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What have been the things the community reacted the worst to?


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Likely not the worst, but Condition Overload not being exponential in Melee 3.0 is one of the biggest lol moments I've seen on the forums.

Some ranged weapons struggle to even kill semi-efficently, but Melee is ruined because CO no longer enabled 7 million damage hits on enemies that didn't even need a quarter of that.

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I think Liches. Liches were the worst addition to the game. A complete dead-end only worth of farming for a little to get new guns (and maybe new ephemeras). Very buggy, very annoying at the beginning. And absolutely worthless to do again after farming everything out.


Even Railjack wasn't such a great failure because even now in its unfinished state Railjack is still useful for many things. And it's actually (kinda) fun on its own.

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Hmm... I think it was when we got the first Riven disposition changes and confirmation that it would be the norm from there on out?

There was this huge thread of back and forth circle jerk where everyone was egging each other one and farming upvotes byt spitting how DEmonic and DEspicable DE is.

I think I even got called a snowflake and got accused of farming upvotes when I said that I should take a break from the forums.

The irony was not lost to me.

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12 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

Hmm... I think it was when we got the first Riven disposition changes and confirmation that it would be the norm from there on out?

There was this huge thread of back and forth circle jerk where everyone was egging each other one and farming upvotes byt spitting how DEmonic and DEspicable DE is.

I think I even got called a snowflake and got accused of farming upvotes when I said that I should take a break from the forums.

The irony was not lost to me.

I applaud you just for being able to stick around here for so long. I’ve only been here a few months and already have to take forum breaks for my sanity.

As for the OP I haven’t been around long enough to answer, but the worst reaction I’ve seen in my 8ish months were the Helminth pre-nerfs.

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Helminth pre-release changes weren't necessarily the biggest, but it was probably one of the most absurd. Namely thanks to some time of people complaining that DE didn't do pre-release balance changes, specifically with Scarlet Spear and Limbo. I remember people specifically cited 'DE should have seen this coming and done something about it rather than waiting until after people got it - and then Helminth was announced, people said 'Wow, this is going to be OP as hell' and DE saw it coming and did something about it rather than waiting until after people got it. 


Aside from that, and whilst I wasn't here for it in particular, I hear that the Viver changes - dubbed 'Vivergate' - were especially controversial. Hence why it's literally been given a community name.

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Just now, Loza03 said:

Aside from that, and whilst I wasn't here for it in particular, I hear that the Viver changes - dubbed 'Vivergate' - were especially controversial. Hence why it's literally been given a community name.

Can you elaborate on this? Heard it talked about many times but I have absolutely no clue what happened.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

Can you elaborate on this? Heard it talked about many times but I have absolutely no clue what happened.

DE added syndicates.

There were no daily missions, but you needed x10 the affinity to get points.

People used a certain setup of Warframes to clear as many enemies as possible, as quickly as possible to rank up and get the new augment mods.

There also was no daily standing limit so people were grinding way too much all day.


As a result DE just nerfed all the Warframes that were used in the setup and added a limit of how many drops can be on the ground before they start despawning.

People got mad and DE reverted the nerfs, made it x10 faster to get standing points and introduced a daily limit.




The announcement of the raid removal and the last few days raids had.

Tons of people just celebrating it, tons of post that looked like this:

"Finally! I played them once, failed and didn't like it, good riddance!"

"Serves those elitist raiders right!"

"Raiders deserve it for overpricing arcanes!"

"I am happy that something I don't enjoy and don't have to play is getting removed :)"


Many people then did one raid each to receive the cosmetic emblem, some pretending to care about how they're done, but most hardly participating to it over with.


It was just pure "Schadenfreude" being directed at a small part of the community for weeks, really hammering down that Warframes "good/best community" days ended with the plains.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

Can you elaborate on this? Heard it talked about many times but I have absolutely no clue what happened.

From what I can gather:


Around the time Syndicates were released, the hot XP lootcave was called Viver, and it was really efficient, at least for the time. People would specifically spam out several specific powers and all in all, very similar to today. However,  upon the release of syndicates, suddenly there was a drastic uptick in the requirements for XP. So people started spamming it out.

Result? Viver was changed and the frames used nerfed. And the community exploded in fury. They had a point though: the requirements to level syndicates at release were extreme back in the day apparently, and DE quite rapidly reverted the nerfs (although not the other changes, apparently) and before long, syndicate gains were buffed to what they are today.


Source: These two ancient archives of forbidden lore, long since sealed and now recovered.


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I don't know how many other people were affected by or otherwise disappointed by the Helminth system the way I was. I don't keep up to date with Warframe news because I like to be surprised by what's coming next. So, when I read the Heart of Deimos patch notes, I got really excited. A chance to put any warframe abilities on any other warframe? Imagine the possibilities! And I did the content diligently, farmed the resources, farmed the standing, got the blueprint, built the segment...

And I was promptly let down. I went to google to see if I just wasn't understanding something. And everything I read just slammed more nails into that coffin. The coffin of my hopes.

- No ultimates

- One ability per Warframe config

- No 'good' abilities

I was devastated. I was heartbroken. I'd put all this time into a system, not knowing what it would turn out to be and it turned out to be nothing. Worse than nothing. I wish it had never happened at all. Like buying a lotto scratchcard and scratching it off to find out it's actually a parking ticket underneath. And I know, the devs didn't want ultimates to be passed around. I could even forgive them for that. Ultimates (most of them) are pretty powerful. But one ability per warframe? And it's predetermined? And the ability is the worst one in each case? Who in the world is ever going to subsume a Nekros for Terrify? or A Loki for Decoy? Or Inaros for Desiccation? And the worst part of it? The absolute worst part of it?

The patch notes didn't say. There is no mention in the patch notes of these drawbacks. The language is intentionally vague. DE left it in there knowing we'd all have these hopes and dreams and giddy little episodes. They left the language vague so we'd spend money to rush to get these fancy new toys and then find out they were cheap knockoffs made by child slaves in China. I wish they'd never promised.

I wish they never had.

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30 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Around the time Syndicates were released, the hot XP lootcave was called Viver, and it was really efficient, at least for the time. People would specifically spam out several specific powers and all in all, very similar to today.

From what I recall Viver was Excalibur, Trinity and Mag. Excalibur and Mag used Radial Javelin and Polarise respectively, Trinity kept them fuelled with energy. Excalibur was the primary nuke, able to hit every enemy in every spawn as soon as they spawned. At this time DE had adopted an uncapped, but very slow gains style of reputation, contrary to the capped but faster rep gain we enjoy now. Basically the affinity to rep conversion at the time was appalling and it was virtually a requirement to grind this way to get rep at a reasonable speed. Even I utilised Viver, and that says a lot. Vivergate as a whole was also the cause of my first ever forum post.

Initially the map and spawns weren't changed, the first wave of changes was just frame nerfs, hence the backlash. The community felt, as did I, that it completely missed the mark as to why people were playing this way and how it should be fixed. Yes, we never should have been able to spam our abilities as much as we were and kill everything as soon as it spawned, but at the same time we never should have felt required to do so by ridiculous rep conversion, and changing the frames would only make it harder and more unenjoyable. 5,000 rep was daunting, let alone the tiers after that.

This was origination of the line of sight requirement for Radial Javelin, something that was also applied (but later removed) to shield polarise iirc.

If you want another source of interest, here. 

The man himself.

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)Pun Times said:

I don't know how many other people were affected by or otherwise disappointed by the Helminth system the way I was. I don't keep up to date with Warframe news because I like to be surprised by what's coming next. So, when I read the Heart of Deimos patch notes, I got really excited. A chance to put any warframe abilities on any other warframe? Imagine the possibilities! And I did the content diligently, farmed the resources, farmed the standing, got the blueprint, built the segment...

And I was promptly let down. I went to google to see if I just wasn't understanding something. And everything I read just slammed more nails into that coffin. The coffin of my hopes.

- No ultimates

- One ability per Warframe config

- No 'good' abilities

I was devastated. I was heartbroken. I'd put all this time into a system, not knowing what it would turn out to be and it turned out to be nothing. Worse than nothing. I wish it had never happened at all. Like buying a lotto scratchcard and scratching it off to find out it's actually a parking ticket underneath. And I know, the devs didn't want ultimates to be passed around. I could even forgive them for that. Ultimates (most of them) are pretty powerful. But one ability per warframe? And it's predetermined? And the ability is the worst one in each case? Who in the world is ever going to subsume a Nekros for Terrify? or A Loki for Decoy? Or Inaros for Desiccation? And the worst part of it? The absolute worst part of it?

The patch notes didn't say. There is no mention in the patch notes of these drawbacks. The language is intentionally vague. DE left it in there knowing we'd all have these hopes and dreams and giddy little episodes. They left the language vague so we'd spend money to rush to get these fancy new toys and then find out they were cheap knockoffs made by child slaves in China. I wish they'd never promised.

I wish they never had.

Honestly man this is kind of your fault for not doing any research whatsoever. They made it clear from the start that ultimates would not be included and it would just be one power from each frame.

That being said, they are not all useless abilities. There are a few that fall into that category like decoy, but there is a ton of fun to be had with this system if you like to be creative with your builds. Almost all of the abilities can be useful in some situations. The system was meant for utility and not just for more egregious power creep.

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hace 11 minutos, (XB1)Pun Times dijo:


- No ultimates

- One ability per Warframe config

- No 'good' abilities

i understand you were angry, because of what you had to put in the system, but you already there is people who want to make the most broken stuff possible and make everything else obsolete, in addition what did you expect?, because one ability per configuration seems ok, ultimates also seems okay as you said and no 'good' abilities, well actually many of them are very useful, some bring a lot of survivability to frames that needed it.

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hace 3 minutos, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face dijo:

The system was meant for utility and not just for more egregious power creep.

Yeah and honestly i'm not angry about the abilities. And some are having a lot of fun even though they are not using the helminth system to  be more powerful, i've heard from a bunch of people the lots of fun they are having with a banshee with the Pull of Mag and using sonic boom to throw enemies around.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

i understand you were angry, because of what you had to put in the system, but you already there is people who want to make the most broken stuff possible and make everything else obsolete, in addition what did you expect?, because one ability per configuration seems ok, ultimates also seems okay as you said and no 'good' abilities, well actually many of them are very useful, some bring a lot of survivability to frames that needed it.

You asked "what did I expect?" If you reread the post, you'll know what I expected. And they didn't deliver. And that's their prerogative, but the thing that hurts the most isn't what they did or what they didn't do. It's the intentional deception of the patch notes. They worded it so everyone would get the wrong idea and leap straight to the most amazing conclusion knowing full well how disappointed everyone was going to be when they finally realized. And they expected us to just 'take it in stride' and keep playing the game like nothing had ever happened.

And some people probably will. But I won't. I can't. I can't trust them anymore. Not after a betrayal like that.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Pun Times said:

You asked "what did I expect?" If you reread the post, you'll know what I expected. And they didn't deliver. And that's their prerogative, but the thing that hurts the most isn't what they did or what they didn't do. It's the intentional deception of the patch notes. They worded it so everyone would get the wrong idea and leap straight to the most amazing conclusion knowing full well how disappointed everyone was going to be when they finally realized. And they expected us to just 'take it in stride' and keep playing the game like nothing had ever happened.

And some people probably will. But I won't. I can't. I can't trust them anymore. Not after a betrayal like that.

No dude. They set the expectations for Helminth very clearly. You made the choice to only read the patch notes, everyone else just listened to what DE said beforehand and knew exactly what to expect. You are literally the only person I’ve seen complain about this and it’s your own fault for not listening.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

Honestly man this is kind of your fault for not doing any research whatsoever. They made it clear from the start that ultimates would not be included and it would just be one power from each frame.

That being said, they are not all useless abilities. There are a few that fall into that category like decoy, but there is a ton of fun to be had with this system if you like to be creative with your builds. Almost all of the abilities can be useful in some situations. The system was meant for utility and not just for more egregious power creep.

I haven't seen a single ability on that list so far that I always thought "man, if I could only put WELL OF LIFE on my Loki!" DE had a very specific set of freedoms in mind. That's fine, it's their game. But they should have been more upfront about what could and could not be done. The patch notes SAY NOTHING.

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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

From what I recall Viver was Excalibur, Trinity and Mag. Excalibur and Mag used Radial Javelin and Polarise respectively, Trinity kept them fuelled with energy. Excalibur was the primary nuke, able to hit every enemy in every spawn as soon as they spawned. At this time DE had adopted an uncapped, but very slow gains style of reputation, contrary to the capped but faster rep gain we enjoy now. Basically the affinity to rep conversion at the time was appalling and it was virtually a requirement to grind this way to get rep at a reasonable speed. Even I utilised Viver, and that says a lot. Vivergate as a whole was also the cause of my first ever forum post.

Initially the map and spawns weren't changed, the first wave of changes was just frame nerfs, hence the backlash. The community felt, as did I, that it completely missed the mark as to why people were playing this way and how it should be fixed. Yes, we never should have been able to spam our abilities as much as we were and kill everything as soon as it spawned, but at the same time we never should have felt required to do so by ridiculous rep conversion, and changing the frames would only make it harder and more unenjoyable. 5,000 rep was daunting, let alone the tiers after that.

This was origination of the line of sight requirement for Radial Javelin, something that was also applied (but later removed) to shield polarise iirc.

If you want another source of interest, here. 

The man himself.

Thank you for the info! 

It's a little sad that some of the issues presented still exist in Warframe to this day. Namely the Drinking Bird issue. :\


21 minutes ago, (XB1)Pun Times said:

I don't know how many other people were affected by or otherwise disappointed by the Helminth system the way I was. I don't keep up to date with Warframe news because I like to be surprised by what's coming next. So, when I read the Heart of Deimos patch notes, I got really excited. A chance to put any warframe abilities on any other warframe? Imagine the possibilities! And I did the content diligently, farmed the resources, farmed the standing, got the blueprint, built the segment...

And I was promptly let down. I went to google to see if I just wasn't understanding something. And everything I read just slammed more nails into that coffin. The coffin of my hopes.

- No ultimates

- One ability per Warframe config

- No 'good' abilities

I was devastated. I was heartbroken. I'd put all this time into a system, not knowing what it would turn out to be and it turned out to be nothing. Worse than nothing. I wish it had never happened at all. Like buying a lotto scratchcard and scratching it off to find out it's actually a parking ticket underneath. And I know, the devs didn't want ultimates to be passed around. I could even forgive them for that. Ultimates (most of them) are pretty powerful. But one ability per warframe? And it's predetermined? And the ability is the worst one in each case? Who in the world is ever going to subsume a Nekros for Terrify? or A Loki for Decoy? Or Inaros for Desiccation? And the worst part of it? The absolute worst part of it?

The patch notes didn't say. There is no mention in the patch notes of these drawbacks. The language is intentionally vague. DE left it in there knowing we'd all have these hopes and dreams and giddy little episodes. They left the language vague so we'd spend money to rush to get these fancy new toys and then find out they were cheap knockoffs made by child slaves in China. I wish they'd never promised.

I wish they never had.

With respect, there were plenty of resources available, which did indeed include the patch notes:



Once ready, there are 2 key things this System offers:

– You can replace 1 Ability per Warframe.
– Every Warframe can be Subsumed to permanently provide 1 specific Ability to Helminth.


I also personally maintained a news thread after Tennocon to keep updates for this pre-release until the dev workshop, both of which also mentioned these limitations. 

You had plenty of opportunity to inform yourself, I'm afraid.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Pun Times said:

I haven't seen a single ability on that list so far that I always thought "man, if I could only put WELL OF LIFE on my Loki!" DE had a very specific set of freedoms in mind. That's fine, it's their game. But they should have been more upfront about what could and could not be done. The patch notes SAY NOTHING.

They were actually incredibly up front. There were literally threads started by DE on this very forum explaining EXACTLY what the system would and would not be. That is your fault for not using the info that was accessible to you.

And yes, about 75% of the abilities offered are solid utility abilities. Not DEs fault that you have no imagination and can’t figure out how to use them.

Roar, Warcry, Larva, and dispensary are all fantastic abilities even in their nerfed state. Elemental ward, pillage, condemn, breach surge, ensnare, I could go on and on brother. Plenty of good stuff to work with unless all you wanted was more one button nukes.

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