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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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"Ok, let me look into our database for the most used weapons real quick ...and Done.

Balance pass in 2019 - check."



10 hours ago, Peter said:

They profited as much as they could from Rivens and now that no one else buys they can nerf, typical.

They are waiting for Fulmin to stop selling to do the same.

Congratulations on the company you encouraged.

The reason they are nerfing it now is the release of a new pack of weapons with kuva leechers. So they nerf current meta weapons to create new chasing ones. It's pretty obvious, lazy and lame at the same time.

Edited by Viges
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11 minutes ago, (XB1)poodlebingo 65 said:

For sale: Catchmoon Riven, 10p minus Black Friday discount of 90pc.

If it's unrolled I'll happily buy it. Rolled I can just reroll my current one 😛 That dispo is probably going to go back up if the nerf is significant enough toa ffect usage, and if it isn't... why is it a problem?

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I expected this need I've already gotten myself off of using it... Anytime a weapon gets to that level of usage it's going to be nerfed eventually see synoid gammacor tonkor and many others over the years. 

Now I await fulmin nerf it's probably going to get a lot of the people fleeing the catch Moon as their primarily used weapon.

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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Just now, (PS4)Eluminary said:

I expected this need I've already gotten myself off of using it... Now I await fulmin nerf it's probably going to get a lot of the people fleeing the catch Moon as their primarily used weapon.

Why would I downgrade to Fulmin when post nerf Catchmoon will still outperform it by far? Catchmoon isnt getting a range reduction, it is just getting a harsher fall off. It will still reach much further than Fulmin, have better mod options and higher damage during fall off very likely. Swapping to Fulmin just means that I'll lose a good slot for a primary in order to get a worse performing Catchmoon-lite. If I am using Fulmin it will be for the secondary fire full-auto to go hand in hand with Catchmoon.

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This is out of hand. In response to players liking something. DE chooses to Nerf it to the ground. Instead of bringing other weapons up to par to give us more options. They destroy the meta piece by piece until endgame becomes nothing but a chore with barely any viable wrapons. Its just pointless and ruins any enthusiasm i have about warframe anymore. I hate it. Why put effort into making any good builds. Or rivens. Zaws. Kitguns. If DE just nerfs them all into the void. 

Instead of making things worthlessly weak.why not make other weapons as good. The catchmoon was great for clearing rooms. Used because its customizeable. and about one of the only secondaries that outperformed in all regards. It needed a balance but dude. Players should have more options. The issue is that anything we pick. If its good and players use it. It gets destroyed. Forcing us to scramble to find something else for high level content that can deal with the unbalanced enemies scaling in warframe. Profit taker is a nightmare. Corpus enemies need nerfed. Not our weapons. Not the rivens 8 times over. The enemies of warframe 1 shot so often and overwhelm players so much that we are forced to find any scrap of meta to even stand a chance. But its barely fun knowing the Nerf or nothing mentality thats getting worse. 


Spending 100 hours farming kuva to see all your rivens ruined. It makes the game unenjoyable. Tey fixing archwing. Like every match in archwing feels broken. I spawn outside the map. There is no real way to heal. And its pretty slow to level archwing at all. And unrewarding


😞 iam just losing all interest in warframe because the grind. The nerfs. The chorelist feeling. Its getting terrible. Its nice to feel powerful. But we are powerless to prevent our fun from being destroyed. Please fix the enemies. And archwing. And make other weapons as strong as the ones we love to use. Instead of making everything as pathetic as the seer and stug. Give us the option to use other things in the high content. Instead of us having to find the 1 gun that works.

Edited by (PS4)Tomplexthis
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With last night Prime Time stream, we had the chance to learn that a weapon, which happened to be the most used secondary in the game, was going to be nerfed. While mainly its stats won't be changed, we will see a huge reduction of its overall range. I enjoy the change, as it is, indeed, a little bit too long and can reach any enemies in the game.

But while some people would argue that it's damage, damage type, or other stats (status/crit) might be the issue with this "overpowered" weapon, or even its range, as the dev noticed, I would like to point out some other points that are often forgotten. This is my point of view :

If the Catchmmon is popular, it's mainly because of the aoe effect it has. In the same fashion as the Arca Plasmor, or by some extent, the Ignis and its variant; the true strenght of the Catchmoon is to be able to shoot in a general direction, without actually aiming or even looking, and still have a tremendous impact on the opposing army. It even works better if you dare using Magnum Force for more spread of your projectiles, and therfore, more aoe. Considering its innate punchthrough, this is a god sent.

While some other secondaries might use similar mecanics (frontal aoe; speaking about Ignis, I have to echo with the Embolist) ; NONE of them can actually use the PAX arcanes. And this is an important point : Kitguns are truly shining as soon as they equip the Fortuna's kitguns Arcanes. Among the 4 available, only 2 are completely over the top (imo), and that's evidently Pax Bolt and Pax Seeker. While Pax Bolt can increase your ability to perform with a spellcasting frame, (+30% power and +30% efficiency, from a secondary arcane, isn't a joke), Pax Seeker can be an amazing increase in your damage output. But there is a trick : Those two arcanes ONLY works if you successfully land a kill with a headshot. From this point, Rattlegut, Gaze, and Tombfinger have a better shot at landing precise headshots... But while voluntary landing those headshot with these 3 kitgun requires aim, the Catchmoon does it flawlesssly while spamming randomly into packs of foes.

The attention needed to make the other 3 kitguns as/or more effective as the Catchmoon is the biggesst issue. Attention is a ressource with a different variable between every player, and the less is needed to be efficient with the gear, the better. Hence, popularity of "braindead" aoe weapons, like Catchmoon, Ignis, and to quote specifically the Conclave, Ignis (again) and Staticor. While a few "elite" (pvp and pve) players might prefer some really hard hitting weapons (semi automatic one hit weapons), and are content with the dps they grant, the vast majority of players are just satisfied by some weapon maybe a little less strong on a single target, but allowing they to wipe out map without effort, aiming, or even caring. The attention they don't use then is used into something else, like objectives, movement, teamplay, or just a general sense of enjoyment of the map design and landscape.

To allow a better diversity of Kitguns use, i'd rather see a new kitgun coming to the game using a Embolist type of chamber, coned aoe beam weapon, than the well deserved nerf to the Catchmoon range.

And on a secondary topic but still on the same subject, I'd rather have a global secondaries buff than a kitgun nerf, with the addition of new "Paxilus Slot" on secondaries, buyable in Fortuna and craftable with Vallis ressources, which would allow any secondaries to use Pax Arcanes. (This could also be done with Exodia).

Side Post :

1- If the ability to reliably procc Pax Arcane and the strenght of the buff granted is the issue, why aren't Zaw more popular than a most normal melee weapon ? Simply put : because Exodias sucks.

2 - Catchmmon stats are great. While most of them can be chosen as it's a modular weapon, the base damage is a bit of Impact and mainly Fire, which can easily be converted with a single mod into Radiation, which has a 75% bonus damage AND also ignore 75% of the Alloy Armor (the toughest enemies in the game). That said, there is rarely a reason in any endgame with the "broken armor scaling" to use any other elemental combo as a pure form a brut damage. Considering the existence of [primed heated charge], it's not a problem to get a insanely high Radiation damage. Changing it's base damage type to anything else than fire or electric would complicate and mainly nerf the weapon in many more ways ; imagine it being based Impact and Cold (or Toxin), and you'd still need two elemental mods to get a fair share of Radiation, and still Impact and Cold (or Toxin) on the side. This approach of the nerf would please me much better than having a stats change or another riven disposition nerf.

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Lemme just quote you for a second. 

"Barely any viable weapons"

"Why put any effort into making good builds" 

"Profit Taker is a nightmare"

"Corpus enemies need nerfed"


To be honest Imma go ahead and say that you're not in the endgame. To address the first quote I took from you, I'd like to go ahead and say that LITERALLY any weapon in the game can be made sortie and endgame viable. Yeah, not all weapons can kill level 5000's and above, but there are certainly weapons (melee, primary, and secondary. Even archgun!) that are endgame if you mod them right, riven or no riven. 


"Why put effort into good builds" Bruh, the whole point of mods is to make yourself powerful. It's not the weapon being overpowered, it's the mods. But that's a different topic. What I want to say is that I could mod an Mk1-Braton into being sortie and endgame viable, with the aid of chroma or mirage, hell, even nova. There are people who've done 4 hour endurance runs with the mining laser! Can't even be modded. 


"Corpus Enemies Need Nerfed" They have no armour, and shields aren't affected by armour. Just run a gas build. They fall like dominoes.

Edited by (XB1)razberryX
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We had a similar situation with the Synoid Gammacor when it was in its prime. This is why it's always good to branch out and have fun alternatives. Being a 1 trick pony is asking for trouble.

The Catchmoon had a good run and I'm sad to see it go but too many people were bandwagoning it. Look for for the next best thing and adopt early before it spreads.

The weapon doesn't have to be the best as long as it's fun. 

Edited by (PS4)Double991
Gammacor not Simulor
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In regards to archwing. I spawned outside the map. It happens if you join a match and are not host.


In pursuit the target got stuck in a rock.

In interception. Its a bit ridiculosly hard to do. Given the slower speed of non itzal archwings and lack of healing options outside amesha. Life support. Health discs

Archwing could use something to heal them. And sweeper lock on weapon design. Plus a faster affinity rate. 

More archwing missions. And more reason to even play archwing. Why not add more ayatan stars or endo drops maybe. Or special mods for non archwing gear

Iam just frustrated. It feels like people say yes to everything you do. Instead of offering viable feedback or criticism that needs to be heard.  People whined about ember. And now i never use her. So many frames are worthless due to armor and damage inbalance at high levels. The corpus in profit taker make it unfun. Please DE playtest profit taker using all warframes and see what its like. Use other guns. Please playtest the high content and understand why iam upset. And understand why everyone used catchmoon before just making it another waste of time gun that becomes over nerfed mastery fodder like so much content. 

Other weapons should be as strong. Equal to the catchmoon in regards to its strength. But secondary weapons should not outperform primaries in my opinion. I think catch moon only needs 1 nerf. 0 punch through.


Thank you if you read this



Edited by (PS4)Tomplexthis
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Nerfing is necessary for that exact reason: If they just buff us up higher and higher, they have to then buff the enemies to compensate. This has already happened to a severe degree (see: how enemy scaling is now) and is the result of the developers not sticking to the bar they initially set of how powerful the player is against the enemies. 


Furthermore, by allowing players to simply run 'n' gun through every mission in the game how are the devs to make certain items hard to attain? By grind. Since we'd be able to immediately clear any content and get the rewards, they have to lock them behind ridiculous RNG. If we had to work more for rewards, then they could get away with reducing the grind. 


I had other points, but RazberryX summed it up perfectly.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)razberryX said:

Lemme just quote you for a second. 

"Barely any viable weapons"

"Why put any effort into making good builds" 

"Profit Taker is a nightmare"

"Corpus enemies need nerfed"


To be honest Imma go ahead and say that you're not in the endgame. To address the first quote I took from you, I'd like to go ahead and say that LITERALLY any weapon in the game can be made sortie and endgame viable. Yeah, not all weapons can kill level 5000's and above, but there are certainly weapons (melee, primary, and secondary. Even archgun!) that are endgame if you mod them right, riven or no riven. 


"Why put effort into good builds" Bruh, the whole point of mods is to make yourself powerful. It's not the weapon being overpowered, it's the mods. But that's a different topic. What I want to say is that I could mod an Mk1-Braton into being sortie and endgame viable, with the aid of chroma or mirage, hell, even nova. There are people who've done 4 hour endurance runs with the mining laser! Can't even be modded. 


"Corpus Enemies Need Nerfed" They have no armour, and shields aren't affected by armour. Just run a gas build. They fall like dominoes.

thank you for your feedback.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:


Other weapons should be as strong. Eqyal to tje catchmoon in regards to its strength. But secondary weapons shpuld not outperform primaries in my opinion. I think catch moon only needs 1 nerf. 0 punch through.


Thsnk you if you read this



There are primaries that are 30x as powerful. Hell, there are melees that are 100000x more powerful than catchmoon.

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Glad I never invested in it. Tried it, knew instantly it was going to be hit with the nerf bat in the future, then stopped using it. It was OP from the get-go and even moreso with a riven. What did you think was going to happen? 😄

The only thing that annoys me is it took them this long to actually address it. It should have been tweaked--along with a couple of other kitguns--months ago.

Edited by Numerikuu
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Nerfing things isn't always the solution, that is correct.

HOWEVER DEs problem is not nerfing to often, it's nerfing far to little.

This has led to massive powercreep which could have been preventedby nerfing sensable items, like the Catchmoon now.

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