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Has changes to status/crit/armor/health etc changed way we build weapons ?. Has "meta" changed?


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100% status shotguns are worse. Crit shotguns are better. Gas builds are dead.

Most other weapons stayed the same, its only a matter of elemental swaps. Few statuses recieved huge buffs and nerfs

Fire burns off 50% armor after 2 sec of proc'ing. Corrosive/fire combo melts ANYTHING that is armored.

Viral is op. 325% increased damage to health from all sources after 10 procs.

Slash no longer bypasses shield, this is now only toxic territory.

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for build

element change from corrosive to virus+slash virus+heat

melee: Blood Rush and Weeping Wounds and condition overload become must have.  crit chance status chance pressure point Maiming Strike are useless in most situation


guns:basically the same but self damage been remove so more choice,but shotguns with 100% status now gone so some of them are useless now.

melee:meta change from melee with large range to melee with high crit ,high status, high dispo and powerful stance(has force slash or multiple hits)

Edited by BRZZAFK
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6 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

The biggest loser is gas builds. DE need to remove that -50% Resistance on Cloned Flesh and -25% Resistance on Flesh. Why Gas doesn't scale with elemental mods again? Electricity builds overshadows it now.

IMO gas damage should stack instead of its AoE (to 150% base damage), and the current 10 stack AoE from dead enemies should be its base size. 

There NEEDS to be a combined mod that is just "I do more damage". Thats also why blast needs to be changed to 200+[(50% base damage * crit chance)crit damage]. The mono-elements are better in so many ways than the combined elements, and its super silly that they are.

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not all that much has changed. Hybrid Weapons are still the best generally speaking. Viral has suddenly become better than it was(was always good), though.

Magnetic ironically almost got weaker due to Changing from an infinite Scaling Percentage to a Multiplier.
Blast is literally useless. rip some CC.
Gas basically doesn't exist anymore.
Electricity is suddenly pretty good.
Slash Weapons all got nerfed in a way since they're far less likely to apply Slash Status than they used to be.

'overStatus' existing lets you spam Status Effects faster though since they all stack now you kinda need to anyways so eh idk if we really win there.


Melee basically didn't change at all other than that Pressure Point is now optional sometimes. lower numbers but you use all of the same Mods as you did before.
oh, right. not completely unchanged, Meme Strike is a useless Mod now. that's basically all that changed with Melee.

Edited by taiiat
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Shotguns for sure are totally differant. Some are far better than they were and others far worse 

In general Firal(Fire&Viral) is still king of the combo alongside viral&slash on a few rare weapons.

Some high status meleee utterly wreck now thanks to being able to apply 3-4 status procs at once.


Gas is bsolutely garbage on everything but chromatic excal. Used to be the best counter corpus option, but the broken damage calculations make it too weak to be worthwhile atm.

Corrosive is a shell of itself only worth using if you are forced into it with inate shock damage on a weap.

Impact/puncture/Shock/poison/ice/magnetic/radiation/blast are still not worth building a weapon for.


In terms of each status everything is worse now. DE really messed up with the changes to status effects. The changes to perprojectile chance were ok tho and the higher than 100% status were good.

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Well , corrosive projection is no longer that essential on a lot of my frames.

So that's nice i guess.


The weapons themselves haven't changed too drastically ,

Weeping wounds now makes sense to have on melee,

Viral+Fire is the cookie cutter element combo.

Crit on shotguns is just as viable as status (depending on base stats)

Heavy attacks and non combo builds are now viable .


A few weapons have turned from coal to diamonds due to these changes , but since everyone keeps chasing the meta they will stay undiscovered.

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As far as I can tell the Grineer are no longer the sole, end-all-be-all metric for weapon power.

Otherwise I'm not noticing many changes from my perspective, though that likely is just because I don't pay much attention to things like the meta.

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17 minutes ago, HoustonDragon said:

I'd disagree as long as you still have a good status build; but definitely swapping from Corrosive/Cold to Viral/Heat for most things now.

I only see it being useful for status weapons that have below 10% crit. And even then it’s worse because CO increase damage from base while crit increases damage from the total amount. That is an exponential difference in damage.

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12 hours ago, NigglesAU said:

what weapons have changed for the better?

Which ones for the worse?.


Really vague question but I'll try to respond to the best of my ability, particularly the melee meta:

One of the meta right now is perfect hybrids that can abuse the fck out of Blood Rush, Weeping Wound, Drifting Contact and/or Naramon School. At max combo, most melees can reach at least 200% CC and 100% SC, making them melt hordes of enemies casually. Kronen Prime, Nikana Prime, Gram Prime are examples that thrives.

But what if I want to 1-shot level 200s without the reliance of melee combo? Heavy attacks with forced slash procs like Pennant, Hate, Reaper Prime are the ultimate pocket knife for many who can't bother with combo ramp-up.

Of course, outliers like Redeemer Prime will still be top pick in more favorable scenario and such, but the melees that sucks a lot right now are probably meme strike melees, pure status melees, and pure crit melees that have no slash procs.

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