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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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I just watched they buffed my favoured melee(and gun and bazooka at the same time) weapon... Pratically now i can do 100% damage(killing only 1 enemy) in every mission instead of 99%. thinking they had the same weapon in their old game i can understand they want to OP it. thanks! till everyone will use it...

The other my used weapon, the zenistar  has been nerfed although... :-(

Edited by bibmobello
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14 minutes ago, Zebiko said:

Weird, my rattleguts is amazing, and shreds high level enemies with a riven. I'm not complaining, just surprised. 

Mine too. I don’t have a riven, but it’s my favourite pistol right now. I prefer Hit-Scan weapons, though, which is why I eventually stopped using the Plasmor and the Catchmoon never really caught on with me.

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1 hour ago, Peter said:

They were always like that, so the Rivens exist, saw that Catchmoon was better than 95% of the weapons and discouraged the purchase of Rivens so they will destroy it.

Why do you think disposition exists? simple, first week when a gun is released and the disposition is 1, then everyone buys and spends horrors but those who have less money are left, so the disposition drops to 0.8, those who bought sell for 20 ~ 30% below the price for those they wanted, and it happens again and again.

In the case of Catchmoon the weapon took the interest of the players from investing in simpler weapons, and without interest = no expense with Rivens.

Welcome to the "free to play".


Players create the meta, the market trends and the selling prices. DE can't control a SINGLE ASKING PRICE for a riven or anything else outside of the warframe store. That's like buying a used Toyota Corolla from a neighbor but blaming Toyota for you paying a million dollars for that Corolla. 

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31 minutes ago, Zebiko said:

Weird, my rattleguts is amazing, and shreds high level enemies with a riven. I'm not complaining, just surprised. 

of the Kitguns, if that wasn't clear. which doesn't make it bad, just generally the weaker of the 4.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

Players create the meta

no, the Players really don't. math is what picks what is best. what is popular is picked by the Commuity though.
but don't mix popularity with strength. they may overlap, but often do not.

Edited by taiiat
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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Players using Catchmoon: Literally more than half the playerbase.

Players using Mirage: Me, I assume you, and perhaps one more person maybe.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

I remember at one point all I saw was mirages and chromas but besides popularity she needed to be nerfed 

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Honestly theres no incentive to put time and money towards acquiring really good weapondry and gear in this game anymore. The second you try and get something powerful and useful, as you like and want, even need it to be for your uses; they will simply nerf it. Robbing you of all your time and effort you put in towards maximising your gears potential. Whats worse, is they know it and think its ok. I mean they can just give everyone a legendary core and alls forgiven right?  Give me a break. Seems like warframes players pride is pretty cheap! They will never respect the power you fight for, if you let them get away with doing it so easily.  Well.. Whatever, im starting to loose interest anyway. Had hoped I wouldn't.. But it is what it is.

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2 hours ago, IntheCoconut said:

Can you do anything unique with kitguns, or zaws for that matter too I guess? I didn't pay too much attention. Can you make ones with different innate elemental damage depending on what pieces you pick? Like could I make one that does cold, or another one that does fire? Otherwise, why bother with anything else and just make the one that does the highest dps?

Because as soon as you do, Pablo and company will nuke it.

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hace 1 minuto, (PS4)Zeita-Core dijo:

Honestly theres no incentive to put time and money towards acquiring really good weapondry and gear in this game anymore. The second you try and get something powerful and useful, as you like and want, even need it to be for your uses; they will simply nerf it. Robbing you of all your time and effort you put in towards maximising your gears potential. Whats worse, is they know it and think its ok. I mean they can just give everyone a legendary core and alls forgiven right?  Give me a break. Seems like warframes players pride is pretty cheap! They will never respect the power you fight for, if you let them get away with doing it so easily.  Well.. Whatever, im starting to loose interest anyway. Had hoped I wouldn't.. But it is what it is.

I dont buy meta-rivens, i got my catchmoon riven just being lucky with the sortie rewards. I enjoy Fulmin but i dont have a riven, same for Acceltra. I would never spend my platinum in something that could be wasted so easily. If i get a meta riven by myself, great, if dont, also great. Is this fair for players who invest in those weapons? Dont think so, or at least I'm not sure...

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Just now, XzWasPzX said:

I dont buy meta-rivens, i got my catchmoon riven just being lucky with the sortie rewards. I enjoy Fulmin but i dont have a riven, same for Acceltra. I would never spend my platinum in something that could be wasted so easily. If i get a meta riven by myself, great, if dont, also great. Is this fair for players who invest in those weapons? Dont think so, or at least I'm not sure...

i think i should have sell my 2 good unused catchmoon  rivens but i am too lazy for that...

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Zeita-Core said:

Honestly theres no incentive to put time and money towards acquiring really good weapondry and gear in this game anymore. The second you try and get something powerful and useful, as you like and want, even need it to be for your uses; they will simply nerf it. Robbing you of all your time and effort you put in towards maximising your gears potential. Whats worse, is they know it and think its ok. I mean they can just give everyone a legendary core and alls forgiven right?  Give me a break. Seems like warframes players pride is pretty cheap! They will never respect the power you fight for, if you let them get away with doing it so easily.  Well.. Whatever, im starting to loose interest anyway. Had hoped I wouldn't.. But it is what it is.

You and me both. Brother. If I had any idea this was  coming, I would not have taken my family to Tennocon in July. I would not have invested thousands of dollars in this game and I would not have wasted hours buildinga weapon that is now worthless.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Th3BelovedSaint said:

You and me both. Brother. If I had any idea this was  coming, I would not have taken my family to Tennocon in July. I would not have invested thousands of dollars in this game and I would not have wasted hours buildinga weapon that is now worthless.

Thousands of dollars? Are you serious?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Th3BelovedSaint said:

Yes, all of my family plays and I buy all the Prime packs, Prime Accessories and extra platinum for them all. Because we all love the game. Growing less fond of it lately. May have to cut my losses

Excuse me but what are your losses? Do you pay to have a better balanced game or a broken weapon?

Edited by bibmobello
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DE does understand that a lot, *gonna make up statistics* like around, say, 20-35%(?) of MR27 players are still trash at this game? right?


that being said, my 6-forma staticor doesnt clear arbi drones as well as a 3-4 forma catchpoon after about 45min... 


I'm still a newish player since I'm sitting at just under 200 days logged-in... but the past few updoots have drastically shifted the amount of money, time and energy I am willing to put into ANY rivens. 

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Which one is Catchmoon again?

Joking aside, I'm not surprised it's getting nerfed. Granted, some of the new stats do seem a bit harsh. Sadly I borked my build back before its potential was fully realized and have been too lazy to go craft a proper one, seems I have no reason to now. 

Personally, never really liked the kit guns though. Run a pretty mean Cyanex myself. Mostly due to it just looking cool, and seeking rounds are fun. Does it do anything in say, Arbitration? Nope, nothing. That's what the rest of my load out is for.

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I never liked the plasmor-like shots with smaller radius. The only kitgun I liked is the fire rate + status one because of how fast it completely destroys armor and how fun it is to fire with all the +fire rate mods. I have yet to try gaze though. 

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The problem with all these nerfs.. is the time between releasing them and the nerfing of the said weapons/rivens.  Players invest massive amounts of time and money into their preferred weapons only to see it all go down the toilet when DE decide to nerf an item.  DE should just look at what they are making, and PRIOR to release make the stats of the weapons and rivens correct.  That is not hard to do as they have had years to study this.. unfortunately its about getting a on-going stream of money.  Nerf one weapon and the next one gets everyones time and money .. then nerf that when it's bled dry .. and so on.. Although we cant really complain as we all feed this ever lasting moneypit and I guess always will.

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Well you can definitely blame that on either lack of knowledge or just plain ignorance..I don't know why people are so scared to use other weapons in this game.. it's absolutely pathetic really. Lol I think I've got about 80 rivens and ya know what, They're all used by me. Yes the weapons become more limited as you get higher in enemy level but in all seriousness how many actually spend more than 10-20min in a mission?  I'm guessing not many. So what's the point of using weapons modded for level 100+ especially when your in a squad of 4.  lame

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