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Cryophon now useless


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Range has remained the same, damage is HALF of what it used to be. HALF. its garbage. I was at least one shotting on critical hits before patch, now it takes 2-3. 


RIP cryophon you will be missed, 2019-2020


Edit: tested on gian point.

Edited by Zoero
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3 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

I do not understand why it was nerfed in the first place.
I was a solid gun... not OP, not bad. The high damage was ok considering the fact that it was unusable beyond 200-300 meters.

Maybe because the armor Values of the Enemy Fighters were halved as well.

The bastards. They should double the armor.


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10 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

Maybe because the armor Values of the Enemy Fighters were halved as well.

I don't even care to try things out until further changes, but let me point out that cutting armor in half does not cause your weapons to deal double damage.

As such the Cryophon does indeed appear to be less effective than before.

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I just finished a solo run on the Anomaly and I can say the only difference I noticed was doing slightly better damage at a distance.

My 56% Zekti Cryophon still killed enemies in 2-3 shots even while being healed and crits still one-shot fighters. Which is exactly how mine preformed before the update.

Soooo I don't quite see how anything is useless or even worse than before.

Edited by trst
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3 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

Can somebody explain to me, what's the point of saying "we think the Railjack weapons feel weak and we will decrease enemy armor to change that" and then going and reducing the weapon damage at the same time???

Well, given the fact that DE does not know how to science: See Cephylon Cy and his IMPLOSIONS in space remarks, or how energy or even projectile weapons have "Fall off" damage in a vacuum... Maybe that explains it?

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3 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

Can somebody explain to me, what's the point of saying "we think the Railjack weapons feel weak and we will decrease enemy armor to change that" and then going and reducing the weapon damage at the same time???

Reducing the armor values of enemies made these capable of killing every enemy in a single hit, this brings them back in line with the intended time to kill. Please bear in mind we are actively watching player stats and collecting feedback, and are willing to iterate on balance. 

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1 hour ago, Twilight-Knight said:

They reduced the gun's damage because they think reducing armors would be 2 much, when the fact they increased their HP, so amatuers.

They only increased the HP of non-elite enemies. Elite enemies were flat nerfed.

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my 59% vidar cryophon feels much weaker than before. Considering it can't pop healing bubbles it's basically pointless to use now. My 50% lavan cryo now feels awful to use.


This is with zetki hyperstrike along with predator/section density.

The other weapons however do feel much better than they were before. RIP ice cannon

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4 minutes ago, zakaryx said:

my 59% vidar cryophon feels much weaker than before. Considering it can't pop healing bubbles it's basically pointless to use now. My 50% lavan cryo now feels awful to use.


This is with zetki hyperstrike along with predator/section density.

The other weapons however do feel much better than they were before. RIP ice cannon

Yep instead of fixing the crap weapons, DE has to nerf the ones they get right, that actually work. For DE "It is the way". DE "I have spoken".

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i dont get it how are they making these dumb changes... looks at stats everyone is using Cryophon MUST NERF!!! looks at stats everyone is buying drones instead fixing wreckage LETS REMOVE IT!!! in fact that ppl used repair drones because it was less of a pain to earn plat and fix it with repair drones than Grind Farm stupid amounts of Mats for ONE RJ wrechage... i mean do they even bother reading forums or just read who shouts the most?

Edited by ssxtriki
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Just now, ssxtriki said:

i dont get it how are they making these dumb changes... looks at stats everyone is using Cryophon MUST NERF!!! looks at stats everyone is buying drones instead fixing wreckage LETS REMOVE IT!!! in fact that ppl used repair drones because it was less of a pain to earn plat and fix it with repair drones than Grind Farm stupid amounts of Mats for ONE RJ wrechage... i mean to they even bother reading forums or just read who shouts the most?

Pssst It is all Hyperbole according to DE mate. They are not listening.

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After a couple quick matches I have to say, the weapons on some random Railjack were still underwhelming.

Much more noticeable was the significant weakness of my Cyngas, compared to before. I needed significantly more shots (50%-100% more) to kill everything except outriders.

Oh, and my Cryophon went from >15000 damage to >6000, it's critical multiplier went down to 1.5. I immediately uninstalled that thing.

Edited by Traumtulpe
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24 minutes ago, CuChulainnWD said:

Pssst It is all Hyperbole according to DE mate. They are not listening.

I am sick of all the bullet sponge enemies in railjack. The guns still feel like bb guns and the ground units are just ridiculous. If this is the direction DE wants to go... It is all so tedious, If i didn't have void hole I would not even play railjack at all.

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Yeah, nerfing the shotgun because it was doing what shotguns do makes no sense.

Honestly if they want people to use a different weapon then we need enemies that aren't just swarming fighters.


Add in some long range sniping ships to make other weapons more appealing. Using the photor feels awful at close range but does some great damage against long range slowly moving enemies.


Having an incentive to use another weapon due to the enemies instead of how much damage it does is much more interesting.

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7 minutes ago, Gravitus123 said:

Can we stop with the whole whiteknight thing since the liches came out half baked i have not seen one person defending the update and same thing with railjack everyone and their mother has been rightly criticising the game and offering feedback.Warframe is the only game DE have and they have been working on it for over 6 years they are not going to let it die because if it does there goes their whole business.


Well, it does not matter what DE wants to happen in the end, it is how WE the community respond to what they want. If they do not jive, we have discord. If we have discord, that means there is Troubles in River City. When there are troubles in River City, people either hunker down, or they leave. The trouble is, DE has been ignoring community feed back vociferously with their silence. 😉 Paying costumers and vets a like have had enough. It is all coming to a head. People are leaving. Is it the tipping point? I don't know. But I do know from experience, that when I have had enough... the rest of the rats tend to be not too far behind leaving the sinking ship. Will Warframe die? Who knows, ask BioWare, Bethesda and a few other companies that ignore their community. It does not take much to push things over the edge. Hyperbole aside of course. We shall see what we shall see. All I know is, I am done for now.

Edited by CuChulainnWD
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