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Cross Save / Cross Play / Cross Platform / Cross Progress / Account Transfer / Account Migration Megathread


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I feel the hardest thing to figure out for cross-save is how platinum works differently on PC vs. console.

On console, Sony, MS and Nintendo get a cut of the sales. (Not sure about Steam?) Coupons, Tennogen, etc. all work differently. They probably wont allow players to buy plat on other platforms (i.e. PC) and bring it into their console account. 

Personally, I wouldn't mind if my Platinum balance would be Platform specific, but what happens if I buy a Skin for cheap on Platform A, does it still show up on Platform B, even though I didn't pay for it there? (That's what happened during account migration to Switch, all my Tennogen disappeared)

I bet this is the #1 roadblock for this feature.


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Going from PC to Switch was a pretty rough transition graphically, not gonna lie. And now I'm stuck here. He.

At least PS4/Xbox Users will likely be able to seamlessly use their existing accounts on the respective next gen machines.

Leave it to Nintendo figuring out a way to lock me out of the eventual Switch 2 :D

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On 2020-10-04 at 11:39 PM, (XB1)Das Reaper XI said:

my issue isn't necessarily the progress and time that would be lost, for me it would be the plat bought and the prime frames that i grinded out.

While I would very much like to be able to transfer my account to a different system (probably still a console - I'm thinking of getting a PS5), we do need to set the expectations correctly: if/when cross-saves come, Plat is very likely not to be transferable.

My hope is that we'd be able to transfer our inventories (incl. primes), loadouts, progress (incl. MR, intrinsics, etc.); maybe clans/dojos. Plat and console-exclusive items are likely to stay locked to whatever system they were purchased on. Moving purchased plat is likely to be a bigger contractual hurdle then everything else put together.

I cannot speak for everyone, but I would be OK with losing leftover plat to be able to transfer accounts - I would either just spend it all on slots/cosmetics/forma or I'd keep a separate plat wallet on each of the systems I was planning to play on (if transfers could be done multiple times easily enough).

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All I know is, I literally can't continue to support Warframe financially so long as I can't transfer all my purchases from account to account, be it PC to PC, Nintendo Switch to Xbox, Xbox to PlayStation, PlayStation to PC etc.

I started playing on PS4, spent hundreds, dropped the PS4 and started playing on Switch, then Xbox, then PC, and on each platform I've spent altogether nearly 2000$, and now I'd like to start over on a new PC account, even if it means completely forfeiting my progress, because I'm OCD about my forum join date.

I LOVE Inaros, but because of having to start over so many times, I can't buy his Prime Access.

If I could just merge all my accounts into one third party account that I use on all platforms Fornite style, that'd be the dream, especially if my forum join date would be the join date of my oldest account (PS4)Carnatus, because at least that would have an odd/odd/odd date.

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Q: Can I move my Playstation / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch account to PC? Can I move my PC account to Playstation / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch?

A: Warframe accounts can’t be transferred between platforms. There are """"""tEcHniCaL"""""" barriers that prevent us from being able to move accounts between console and PC. In the past, we offered account migration between PC and PS4. We later did the same for PC to Xbox One and PC to Nintendo Switch. In those cases, we were able to work with different companies to make account migration available for a limited time in celebration of Warframe’s launch on new platforms, but account migration is not available regularly.

We don’t have plans to make account migration available again in the future, but you are welcome to start another account! We don’t have any problem with players having accounts on multiple platforms.

This is why i cant play warframe anymore... as im not planing on getting a console ever again and really dont want to grind 10months and do all those mandatory archwing/boring quest before i can enjoy the game like i was... not even talking about the stupid amount of money thrown at it... any suggestion for a fast paced pve shooter on pc?

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+1 for wanting cross platform. There are so many others that can make this work, like Rocket League, Paladins, SMITE, Dauntless, Fortnite, Minecraft and a multitude of other games. Looking at most other games that want to make it happen can do so, it comes down to not wanting to do it or not giving it high enough priority on the  things to do list. I believe cross platform would raise the popularity of the game considerably.

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3 hours ago, prodi1600 said:

In short game its old, about 10 year engine, implementing new things its way harder. Until we get wartframe 2

I do not believe the game engine is the issue holding back the cross platform implementation as the engine runs fine on the different platforms. It just needs all the platforms to unify the client versions and connect to the same backend servers. That may mean a possible few week delay in updates to ensure testing on all platforms, but the benefits would be well worth it.

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1. PC is the "beta run" on update releases. If something is critically broken, PC players can find it first and it gets patched for console releases.

2. PC doesn't have cert requirements. They can fast-track PC releases, especially for aforementioned critical breaks.

3. There's likely a mountain of a headache, not just in spaghetti code that has three layers of dust, but corporate malarky regarding platform security.

So the cost of cross-play is, likely, buggier releases on console and heavily delayed releases on PC. If they actually wanted to do it right, they'd have to undergo a pretty substantial paradigm shift, no longer treating PC as the proverbial "test bed" that they can bugger up and quick-fix at a moment's notice and either A: having a much larger and better organized internal testing team to catch things normally run through the PC test bed pipeline and/or B: fixing up a good amount of spaghetti code so that said pipeline isn't (as) necessary. That sort of thing might be required just for console companies to agree to cross-play: they don't want to let a developer brick consoles worldwide or create security problems, after all.

It's the kind of headache that, IMO, prods at some of DE's more central issues in Warframe's design philosophy. It might be better for literally everyone if they were to take on the challenge - cleaner code and better organization besides evident cross-play advantages - but when the topic pokes at pretty core flaws, few people want to approach it with a halberd and a full suit of armour.

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On 2020-10-03 at 3:02 AM, (XB1)jared9606 said:

I know people have asked this before but


then you should also know that not DE is against it but the fault lies with mirco$oft and sony on this front - ofc, there are also some technical issues that would need to be adressed first.

beside that, yes, most people would like to have cross play.

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7 minutes ago, fr4gb4ll said:


then you should also know that not DE is against it but the fault lies with mirco$oft and sony on this front - ofc, there are also some technical issues that would need to be adressed first.

beside that, yes, most people would like to have cross play.

Other games do have that capability, so they must have worked out these issues. 

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

Other games do have that capability, so they must have worked out these issues. 

Other people have a multibillion dollar bank account, why haven't you done it? 

Seriously, think about why sometimes what applies to one person or company, doesn't apply to every other one.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Other people have a multibillion dollar bank account, why haven't you done it? 

Seriously, think about why sometimes what applies to one person or company, doesn't apply to every other one.

Warframe is not a mom and pop shop. The point was not even that, but that it can technically be done.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

Warframe is not a mom and pop shop. The point was not even that, but that it can technically be done.

Did anyone say it was? The only person making a comparison is you, by claiming that other companies with more clout have successfully bargained for their legally binding contracts to include crossplay. It's as silly as pointing out that people like Gates, Musk and Bezos have made billions of dollars in the last few months, and then saying that YOU should have done that too because you're a person.

Really, if you haven't made at least 5 billion USD this year, you're making a terrible comparison.

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I see more viable crossave than corssplay, warframe indeed its a game heavy on the update department, and I play many mmo at this moment but the only one thats always asking me for patching its warframe.

Compared to: FFXIV, No man Sky, Genshin Impact & Destiny 2.

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On 2020-10-09 at 10:03 PM, (PS4)thegarada said:

Other games do have that capability, so they must have worked out these issues. 

there aren't many, actually i can only name one: fortnite... and if you look at who has their stakes in it, you wouldn't be suprised about it. furthermore, you might want to look at the price-politics of microsoft (and in some cases sony too, though not with warframe being offered for the playstation, as far as i know) - M$ is getting money for player being able to play warframe via the xbox... now imagine that with crossplay also comes the 'one account for all platforms', which is only logical, you might have people switching to pc if they have the option and thus microsoft isn't getting their due anymore. another big reason for switching, beside the money, would be the faster contend release for pc - which accidentlally is also a major reason why cross play isn't something easy to be done.

but ofc, if you are such an expert in making deals between major corporations, maby you should offer them your help? and then solve the technical issues too while at it... you sure will get many thanks from people all over the globe after this ^^)

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Because it's a lot of work that until recently required actively trying to let Sony allow you to do so. Sony recently gave the all clear to all developers for cross play so that's not an issue anymore. But it still takes a lot of work. The game will need to surely have the same version across all platforms to be crossplay compatible. The company who owns majority of warframe was recently sold and could potentially cause problems in development for all we know and to add to the that we have a worldwide pandemic causing work to be done from home which equals less productivity and more stress to a lot of people as well as complicating things that would go smoother if everyone was in office. There are a lot of justified reasons to hold off on something as big as this before taking into consideration the recent major events. 
There are probably things I wouldn't even consider that could be holding back cross play too. 

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if one of the main problem is the contract with sony / microsoft.
DE could re-instore cross-save with pc/switch (or maybe even crossplay though unlikely) which might make the switch version a bit more popular overall (since pc players could at any given time play on the switch to play on the go for example) than the other consoles version , and ultimately this might make sony/microsoft re-think this contract part who knows.

but i don't think it's fair that crossplay or cross-save doesn't exist between pc-Switch simply because microsoft / sony might not want it as they have nothing to do between the pc-switch pair.

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