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(PC) Grendel & Masseter Feedback


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11 minutes ago, Mardomus said:

Its decent, because the mobs die too fast inside his belly when you're jumping against lower level mobs, until that mob(s) level is at least 50+ and can survive 2-3 jumps. But we still have to deal with a 2.5 Energy drain (Streamline & Fleeting Expertise) from his 4th, which wouldn't be bad IF they actually fix his energy drain from Feast and his buffs from Nourish. 

they really do need to fix energy drain i agree. but adding more micro management? why? if they were going to have it drain energy then it should have done so from the start and removed Feasts energy drain.

Edit: i dont use fleeting expertise on any frame that has self/team buffs especially if those buff durations are already low.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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Grendel's pulverise has you bouncing off enemies quite a lot. This loss of momentum doesn't feel good, the ball would be a lot more useful if we could steamroll enemies and carry on moving...

It would also look cooler.

Edited by Ramflare
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Surprisingly love Grendel (also has a cute ant head), really fun frame to play and while he isn't going to be doing any endless missions, he just generally has a great mechanic. There are some issues and QoL I'd like to point out:

1) Mostly fine, although it could use a slight boost on the "fullness" threshold, from five to seven.
2) Switching buffs is clunky, either automatically cast buffs that haven't been cast followed by the lowest time ones when available or cast all three buffs when held and a random one on press.
3) Holding the key roots Grendel but gives him a large armor buff based on how many enemies are in his stomach, which also powers up a shot that consumes more and more eaten enemies, which then shoot out like a tight shotgun blast.
4) Update "step height" so it rolls through doorways that open up and down, preventing from being stopped by the lower door. This will also solve other "low" obstacle problems. Also maybe allow syandanas to hover stick to the back of the ball for coolness.

As for his passive, allow him to gain a few points of armor for every enemy that actually dies in his stomach. It still isn't going to make him as tanky as Inaros or any of the other 90% DR frames but he'll get closer to it by actually using his skillset.

Edited by TheLocalHentai
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Grendel feels extremely sluggish even with the very recently added improved damage scaling and radial damage on puke. I think the frame would tie in a lot more into the fast gameplay if his 1 was a one-handed action. The casting time is so slow that my teammates will have cleared a room while I'm still eating only to be able to actually use my other abilities. He also should have a higher minimum of enemies he can hold without consuming energy and energy cost for holding should be slightly lowered, even with positive duration and eficiency you'll use energy rather quickly.


So far I have found him underwhelming in fast, mobile missions and defensive missions. He has quite some survivabiliy but as good as no tactical use. Simply shooting and slashing enemies has turned out far more effective in level 100+ gameplay and the fact that his buff is random adds insult to injury. Why not make it a rotation ability like Vauban's Minelayer?

Edit: Completely forgot about his 4, it's just the worst a 4th ability could be. It makes you even slower, it's clunky, it needs live enemies work, it deals no comparable damage, it feels like a joke someone made was turned into an ability. There could have been so much cool stuff like vortexing in all enemies to grendel where they gradually get eaten or turning eaten enemies into a CC/AOE. I can't see myself ever using this skill until it get's a heavy buff.

Edited by Genoscythe
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I really want to love Grendel because I believe his concept is fantastic. However in practice he's not as good as I thought he would be ...

I could be playing him wrong, but I had a lot of trouble surviving in Mot past the 40-minute mark. There were situations where I got utterly vaporized out of bloody nowhere even though I had armor generated through his passive and I was consistently using his 1 and 2, which should never be happening to a tank-oriented frame. I think his abilities need a drastic bump into their effectiveness, ESPECIALLY his 3 and 4. His 4 is way too clunky and drastically loses usefulness the higher you go in levels, and his 3 is the very definition of a dead ability : not worth casting at all. His 2 also has problems imo : I think you should be able to recieve all 3 buffs as long as you have the required enemies stored in your belly, and I think the healing should be bumped up as well. His 1 is actually good, although a great buff to Grendel would be to replace his Toxin with Corrosive (which would make sense, since bile is quite literally corrosive).
Another possible buff is an increase to his base health, he's a big chunk that's all about gluttony : he should have gargantuan HP imo.

If DE buffs him as radically as they buffed Gauss, I can see Grendel being one of the best tanks in the game. But right now there are even non-tank Warframes like Excalibur or Gauss that just flat-out have more survivability and WAY more damage, while being much less tedious to play. And don't get me started on the tank Warframes : Revenant, Oberon and Inaros are examples of frames that can do Grendel's job much better without having to be as tedious.

So as it stands, Grendel needs drastic buffs just like his buddy Gauss had. This is all of course my opinion and everyone is welcome to critique it.

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I'd like it if Nourish could either get a UI element to tell which buff it is currently switched to, or activate all possible buffs on the same cast. Its difficult to see what buff is going to be activated when cast, and wastes time and energy if you're looking for a certain buff before your draining energy pool runs out.

Grendel however has been an extremely fun warframe to play around with so far.

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The sentinel hogs the camera when rolling at high speeds masking the upper part of the screen. This is unfortunately where the eyes are focused when you roll:



Also what other people here have already said, it's very hard to tell which nourish buff is ready or triggered unless your eyes are fixed onto the buff section and only after the fact, since the icons are hidden under the duration and power numbers (And to be honest, Warframe has a buff icon issue). It could use a different aural cue when switching to and using each different buff or a visual one on or around Grendel so we can keep our eyes on the action.

Other than that, it's a fun frame, if weirdly squishy at levels past 60 for such a slow & heavy one, even with its belly full, an armor mod and the Armor Nourish buff. I fare way better with Baruuk for instance or even Gauss. Probably because their defensive abilities scale better.


Edited by lukaself
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Grendel still suffer from an insane energy consumption. With the new update, he can keep his ulti up even without ennemies... but his energy drain still increase with time. If his energy drain would be "normal", on both his 1 and 4, he would be balanced.

But I do understand why the energy drain of his 1 is increasing with time : As you have ennemies in your belly, they don't respawn, and make the map empty for other players. and this ability doesnt deal by itself any damage over time, making the ennemis potentially staying there forever, unlike an hydroid pool.

If you ever decide to change grendel to make him have a "normal" energy consuption, that means to add damage over time on his 1 (instead of on his 4), and switch all the damage from puking Feast into Regurgitate, I suppose. Regurgitate could have two fire mode : a single enemy spat out with a single press, or the full belly with a longer press (including the new aoe damage)

What do you think ?

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2 hours ago, dwqrf said:

 Regurgitate could have two fire mode : a single enemy spat out with a single press, or the full belly with a longer press (including the new aoe damage)

What do you think ?

Nice idea. That or a full auto mode. Spamming regurgitate isn't very fun as it is now.

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So Grendel is definitely my new favorite frame. I've formad him a few times and have been using him on most missions. I also just really love his aesthetic, but he still really needs some improvements. 

  • As many others have said the energy drain increase is ridiculous. It either needs to be taken away or dialed back a bunch. What's the point of the armor buff if you can only have it for a few seconds?
  • Nourish's buffs are underwhelming and definitely need to be redone. But the biggest thing is that it's impossible to tell the difference between the different buffs you can select. He should get a side panel like Ivara's quiver. Also the healing should get buffed more. 
  • I never use his regurgitate since it's doesn't really do much. It's damage values should scale a little better and have a larger AOE. 
  • His roly poly should scale better, but I feel like removing the energy drain increase would solve this issue allowing us to make a much bigger ball. 
  • As a minor complaint why does he do toxin? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to do corrosive? 
Edited by outoforeos
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Copied from my post on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dt41bk/the_good_the_bad_and_the_fatty_grendel_feedback/


A new Warframe is out and all the Tenno flock to try it out, me included.  
Unfortunately, as it often happens, ideas that seemed good on the paper turn out not to be that great after all, and the end result is that the Warframe is rather disappointing.  
After trying out some things and some builds I thought I could offer some feedback on the state of Grendel.

The Good

The concept and flavour are solid. I don't feel like thematically he needs any particular changes in this regard.  
He's a solid tanky frame and even though he lacks a specific role in mission he could very well be a fun all-rounder to bring in all your missions, in particular:  

  • He's rather tanky and could very well be able to tank realistically the whole star chart and sorties. He kinda suffers from not having a great way to replenish is health (base heal on nourish is a bit low to be used reliably as a heal).
  • His ability to make potentially hordes of enemies disappear regardless of enemy health is potentially very useful and can be used as a pseudo CC / pseudo vortex effect.  
  • His passive works well in combination with his natural tankiness though it doesn't really synergize with anything.

The Bad

Unfortunately a series of issues plague is overall design, preventing him from performing acceptably. Namely:  

  •  His resource balance is WAAAAAY out of whack. His 2, 3 and 4 abilities AND the passive ALL rely on having consumed enemies in the belly. That's fine. You could consider his 1 a builder and his other 3 skills consumers. However, consider Nidus: his 1 is his main builder and both that and his 2 consume energy. 3 and 4 are the consumers and they DO NOT consume energy but they DO require resources available.

Compare to Grendel: 2 and 3 are proper consumers and 4 works more like the passive in that it just needs there to be any resource at all but doesn't consume it directly (past a certain level at least you won't realistically kill enemies inside the belly during 4). HOWEVER! Unlike Nidus's 1, Grendel 1 has not only a cast cost but is ALSO a toggle. And past that, it's a toggle whose cost scales BOTH with time AND with number of enemies ingested. It also has a very fast initial ramp up, it's not even linear as far as I can tell.  

So to recap you not only use energy every time you use your resource builder (which should be often) but you're also punished by HOLDING resources though obscene energy costs (you can get to the point where you're draining over 10 energy per second).  
Additionally his 1 also suffers from slow cast... Not a huge problem but in a group setting your teammates will very often kill your enemies WHILE you're devouring them, negating your resource building.

  •  His 2 is a bit disappointing. The buffs are... Ok I guess. The damage buff is fine and the energy multiplier is unique and I guess kinda useful but more to allies than to himself (since his 1 being a toggle limits his energy income to globes and rage only). His "thorn" buff is pointless since it requires you to be pretty close for you to proc it. A proper reflection would be more useful tbh. However the reliance on consuming specific enemy types to get a specific buff is seriously hindering this ability. Also not having a CLEAR feedback on which buff I have selected is a major issue.
  • His 3 is somewhat OK damage wise considering it scales off enemy level although the multiplier seems to be very small compared to enemy EHP scaling. It's also HELLUVA inaccurate. Considering it's a ranged ability I'd really like for the enemy to at least go reliably toward my reticle, however accuracy is really NOT this abilities best trait. It's also essentially a pure damage ability that consumes resources at a worse damage per resource ratio than his 4.
  • His 4 has more resource/damage efficiency and the base damage is fine, however scales less than his 3 although there are easier ways to boost its damage. It's fun to use however I think they overdid it with the physics feeling and the reliance on slopes since the vast majority of the game relies on flat surfaces and bullet jumping between ledges. In general it's just too sluggish and maneuverable and gives few benefits to using it.

The Feedback

  1. First of all the resource management MUST be fixed or no numerical/mechanical fix to the rest of his kit is going to do anything to his overall usability. Since Nidus is such a well loved design and I haven't heard anybody calling it unbalanced I'm going take a similar approach here: Remove the toggled cost, altogether. Add an energy drain ON ABSORBTION per enemy devoured and if you really want to make it costlier to have a full belly at all times, make it so the activation cost scales with eaten enemies. The result is: you can easily build up resources from nothing and going through a cycle of building/consuming yields better energy efficiency than trying to always stay topped off. Also as a QoL fix I'd say that **enemies tagged by devour should become instantly immune to damage** to prevent involuntary griefing from temmates/companions.  
  2. His 2 should just forego the requirement on specific enemy types. It also NEEDS better visual feedback, like Ivara's Arrows or Wisp's Motes. Finally buffing the health recovered from nourish would not only be thematically accurate but it'd consolidate his tanky playstyle. I think a max health % approach would be viable (think Inaros and his passive). 20% (non scaling, non buffed by str) max health heal on nourish for Grendel only seems reasonable.  
  3. Generally speaking I'm not too fond on putting more than 1 pure damage skill on a frame. Hence I'd rather make his 3 more utility driven, even to the point of nerfing the damage if necessary. Without overhauling the skill I'd say the best thing to do is to make the AoE effect larger, lower the damage, and make it apply a shorter version of Nova's slow (just the slow, not the damage bonus or explosion). Think of it as coating the enemies in sticky vomit. Make it a heavy slow but with limited ranged and we have a unique CC tool that complements very well is 4. Also fix the aim issue, if necessary make the enemy appear ragdolled at the location I point at rather than properly launching it... Flavour is nice but only as long as it doesn't prevent gameplay.  
  4. His 4 is now is main damage dealer and as such it probably needs a bit of a damage boost but numbers can be tuned easily. The main fix his 4 needs is a general maneuverability review. Bouncing against enemies or geometry is too punishing to your mobility and effectiveness of the mode for the advantages you get. Everything just needs to be snappier: you're already sacrificing bullet jumping, dodging and ALL YOUR WEAPONS to be in this mode, it needs to be worth it. Aside from fixing movement and eventual number tuning I think two additions would be nice, though it's debatable whether they're needed, assuming the rest is fixed. First I'd say that he needs **some damage reduction** in this mode, 50% seems resonable, and redirected to enemies in the belly (since they're your resources you're basically paying your additional resistance by expending them). And secondarily some sort of sinergy with his 3 would be great. Either spreading the slow effect or (personally my favourite) the enemies affected by his 3 get a large damage bonus exclusively to Grendel's 4 (Rember Robocop?).
Edited by GeckoOBac
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Another Hotfix passed and they still did nothing to fix the ridiculous energy drain on his Feast. I hope this isn't going to be another case where DE will outright refuse to touch that ability until the very end or months later in favor of buffing everything else. Feast is core to his kit and it's ludicrous drain nearly cripples Grendel even with maxed Efficiency.

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MR25 here.

Love the update, had fun grinding the few missions in the star chart and doing arbitration again.

That being said, as a solo player... I have no idea how to finish these missions while having fun doing it. I feel like I either have to find an exploit (cheese) to make it through, or just wait until I can save enough to buy him. I tried to post in the group chat to find some people to help, but I must play at a weird time... because no one wanted to join me.

I really like all the other changes; the melee is amazing, Ember and Vauban's new kits are incredible, even the Kuva Lich is fun and engaging. 

I just can't seem to "git gud" enough to make it through these no mod levels alone.

Thanks for all your hard work, this game has been my favorite for a very long time, and will continue to be. Grendel looks fun, I'm just not ready to achieve him on my own I guess.

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So far, I'm very conflicted with Grendel. On one hand, he is fun to use, while on other hand, he is just lacking. Obtaining him is whole different can of worm, but I will only ask for this to be changed: let people use Gears in the respective Grendel part missions. It will make whole lot of difference.

Here's what I think of Grendel, and what changes should happen:

Grendel is fun and viable, but to limited degree. Very limited degree.

While I have no complaint on his stats such as HP, Armor, Shield, etc, it is the abilities that is the issue.


Eating enemies and keeping them inside you for survivability? Great stuff. The problem is the energy drain. Each enemy eaten drains 1.5 energy per second. That drain is bit too much. That is literally punishing you for doing what you should be doing as frame based on eating enemies. Tone it down a notch. Perhaps down to 0.5 per enemy.


Using enemy inside the belly for buffs? Conditional but has it's uses. There are 3 categories on what buffs you can get: Nourished Energy(from ranged enemy), Nourished Strike (from heavy units), Nourished Armor (from melee). One big issue with it: it's hard to tell what buff you will get when the icon is small and obscured with timer, and the icons look similar to each others. Simple way to fix this: give each icon their unique color: blue for Nourished Energy, green for Nourished Strike, and red/orange for Nourished Armor. However, Nourished Armor is bit lacking. I would suggest that when the players under Nourished Armor buff, the enemies that strike them get staggered guaranteed. I would also suggest that Nourished Energy also give energy regen.


Feels lacking, to be honest. It has its tactical uses, with lowering enemy inside the belly to lower energy drain, and doubling it as projectile attack, but the attack itself feels bit weak. The recent changes made it better, but I would suggest that both the enemy spat out and enemies hit are procced by guaranteed toxin and knockdown.


Oh, boy. This ability was akin to trying to drive a car without the wheels. Not to mention it's lacking damage. Here's a way you can make this ability much better.

Make the ball controlling precise and remove it's heavy effects under physics. Let's be honest, psychics doesn't really apply to any of the frames in the game.

Remove the requirement of "must have at least 1 enemy in belly" to activate the ability. It's made up for it for what I'm about to suggest:

Running over enemies shouldn't knock them over or around, instead it should consume them, similar to Katamari. The ability itself won't cost energy but, consuming more enemies will drain more energy, same as Feast. However, you can jump around to knock enemies down, radius gets larger as you eat more enemies. The consumed enemies take damage as you roll around, same damage it does now. More enemies eaten and faster rolling means more damage taken per second. When you wish to cancel the ability, you can press the ability key to return to normal with all the enemies consumed or you can hold the key down to explode the enemies out, dealing massive damage, dealing more damage per enemy and their level. However, when you run out of energy while in Pulverize, your ability will get cancelled but with all enemies thrown out, like Feast.

Overall, Grendel feels like it could be good frame, but dragged down because of how abilities are right now. Some tweaks and changes in his abilities will make him great, like how Gauss got better thanks to tweaks and changes in his abilities.

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I've played Grendel a bit more so I can share updated thoughts.

First, his 2 DOES heal. It doesn't seem to heal much though to even be noticeable, that's the issue. Suggest to improve it to slightly scale based on swallowed enemy level, as well as to give Grendel a slight HoT that increases based on the number of enemies swallowed.

Second, for what was advertised as a fun frame who could carry a lot of enemies in his belly, the energy ramp-up cost seems quite unfair. Suggest to lower the ramp-up energy drain costs. Also, enable energy regen to occur while enemies are being held to counteract the drain, similar to how Ember's 2 does not disable Zenurik's energy dash.

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After more time, experimentation, and some already good changes my opinions have changed a bit.

Regurgitate and Pulverize are in a better spot right now that they were before and honestly don't really need anything else.

Nourish still lacks good feedback on the buff that you're getting since the ability icon is still nice but not enough, and the common suggestion of being able to cycle through the buffs in Grendel's gut with UI like Ivara, Vauban, or Wisp is something I would also love to see, with numbers next to the icons to indicate how many enemies you have that give that buff and the icon grayed out when you don't have any fuel for that buff (though with how common the suggestion is there's probably something similar on it's way but UI takes longer than some numbers changes)

Speaking of numbers changes, something needs to change with Feast's energy drain. Like I said in my first post it still doesn't feel worth it to hold enough enemies for a decent armour buff from Grendel's passive. The drain is too harsh, especially when just 1 enemy prevents almost every other source of energy from giving energy except for RNG energy orb drops, other frames' abilities, and syndicate procs, so that channel needs more benefits to hold onto instead of just ignoring the passive and using enemies as quickly as possible (especially when other channeled abilities have the same restrictions on energy gain for much more powerful effects like all exalted weapons or Equinox's 3 and 4). At a bare minimum the drain should be reduced and shouldn't have any hidden ramp up or fullness mechanics making the already not worth it channeling even more costly. If at all possible the drain could be replaced with a rising cost per enemy eaten (e.x. at base it's 25 energy but the second enemy is 30, the 3rd is 40, the 4th is 55, etc.). It still takes energy to eat and costs more with more in your gut but you can actually benefit from your nourish energy buff. If the drain must remain then maybe lower it's base value and definitely remove any additional hidden costs, if my build is at 1 energy per second and i have 6 enemies it should just be 6 energy per second not anything more as it seems to be now. In addition I would like the reintroduction of the CC immunity Grendel apparently had before his launch that was mentioned in the preview video by Grind Hard Squad when you have enemies in your gut so that the channeled effect is brought closer to the power of other channels (note: without mods the armor buff renewal can give is 200 and it costs 2 energy per second to maintain, plus it gives a heal over time when damaged, for Grendel to get that same armor buff it costs him 6 energy a second, triple the cost and also more costly that Renewal's active energy cost of 5 energy per second or in short: Renewal gives 200 flat armor and a 40 health per second for 5 energy per second while Grendel's passive give the same amount of armor and nothing else for 6 energy per second). If that CC immunity was moved to the Masseter passive then just give the sword a new passive, like the ability to rip health and maybe energy orbs out of enemies.

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I liked the Leverian lore of Grendel but I don't really see that story reflected in Grendel's abilities. I expected him to offer much more support.

#1 Feast: The energy cost to sustain this ability while multiple enemies are consumed is not great. Plus, holding his one to spit out enemies --- how is this really different than his 3, regurgitate? His three shoots them? meh.

#2 Nourish: Not the support skill I imagined. Extra energy when energy gained, ok, but can Grendel naturally generate energy orbs for the squad? Radial toxin damage? Melee toxin multiplier? All these buffs are underwhelming. I do like that nourish heals grendel but why can't it also heal squad members? Also- if you're going to stick to these niche buffs, can the buffs at least be applied to everyone in affinity range? Lastly, by far, the worst thing about this skill is how these buffs depend on the type enemy consumed, just like how Titania's tributes depends on the enemies targeted -- this is a terrible gameplay system!! It's too difficult to keep track of what's what! The buffs should be a tiered buff! First nourish = energy multiplier, second activation gives radial toxin damage, third, melee toxin damage. Please don't make me try to keep track of what I've gobbled up I don't want to be fumbling over my own warframe's abilities while just trying to help others in my squad.

#3 Regurgitate: This skill is pointless. It's the same as holding his one. In fact, holding his one should be regurgitate. This skill should be replaced. Like have his gut start chewing and give Grendel a trail of blood, like nezha's fire, but that slows and fears enemies. Allies could get cc immunity while standing in this trail. Idk, I just don't think regurgitate is a good enough ability as is and Grendel feels like he should be offer more support based off his story.

#4 Meatball: This skill was never for me. I don't find it fun but I acknowledge that others might, so I'm fine with it. Although, I will say the controls feel terrible. I would've liked to see a support aspect to this skill. Allies in range of a bounce do extra slam attack damage and have increased slam range. Staggered enemies are permanently revealed on the minimap. Enemies killed give 0.5 seconds of invulnerability.

// right now the Grendel we have isn't the Grendel we heard about in the Leverian. Right now, Grendel doesn't feel fun to play. I know he represents a lot of work, but I'd rather be honest and harsh now than to spare some feelings then suffer 3 years of another sub-par warframe before finally seeing him reworked. 

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Even with the little buff DE dit, the bigest problem I got when I use Grendel is the speed to cast the first ability, This ability is mandatory to use all of his others abilities AND  the passif, so  this ability should feel great to use but it doesnt right now. If you have in your team a dps frame  or someone who use AOE weapons, the majority of the time, they'll kill the enemies before you swallow them and so, you'll be unable to maximize your passif/ other abilities. 

Oh, and even with the buff, the 3rd ability feel pretty much useless, it deals a little AOE dammage and deal less damage than some AOE weapons. An easy solution to scale the damage of this ability ? Maintain your 3 to release all of the enemies you swalloed to do a even better AOE cloud and damage. ( Or release them like a rapid-fire-belly) it'd be way more cool/usefull than now.

Edit : Oh and let's talk about the masseter, a gram prime whithout slash damage, what did you expect ? 

Edited by Rev14
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I didn't like that all of Grendel's abilities are tied to his first ability. I do not like skills being dependent on one another for even basic functionality like this. Small bonus synergies are fine but this just went way too far. I actually prefer skills to stand on their own with dependable and deliberate effects and not have to tie into one another much at all.

Overall, I didn't enjoy playing Grendel that much. Grendel is really tanky, though, which I do enjoy. His weapon is also really cool looking. Good job on the design of that. I think I enjoyed the missions to get his pieces more than I enjoyed the frame itself. The missions I thought were so-so. It was a nice challenge. I didn't find them deeply insulting but a nice departure from the norm. I could take them or leave them.

Sorry if this isn't really helpful feedback. I look forward to what comes next.

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issues with nourish and feast, feast is a channeled ability so most of the best energy regeneration doesn't work on grendel with it activated, and the nourish buffs, specifically nourish strike, don't seem to even apply to grendel at all. on top of that most of the useful information about his abilities doesn't seem to be there at all, or is hidden and you have to go looking for it instead of it being right in front of your face and easy to find. some suggestions 1(make sure all of grendel's buffs properly apply to himself, there's no reason why they shouldn't especially with how frustrating he his to get without just buying him for plat. 2(make feast either not channeled, or give it a loot augment mod allowing grendel to get more energy more consistently with it activated, the loot augment being something like enemies that die inside grendel's gut have +125% loot drop chance, but they don't leave behind a corpse(and since they are in grendel's gut can't be affected by khora or hydroid loot mods). other than those problems resulting in him being kinda mediocre i find him to be really fun, and credit where credit is due the quality of life update for him where he can use nourish during meatball and you don't get kicked out of meatball when you run out of enemies to feast on is nice.

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