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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?


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1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

 Let have an 'actual discussion again' on how DE decides to 'broaden' their assets being a Chinese owned company 


There. That right there. That's why discussion is essentially dead. You honestly think any exchange we will have will result in anything? No. 

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1 hour ago, Sajochi said:

There. That right there. That's why discussion is essentially dead. You honestly think any exchange we will have will result in anything? No. 

Yes, yeeeeesss. 

Now you realize that anything we discuss in here doesn't matter to them. We are just padding ourselves in the back about the inevitable. Is there any conversation to be made in order to convince ourselves? 

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10 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Yes, yeeeeesss. 

Now you realize that anything that we discuss in here doesn't matter to them. We are just padding ourselves in the back about the inevitable. 

Pretty sure you’ve missed the point of the General Discussion forum, @Felsagger 🤔 

Feedback is the place where things are meant to matter to them. General is for us to talk amongst each other. As you break the discourse between other players down, we’re the only ones who suffer for your sabotage

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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1 minute ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Pretty sure you’ve missed the point of the General Discussion forum, @Felsagger 🤔 

Feedback is the place where things are meant to matter to them. General is for us to talk amongst each other. As you break the discourse amongst each other down, we’re the only ones who suffer for your sabotage

The alternate account returns. 😄

Who is sabotaging? Is it DE with the constant drastic changes on the game? Well I don't mind if the game goes to phones. I'm sure that such fact will divide the dev working force and the quality of Warframe will decline even further. I don't mind. Now that we know where they are heading, we can simply atone our expectations to a more real outcome. 

At this point the devs can show cool stuff. My only reaction will be 'meh'. Let see how it goes. If it goes well, we keep playing. If it goes the other way, more people will leave the game. It's up to DE performance. 

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2 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

What would realy flip me out of my chair with excitement would be a big crossover with some other pc game I own, enabling me to earn crossover goodies in both

Cross saves can be good. I'm wishing to see this feature. Cross save or cross play. I know is hard to pull off and it will not happen soon. But Cross save would be awesome. I want to switch between PC and PS4. 

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2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Cross saves can be good. I'm wishing to see this feature. Cross save or cross play. I know is hard to pull off and it will not happen soon. But Cross save would be awesome. I want to switch between PC and PS4. 


A crossover is the placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story. They can arise from legal agreements between the relevant copyright holders, unauthorized efforts by fans or common corporate ownership.

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1 minute ago, Deshiel said:


A crossover is the placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story. They can arise from legal agreements between the relevant copyright holders, unauthorized efforts by fans or common corporate ownership.

Well, i'm not sure about THAT. 

Maybe Warframe should stay warframe on that regard. A crossover can turn the whole game into something else. 

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3 minutes ago, Deshiel said:


A crossover is the placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story. They can arise from legal agreements between the relevant copyright holders, unauthorized efforts by fans or common corporate ownership.

A crossover would be characters like Marvel and DC, cross saving is something different.

Confusing, not sure what you are aiming to get across by quoting him.

Edited by Midas
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8 hours ago, (PS4)O0-Killran-0O said:

Title, because I really don't know.They already always say "we are listening to your feedback and working on it" or some variation of it and know hows thats going, but what else can they say?

Why does it feel more like "we are censoring your feedback and ignoring it"?

I'm in the minority that loves the game.  Admittedly I didn't download  it so many years ago so that I could run around scanning things that other people are trying to kill or to go fishing or play the guitar but I still find the game very fun.  More importantly I enjoy the universe DE created.  A game, a community and creators that are engaging.  It has always been a world I could escape to from this one.  A world that wasn't plagued by the issues we face daily; without politics or agendas.  That just doesn't seem the case anymore.  These are the issues that are making me not enjoy the game.

Regardless of any problems I have ever had with the game I could always count on the fact the creators loved it and were doing what they do because of that.  That doesn't seem like they're main goal anymore.  It's not about fun, it's not about profit, it's about something they value  so much more.

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1 hour ago, Firetempest said:

Or its something that's been building since well before this year and the conversation is just at a head as the quarantine just sped things up. SS was mostly finished before they were stuck at home. Railjack has been designed for years, again, before stuck at home. Old blood, before they were stuck at home. Nightwave, before stuck at home. Its not about the lack of things this second. Its about how not a single expansion has been delivered as advertised because they keep jumping to the next project while no amount of hot-fixes have enhanced the core loop of any of these new mechanics. Just made it slightly less painful while still stretching out less for more time.

Steve in a interview last july: How do you keep the train from flying off the tracks?

"Sometimes we do well and sometimes we totally mess it up. There are some updates we've had where the train was not on the tracks. I'm just going to Twitter and writing I'm sorry, we f---ed up, I have no other words to say, It's awful.' Warframe began as this experiment to be radically honest with our players and to look them in the face and say "we are human, we screwed up, we will try." We don't sweep it under the rug. If there's a live stream and the comments are going "when are you going to address this?" We will face it, our honesty and humanity, connection to the players is how we keep it barely running.

And that was before the big three miss this winter. And the connection is becoming more and more silent year after year and comments are just ignored, skirted around, and swept under the rug. A few have pretty much stayed away from social media this whole year so far. They cant fix this or add hope to the situation. So many have done the only sensible thing and kept their head down as Leyou cracks the whip.

Except non of the latter happens.

De listen as much as they always did. And talk to us as much as they did.

Also the they developed this for years excuse doesn't work when you can't show it.

You assume they worked years on it and I refuse to even guess how much time they put into the updates.

I personally just don't care for all the hype at all. When the update comes out I will see if It's good or not. 

Also they changed actually quite a lot and made both Rj and Liches better from which Rj was already great at It's core. So I don't know what you're talking about there. After some ti,e they always go back to old stuff and add some changes. Changes that the (split up) community suggested.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

The forums have been well like this before this pandemic I must say. And while I do agree to an extent blatantly insulting or ignoring your playerbase or consumer in anything tends not to end well generally. Personally I don’t play right now but I keep up with the news because even through I am disappointed in the games current state I do wish it would get better and I love the game. I fell like that’s the same for a good amount of the playerbase. Along with the forum a reddit toxicity nothing will get fixed either side can’t compromise and would rather fuel on troll bait and arguments then actual discussion on forums and reddit which I’ve seen and even tested out to try to confirm the accuracy f such statements 

Not really no, this surge in unrest fell pretty in hand with the pandemic spreading. And also no ignoring is probably the best choice they could make from a corporate standpoint as again the people pitching a fit aren't the sort who are trying to be reasonable or even genuine with their frustrations, any response supplied is more likely to fan flames than put them out, as people looking to be angry tend to just find ways to remain so. Again volcality on the internet means impressively little, most sentiments are half baked, and even more lack follow through, that I saw in one rant thread earlier today people downvoting someone for saying to withhold financial support of the game until things change should examplify that well enough. Dealing with the irrationally angry is pointless because their actions are again, irrational, all this blind frustration has no value in addressing because it's too shallow to follow to any logical truth, it's just pointless placation (or an attempt at it) that of course is unlikely to work. 

All the same de will probably address it because they care more about their community than most contrary to the nonsenical frustrations being flung these days, and they care more to at least make an effort to stay connected with their playerbase and make them feel heard than to just do what is just the financially safest respose to dish out, silence, but its addressing or lack of addressing is more of a practice in futility than anything. 

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Just because the naysayers have been wrong for seven years, does not mean they will always be wrong, even a broken clock is right once in a while.

Keep saying the world is ending and eventually when it does, you can claim victory.

So funny that these posters are so full of thier own steam they really, really think they know better, when all they are doing is trying to convince others thier personal delusion is reality, even as reality does not agree, they keep right on with it...

What do you think drives this rage and hate?

Nature? Nurture? 

2 minutes ago, laserbreath said:

I'm in the minority that loves the game. 

But you are not in a minority - it's the naysayers that are, in fact the tiny minority - the Internet social scene, especially these games forums, it not indicitive of the actual game, but only a reflection of the players with over-worked Egos and entitlement...these same people say the game lost players when it gained players...

The creators are chugging along - all we have here are posters that, for whatever reason, think it's a good thing to try and get other poeple to hate...

I for one pity the players that cannot find the self-awareness to understand they changed, not the game...they need real help, not a new game feature, IMO...

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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?

They can appease me by doing things. Saying won't do anything. But sure, if they said

"We're nerfing this [thing]... with no survivors" while wearing a mask, I'd laugh

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59 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

 the Internet social scene, especially these games forums, it not indicitive of the actual game, but only a reflection of the players with over-worked Egos and entitlement...these same people say the game lost players when it gained players...

The creators are chugging along - all we have here are posters that, for whatever reason, think it's a good thing to try and get other poeple to hate...

Exactly!  It's these people that sit in the forums and have over 500! posts and like to 'discuss' the game instead of going and playing it.  Warframe is a power fantasy and while some like to use guns and swords others like to use words and make a bunch of posts.  The forums are the true end game for the select few that are worthy.

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A miter upgrade.

Those dark sector secondaries.


But on a serious note.

A departure from Tencent. I'm aware this is a highly controversial opinion and is improbable seeing company ownership and stocks work.

I worry that Warframe and DE may lose their independance if they allow their company to be taken over and I'm noticing Tencent is starting to get a Monopoly by obtaining F2P games or publishers. I've not noticed any red flags, and I'm not going to blame Tencent for the current state of Warframe but I'm wary of it.

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9 minutes ago, Learicorn said:

I just wish they'd stop over hyping stuff and therefore ruining every update launch we have due to high expectations/poor execution, but they won't because that's what brings new players and that's where the money's at


I will be happy if they be more realist with the expectations instead of doing PR empty talk. If they seriously and genuinely go a bit slower but heavier with the delivery and quality I would be happy investing in this game. They simply need discipline.  

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That the community itself (or a part of it) should take a look at themselves from time to time and ask themselves if they didn't get too used to getting their hand shaken by DE that now they want the whole arm, all the time, whenever they want, right now. Some people clearly have no idea how the worst case scenario looks like and still they think the way DE has been handling things is exactly that: the worst case scenario.

I myself have experienced this so called worst case scenario multiple times already, for years. Coming from the (back then) Bioware Forums, then the Blizzard Overwatch Forums I can say with utter certainty: DE is far from that. You people are lucky with DE and their transparency and passion and their way of talking to you about issues, addressing them head-on - admittedly not always in a timely fashion - but the fact they are doing it, the fact that they have been doing it for over 7 years (and no, they haven't stopped) is frankly admirable. I love and respect them for it - despite their flaws and mishaps. And most of all: I trust them to do the right thing, at the end of the day.

Again: If you want to see what ignorance feels like, what it feels like to write essays over essays of feedback, just to get silence in return for years on end ... Go to the Blizzard Forums and spend some time there. And then afterwards, please, come back and tell me how little DE cares and how bad they are.

It's all about balance. Balancing the vision you have as a creator and the expectations people on the outside/fans of your work have. It's not easy. Just because you don't get exactly what you want, right now, immediately, doesn't mean they stopped caring or doing seemingly the opposite on purpose. It's just them trying to figure out how to meld their own vision with your expectations. It takes time, patience and a lot of tries. And I mean A WHOLE LOT. Pushing for it doesn't help, btw., it will only lead to more pushback and less progress. That comes from someone who writes/creates themselves as a hobby. Just my 2 cents.

Personally, I would only ask DE to rearrange some things on their priority list (like fixing and expanding certain modes/parts of the game first before moving onto other, new and bigger things) but that's about it. Again: They earned my trust, and with that said, in return, I trust them to do the right thing and find a way forward with Warframe, a path (mostly) everyone/more people can be happy with.

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10 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

A departure from Tencent. I'm aware this is a highly controversial opinion and is improbable seeing company ownership and stocks work.

I worry that Warframe and DE may lose their independance if they allow their company to be taken over and I'm noticing Tencent is starting to get a Monopoly by obtaining F2P games or publishers. I've not noticed any red flags, and I'm not going to blame Tencent for the current state of Warframe but I'm wary of it.


How can they depart from something they arent involved with for starters? If for some reason Leyou sells to Tencent it will have as much impact on WF as Tencent had on Path of Exile, none.

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