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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?


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59 minutes ago, AndrejDelaney said:

Go to the Blizzard Forums and spend some time there. And then afterwards, please, come back and tell me how little DE cares and how bad they are.

Blizzard is almost 30 years old....do you really think they started out that way?

Or is it more likely that they started out with passion and ethics and morphed over time into company that shows no regard for it's consumers.

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Just now, laserbreath said:

Blizzard is almost 30 years old....do you really think they started out that way?

Or is it more likely that they started out with passion and ethics and morphed over time into company that shows no regard for it's consumers.

Or is it that now because we have such an easy time tearing down others over the Internet that have done better in life, angry gamers dissatified with thier own lot in life have created a scapegoat in the form of a corporation on which to pile thier hatred of the world?

All we have now is a vehicle that allows any angry gamers to spout off whatever they like and find the few others that think the same, make on online group of a few angry posters and claim the speak for the whole group...

Judging games on if you like them is fine, IMO, but this idea of villifying game companies because you don't like the product? That's Cray-Cray, IMO, the work of people that are simply full of so much unhappiness and hate, they think taking it out on some other entity and blaming outside forces for thier own mood is 'cool'.

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4 minutes ago, AndrejDelaney said:

That the community itself (or a part of it) should take a look at themselves from time to time and ask themselves if they didn't get too used to getting their hand shaken by DE that now they want the whole arm, all the time, whenever they want, right now. Some people clearly have no idea how the worst case scenario looks like and still they think the way DE has been handling things is exactly that: the worst case scenario.

I myself have experienced this so called worst case scenario multiple times already, for years. Coming from the (back then) Bioware Forums, then the Blizzard Overwatch Forums I can say with utter certainty: DE is far from that. You people are lucky with DE and their transparency and passion and their way of talking to you about issues, addressing them head-on - admittedly not always in a timely fashion - but the fact they are doing it, the fact that they have been doing it for over 7 years (and no, they haven't stopped) is frankly admirable. I love and respect them for it - despite their flaws and mishaps. And most of all: I trust them to do the right thing, at the end of the day.

Again: If you want to see what ignorance feels like, what it feels like to write essays over essays of feedback, just to get silence in return for years on end ... Go to the Blizzard Forums and spend some time there. And then afterwards, please, come back and tell me how little DE cares and how bad they are.

It's all about balance. Balancing the vision you have as a creator and the expectations people on the outside/fans of your work have. It's not easy. Just because you don't get exactly what you want, right now, immediately, doesn't mean they stopped caring or doing seemingly the opposite on purpose. It's just them trying to figure out how to meld their own vision with your expectations. It takes time, patience and a lot of tries. And I mean A WHOLE LOT. Pushing for it doesn't help, btw., it will only lead to more push back and less progress. That comes from someone who writes/creates themselves as a hobby. Just my 2 cents.

Personally, I would only ask DE to rearrange some things on their priority list (like fixing and expanding certain modes/parts of the game first before moving onto other, new and bigger things) but that's about it. Again: They earned my trust, and with that said, in return, I trust them to do the right thing and find a way forward with Warframe, a path (mostly) everyone/more people can be happy with.


Hold your horses right there, fellah!!


So getting demos to a satisfactory minimum playable level is considered a caprice? WAIT SINCE WHEN?!!!

I don't want to have ANY control on what Digital Extremes creates or produces. Or cater on the things I want. The only thing that i'm asking is to have DLCs that are PLAYABLE. At least I want to see DIGITAL EXTREMES PLAY THEIR OWN GAME FOR ONCE and take their time reviewing these launches instead of nerfing like mad mans. 


Am I asking too much? Am I?

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

The 10% is based around the 5.3 million total members on these very forums and the now 50m+ total users for the game. 5m out of 50m = 10%. You'd need 500k external people to shift that to 11% of the total playerbase. And those 10% arent all complainers either. And the active part is even smaller, though that applies to the playerbase too. In the end it is a very small number and ignoring them wouldnt cost DE much.

You have to remember being vocal and negative is far more common than creating posts with praise. People often keep quiet when they enjoy something and it is only when they want an improvement or change that they open their mouth. We see more complaint threads than praise threads, that doesnt mean there are more people with complaints, it just means there are more people that see no point in saying how good the game is or how that specific mode is amazing, perfect, marvelous, wunderbar, great or whatever.

edit: Also, if you arent happy with the data we have at hand then you should provide your own to back up your claims that try to state the opposite.

But how can you know for sure it’s just 10% 

my point is you can’t. There isn’t any data to the claim other then assumption. Just how if id say there are x amount of white knights and de apologist in the community I know nothing near an accurate number given the playerbase and such. Assuming people are whining and or are the vocal minority in this case has no substantial backings. Because what’s whining to you is subjective. You can’t label or group an accurate amount of players within said group or any group really in that manner at least

Edited by (PS4)sweatshawp
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1 hour ago, Zimzala said:

Or is it that now because we have such an easy time tearing down others over the Internet that have done better in life, angry gamers dissatified with thier own lot in life have created a scapegoat in the form of a corporation on which to pile thier hatred of the world?

This right here is the problem with WF.  Try and discuss actual issues you have with the game and get 'moderated' supposedly because this forum is for 'discussing the game'.

But go off on a philosophical tirade about your disdain for the player base and that can stay up forever.  Say what you want about the 'losers' that play this game but if you dare say anything bad about DE there's the door.

And BTW it seems very disingenuous for  someone with over 500 posts to be bashing the internet and gamers ability to "to spout off whatever they like".

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb Felsagger:


Hold your horses right there, fellah!!


So getting demos to a satisfactory minimum playable level is considered a caprice? WAIT SINCE WHEN?!!!

I don't want to have ANY control on what Digital Extremes creates or produces. Or cater on the things I want. The only thing that i'm asking is to have DLCs that are PLAYABLE. At least I want to see DIGITAL EXTREMES PLAY THEIR OWN GAME FOR ONCE and take their time reviewing these launches instead of nerfing like mad mans. 


Am I asking too much? Am I?

What "demos" are you talking about? Are you talking about the launch state of their most recent updates, namely: Old Blood, Railjack and Sacarlet Spear?

They have already addressed that directly. And they do play their own game on daily community streams most recently and on bi-weekly dev streams partially.

And no, you are not asking for too much. But you gotta get past your frustration and anger and realize that changes take time. Especially the kind of changes you are asking for: changing how to do/ship things, doing things differently and not the way you gotten used to over the years. That again takes time and a lot of tries.

DE will figure it out. They have to. They know that, you know that, everyone knows that. 

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53 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

Not really no, this surge in unrest fell pretty in hand with the pandemic spreading. And also no ignoring is probably the best choice they could make from a corporate standpoint as again the people pitching a fit aren't the sort who are trying to be reasonable or even genuine with their frustrations, any response supplied is more likely to fan flames than put them out, as people looking to be angry tend to just find ways to remain so. Again volcality on the internet means impressively little, most sentiments are half baked, and even more lack follow through, that I saw in one rant thread earlier today people downvoting someone for saying to withhold financial support of the game until things change should examplify that well enough. Dealing with the irrationally angry is pointless because their actions are again, irrational, all this blind frustration has no value in addressing because it's too shallow to follow to any logical truth, it's just pointless placation (or an attempt at it) that of course is unlikely to work. 

All the same de will probably address it because they care more about their community than most contrary to the nonsenical frustrations being flung these days, and they care more to at least make an effort to stay connected with their playerbase and make them feel heard than to just do what is just the financially safest respose to dish out, silence, but its addressing or lack of addressing is more of a practice in futility than anything. 

Yes . A lot of things have been boiling over and I can respectfully disagree when I say the forums and reddit has been in a mess for a while now. Being locked inside does amplify such I can agree. But the lack of communication transparency good updates and content going on for a while has had a lot of people frustrated for a while. Before this update. And with this update being at a crucial time it was treated and seen more harshly not just because that we are stuck at home by previous failures. People are still upset from rj. People are still upset from the old blood. Nerfs other issues. 

Yes there are irrational angry people as there will always be. But I see a bad trend of people dismissing any and deflecting every criticism towards the game as an angry entitled brat. With that logic people sound like aggp who when someone disagrees with him they homophobic. Not everyone is going to be exactly civil and as long as I don’t see any de death thread and people trying to harm de employees you can’t try to dismiss or discredit their frustration or angst. I’ve seen a lot of console players praise this update and even try to say “well it was good for me so pc stop complaining “ as if they makes any sense or logic in my mind. Grouping players as a bunch of whiners. Fellow players as a bunch of whiners and self separating the community into niche groups that believe “this or that” trying to shield de from certain criticism because one feels like “ the game is fine” it’s alot man


obv they care about the playerbase. If I didn’t think they did I would’ve jumped ship. But it feels like a major disconnect for many Feel like that same connection between the community and de is lost. They feel like that de dosent care about the community as much as only their vision anymore. When in reality our shared dreams and visions helped keep the game going for so long l. A lot of players feel like de isn’t the same company and care as much about feedback or the player experience anymore. I can keep going but I hope you get the point. You can’t try to say that isn’t true because well to them their experience with the company is different and as long as they aren’t trying to harm De employees or be outright evil it’s okay

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1 hour ago, AndrejDelaney said:

What "demos" are you talking about? Are you talking about the launch state of their most recent updates, namely: Old Blood, Railjack and Sacarlet Spear?

Yep, those. 


They have already addressed that directly. And they do play their own game on daily community streams most recently and on bi-weekly dev streams partially.

There are black screens when you mount the guns in your railjack. There are migration problems in the middle of the mission. Sometimes when I go through doors takes two seconds to go through in Railjack. In scarlet spear missions there are two seconds delay between warframe and tenno switching. I'm a speed player that relies on twitchy controllers for fraction of a second reaction. The switch between tenno and warframe lags too much. That transition needs to be faster. 

The alignment of the engine motors and the Caballero skin in warframe. There is a shift in the position of the engines. 

When I get off the turret in my railjack the games sits me back in it when I have invading forcers. 

When I use the Omni to clean fires or breaks in the ship, the repair doesn't happen due to the lag. Sometimes I have to spray more than usual so the game updates the repair. 

These are issues that we have now. As you see these are game performance issues. These are not things that I want. It's the quality of life in the game that hampered.


And no, you are not asking for too much. But you gotta get past your frustration and anger and realize that changes take time.

Shall we give them seven years? Well took five years for Guerrilla games and 60 million dollars to develop and refine Horizon Zero Dawn. 

Two years later for the case of Railjack? Is this acceptable. These are not my frustrations alone. This is THE GAME PERFORMANCE that is being affected. I can absorb gimps, downgrades of weapons and nerfs if they improve the game but when the game performance is abysmal people get disappointing. 


Especially the kind of changes you are asking for: changing how to do/ship things, doing things differently and not the way you gotten used to over the years. That again takes time and a lot of tries.DE will figure it out. They have to. They know that, you know that, everyone knows that. 

Yes, takes time we understand that. Then when they get things ready why not launch them to a playable state? However THEY NEED TO PLAY THEIR OWN GAME FIRST. They are not doing that. Many of these mistakes are fundamental. DE are not rookies in this business. Are we going to continue having this trend? 

I'm not going to put pressure on them. The only thing that I want is DELIVERY even if it takes time. I can wait more if they need more time instead of releasing unplayable DLCs. 

Edited by Felsagger
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1 hour ago, Zimzala said:

But you are not in a minority - it's the naysayers that are, in fact the tiny minority

While they are most likely a vocal minority, your total dismissal of the naysayers feels a bit unfair.

When people like Warframe partners, who have loved this game and have been playing for years, are starting to grow unhappy with the game, I’m inclined to listen to their point of view and find out WHY they’re unhappy. And when that criticism is constructive I’ve learned that they have some very valid points.

I don’t think the game is dying, but I think there are some very valid criticisms regarding it’s current direction. You seem to just dismiss anyone who doesn’t praise the game and that doesn’t feel right to me. People who have put in thousands of hours have earned the right to voice their opinions.  

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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I have to see it to believe it. Maybe they will get busy puff talking diverting the heat like they do always. :3

Well, you right. They just postponed the dev stream with a small edit

Took Fri off the twitch drops list and:

"This week's Home Devstream has been postponed. The team will be all set to show you what's coming to Warframe in a future week!"

Edited by Firetempest
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3 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Well, you right. They just postponed the dev stream with a small edit:

This week's Home Devstream has been postponed. The team will be all set to show you what's coming to Warframe in a future week!

Oh my. I hope everything’s alright 😕 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

But it feels like a major disconnect for many Feel like that same connection between the community and de is lost. They feel like that de dosent care about the community as much as only their vision anymore.

A hundred times this!

Unfortunately, our time in isolation, and the resulting stay at home community streams have made me feel that WF is not made for me and they could care less whether I play it or not.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Yes . A lot of things have been boiling over and I can respectfully disagree when I say the forums and reddit has been in a mess for a while now. Being locked inside does amplify such I can agree. But the lack of communication transparency good updates and content going on for a while has had a lot of people frustrated for a while. Before this update. And with this update being at a crucial time it was treated and seen more harshly not just because that we are stuck at home by previous failures. People are still upset from rj. People are still upset from the old blood. Nerfs other issues. 

Yes there are irrational angry people as there will always be. But I see a bad trend of people dismissing any and deflecting every criticism towards the game as an angry entitled brat. With that logic people sound like aggp who when someone disagrees with him they homophobic. Not everyone is going to be exactly civil and as long as I don’t see any de death thread and people trying to harm de employees you can’t try to dismiss or discredit their frustration or angst. I’ve seen a lot of console players praise this update and even try to say “well it was good for me so pc stop complaining “ as if they makes any sense or logic in my mind. Grouping players as a bunch of whiners. Fellow players as a bunch of whiners and self separating the community into niche groups that believe “this or that” trying to shield de from certain criticism because one feels like “ the game is fine” it’s alot man


obv they care about the playerbase. If I didn’t think they did I would’ve jumped ship. But it feels like a major disconnect for many Feel like that same connection between the community and de is lost. They feel like that de dosent care about the community as much as only their vision anymore. When in reality our shared dreams and visions helped keep the game going for so long l. A lot of players feel like de isn’t the same company and care as much about feedback or the player experience anymore. I can keep going but I hope you get the point. You can’t try to say that isn’t true because well to them their experience with the company is different and as long as they aren’t trying to harm De employees or be outright evil it’s okay




I simply want to see DE deliver. Who doens't. If they have to stay home due to the Corona Virus, fine, their lives matters more than this game. And yes, I can wait. Everybody here is protecting their own life. THE WHOLE WORLD. 

I don't want to see any Employees overworking or exposing themselves to danger. However we just want to enjoy the game again with a better delivery. Enough talk, more action. 


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15 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

But how can you know for sure it’s just 10% 

my point is you can’t. There isn’t any data to the claim other then assumption. Just how if id say there are x amount of white knights and de apologist in the community I know nothing near an accurate number given the playerbase and such. Assuming people are whining and or are the vocal minority in this case has no substantial backings.

I can know for sure because of simple math and two numbers provided to us from DE. Since the forum accounts say 5.3 million there are no more forum accounts than that. We know from DE that the total number of users exceed 50 million. How do you not understand where the number 10% comes from? I mean it is bloody there, in print, by DE, on these very official forum's first page. Go look there if you are confused about where the 5.3 million comes from.

The only thing we cant say for sure is how many players out of the active playerbase are active, positive or negative on the forums. But the pattern likely follows the total, since it is fairly common with very low forum activity in games.

Atleast I provide proof we have access to, you still provide nothing about your claims that it isnt a minority.

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12 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I can know for sure because of simple math and two numbers provided to us from DE. Since the forum accounts say 5.3 million there are no more forum accounts than that. We know from DE that the total number of users exceed 50 million. How do you not understand where the number 10% comes from? I mean it is bloody there, in print, by DE, on these very official forum's first page. Go look there if you are confused about where the 5.3 million comes from.

The only thing we cant say for sure is how many players out of the active playerbase are active, positive or negative on the forums. But the pattern likely follows the total, since it is fairly common with very low forum activity in games.

Atleast I provide proof we have access to, you still provide nothing about your claims that it isnt a minority.


1. Using the excuse of calling the vocal minority to tape down the problems with the game is unfair, plain and simple.

2. Calling them the minority will not make these problems goes away. Try to see for yourself what the problems are. See for yourself, don't make damage control for a corporation. 

3. They have a democracy and so do you. I don't control, insinuate, snide, or tarnish the reputation of these users or your posts. Respect their space. If you do not agree, simply move on. 

4. We are not here to spell doom for DE. We all want a greater game. We all want to see delivery. Are we going to be labeled 'vitriolic' for the greater good? Again why you are busy countering them instead of seeing the true problems? If there are none and many of us are wrong then you don't have to worry. The game will continue with or without us. 

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The community has grown leaps and bounds compared to what it was at the start. The more voices, the harder it is to listen and differentiate from each one, until you have one indistinct blend of voices crying out for "change" or just to be heard or at least felt like they are being heard or listened to. DE's intentions in the beginning were great I am sure. But as with all companies, the more clients/customers you get, the harder it is to listen to each ones needs/wants. And you cannot implement each ones needs/wants, because often times that may contradict what you as a producer/developer is wanting to give as service, or it may infuriate the majority of your client/customer base that wants the opposite.


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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

While they are most likely a vocal minority, your total dismissal of the naysayers feels a bit unfair.

When people like Warframe partners, who have loved this game and have been playing for years, are starting to grow unhappy with the game, I’m inclined to listen to their point of view and find out WHY they’re unhappy. And when that criticism is constructive I’ve learned that they have some very valid points.

I don’t think the game is dying, but I think there are some very valid criticisms regarding it’s current direction. You seem to just dismiss anyone who doesn’t praise the game and that doesn’t feel right to me. People who have put in thousands of hours have earned the right to voice their opinions.  

It's a fact that controversial videos get more views. It's in a partners best interest to take any problem, no matter how small and turn it into a 30 minutes+ rant. It's not just WF either. No matter how popular a game is, you'll find a "this is why X isn't great" video that's only created for views and subscribes. It's disingenuous and spreads toxicity on forums as if these "professional" gamers are gospel truth when 75% of it is them just manipulating viewers for popularity. 

I agree that there are valid criticisms, but there always will be. Even the devs themselves can tell you that there's tons of things that didn't go as planned. The problem is making these issues seem like some huge affront to the community and game and a sign of incompetence.

I only care because when devs get nervous and start catering to these exaggerations, is when the game truly begins to lose its vision. They start turning over tables and reworking mechanics to satisfy players that have no interest in being satisfied. I've seen it happen. 

I've seen games unsuccessfully try to give the players what they want and the same playerbase cries "this is no what we want! You never listen" and the game dies because it's not the game the developers were making anymore and it's not the game the fans thought they wanted. Id much rather stick to the vision of the group that has a track record of actually creating a successful game... And it isn't us. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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10 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's a fact that controversial videos get more views. It's in a partners best interest to take any problem, no matter how small and turn it into a 30 minutes+ rant. It's not just WF either. No matter how popular a game is, you'll find a "this is why X isn't great" video that's only created for views and subscribes. It's disingenuous and spreads toxicity on forums as if these "professional" gamers are gospel truth when 75% of it is them just manipulating viewers for popularity. 

The problem with this argument is that most WF partners don’t live off their channel. And if they don’t need the money but they’re just “doing it for clicks and subscribers” then why wouldn’t they pick a more popular game than warframe? That’s not why they’re doing it, they’re doing it because they genuinely care about the game, and you’re just making stuff up in your head. If you actually took the time to listen to some of these guys it’s pretty clear that they are being genuine.


edit: some of the videos you’re referring to literally get like 20k views. That’s nothing in the world of YouTube.

Edited by (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face
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4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's a fact that controversial videos get more views.

That happens for a reason. This doesn't happen out of the blue. 

4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's in a partners best interest to take any problem, no matter how small and turn it into a 30 minutes+ rant. It's not just WF either. No matter how popular a game is, you'll find a "this is why X isn't great" video that's only created for views and subscribes. It's disingenuous and spreads toxicity on forums as if these "professional" gamers are gospel truth when 75% of it is them just manipulating viewers for popularity. 

Here is the problem with that claim. They prove these points with the game itself. There are vast examples showing these problems. 

Even Layzar proved that the Plasmor was thrown out to the pit. And he is not being vitriolic or toxic. Even the informative users comments on the downfall of these weapons. 

I don't pay attention to the controversial ones but when good streamers start pointing outs problem then something is not right. 

4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I agree that there are valid criticisms, but there always will be. Even the devs themselves can tell you that there's tons of things that didn't go as planned. The problem is making these issues seem like some huge affront to the community and game and a sign of incompetence is what I take issue with. 

But these are huge issues. When you can't play the game because due to the unplayable state then that is a huge issue. Or are we going to accept that as the norm? 

4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I only care because when devs get nervous and start catering to these exaggerations, is when the game truly begins to lose its vision. They start turning over tables and reworking mechanics to satisfy players that have no interest in being satisfied. I've seen it happen. 

I've seen games unsuccessfully try to give the players what they want and the same playerbase cries "this is no what we want! You never listen" and the game dies because it's not the game the developers were making anymore and it's not the game the fans thought they wanted. Id much rather stick to the vision of the group that has a track record on creating a successful game. 

Agree with that. I rather see another dev stream in six months from now delivering a solid DLC. I would be more than happy. They don't need my opinion to make creative content. If they deliver it to a playable state, I would be happy. That's all. 

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

The problem with this argument is that most WF partners don’t live off their channel. And if they don’t need the money but they’re just “doing it for clicks and subscribers” then why wouldn’t they pick a more popular game than warframe? That’s not why they’re doing it, they’re doing it because they genuinely care about the game, and you’re just making stuff up in your head. If you actually took the time to listen to some of these guys it’s pretty clear that they are being genuine.

Someone will do it. That's the point. People do things for popularity and attention. People try to find new niche's. They can't all make Minecraft videos. There's a market for it obviously. 

Its so easy to make a rant too. It's trash content. I can make a one hour video complaining about grind. Easy. I could make a rant video about the forums removing reactions. I can rant about "Mag being forgotten". Yeah, it can be based on truth, but making it seem like the game is falling into ruin because of it and worthy of hour long ranting is fake. 

8 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


But these are huge issues. When you can't play the game because due to the unplayable state then that is a huge issue. Or are we going to accept that as the norm? 


Wait what? What's unplayable? I've been playing the game fine, and so have many others. 

This is my point exactly. They get people to make these hyperbolic claims on the forums and the nonsense spreads. 

Sure plasmor has issues, but we really going to call that a HUGE issue and the state that the game is unplayable over it?

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I can't think of much. how many times has DE or rather steve and devstream team say something and it never happens and it never gets followed upon? "well look into it" can be seen as "yeah we aren't going to do anything at all or talk about it ever again". much like primed chamber was for years until for some reason baro has it. 


Talk is cheap, it's even cheaper from DE. 

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3 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:


Its so easy to make a rant too. It's trash content. I can make a one hour video complaining about grind. Easy. I could make a rant video about the forums removing reactions. I can rant about "Mag being forgotten". Yeah, it can be based on truth, but making it seem like the game is falling into ruin because of it and worthy of hour long ranting is fake. 


So in other words we should go with the flamboyant ones saying that everything is all right and be happy with it? 


Let me ask you something, Is the game in a good state? Yes or No. 

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