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Empyrean Release Date?


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Just now, Circle_of_Psi said:

"New War is not cinematic quest anymore"


From what it sounds like, it's not A event at all, more a series of events. So likely a series of smaller things, possibly with all the cinematic macguffins spread out.

An interesting move, but it could work out better in the long run. Could.

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On 2019-07-07 at 2:27 PM, Rin-senpai said:

Soon (TM) x'D


New "big" content is usually relased in one in three periods of the year.
There is a chance to Empyrean in nearby 2 months.
Around the end of year, we get New War (x-mass '19)



unfortunately in the latest devstream they said New War would not be coming on christmas. I predict Empyrean is coming in the next 2-3 weeks. simply because of the whole "big announcement" at the game awards they were hinting at.

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28 minutes ago, Ax-Stark said:

So Empyrean is coming next week or it is Soon™ ?

Well, all those big streamers that have been booked to stream the game this coming week have got to stream something, right?

That, or DE gets a big ole' egg on their faces.

16 minutes ago, Skyguard1 said:

unfortunately in the latest devstream they said New War would not be coming on christmas. I predict Empyrean is coming in the next 2-3 weeks. simply because of the whole "big announcement" at the game awards they were hinting at.

Actually, if I listened to the Devstream right, it sounds like we'll be getting something around the 20th, and that The New War is no longer just a cinematic quest you complete in a day or two and move on.

My guess is, The New War is actually two parts: the Star Chart event and the cinematic questline. The Star Chart event is a permanent ongoing addition which you play to gain some sort of points to unlock the next mission in the cinematic quest portion, which will be spread in phases over months into 2020.

As for what we might be getting on the 20th, it sounds like a "Prologue" quest, something along the line of Apostasy Prologue and Chimera Prologue.

Edited by KnossosTNC
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20 minutes ago, Skyguard1 said:

unfortunately in the latest devstream they said New War would not be coming on christmas. I predict Empyrean is coming in the next 2-3 weeks. simply because of the whole "big announcement" at the game awards they were hinting at.

Rebecca said on stream that she had a couple things that she could announce on the 12th but hadn't decided yet, she did say it had nothing to do with anyone on the devstream and that it was related to her career. My guess is that they decided to kill the lotus and she has decided to move on to another position in the company or to another company altogether, doesn't really make sense though because Steve said at Tennocon that hopefully we would forgive Natah. All I know is that it was supposed to be a huge announcement for Warframe but from what she said it seems to be about her.

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I'm 90% sure that something happened with Empyrean/Railjack sometime before or after Tennocon, maybe there was a critical problem they couldn't fix or maybe they scrapped the thing altogether and started again because this was, what? The third devstream in which Empyrean is showed? In December. And now Scott says they will take the feedback into account and change stuff. In December.


So many months of silence about the update, and what they showed us not only was buggy but had like 3 planets. Things like AI crew, the Squad Link or the teleport won't be coming at launch.


One could asume that the Lich update was (and will be) unfinished due to them focusing on Empyrean, but now it seems that Empyrean will be unfinished as well.


One could asume that they were focusing on New War instead, but it seems that it will be delayed and/or split in different parts. 


One could asume they were doing other stuff like the Corpus ship rework, Nightwave Series 3 or the New Player exper....oh wait.


DE has a history of not meeting deadlines, sure, but after one of the worst years of content drought, I wonder what happened.

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Just now, (XB1)Salty Ginger said:

I have a feeling it'll come out during the game awards this week

Not a chance, they said that 2 abilities arent even finished yet and that the mode was still very unbalanced. Plus Rebecca clearly said that the announcement could be about a couple of things but that she hadn't decided yet BUT it's not about Warframe at all, she mentioned that it was about her personal career. 

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7 minutes ago, velsomnia said:

Not a chance, they said that 2 abilities arent even finished yet and that the mode was still very unbalanced. Plus Rebecca clearly said that the announcement could be about a couple of things but that she hadn't decided yet BUT it's not about Warframe at all, she mentioned that it was about her personal career. 

That is the crux of it, it sounds hardly finished, though I think i remember them saying something along the lines of "it's coming in hot" and "we will use feedback to adjust stats and such" (don't quote me on those, I simply didn't feel like combing through the 2h stream for those line) so it could be that is how they plan to do it. Of course, that there was so little shown in the available ability options was said to be because "the account was (mostly) cheatfree", though it could've also been a cover-up in that case. 

I myself find it had all been a bit... chaotic and unplanned. And while it answered some question of how a mission will be going, it opened up so many more questions about finer details and specifics that they didn't manage to answer.

With how they needed an extra 30 minutes to even show Empyrean on stream, it really feels uncertain. They mentioned needing to look through the code for one typo (something that anyone who touched programming knows can happen and understands how hard it can be to find in complexer codes) but was that all? Maybe they tried to also quickly add the flame trail that was even still left with the debug cube? Or was it more to quickly process several steps and check if all would compile and run without a crash that would force a cancel on the stream? Clearly, being left in the dark has brought uncertainty to most of the forum/watchers.

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Yeah, it looks like they've bitten off a good chunk more than they can chew imo.

Lich system nothing like advertised.  New War not gonna come till some point next year now.  Railjack obviously still deep in development.  Nw intermission now lasting as long as a regular season and season 2 was extended by about 6 weeks or so.

I'm happy for them to take the time to get it right, especially since the lich system was so obviously rushed at the end.   They really need to be more open with the players though and manage our expectations better.  Don't forget, railjack was announced 18 months ago.  It's understandable players get impatient.

If they need another 2-3 months to get railjack right so it doesn't need endless hotfixes on release, so be it.  But tell us and explain why.  Same for the other updates. 

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Just now, zurdaro said:

That is the crux of it, it sounds hardly finished, though I think i remember them saying something along the lines of "it's coming in hot" and "we will use feedback to adjust stats and such" (don't quote me on those, I simply didn't feel like combing through the 2h stream for those line) so it could be that is how they plan to do it. Of course, that there was so little shown in the available ability options was said to be because "the account was (mostly) cheatfree", though it could've also been a cover-up in that case. 

I myself find it had all been a bit... chaotic and unplanned. And while it answered some question of how a mission will be going, it opened up so many more questions about finer details and specifics that they didn't manage to answer.

With how they needed an extra 30 minutes to even show Empyrean on stream, it really feels uncertain. They mentioned needing to look through the code for one typo (something that anyone who touched programming knows can happen and understands how hard it can be to find in complexer codes) but was that all? Maybe they tried to also quickly add the flame trail that was even still left with the debug cube? Or was it more to quickly process several steps and check if all would compile and run without a crash that would force a cancel on the stream? Clearly, being left in the dark has brought uncertainty to most of the forum/watchers.

Yeah I even forgot to mention the UI bug that they were fighting with the entire time, everything from the dev hitboxes, the overwhelming amounts of fires, the fact that the ship should have died at least a dozen times, the fact that they couldn't get barely a single Pustrel to drop to craft missiles, and the fact that they couldn't even keep track of where 2 of the devs were on the ship just tells me that it is still a dumpster fire. 

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1 minute ago, velsomnia said:

Yeah I even forgot to mention the UI bug that they were fighting with the entire time, everything from the dev hitboxes, the overwhelming amounts of fires, the fact that the ship should have died at least a dozen times, the fact that they couldn't get barely a single Pustrel to drop to craft missiles, and the fact that they couldn't even keep track of where 2 of the devs were on the ship just tells me that it is still a dumpster fire. 

If they do drop it this week (don't ask me how, unless many many will pull overtime), it really even needs to be during tuesday, latest wednesday. Thursday evening though? Far too late. They WILL need days to fix any major bugs found by the community, a friday and potentially saturday won't cut it. And that is IF they fixed what had been wrong on last friday (ofc, maybe debug box was just forgotten, fires and the dying was clearly of being underleveled, pustrels is RNG (fun how their favorite way of handing things out bites them in the hand) and the missing devs, well, you have players like those, too xD) But if it is as unfinished as it looked sometimes, they can't afford to wait untill the end of the week to release it and have it unfixed over weekend. RJ has been expected since Tennocon 2017 and quite some players are hyped about it. If they are on stand-by to fix big bugs that the community finds, it will look better for certain.

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Just now, zurdaro said:

If they do drop it this week (don't ask me how, unless many many will pull overtime), it really even needs to be during tuesday, latest wednesday. Thursday evening though? Far too late. They WILL need days to fix any major bugs found by the community, a friday and potentially saturday won't cut it. And that is IF they fixed what had been wrong on last friday (ofc, maybe debug box was just forgotten, fires and the dying was clearly of being underleveled, pustrels is RNG (fun how their favorite way of handing things out bites them in the hand) and the missing devs, well, you have players like those, too xD) But if it is as unfinished as it looked sometimes, they can't afford to wait untill the end of the week to release it and have it unfixed over weekend. RJ has been expected since Tennocon 2017 and quite some players are hyped about it. If they are on stand-by to fix big bugs that the community finds, it will look better for certain.

The problem is that they stated on the stream that they play railjack on a daily basis, that means that they should have already been on top of how to play together. Instead we had Rebecca that couldn't even lead a target properly, a total lack of communication between them (I mean seriously the one and only time that they showed the communication option it was to show that it was there), the only resources they got were cubic diodes and they only managed to craft 2 extinguishers and 1 cannon round. If they couldn't handle a mission like that even being a little under leveled then how do they expect randoms to have any chance? Plus just because Rebecca didn't cheat on her account doesn't mean that everyone else didn't, it seemed like a shock to everyone in the room that she hadn't cheated. The makes me think that the other people had basically maxed skills which should have leveled the playing field a bit, they made the intrinsics sound like they were massive boosts to a railjacks power but then they got smacked down mid way off of the very first planet. If they had that small of an impact that early in then i'm afraid of just how unbalanced it really is.

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1 minute ago, velsomnia said:

The problem is that they stated on the stream that they play railjack on a daily basis, that means that they should have already been on top of how to play together. Instead we had Rebecca that couldn't even lead a target properly, a total lack of communication between them (I mean seriously the one and only time that they showed the communication option it was to show that it was there), the only resources they got were cubic diodes and they only managed to craft 2 extinguishers and 1 cannon round. If they couldn't handle a mission like that even being a little under leveled then how do they expect randoms to have any chance? Plus just because Rebecca didn't cheat on her account doesn't mean that everyone else didn't, it seemed like a shock to everyone in the room that she hadn't cheated. The makes me think that the other people had basically maxed skills which should have leveled the playing field a bit, they made the intrinsics sound like they were massive boosts to a railjacks power but then they got smacked down mid way off of the very first planet. If they had that small of an impact that early in then i'm afraid of just how unbalanced it really is.

Completely agreeing with you there, that clearly showed they somewhere don't know how to play as someone fresh into it anymore.

Communication wise, many reasons can be why it went the way it did. Maybe they mostly play it while being in a "Railjack test room", or maybe over a (stupid example) work-discord channel. Tbh, I didn't notice anything of the other two being in the same room, only one of the couch-people having went off screen to a nearby PC. 

Could've been the features were slightly too new, or forgotten in the stress of having to show as much as possible while bombarded etc, etc. All hinging on the fact that it might've not all been said with full honesty.

With how small they say their team to be, and with how many of them also jump in as semi-bug hunters/playing RJ for the fun of it and seeing what all the options are, i don't know if they even have much staff left that can play beta-testers. But of course, that is what we PC players are for.

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2 hours ago, velsomnia said:

Not a chance, they said that 2 abilities arent even finished yet and that the mode was still very unbalanced. Plus Rebecca clearly said that the announcement could be about a couple of things but that she hadn't decided yet BUT it's not about Warframe at all, she mentioned that it was about her personal career. 

Ah excuse me then I wasn't paying enough attention thanks for the correct info! 🙂

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15 minutes ago, (XB1)Salty Ginger said:

Ah excuse me then I wasn't paying enough attention thanks for the correct info! 🙂

It was hard to catch on the stream, Rebecca was kind of talking low like she was embarrassed when she said that she hadn't decided what she was going to announce yet. It's all pretty confusing because the rumor mill says that a Twitch streamer has been invited to try some new Warframe content on the 14th and the game awards announcement was quoted as being a major announcement regarding Warframes future but yet I heard her say it was about her career. The line from the game awards page says: The biggest night in gaming is back on December 12! Join us for The Game Awards and tune in to see Rebecca on-stage to present a special Warframe announcement! But let me grab Rebecca's statement about it: Guys ask what's the special announcement? Rebecca says Um I have a couple things in mind but I haven't decided yet. Guys ask if she will let them know what it is and she says yes. Steve asks if it's anything remotely related to the people in the room and she says no it's not, its just stuff you know regarding my career and things. So yeah i'm totally confused on what her announcement could be, her personal career isnt really a massive warframe announcement by any stretch since we only see her on dev streams and hear her as the voice of the lotus. On the other hand at the end of stream they are asked what their favorite thing released this year was and one of the devs outright said we haven't released it yet so there is hope for railjack by the end of the year.

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vor 15 Minuten schrieb velsomnia:

It was hard to catch on the stream, Rebecca was kind of talking low like she was embarrassed when she said that she hadn't decided what she was going to announce yet. It's all pretty confusing because the rumor mill says that a Twitch streamer has been invited to try some new Warframe content on the 14th and the game awards announcement was quoted as being a major announcement regarding Warframes future but yet I heard her say it was about her career. 

I think that was a joke that the announcement is about Rebeccas career. The announcement will probably be the release of Railjack or at least a release Date.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)joehan1287 said:

I think that was a joke that the announcement is about Rebeccas career. The announcement will probably be the release of Railjack or at least a release Date.

The 12th is on a Thursday though and most of us on here have said that Thursday is far too late in the week to be doing hotfix after hotfix to balance things.

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7 minutes ago, Mints said:

Wait for the "big announcement" on the 12th and pray really hard it's that Empyrean releases with Ivara Prime on the 17th.

I hope so but this last stream was the single most buggy and broken look at railjack that we have ever seen, it appears that the code has been redone so many times that they have created a buggy monstrosity. Plus I think Rebecca was serious when she said that it had nothing to do with Warframe, if it did have to do with Warframe then half the devs in the room wouldn't have gone fishing on stream to try to find out what she needs to announce. Any major plans to release railjack would have been told to every dev in that room since they are all on the railjack team.

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15 minutes ago, Mints said:

Wait for the "big announcement" on the 12th and pray really hard it's that Empyrean releases with Ivara Prime on the 17th.

If the big announcement was rail we would know by now. More that likely the announcement is personal like Reb said. Sadly it seems rail will be a next year thing. 

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11 minutes ago, velsomnia said:

Plus I think Rebecca was serious when she said that it had nothing to do with Warframe, if it did have to do with Warframe then half the devs in the room wouldn't have gone fishing on stream to try to find out what she needs to announce.

Did I miss an early conversation about it from the devstream? When it's mentioned at the end the devs quite tersely just say "watch it" and don't ask about it at all. Rebecca talks about the big picture of Empyrean as a whole, they talk about what happened in the demo, Sheldon mentions the special announcement, and they end on the suggestion that we should definitely watch it.

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