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Update 26: The Old Blood


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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:


Reading the first two sentences it's blatantly obvious you're trying to find a use for the mods that haven't been used in years by the meta players.  

Could you please stop waffling on power creep.  First you know it's bad, and want to control it.  Now you're adding to it.  Find a place on one side of the fence, instead of sitting on it and choosing both sides and then making noise in all the appropriate places how you disapprove.  

As for the rest, off to see what you've done with melee now.  

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Not seeing anything related to Atlas/Khora/Gara, which is just a mild bit concerning. Buffs seem interesting to melee, and the new combo system might make stuff more interesting.

Not having the exilus for melee makes sense, but Im looking forward to when it drops.

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Update 26 brings a completely new breed of enemy, gameplay, and reward: The Kuva Liches have arrived. This system is what the Kingpin system, first shown on Devstream #88, has become over time, despite being put on hold for quite some time! This will continue to be expanded throughout Warframe’s factions and will be expanded to include a Clan aspect in a future update.

This system is meant to be challenging. It’s meant to be a threat."

So expect it to get nerfed soon like arbitrations.

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Kuva Quartakk: Unlike a standard Quartakk, this Kuva Lich variant fires automatically from the hip and reloads faster while retaining its signature feature: annihilating targets with four simultaneous shots. 


They are messed up the quartakk .

I mean yeah the stats are good but, the fire modes are not switchable.

They are copy-pasted the mechanic from the quatz: auto fire from the hip, burst when aimed bs. They are know how to piss off the quartakk fans 😕

Why we can't just switch between fire modes?
Or it's easier to copy the quatz ?
I mean really? I've been using the quartakk for now slowly 400 hours. It's my favorite weapon. I always shot from the hip, so...
I don't really think i will bother to farm it , it's not worth it for me. (first world problem)  

Quartakk is called Quartakk for a reason: Because it's a four-shot burst rifle, not  a magically fire mode changer,, auto fire from the hip, burst when aimed ** I hope they will change it to manual fire mode switch  because it was a bad move one quatz to



Edited by Xrasegot
I messed up the quote
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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Projectile Speed:

  • Terminal Velocity
  • Fatal Acceleration
  • Lethal Momentum 


  • Adhesive Blast
  • Cautious Shot
  • Fomorian Accelerant
  • Kinetic Ricochet
  • Tether Grenades 

Very much disappointed this does not include Sinister Reach and Ruinous Extension.

Pretty please?..

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Too bad you get the colors only in the package. I've bought every single one until now. Can not you do a separate pack just where the colors are in? I would like to farm the other things which unfortunately is not possible with the colors. 




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Why Sinister Reach isn't considered Exilus?

" If you’re familiar with Exilus Mods, they are utility or movement Mods, not sustained DPS grants. Below is a list of eligible Exilus Weapon Mods that sustain the utility intention. Anything not included in this list was deemed DPS affecting and not true ‘Utility’ "

Now damage dealt is based on distance too?

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@[DE]Meganyou broke whole lunaro, now one can't perform any areail action, why did you do this?

CORRECTION: you can't perform body check, you can't perform body check in air, you can't THROW THE BALL in air, you can't do ANYTHING that i can do here (pre update video, recorded today)

What is responsible for this mess i can't even say, because nothing works like in the video above!
I'll update this as soon i will record and upload video

Edited by Neuroszima
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40 minutes ago, Dark_Lugia said:

Is it intentional that only feminine operators have dreads attached to their emissary suit? Maybe make into an auxiliary slot

i hope they make it an option, i have a female operator and i dont like those things at all

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb [DE]Megan:

Reach / Primed Reach - Will now increase range in a way that has been normalized. In the previous incarnation, long-range weapons were getting too much of a benefit, while short-range weapons were barely seeing any increase at all.

please please buff primed reach up to the 4m it would have had when DE bear showed us the mod in the devworkshop. Like this it's a hard nerf to any kind of longer weapon. Especially dokrahm zaws got their range reduced by atleast a third. This is an insane nerf. Right now it's pretty much as long as gram prime but with much worse stats. 

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