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Primed Chamber's Return


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vor einer Stunde schrieb Equastro:

Hi, my name is Equastro and I am one of the people who were lucky enough to own a Primed Chamber before today.
I cannot put into words how much I identify with @Senguash's post.

I have absolutely no problems with the majority of people having access to Primed Chamber now.
The issue for me, and probably most PC owners, is that we put so many hours into the game to be able to obtain one, that we feel all our efforts have been in vain.
Our symbol of hard work and accomplishment has been shattered and with it, the feeling of being rewarded for hard work and dedication.

The hunt
I hadn't heard about the game back when Primed Chamber was already released.
In fact, I started playing Warframe only about 2.5 years ago. I got so hooked to it and have spent so many hours playing.
Many of these hours were put into farming, farming, farming and trading, trading and trading. And then some.

Why? Because I'm a completionist, and wanted to get the one thing that was only meant for a select few. 
I set my mind to it, and after a long long time, I finally managed to get my hands on one.
The amount of time, risk and utter dedication needed to get one, is something many Tenno will probably not understand.

The effort
Here's a few things to consider:
1: you have to farm a huge amount of platinum somehow, meanwhile prices steadily inflated over time, at a rate that was very hard to beat
2: you have to find a seller <- this is actually the hardest part
3: you have to beat all the other people who are also hunting it
4: you have to HOPE that this person is a legitimate seller, and not a hacker who somehow managed to create/dupe one in the game
5: even if you ask DE to confirm if this person is a legitimate seller, they will not tell you the answer because you are asking a privacy-sensitive question
6: the seller has to spend a S#&amp;&#036;ton of time farming a gazillion of credits in order to be able to trade for the plat

Ergo: after you spend a gazillion of time farming the platinum, you have to spend an even longer time finding a seller, waiting for the seller to farm the credits, and then you have to take the actual gamble that puts your account in risk of getting banned, because there is no way of telling whether the PC and the trade is legit.

Maybe you can now understand a little bit better why I felt so incredibly satisfied and accomplished when I finally managed to get my hands on a Primed Chamber, and every time I whipped out my Vectis I got that feeling again.

But now all I can think of is how all of that hard work was pretty much all a waste of energy.

P.S.: No, I'm not a 'wallet warrior'. I actually managed to get all of the plat by farming and trading in game.
P.P.S.: Yes, I knew it could come back one day, but I'm sure I speak for many PC owners that we thought  that if it would, it would come back as an exclusive-event item, similarly to the first event. If I would have expected it would come back en masse, I would have simply waited it out. Primed Chamber has always had a very exclusive aura around it, and DE always seemed to embrace and reinforce that. 
P.P.P.S: I only managed to finally get one about half a year ago.

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So you willingly threw away the plat you farmed for a thing that was never meant to be exclusive and we could all read that it wasnt intended to be exclusive. But somehow this is not your colossal mistake? Way to shift blame away from yourself.

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6 минут назад, Emulad0or сказал:

I have some of those Steam-Exclusives and I say do touch them and release it to everybody if possible (no ideia if even possible with it being on steam and all). Do I have some of the skins? I do. Do I use them? Nope. I don't give a damn about them, and I wouldn't feel bad if more people could get them

And why do you think like anyone should feel like you?


6 минут назад, Emulad0or сказал:

t was exclusive before today, and if DE had not released it today, but only said "hey guys, btw, we will have an event with Primed Chamber as a reward next month", the results would be the same. Prices would drop TODAY. If you want to buy something you KNOW will come back, there is no reason to feel bad once it does come back

Actually, no. Theres a small difference that lets sellers react and maybe resell. prices would drop, but not to the point everyone can afford it. It would end up in a big reaction, but still smaller than this.


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Just now, GreasyHobo said:

At this rate I have but one question, When will I be able to farm for Lato Prime if nothing is safe anymore?

Nah, they said founder gear will remain exclusive because they promised it, and would only make it available if every founder said its okay.

That doesnt stop them from releasing NotExcal Prime, NotLato Prime and Not Skana Prime with the exact same stats, and only allow non founders to get the mastery from it.

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I'm confused by this topic. DE has never, ever stated anywhere that Primed Chamber was an exclusive item. That means that unlike Founder's items, they can be added to the game by DE at any time.

Are we really having flashbacks to when Riven dispositions were finally changed? You trade them at your own risk with no guarantee by DE.

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6 minutes ago, Deminged said:

Everyone has a need to show himself in the society in the best way possible. 

Exclusive items help a lot with it, both in real life and in the world of pixels.

Nope. You show your worth with actions, not items you possess. I couldn't care less about one's riches, if they are a douchebag, I will never respect them.

You don't earn respect with your paychecks, you earn it by being an at least decent person.

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11 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Black lotus is on the reserved list. Akin to Excalibur prime, where Wizards has promised never to reprint the card, that's why its value is so high. if there was any risk that it could be reprinted the value of the card would plummet.

Promised or not, it is still a S#&amp;&#036;ty move to pee in the face of long time collectors after 7 years. People who made sure that all the mooching gloaters can even play the game because they kept it alive while paying money. It is a matter of respect, to all those girls and boys who threw in their dollars, so that the game could keep going, that the DE staff got payed and they decided to pee them in the face and laugh about it. 


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What a S#&amp;&#036;show over an overrated mod that's just good on a Vectis/Vectis Prime with a -mag size riven. Funnily enough i find the price of 3k ducats for that to be quite super expensive. Why? Because the only real value this mod had was exclusivity and the plat amount it could bring in. But that is all gone now. I'm not planning to get it and force myself to farm ducats because i've been severely neglecting it. So it's whatever for me. Of course it is kinda OOF for those that wake up and see their millions of plat value begone by Warframes greatest troll, Baro. Fact remains they've never stated it to stay exclusive so it has always been a risky transaction.

Not going to lie though, DE waiting almost 7 years and disturbing the market before releasing this mod again was kind of a 🖕 move. It should have been rereleased WAY earlier. Then we wouldn't have this drama that we have now.

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2 минуты назад, HugintheCrow сказал:

Nope. You show your worth with actions, not items you possess. I couldn't care less about one's riches, if they are a douchebag, I will never respect them.

You don't earn respect with your paychecks, you earn it by being an at least decent person.

Cool story.

Why do you feel like everyone in the world is almost like you? 

Or is it just me, living in the simulation?

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Just now, Hatzeputt said:

Promised or not, it is still a S#&amp;&#036;ty move to pee in the face of long time collectors after 7 years. People who made sure that all the mooching gloaters can even play the game because they kept it alive while paying money. It is a matter of respect, to all those girls and boys who threw in their dollars, so that the game could keep going, that the DE staff got payed and they decided to pee them in the face and laugh about it

Yes but they made no such promise not to re-introduce the mod. Same deal as all the other magic cards, they are reprinted consistently. Wizards regrets the reserved list because it is a potential revenue source that they are unable to tap. Just as I'm sure DE regrets excalibur prime.

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5 hours ago, (XB1)aMichealMeyers said:

Rip. I don't have 3k ducats now. Maybe they'll bring it back again? Hopefully not like, 5 years later 

It's gonna be back at Tennocon with Baro's Tennocon Relay sale if you buy the Digital or Physical tickets.



Also this whole thread is just extremely hilarious. Imagine basing your self worth through a S#&amp;&#036;ty mod.

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il y a 2 minutes, Skaleek a dit :

Yes but they made no such promise not to re-introduce the mod. Same deal as all the other magic cards, they are reprinted consistently. Wizards regrets the reserved list because it is a potential revenue source that they are unable to tap. Just as I'm sure DE regrets excalibur prime.

They are, they already did a statement about it in a long ago devstream (excalibur prime)

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1 minute ago, Hatzeputt said:

Promised or not, it is still a S#&amp;&#036;ty move to pee in the face of long time collectors after 7 years. People who made sure that all the mooching gloaters can even play the game because they kept it alive while paying money. It is a matter of respect, to all those girls and boys who threw in their dollars, so that the game could keep going, that the DE staff got payed and they decided to pee them in the face and laugh about it. 


So you know that DE never promised anything, that your virtual items have no real world value, and that your account can be suspended or terminated at any time, right? You are literally complaining over something that you don't even legally own.

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4 минуты назад, Kurogumihime сказал:

Also this whole thread is just extremely hilarious. Imagine basing your self worth through a S#&amp;&#036;ty mod.

Imagine people doing things you cant understand.

Wow, such fools are they, right? So glad youre not among those.

Showing off with an exclusive items isnt that rare in this world, btw. Telling people they are stupid because of doing so is quite common too.

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well they never said it was a exclusive to the informent event... and bero has brought all the other event mods... so why are you whining about this one in perticular? what about all the elemental/status mods they all came out from events... now baro is selling them and they are even dropped in mission...


not to mention event weapons... why arent you whining about them being brought back?

like the snipertron from operation plague star... and detron/brakk from G3....


why are you whining about this singel mod getting put back into rotation?


the only things DE has ever stated to be exclusive is the founder items so EVERYTHING else will be brought back into the game at some point...

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2 minutes ago, Hatzeputt said:

It is a matter of respect, to all those girls and boys who threw in their dollars

That's the thing. I have no respect for you, for anyone who bought the mod, or, in fact, I have literally whole 0 (that's "zero") respect for anyone who plays this game.

Why? Cause I don't know any of you irl, lmao. You don't get my respect by asking for it, you don't get it by flaunting how much money you have.

You may get my respect in ONE way only. By doing something worth respecting. And you haven't done anything like that, to my knowledge.


3 minutes ago, Deminged said:

Cool story.

Why do you feel like everyone in the world if like you? 

Or is it just me, living in the simulation?

I don't know where you live, but it's a sad place, where by owning a lot of money you are automatically the better person. I sure would never want to live in such a terrible place.

You are pitying the wrong people, there are many who deserve it waaaay more. The "rich" can manage losing some irrelevant amount of money.

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Just now, Deminged said:

Imagine people doing things you cant understand.

Wow, such fools are they, right? So glad youre not among those.

Showing off with an exclusive items isnt that rare in this world, btw.

Cool Sarcasm with a hint of salt. Enough to fill me up for dinner date tonight.


Happy Valentines Day.

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2 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Yes but they made no such promise not to re-introduce the mod. Same deal as all the other magic cards, they are reprinted consistently. Wizards regrets the reserved list because it is a potential revenue source that they are unable to tap. Just as I'm sure DE regrets excalibur prime.

Imagine the British Postal Service decided to reprint the Blue Mauritius Stamp for lets say 100 £ a modest 10k in number to make a quick buck, they also never promised to never republish it.  It would be an insulting move, that is all that I can say. I always kept on preaching people, things you buy in an online game never belong to you, the company can always decide to screw you over, sadly DE did just that. Some companies pull such moves others have the decency to NOT pull such moves out of respect to the customer who made sure the company even got that far. Sadly DE has proven to be rather classless in recent years Riven changes were one thing this is just the crowning act.  

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

So you know that DE never promised anything, that your virtual items have no real world value, and that your account can be suspended or terminated at any time, right? You are literally complaining over something that you don't even legally own.

I never bought the mod and I considered people insane and stupid to pay this many dollars for a virtual item that was not real. Still someones hard earned dollars went into this, especially during a time when Warframe wasn´t doing so well, peeing in the face of those is not very nice.   

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As a retired trader I saw this happening at some point years ago. While I do feel sorry for people who saved up and paid over 6 digits for one, I'm happy seeing DE doing the right thing and giving more players the opportunity to try this mod out. 

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Just now, Hatzeputt said:

Imagine the British Postal Service decided to reprint the Blue Mauritius Stamp for lets say 100 £ a modest 10k in number to make a quick buck, they also never promised to never republish it.  It would be an insulting move, that is all that I can say. I always kept on preaching people, things you buy in an online game never belong to you, the company can always decide to screw you over, sadly DE did just that. Some companies pull such moves others have the decency to NOT pull such moves out of respect to the customer who made sure the company even got that far. Sadly DE has proven to be rather classless in recent years Riven changes were one thing this is just the crowning act.  

Except that Primed Chamber was handed out at no cost during an event. The price of it has been set by the players and has continued to rise due to supply vs demand. These were never sold as an investment, people just assumed that they were. By assuming they were protected investments, such as what you are using in your comparison, incurs a high level of risk, as today's offering has proven.

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Everything that is not founder’s item will not be event exclusive forever. If you spent thousands of dollars in a single non founder Warframe item that has no benefit in real life you should know the risk that it will come back at a later date to the masses thus reducing their value. Because you have bit the bullet, what to do now? Move on, move on.


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