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Primed Chamber's Return


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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

I understand the players who legitimately earned one of these is in the extreme minority, and it's nice to get one for myself, but I cannot help but give objective feedback that this does not respect the former rarity and aquisition for years. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but just letting players have this for a measly 2,995 Ducats and 1,000,000 Credits is quite lousy. I think a cool way to implement this could be something like future Operations give this to top 100 players on each Platform, or top 10 players on weekly leaderboards for any mission can get one. Something fair but still nodding to it's original addition would have been nice. 

You're right. DE should change Primed Chambers in hands of those who earned it through original event (contest/giveaway) into Primed mod while keeping it Rare for those who acquired it through "illegitimate" means, like buying from Baro or trading. 
Ez recognition.
Problem fixed. 

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4 minutes ago, HunterH said:

I have 2 sets to i was just pointing at that guy that he thinks he is a collector just coz he has/had a prime chamber LOL

I mean, it was the rarest item in the game pre-today. I would consider anyone with a primed chamber a collector or at least to have some level of prestige. There were after all, only 108 ever given out i think?

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6 minutes ago, Senguash said:


The thing you're missing is: All the changes you mentioned were GOOD changes. They took grinds designed like it's 1990's (or earlier, lmao) and made them actually bearable for normal players.

All you "veteran/oldschool/hardcore" "gamers" need to realize is that "muh 0.2% droprate" is NOT good game design. Stop looking at burning garbage like WoW and it's clones with rose-tinted glasses. They were (and are) AWFUL, terrible games, made by absolute beginners in game design.

The times when you'd be commended for sticking with idiotically designed grind ended long time ago. Now, players demand grinds to be lessened, and made FUN. And they get what they want, too.

While DE isn't perfect, they at least make the effort to make their game more casual (ergo, BETTER, yes, I said it).



And if you actually farmed railjack, then (lol) my condolences. I stopped leeching rides the moment I got the quest unlock (which thankfully took only 2 missions inside the veil). And I never intend to return, except if I have to unlock other quests.

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2 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

I mean, it was the rarest item in the game pre-today. I would consider anyone with a primed chamber a collector or at least to have some level of prestige. There were after all, only 108 ever given out i think?

Not true it was around 250-300 they gave them away at events to when people went to in real life 

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1 minute ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Proof please?

If anyone paid that amount of money for a mod that was never really the greatest, then I want to see it because that is just too hard to believe.

There have been people spamming WTB primed chamber for the past 2 months for 100k.
One person in particular.
I'm happy for him if he didn't find any seller 😄

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4 minutes ago, ShadowTony said:

You're right. DE should change Primed Chambers in hands of those who earned it through original event (contest/giveaway) into Primed mod while keeping it Rare for those who acquired it through "illegitimate" means, like buying from Baro or trading. 
Ez recognition.
Problem fixed. 

He says he don't own it, yet some other guy responds to him saying "aren't u the guy who juggled primed chamber" to which he replied yes but only once. Talk about mincing words!

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12 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

So... u juggled prime chamber, made lotta plat and now u salty since ur cash cow is gone... Hmm, sounds right! 

I knew the first response I was gonna for that was gonna be entirely devoid of emphathy, yet I hoped otherwise.

I thought I made it pretty clear it wasen't just about the money, but you didn't read a word I said about that. 

I don't think I fully understand why you hate me just because I play this game a lot more than you.

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18 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

So... u juggled prime chamber, made lotta plat and now u salty since ur cash cow is gone... Hmm, sounds right! 

(Response to another's thread that got merged here!)

You say that to a player of another clan, because if you said it to your clan leader he wouldn't like it

If your roof is made of glass, then don't trow stones


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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

but I cannot help but give objective feedback that this does not respect the former rarity and aquisition for years.


2 hours ago, DrytheSA said:

Can Warframe 'veterans' stop trying to gatekeep pointless things in a video game from others?? Like, I'm sure you have something more important in your life you can focus on rather than this.

I suppose that is one of the eternal problems in Warframe:

1. Thing is unreasonably hard to acquire (Primed Chamber, good Railjack Reactors, Ephemeras, etc.).

2. People complain.

3. Thing is now easier to acquire.

4. Other people complain.

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1 minute ago, Senguash said:

I don't think I fully understand why you hate me just because I play this game a lot more than you.

1. I don't hate you, you are just another person at the forums for me. Simple enough.

2. I wouldn't even bother to explain how stupid this argument of yours is. 

3. Have a nice day, I am sending you boxes of imaginary tissue to wipe your not so imaginary tears with. 

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5 minutes ago, Senguash said:

Before you comment without reading the whole thing, let me just politely inform you this probably isn't going where you think it's going.

I bought primed chamber almost two years ago.

When I did the going prime was about 50k, sometimes more, sometimes less but usually about there. That's what I got it for.

It took me four months to find a seller who actually had it and wanted to sell it for market price. I found the seller through random chance in a comment on reddit one of my friends had spotted. The person hadn't logged on in a long time, but I managed to convince them to log back on and farmed the credits for the trade with them.

That was the end of four months of searching, and that was after I had accumulated the plat. A bit of it was from prime access but the vast majority came from trading. I traded prime sets, mods, arcanes and whatever else I could make plat off of. A lot of the plat was made from things I farmed and sold, and a lot of it was profits from things I flipped.

By the time I started that grind I had most other things in the game I could get my hands, so going for primed chamber felt like the final achievement. It wasen't shown in the codex so your mod collection would still feel complete without it, but I wanted the truly complete mod collection.

Finally getting it felt like the best thing in the world. It felt so tangible, to have something uniqute like that which only about a hundred other people had.

By the time I got it, it had been gone for the game for about 5 years. You can think I'm naive if you want, but I thought that if it hadn't come back for 5 whole years it never would.

And, I thought it wouldn't even make sense to bring it back. One of the things that warframe has always been about is the loot. Whether it's guns, swords, mods or warframes themselves getting and having loot has always felt good, because even if you know it's just 1's and 0's it feels tangible and real, and it feels like yours. I know some people care more than others about that, but I think everyone should be able to recognize it as something that really matters in warframe.

For things to feel real and tangible it's important that they also have some kind of value. Monetary value in terms of plat is one type of value, but it always fluctuates at least a little bit, but it's not really the true value of something.

To me, the closest we can get to the true value is time invested. There's a lot of things in this game which aren't tradable, but they still feel valuable because they took time and effort to get.

That's why, whenever any type of change is made to warframe, DE should ideally always think about how it affects the things that players have spent time and effort on.

It's not always the most important, but it should always be given thought. 

It's become a more and more frequent occurence, that I feel the time I've put in has been disregarded after the fact. This is just what I can remember off the top of my head:

  • The resource system in plains of eidolon were gutted. You went from needing over a thousand nyth and sentirum to craft full arcane sets, to needing 5 of each for a single amp part and gauss part. It's now likely that a single thumper kill will drop more of these resources than you'll ever need. 
  • Arcanes have at the absolute maximum a quarter of the value they had when they were from raids
  • Arcane helmets were made to conflict with an arcane slot, and the arcanes were buffed heavily.
  • A lot of prime accesses were sold before it was apparent every single one of them would eventually come back cheaper.
  • Vitus essense droprate from arbitrations was close to tripled in the rework.
  • Lich ephemeras started at 5% droprate, they're 20% now, after you had plenty of time to farm them.
  • The first nightwave started with an exclusive weapon that was hard to get, and ended with a weapon that was trivial to farm a ton of copies of.
  • The droprate of vidar reactors was doubled and the stat range made narrower, after you had the holidays to farm them.

The amount of times droprates have been buffed and content has been dumbed down or basically been made skipable many months after it's release is astounding. It's become the norm rather than something that is done when neccesary. 

I've kept dismissing the way I feel about this, but now I can't anymore.

If primed chamber wasen't safe after 7 years, then nothing is.

Your warframes, your weapons and your mods can get the exact same treatment anytime. 

This just sucks, and I hate it, and the thing that I hate the most about it isn't even that I'm 50k plat or however much it's worth now down, it's that I'll most likely never recover that feeling of tangibility  that I had for all my stuff in this game.

You can think of me what you want for my emotional investment in warframe, the hours I've put in and my opinions on it. I don't care. I know it's just a video game, but warframe has been a big part of my life for the past 4 years, and I care deeply about it. If you think that's stupid I can't really argue.

It feels like not even the game itself cares about the time I've put in anymore, so why do I continue to bother...

Whatever, I just needed to get all that off my chest.

so basically, youre talking about  "value" and you just bought a mod in the end.

they also invested time farming, they also invested plat if they bought those prime trash. they also farmed the credits to buy it on baro
some of them ALSO waited for a long time just to get it after they re-release the mod.

dont come here talking about value if you just bought it like everyone else. sure its not the same amount, but like i said,

DE already said back then that the mod will return, you had months to set a mindset that soon your preciously bought mod value will crash down.

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2 hours ago, DrytheSA said:

Can Warframe 'veterans' stop trying to gatekeep pointless things in a video game from others?? Like, I'm sure you have something more important in your life you can focus on rather than this.

Yep. It gets tiresome. "I didn't have any self restraint and jumped through poorly designed hoops. So everyone else should too." It's the same rhetoric every time they nerf or make something more accessible. 

Especially if you consider the amount of money some people spend. Free to play games shouldn't really cater to the veterans. They're spending the least and consuming the most. Your value in this type of ecosystem is entirely dependant on your spending habits and not your ability to bypass them and play forever.

I like when they go back and fix poorly thought up systems. It makes the game better for people playing right NOW. Instead of trying to protect the investment of people who played during a small, outdated snippet of the game's existence. 



Edited by IIDMOII
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3 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

I would consider anyone with a primed chamber a collector or at least to have some level of prestige

See I don't understand that logic. Just because you own a special item, doesn't make you special.

You can be called special if you do something special or if you have a talent that not many people have. But not just cause you have an item.

A talented painter is special, a random that got millions from their company and used them to buy paintings is still a worthless random.

Your value is in your actions and abilities, not in possessions.

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25 minutes ago, Senguash said:

This just sucks, and I hate it, and the thing that I hate the most about it isn't even that I'm 50k plat or however much it's worth now down, it's that I'll most likely never recover that feeling of tangibility  that I had for all my stuff in this game.

I definitely understand where you're coming from, but by the reverse token, most people knew it would return someday. One of the very reasons i never decided to purchase one myself. You're right you wont have that feeling again but you did have that feeling and when you speak about the journey you took it does sound like you have a genuine affection of the mountain you climbed.

There's nothing to be done that respects your time investment now. DE has and will continue to devalue things that we earn over time. Voltage has made many posts about it, we've spoken at great lengths about it. It's one consistent thing done by DE. They will not respect your time investment.

Now that we know this, we have 2 choices: Keep playing with that in mind, or quit.

Personally, i havent quit yet, although many of my close friends have. I continue to play but i have learned from DE that playing their new content is never wise. I have promised myself that I will wait and see until the systems and items they have put in game adjusted because otherwise i am just pissing my time away.

What can you take from this? Perhaps the journey is reward enough, perhaps not. That's up to you. I understand why you're upset, and on the flip side, i think primed chamber's return was long overdue and DE bares a lot of responsibility for letting it get to the point that it did, because they knew they'd be making 8, 999, 900 players happy, at the expense of 100 other players.

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this is seriously not worth the price - even when i have nothing else to spend ducats for (at least for the last few month of baro visit). the 1mil credits would be ok and even the double or tripple price on ducats would have been acceptable, but that is too much...

the only real use of a sniper in warframe is for eidolon hunting, and idk if i would even consider using this mod in my eidolon hunting sniper due to a lack of space in it and also since it isn't needed for 2 or even 3 tri-dolon hunts per night.

so thanks for nothing - i like to collect everything too, but this joke i'll pass.

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6 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

You say that to a player of another clan, because if you said it to your clan leader he wouldn't like it

If your roof is made of glass, then don't trow stones


I laughed at my clan leader while he was raging in clan chat earlier and he booted me and I found a new one in like 10 seconds ...

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hace 2 horas, Nitresco dijo:

They said it was going to eventually come back almost 7 years ago. You folks had all that time to get all curled-up-and-cozy with that fact. Instead, you hiked up the price and only made it that much more painful for yourselves when it eventually did return.

you said man, they made the whole mafia with the mod and now are crying because they took it away.

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