. It'll be amazing if the flight phase releases after, or it'll be a horrible temptation if it releases before.

Don't let your life get ruined by a video game. You can always try the update once your finals are over.

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2 hours ago, CommanderEevee said:

With a team of around 100+ employees I would expect that the RailJack should be ready to fly this week

You'll think that yeah, but I'm not sure if you've just never posted on the forums before or you're quite new to warframe (regardless hello! :D), DE have an MASSIVE track record of "it will be this week" then turning to "sorry, next year" no matter of x amount of staff on the team is gonna change that, It's either gonna be as it was promised this year.

Or, as you said: Next Year 2020 and get some popcorn ready Commander, Sir, it's gonna be quite the show!

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This week will definitely determine that Empyrean will launch this year or the next. Because DE only has 3 weeks to work on their 2 big projects which is Empyrean and New War. 

If it doesn't drop this week, I predict 3 scenarios.

1. Empyrean will drop near the end of the year, but delaying The New War to be a 2020 release.

2. Empyrean drop next week and DE will likely split The New War's content in 2 or 3 phases.

3. Both Empyrean and New War will be a 2020 update.

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6 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

This week will definitely determine that Empyrean will launch this year or the next. Because DE only has 3 weeks to work on their 2 big projects which is Empyrean and New War. 

Not necessarily, they still have until the 18th of Dec, to get everything out. So I'll give them maybe one more week to determine that, just maybe...

But if you predictions are correct then the release date that was shown ON THE TRAILER was a outright lie and placed there to built up hype. while hope is pretty much redundant right now, for the sake of :poop: not hitting the fan, both will be better off releasing this year as promised.Old Blood caused alot of issues and this Railjack Phase 1, for some folk where just the cheery on top. 

And folks wonder why the Steam rewards thingy is not going to DE this year. (even if it really means anything)

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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